Total Synthesis II Strike

Post on 30-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Total Synthesis II Strike

{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang3082\f0\fs24 TABLE OF CONTENTS\par DISCLAIMER\par WARNING! This book is intended for informational purposes only!\par It is currently illegal to attempt almost any procedure depicted in INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 5\par this book. This book does not cendcne ner imply that any proce- EcsTAsY & AMPHETAMINES ........................................... 7\par dure lieted herein be deed by the reeder \'a4r enyene else fer thel wi-IERE TO suv .................................................................. 9\par meller- Even ll llle eliemlelrv were lege! Slrlke Wellld nel edvlee wi-in TO Buv ................................................................., 14\par a"ll\'b0"\'80 *\'b0 \ldblquote >\rquote these l\'b0'\'b0\'b0\'80d"'\'80S *****955 lllel here 6 **\lquote\'b0'\'b0ll9ll \'a4"\'b7 i-iow TO MAKE .. ................... . ..... . .... .. .................... ..18\par derstanding of chemistry, chemical reactions and methodology. ME.|.H0d\'b0|\'b0gy ' ' " " " ' 24\par gr\'80atha'm\lquote V Pi-iENYLAcEToN'E\'a7'xxIii:3;;;:;;;:::;;iijzizicxziiiii2::;:;;;:;;;:;;:52\par METHOD #1 .................................................................. 53\par Copyright @1999 by Strike All righig reserved #2 .................................................................. \par METHOD #3 .................................................................. 75\par METHOD #4 .................................................................. 82\par Panda Ink METHOD #5 .................................................................. BB\par 2211 NW Military Hwy, Ste. 116 METHOD #6 .................................................................. 93\par PMB# 115 METHOD #7 .................................................................. 93\par San Antonio, TX 78213 METHOD #8 .................................................................. 94\par METHOD #9 .................................................................. 95\par AMPHETAMIES 8. METHAMPHETAMINES FROM\par r PHENYLACETONES ......................................................... 97\par METHOD #1 .................................................................. 98\par METHOD #2 ,,,...lll..........,............................................ 100\par METHOD #3 ................................................................ 103\par METHOD #4 ................................................................ 104\par METHOD #5 ...................l............................................ 108\par METHOD #6 ......................................................,......... 116\par METHOD #7 ................................................................ 117\par METHOD #8 .................................................,.............. 117\par METHOD #9 ................................................................ 120\par METHOD #10 .............................................................. 122.\par B-NITROPROPENES ....................................................... \par METHOD #1 ................................................................\par METHOD #2 ................................................................ 131\par -2- -3-\par \par METHOD #3 ................................................................ 132\par AMPHETAMINES FROM B-NITROPROPENES .............. 137 |N'|'RQDUc'|'|QN\par METHOD #1 ................................................................ 138\par METHOD #2 ................................................................ 139 You have just purchased or Stolen the most Comprehensive and\par METHOD #3 ........................................................... . .... 139 detailed book on the underground production of ecstasy, metham-\par METHOD #4 ................................................................ 140 phetamine and psychedelic amphetamines ever published Strike\par METHOD #5 .......................................... . ..................... 141 (your host) is an ecstasy and amphetamine chemist from Texas\par BROMOSAF ROLE & PHENYLlSOPROPYLBROMlDE.. 142 who used to be very frustrated with the lack of common-sense in-\par METHOD #1 ................................................................ 145 formation about the produollon of amphetamines. Strike remedied\par METHOD #2 ________________________________________________________________ 145 this for Strike and now Strike is gonna remedy it for you, too. This\par METHOD #3 ...................................................,..,,,.,__,,_ 148 book is oeoked_witn_tne latest street jnethods for making am.\par AMPHETAMINES & ME-I-HAMPHETAMINES FROM phetemines - wntten in plain English with the detail that no other\par BRoM0sAr=Roi.E & Pi-iENYt.ls0PR0PYLBR0Ml\'a4E.. 152 b\'b0\'b0*\lquote \'b0a" \'b0""'\'b7\par METHOD #1 ................................................................ 152 Pius, this edition of -i-mai Synthesis marks the first Si/Sr C0iiabOia_\par METHOD #2 ,........................ . .................................. ,...156 tion Of the ch\'80mioa| undorground_ Throughout tho book you will\par METHAMPHETAMINES FROM AMPHETAMINES -\'b7\'b7\'b7\'b7\'b7--- 159 find recipes, secrets and discussions contributed by the worlds\par METHOD #1 ................................................ . ............... 159 leading underground chemists. They have Shared their knowledge\par METHOD #2 ................................................................ 159 so that you may get the best education availab|o_ So gnjoyi\par METHOD #3 ................................................................ 160\par ADVANCED SHRIMP PREPARATION TECHNOLOGY. 161\par RHODlUM\rquote S CHAPTER ................................................... 164\par PROMISING THEORETICAL METHODS ........................ 182\par BUILD FROM SCRATCH ..,..........................................,... 205\par PYROCATECHOL, GUAIACOL, PHENOL &\par SALICYLALDEHYDE ........................................,.............. 208\par METHYLENATION ........................................................... 214\par BROMINATION OF 1,3-BENZODOIXOLE ...................... 222\par THE BIG CHAPTER ......................................................... 232\par THANK YOU SIR MAY I HAVE ANOTHER? .................. 240\par CRYSTALLIZATION ........................................................ 247\par CHEMICALS .................................................................... 252\par REFERENCES ................................................................. 285\par EPILOGUE ....................................................................... 291\par . - 4 - - 5 -\par \par DISCLAIMER ECSTASY & AMPHETAMINES\par WARNING! This book is intended for informational purposes only!\par It is currently illegal to attempt almost any procedure depicted in\par this book, This book does \'a40t C0l\lquote ld0l'le l'l\'a4F imply that Grill Pl\'b0\'b0\'80\lquote The reasons Strike wrote this book. The reasons you\rquote re reading\par dure listed herein be used by the reader or anyone else for that this book- Ecstasy is ins most benign dmg Sinks has ever 9n_\par matter. Even if the chemistry were legal Strike would not advise s\'b0umsi\'bbsd_ ii is passive ysi powsi-iUi_ By pswsifui Siriks does noi\par anyone to try these pr\lquote\'a4GedUl\lquote 9S U\'a4l9S$ ll`l9Y h6V\'80 3 th\'b0l\'b0U9h U"' mean that it incapacitates or makes one dangerous. It is, in fact,\par derstanding of chemistry, \'a4h6mi\'a4\'a4| F\'80\'a4\'a4U\'a4\'a4S Bild m\'80thPd\'b0'\'b09Y\'b7 quite the opposite. Its power is in its ability to evoke a total sen-\par Even the most basic chemical or reaction has the potential to do ssiy bath si issiiisi Visuai and mental enhancement One.?) pen\par great harm. - ception is perfectly clear. Halluclnations are nonexistent. The\par feeling one has is, literally, ecstasy, Plus, it is one of the few nar-\par cotics in the world that is not physically addictive. Why this sub-\par stance was taken away from the people is a question that only\par government-funded scientists can answer.\par And let\lquote s not forget Meth (speed, crank, crystal). Then again...why\par don't we just forget about them. Momma said if you can't say\par anything nice...etc., etc.\par Eml.Em.dlms\par \par G\par < Bos ties\par 0\par MDA Anvhmmine\par 3.4\emdash M\'a4Irvyl\'a4neDI\'a4\'a4yAmphet\'a4mlns (Blnzodrlns)\par o cli, Hi\par V 0\par < (Def\par MDMA Methamphetamine\par :1,4-MelhylensEIuxyI|ethAmphatami1\'a4 (Spud)\par living about is just plain stupid. lt is also stupid in another very\par \'b0 \rquote \'bb Q important way. If a chemist fucks up and blows herself up or\par \lquote V V starts a fire then she is not only harming herself but is also going\par . . V to put a lot of her neighbors out on the street, in the hospital Or in\par the morgue. No one making drugs has the right to jeopardize oth~\par _ ey O ers in this manner. That is why drug making is always done in a\par I house, barn, mobile home (watch out for tornados), submarine or\par .\'b7.... *2 cave.\par [Fig 6]\par - 22 - _ 23 -\par \par M ETH0d0I0gy\par lf the chemist has done the appropriate thing and bought a heat-\par ing stirplate then a magnetic stir bar is always stirring in the reac-\par tion flask. lf the chemist only has a hotplate then the chemist is\par Just in case you are not familiar with basic laboratory procedures, Qeing to have to add Some boiling Stones to the flask. Boiling\par this chapter will explain them to you. These are the most basic lab stehes Gah be either little Chips of teflon. little wedded up balls of\par techniques and almost every method in this entire book will re- teflefl tape Of little pieces of a shattered porcelain countertop tile,\par quire many, if not all, of the protocols to follow. So pay attention! All ef these things have lets of ltliefescbpie p0Clrsl;i\'a4f\'80t?1resae:tll1?ngsqvgilltgglgke5 gwn bP\'b0k\lquote \par most 100% yields of isosafrole. But about 20-30% of that isosa\emdash that are much more potent than X It is also sslnfbletamlnes\par frole is in a screwed up configuration called 'cis'. This cis isomer around with some of the little side grou s on the; il e to play\par does not react the same way as trans and the drug that will be make X or some other interesting psy\'a7hotomime$csO ellflimuauy\par made from it will not be recognized in the same way as trans in exceptions these precursors are all substituted all lbenz le few\par the brain cells of USSFS. TSK. like safrole. They are all found in the same kind gf legalggilg \par /\\ O P O sold in the same kinds of places as sassafras. Finally, these pre-\par cursors are turned into their own respective amphetamines using\par O O the exact same conversion recipes used for safrole.\par / / ANETHOLE: Up to_90+%4in anise seed oil, 70+% in fennel and\par star anise oils, and in varying amounts in betel leaf, dill seed, car-\par _ rot seed and coriander oils.\par trans-isosafrole cis-isosafrole\par H C\par The chemist can try to separate the two isomers by careful frac- 3 \par tional distillation but it will be next to impossible to do because .\par both the cls and the trans have practically the same boiling point. /\par There are a few things that the chemist can do or hope for to get\par rid of that cis isomer. The cis configuration is less stable than the\par trans and may switch over to the trans configuration with a little\par hel . The chemist can gentl heat the isosafrole oil to about\par 150llC for an hour or so. Sheycan also try the same heating ex- ANl$ALDEl'lYDEl ln Small 6l'\'a40\'a4\'a4fS (less than 5%) in anise,\par cept have the oil mixed with some acetic acid. Also, the isosafrole \'b0"ln`lln\'b7 lennel end slef afllse oils.\par can be fractionally distilled to ultra purity and then be allowed to H CO\par simply sit for a couple of days. Trans isosafrole \lquote may\rquote spontane- 3\par ously crystalize out while the cis form remains as an oil. They can\par then be separated by filtration. O\par When all is said and done, the chemist may just wish to leave the _ ,, . _\par damn cis isomer in with the trans. It's not really going to hurt g;lgl;]5`.23A\rdblquote jf celeryleef \'b0ll* upl\'b0 3)% ln pelelelfleel and Seed\par anything and if it goes unreacted in some of the conversion steps \rquote In sma am\'b0unls ln \'b0ul\'b0eb\'b7 dlll end fennel Oile-\par it will be lost in the process long before X is made. lt might even\par correct itself during some of the conversion steps. /\\ O\par O CH3\par OTHER PRECURSORS\par You people won't believe the potential amphetamine precursors H CO \\\par just sitting around in naturally occurring oils and essential oils [6, 7 3 45\par - 44 -\par \par ASARONE: 70-80% of calamus oil. ln trace amounts in Asian car- 5,:-O5\ldblquote :;I;:t,$n\'80?;\'a3?ts6gZ; Egemssgfgilfill and 'in Vawing\par ~ . n various\par mt Seed amd \'b0'\'b0V\'b0 bud \'b0'|s\'b7 amounts in fennel and carrot seed oils. Sma\par HSCO CH3 /\\ O\par / O\par H3CO\par BENZALDEHYDE: The precursor for speed. It makes up nearly HSCO \\\par 100% of bitter almond oil. _Not a very popular oil with the DEA.\par Some hints: Benzaldehyde is indispensable for the flavoring in- CH;\par dustry. lt is the flavor in almond extract and .\par synthetic benzaldehyde is used in all cherry ELEMICINT In V6l'Vl\'a49 \'a4lTl0\'a4\'a4T$ lll \'a4ltl\rquote 0\'a4\'80||9l \'80|\'80|T\\l. m6C\'80. nutmeg,\par flavorings. Also, there is currently a little loop- Paisley $\'a4\'a4k\'80l\rquote 00\'a5 and tafragon. \lquote \par hole in the system when it comes to a product HO OCH\par called \lquote Roasted Cassia Oil\rquote . Apparently, some \lquote 3\par manufacturers take cassia oil and run it through some sort of in- H CO\par dustrial process to change it into benzaldehyde. No one wanted to 3\par tell Strike the particulars of how this was done. But one company\par chemist gave me some hints (You can get really chatty with some \\\par of these guys). HBCU\par Apparently, these guys are taking regular old cassia oil and simply\par running it through a series of distillations. This even happens in\par the Asian fields when the oil is harvested so it obviously is not a EUGENOLZ |\'a4 VGFV IHFQG amounts i\'a4 bay. \'a4i\'a4\'a4Bm0n, clove and\par complicated process. Cassia oil is made up almost exclusively of pimento oils. ln goodly amounts in basil. eucalyptus and tejpat.\par cinnamaIdehyde.`Any of you girls have any idea what these com- Lots of trace amounts in many other oils.\par panies are doing to turn cheap cinnamaldehyde into benzalde- OCH\par hyde'? Might be beneficial for you if you do. 3\par CHAVICOL: Up to 20% in West Indian bay oil. HO\par HO\par \\\par \\ METHYLCHAVICOL: Up to 80+% in most basil, chervil and fennel\par oils. ln small amounts in star anise and wormwood.\par - 46 - _ 47 _\par \par PHENYLACETIC ACID: Very important fragrance chemical. Only\par H C recently was it banned by the DEA. Fragrance companies still\par 3 can\lquote t believe they cannot openly sell it. It makes up 15% of jas-\par mine oil (very expensive).\par \\\par METHYLEUGENOL: Up to 60% in various parts of the basil plant. COOH\par Around 45% in snakeroot oil. In decent amounts in calamus, cas-\par sie, myrtle, pimento, plstacia, pteronia and some forms of tarra-\par gon . 2,3,4,5-TETRAMETHOXYALLYLBENZENE: In varying amounts\par in some parsley oils (hell, just throw parsley oil in a pot to get a\par OCH3 grab bag of psychedelic amphetamlnes!).\par HECO OCH3\par HSCO\par \\\par MYRISTICIN; ln moderate amounts in dill, carrot, celery, fennel, H CO \\\par mace and nutmeg (no more than 10% tops). Makes up about 40% 3\par of the oil of parsnip and can reach up to 50-60% of the oil of QQH3\par parsley leaves and seeds. Give nutmeg a rest folks! It just don\rquote t\par h\'a4V\'80 itwben Compared *0 P6V$l\'80Y 6\'a4\'a4l F>6FS\'a4\'a4P\'b7 VANILLIN: In vanilla beans of course. But never more than 2%.\par /\\ O This stuff is bought as a synthetic and is cheap and legal.\par O CH3\par HO\par HSCO \\\par _ _ _ HO\par OSMORHIZOLE: Makes up 25% of the essential oll of chervll.\par Very hard to rind this \'a4l|th0ugh. The standard way that scientists get these allylbenzenes and\par other goodies out of these oils is by careful, fractional distillation.\par Haco CH3 You can see from above that some of the more desirable allylben-\par zenes do not occur in high concentrations in the oils they are\par found in. So that means there is a lot of crap one has to get rid of\par \\ to isolate the goods. This is not as big of a concern as one might\par think.\par - 48 - \emdash 49 -\par \par sulfate intermediate with the elemicin causing it to migrate out of\par Essential oils from plants are technically known as \lquote voIatile\lquote oils. the ell laYet and Qc lntc the S\'a4lr\'a4r\'b7\'a4_e\'a4\'b7\'a4 la\'a7\rquote at- And Slhtie elemicin\par -l-hls means, among olhel, thlngsl that most even, component of is goinglto be about the only thing in elemi oil that has a terminal\par them will eventually evaporate if left to stand. So there is a definite alkehe\'b7 't 's Qelhg re hevahcut the \'b0nlV th'n9 that 9\'b0e$ into the aqid\par boiling range for these oils which, compared to other things in na- laYet\'b7 P'eatO\'b7 Alkene 's\'b0lateu\'b7 Well. alnl\'b0$t- What the Ghemlet\par ture, is relatively low. Strike means to say that when these oils eeee next la sePa'ate the aclu lever (stlll cold mlnd V0Ul). Pl\'a4\'a4e lt\par were extracted from the plants they come from, they were taken 'P SOmO Vessel and POut lh a hlg Olu excess ef Watah The taht\par by steam distillation where steam was the carrier. This leaves you getatute Wlll 9O uP anu the hYut\'b09en sultate Wlll be ln$tahtlY hY\'b7\par with compounds that have relatively low boiling points with 300\ldblquote C FO vzed PY the Water tO_tOt!h ah Ol'l\'b7 One can else heat fer 5\par being close to the max. And Strike can tell you right now that in mlhutOS re lhsute OOh"etOlOh\'b7\par oils that carry allylbenzenes, those same allylbenzenes are almost Wh t ,d _ _ _\par always going to be the highest boiling compounds. Usually the _ a . happens [mug ,hydr\'b0lyS'S ls thatthe OH tOrma and the\par bulk of the oil is constituted with compounds that boil well below Olem'O'h P'OPYl alOOhOl u"OPs Out ef sclutlen and ferme tts \'b0Wn 0ll\par the allylbenzenesl layer. Of course one won\rquote t see this because the solution is a big\par old brown mess, lousy with emulsion particles. Emulsions suck!\par People with or without distillation apparatuses can take advantage aut Oah be dealt Wlth ettectlVelV bv au\'a7?l'n9 a little acid Ol basal OF\par of this fact. Just boil or distill off most of the oil up to the tempera- tllttatleh eee the lrke- AhYWaY\'b7 atlet a llttle Walk UP Ona Qeta Some\par ture of your preferred allylbenzene and stop. There is a very good teallY PU\'a4'e Phenylpropyl compound. And if Strike had Strike s way,\par ohanoe lhalwhal le lefl Will be a malorlly of what le Wahleo Strike would have that OH stuck right on the middle (beta) carbon\par of the species. Work could then progress on using that OH to get\par -l-he above soooeellon le] of course, ralhel. loroaol lllloel oeoole an amphetamine (Sobl Strike had so much about that subject that\par would prefer a more specific solution. Unfortunately Strike has Stuke was Pl`ePal`edtO Put lh thls backu-\par one. For over half a year preceding this second edition Strike was _\par pouring money and time into the realization of making an isopropyl Bur that_'s hOt the eeee- What the Kctean lab found Out Was that\par intermediate out of safrole using sulfuric acid (please don't ask). when thls PlOceuute ls Pe'tOhheu\'b7 the OH stablllzes cn the @@1\par So Strike hires this Korean research lab to work out the synthesis. ca'hOh\'b7 Ther la the Oal`OOh r\'b79r\'b7r_\'a4e>