Touch Screens | The very expensive mistake

Post on 12-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Touch Screens | The very expensive mistake

Ok, let us level with you.

Most of the touch screen experiences out there flat out suck.

Ok, let us level with you.

And yes, That statement applies to the

expensive ones too.

And yes, That statement applies to the

expensive ones too.

What gives us the right to make such a statement?

What gives us the right to make such a statement?Here are our qualifications

Over 10,000 interactive monitors soldInto every vertical you could imagine

Hospitality, aerospace, entertainment, nuclear, defense, government, simulation, automotive, transportation, industrial, blah, casinos, amusement parks, stadiums, television, retail, home builders, tradeshows & exhibits, corporate, restaurants, blah, house of worship, healthcare, private techy people, financial & banking, hotels, architects, construction, engineers, dentists, parks, blah professional sports, logistics, manufacturing, marketing, golfing, non-profit, government, television, private techy people, industrial, Audio theater geeks, hospitals, land developers, training, nerds

We were building touchscreens before the iphone

We have kickass customers(you know who you are)

Here’s the problem…

businesses expect that by providing their content on a touch enabled device, they will magically captivate the user in new and exciting ways.

They are putting too much faith in theHardware itself.

Let me ask you this...

Let me ask you this...

You have a smart phone right?

Let me ask you this...

You have a smart phone right?[Of course you do – how else could you breathe?]


it’s pretty life-changing, isn’t it?

it’s pretty life-changing, isn’t it?Now, delete ALL your apps.

it’s pretty life-changing, isn’t it?Now, delete ALL your apps.

Watchu talking ‘bout?

Of course you can’t do that! I can’t even believe we would seriously ask you to do something like that.

Because it’s all about the apps

If there weren’t apps to serve your wants and needs it wouldn’t matter how technologically advanced the phone was.

cool cat

Too often Businesses are focused on touch hardware

Too often Businesses are focused on touch hardware with Software and application as an …

Too often Businesses are focused on touch hardware with Software and application as an … Afterthought.

Here’s How to approach this…

Here’s How to approach this…

Define your business Objective

define your business Objective

and be able to articulate it

to others.


This: "we are looking to provide an interface

for our customers to browse our different products and services”

"we are looking to provide an interface for our customers to browse our different products and services”


is Not a business objective.

there was no stated purpose.

We may be able to guess what the goal is

We may be able to guess what the goal is but we're dancing around it. 

The real business objective IS…

The real business objective IS…"we want to sell more

products and services by providing an interface

for customers to browse through them." 

Know Love Your Audience

Know Love Your Audience

it's not enough that you know your audience's demographics

you have to really put yourself into their shoes

and give them the tools they want.

Is the information you are providing something they want to hear? 

Is the information you are providing something they want to hear? 




IT IS A TWO-WAY CONVERSATION WITH YOUR CUSTOMER done with 16gb of memory to capture and record valuable information.

Now that you know

What you want to achieve

Now that you knowWho your audience is and

what they want to hear

Now that you know

How to measure your success

It’s time to talk about software options

It’s time to talk about software options

(It’s what will determineif your project is a success)

Off the shelf custom

Off the shelf customPROS

Off the shelf custom• Costs less• Deploys quickly• Modular


Off the shelf custom• Costs less• Deploys quickly• Modular



Off the shelf custom• Costs less• Deploys quickly• Modular

• No flexibility• Limited features• No customization• Looks generic



custom• Costs less• Deploys quickly• Modular

• No flexibility• Limited features• No customization• Looks generic



PROSOff the shelf

custom• Costs less• Deploys quickly• Modular

• No flexibility• Limited features• No customization• Looks generic



• Message, Culture, Branding all align

• Specialized Features• Can deliver personal

content• Fully customizable

PROSOff the shelf

custom• Costs less• Deploys quickly• Modular

• No flexibility• Limited features• No customization• Looks generic



• Message, Culture, Branding all align

• Specialized Features• Can deliver personal

content• Fully customizable



Off the shelf

custom• Costs less• Deploys quickly• Modular

• No flexibility• Limited features• No customization• Looks generic



• Message, Culture, Branding all align

• Specialized Features• Can deliver personal

content• Fully customizable

• Expensive • Barrier for entry $30K+



Off the shelf

Want the best of both options?

You can’t have your cake and eat

it too

You can’t have your cake and eat

it too


Enter the kind of custom, kind of off the shelf software application

Fuse is an interactive touch screenApplication that allows companies

To create their ownimmersive experiences.

The fully built backend is the foundation of fuse.

The fully built backend is the foundation of fuse.

(that’s the off the shelf aspect)

the cms allows for multiple users with various permissionsFor optimal content management.

In addition, deploy changes on a schedule or manually

This creates a simple way to share your contentWith your audience on a fully developed infrastructure.

The front end (the part the user sees and interacts with) Is customized for your business.

Our creative team will go to work creating a beautiful Front end

masterpiece that aligns with your vision and Brand.

mirroring the look and quality of high-end custom software.

The result

The resultan economical means to getting an application

that caters to the objectives, culture, branding of your business.

Um, that makes too much sense, why isn’t everyone doing this?

Um, that makes too much sense, why isn’t everyone doing this?

Good Question

As a leader in interactive hardware, we have been exposed to thousands of customers wants and needs.

Other software developers are typically niche and do not see nearly the volume that we have over the years..

This has allowed us to take a very educated inventory of the features and functions people want.

Most companies are looking for the same features and functionsthe only major difference is the way they want it presented

Most of the software companies offer either Off-the-shelf or fully custom solutions.

Most of the software companies offer either Off-the-shelf or fully custom solutions.

High volume With little to no effort


Most of the software companies offer either Off-the-shelf or fully custom solutions.

High volume With little to no effort

High price tag, low volume


since Horizon’s primary business is selling the hardware, we are able to invest resources into doing special things that others are not.

since Horizon’s primary business is selling the hardware, we are able to invest resources into doing special things that others are not.


Think fuse might be the perfect fit for your company?