Tower bridge by Arina Kuschienko

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Tower bridge by Arina Kuschienko

Made by: Arina KuschienkoClass 5 ASchool 1, Moscow Region, ElectrostalTeacher: Osotova L. Y.

Perhaps there is no more in the world famous bridge than the London Tower Bridge (the most popular attraction of any tour of London), which stands in the capital since the end of the XIX century. There is an interesting fact that in 1952, the bridge began to rise, when it moved to a double decker bus. The driver decided not to stop and jump a gap, that he successfully managed to do - he safely landed on the opposite side.


Built the famous bridge in the 80s of the 19th century designed by Horace Jones. The total length of the bridge 244 meters , and the height of the towers 65 meters. Towers at a height of 44 meters are connected by a gallery , which originally served to pedestrians could cross the bridge even when diluted spans . Today pedestrian gallery is a viewing platform and a museum dedicated to the bridge. Horace Jones himself led the construction of the bridge , but live up to its commissioning could not. Completing this ambitious project John Wolfe - Barry . Tower Bridge was inaugurated on June 30, 1894 , at the opening ceremony was attended by the Prince of Wales and his wife.


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