Torture your data long enough, itll tell you anything

Post on 29-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Torture your data long enough, itll tell you anything

flickr - emiliano-iko

Progress in Lean Startup means testing your vision.

Data is a tool. Like any other, it has appropriate and

inappropriate uses.

Torture your data long enough, and it’ll tell you


Is Manchester United causing global warming?

To avoid this trap, learn with falsifiable hypotheses.

If X then Y.

Not Y.Therefore not X.

And choose your test before you collect your data.

If this problem is really crucial, I’ll find 5 people spending money to solve it now.

flickr - thomasleuthard

But I didn’t find 5 people. So maybe it’s not so crucial.

If my service is useful, my early customers will still be active users after 2 months.

Most of my new users go silent in about 3 weeks.Maybe this isn’t useful enough yet.

flickr - jetuma

Time to get learning. What’s your falsifiable hypothesis?