Topological Matrix · Topological Matrix...

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Topological Matrix Models

Sunil MukhiTata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India

June 15 2004, Les Houches School on Random Matrices

Some of this material, as well as references, can be found in:Topological Matrix Models, Liouville Matrix Model and � � �

String Theory, (SM,hep-th/0310287)

. – p.1/54


� Moduli Space of Riemann Surfaces and its Topology

� Quadratic Differentials and Fatgraphs

� The Penner Model

� Penner Model as Matrix Gamma Function

� The Kontsevich Model

� Applications to String Theory

� Comments

. – p.2/54

Moduli Space of Riemann Surfacesand its Topology

A Riemann surface is a 1-complex-dimensional manifold. We will dealwith manifolds that are compact and without boundary.

Topologically these are classified by the genus or number of handles:

g handles

These manifolds admit a many-parameter family of complex structures(ways to define complex coordinates that are analytically inequivalent).

. – p.3/54

The moduli space of a compact Riemann surface of genus � and �


��� � , is the space of inequivalent complex structures thatone can put on the surface.

It is known to be a (singular) complex manifold of complex dimension� �� �� � (whenever this number is

� �


It arises as the quotient of a covering space, the Teichmüller space�� � , by a discrete group, the mapping class group

� �� � :

��� � � �� �� �� �

This action typically has fixed points, hence the moduli space

� � �

has “orbifold” singularities.

. – p.4/54

A simple example is

��� � , the moduli space of the sphere ( � � �) with� punctures.

This has complex dimension � �


For the simplest case of � � �

one can fix all the punctures at arbitrarylocations using the

�� ���� � �

invariance of the sphere, so the modulispace is a point.

That point in turn is fixed under the action of the mapping class group�� that permutes the punctures.


�� � has the structure of � �

copies of the complex plane,but with a singularity whenever a pair of punctures coalesces on theoriginal sphere.

. – p.5/54

Another example: � � !� � � �



� �#" � � � !

In this case, the Teichmüller space

�" � is the upper half plane.



τ ε

Upper Half−PlaneTorus

And the mapping class group is

$ �� ���� % �'& ( ) *+ , -.+ , / .

The quotient space is� " � :

−1 −1/2 1/2 1

. – p.6/54

The remaining

� � � are much more complicated.

Mathematicians would like to know their topological invariants.

What is the simplest topological invariant of

� � �?For a smooth manifold, we can define the the Euler characteristic 0.Make a simplicial decomposition (triangulation)

1of the manifold, and

evaluate: 0 �23 4� ! � /65


72 is the dimension of the8th simplex, and the sum is over all

the simplices in the complex1


This is a topological invariant, independent of how we triangulate themanifold.

. – p.7/54


For a two-dimensional surface, a triangulation is really made oftriangles, and

0 � 9 �


� 9 �edges

� � 9 �faces

� � � � �

Topological invariance implies that the answer is completelyindependent of the triangulation.

In general dimensions, a simplicial complex involves “solid triangles” ofall dimensions upto the maximum.

. – p.8/54

In the presence of orbifold singularities, the natural quantity to define isthe virtual Euler characteristic 0;: .

Here each term in the sum over simplices is divided by the order of adiscrete group

<2 that fixes the


th simplex.


0: �2 3 4� ! � / 59 � <2 �

Using combinatoric methods, it was found by Harer and Zagier that thevirtual Euler characteristic of

� � � is:

0: � �� � � � � ! � � � �� � � � �= �� � ! �

�= �� � �= >@? �


> ? � are the Bernoulli numbers.

. – p.9/54

Quadratic Differentials and FatgraphsThe above results were obtained by triangulating the moduli space ofpunctured Riemann surfaces in terms of quadratic differentials. Thiswas done by Harer, using a theorem due to Strebel, as follows.

On a Riemann surface with a finite number of marked points, one candefine a meromorphic quadratic differential

A � ACB B �ED � 7D ?with poles at the marked points.

Under a change of coordinates D ) D F �D �, a quadratic differential

transforms as:

A FB G B G �D F � � HDHD F? AIB B �ED �

For a fixed complex structure on the surface, such a differential (withcertain extra properties) is unique upto multiplication by a positive realnumber.

. – p.10/54

This differential can be used to invariantly define the length of a curveJ on the Riemann surface:

K J KML �NK A �D � K K 7D K

Indeed, defining a new coordinate via

7PO � A �ED � 7D

we see that this length is the ordinary length of the curve in theEuclidean sense, in the O coordinate.

Now consider a geodesic curve under the metric defined above.

. – p.11/54

At any point, such a curve will be called horizontal if A is real andpositive along it, and vertical if A is real and negative.

The horizontal curves define flows along the Riemann surface.

The flow pattern is regular except at zeroes and poles of A. Here theflows exhibit interesting properties.

At an �th-order zero of the quadratic differential, precisely �� �

horizontal curves meet at a point.

To see this, consider the differential near this zero and along the radialdirection: AQ D � � 7D � ? Q R2 S � , ? TU 7PV ?

As we encircle the zero, there are precisely �� �

values of the angle


at which this differential is positive.

. – p.12/54

At a double pole, if the coefficient is real and negative, the flows formconcentric circles around the point.

We see that near the pole, and along the angular direction, thedifferential looks like:

A Q X 7D ?D ? Q X 7 W ?

Thus, in the


direction, the differential is positive, or horizontal, at allpoints surrounding the double pole.

Other behaviours are possible at poles other than double poles, or ifthe coefficient of A at a double pole is complex.

But we will restrict our attention to quadratic differentials with a doublepole at a point


, with the coefficient X being real and negative.

. – p.13/54

We also require that all smooth horizontal trajectories (i.e., those thatdo not pass through zeroes of A) form closed curves.

Quadratic differentials satisfying all these conditions exist, and arecalled horocyclic .

Example:Double pole with negative coefficient

Third order zeroY Z\[] ^_ _ `a b c ^d [e Zf g f g [ h\ie j ^ f f [ b_ i c ^ gi bi dk d l Zdm a ^ n b ^ f Zd n Zo [ b[ _ f Z ^ l�p

The vertex has five lines meeting at a point, indicating a third-orderzero.

. – p.14/54

Strebel’s theorem: on every Riemann surface of genus � with 1puncture, for fixed complex structure, there exists a unique horocyclicquadratic differential with a double pole at the puncture.

(The uniqueness is upto multiplication by a real positive number).

Thus, by studying how these quadratic differentials vary as we vary themoduli, we get information about the moduli space

� � " of aonce-punctured Riemann surface.

Similar considerations apply for

� � � .

. – p.15/54

We can now see the emergence of “fatgraphs” and hence randommatrices.

Most of the flows are closed and smooth, but there are singular onesthat branch into �� �

-point vertices at �th order zeroes of A.We can think of these singular flows as defining a Feynman diagram,whose vertices are the branch points, and whose edges are thesingular flow lines.

Each double pole of A is a point around which the flows form a loop.Hence the number of loops of the diagram is the number of doublepoles, which is the number of punctures of the original Riemannsurface.

Finally, because the flows that do not pass through a zero are closedand smooth, each singular flow can be “thickened” into a smoothribbon in a unique way, and we arrive at a fatgraph.

. – p.16/54

The fatgraphs with a single loop triangulate the moduli space

� � " inthe following way.

Consider the lengths of each edge of a fatgraph, as computed in themetric defined earlier.

Scaling the whole Riemann surface clearly does not change thecomplex structure. So to vary the complex structure, we must changethe lengths of the different edges keeping the total length fixed.

This sweeps out a region of the moduli space of the Riemann surface.The (real) dimensionality of this region will be

q !



is thenumber of edges of the graph.

This region is a simplex of the moduli space.

. – p.17/54

In a simplicial decomposition, at the boundary of a simplex we find alower-dimensional simplex.

In terms of fat graphs, a boundary occurs whenever a length goes tozero and two vertices meet.



l −−> 0

Now the virtual Euler characteristic of

� � � can be defined directly interms of fatgraphs.

. – p.18/54

We consider the set of all fatgraphs of a given genus � and a singlepuncture. Call the set


, and label each distinct graph by an integer8sr 1



<2 be the automorphism group of a fatgraph.

Then, defining

72 � � q ! �2 , we claim that:

0: � �� " � �2 3 4� ! � /t59 � <2 �

This is analogous to the original definition of 0 : , except that now thesum is over fatgraphs rather than over simplices.

In particular, the automorphism group of the fatgraph is the same asthe group that fixes the corresponding simplex.

. – p.19/54

Let us check how this correspondence between fatgraphs andquadratic differentials works out in practice.

The fatgraphs we have been considering haveu





face. These integers satisfy:

u q� ! � � � �

where � is the genus of the Riemann surface on which the graph isdrawn.

. – p.20/54

We also have the relations:

u � v wv � q � !� v

x wvwhere wv is the number of


-point vertices. From these relations, weget:

v� x � � wv � y �� �

All integer solutions of this equation, i.e. all choices of the set

z wv {

forfixed �, are valid graphs that correspond to simplices in thetriangulation of

� � " .

. – p.21/54

Let us recast the above equation as

v� x � � wv � � y � y


x �

is the order of the zero for a


-point vertex, the first term onthe left is the total number of zeroes (weighted with multiplicity) of thequadratic differential corresponding to the given fatgraph.

Moreover, the differential has precisely one double pole, so the secondterm is minus the (weighted) number of poles.

Thus this result agrees with the theorem that for meromorphicquadratic differentials on a Riemann surface of genus �,

9 �zeroes

� 9 �


� � y �� y

. – p.22/54

A particular solution that is always available is

w � u� wv � �� x � yThis gives the maximum possible number of vertices, and thereforealso of edges.

In this case, u � y � � � q � �� u � | �� �

Thus the dimension of the space spanned by varying the lengths of thegraph keeping the overall length fixed, is:

q ! � | � y � � � � � �� ! �

which is the real dimension of

� � " .

. – p.23/54

Thus, graphs with only cubic vertices span a top-dimensional simplexin moduli space.

All other graphs arise by collapse of one or more lines, merging two ormore

-point vertices to create higher �-point vertices. Thesecorrespond to simplices of lower dimension in the moduli space.

Example: 0: � � " " �

To conclude this part, let us see how 0;: � � " " �is obtained from


From the Harer-Zagier formula, we expect to find:

0: � �#" " � � !� >@? � !! �

. – p.24/54

In genus 1, there are two possible ways to satisfy

v� x � � wv � y � � � �

namely w � � or ws} � !

. In the first case we findu � ��� q � �

and inthe second,

u � !� q � � .

The graphs are:

and we see explicitly that they have genus



Exercise: show that the automorphism groups of these graphs are of




yrespectively. Then, 0: � � " " � � S�~ " T �� � S�~ " T �} � "" ? .

. – p.25/54

The Penner model

In 1986, Penner constructed a model of random matrices that providesa generating functional for 0: � ��� � � .The Penner model is defined in terms of

��� �matrices whose

fatgraphs are precisely the ones described in the previous subsection.

The free energy

� � �t� � �

of this model therefore must have theexpansion: � � �

�� � � � 0� � � ? ~ ? �� ? ~ ? � ~ �


is a parameter of the model. The term � � �

is not present inthe sum.

. – p.26/54

The model is given by an integral over Hermitian random matrices:

��� [ _ _ [ b � ��� � 7 � � R �� ��� �v � ? "v �v

� ��� � 7 � � R �� � � � � � � � ! � � � � �


� � is a normalisation factor given by:

�~ "� � � 7 � � R �� ��� " ? � ?

and the matrix measure

� 7 � ��� �2 7 �2 2 �2�   7 �2   7 �¡2   as usual.

This action has all powers of the random matrix appearing in it!

The model is to be considered as a perturbation series around

� Q �


. – p.27/54

To show that this model is correct, we must show that its fatgraphs arein one-to-one correspondence with those arising from quadraticdifferentials.

Thus the free energy must be a sum over connected fatgraphs of afixed genus � and number of faces �, multiplied by the weighting factor

� ! � ¢~ �9 � <2 � � ? ~ ? �� ? ~ ? � ~ � � !9 � <2 � � �� � : � �� � ~ ¢ � � � �


<2 , the automorphism group, is the collection of maps of a givenfatgraph to itself such that:

(i) the set of vertices is mapped onto itself,

(ii) the set of edges is mapped to itself,

(iii) the cyclic ordering of each vertex is preserved.

. – p.28/54

A key result due to Penner is that the order of

<2 is given by:

!9 � <2 � � �� v! x£¤ !

wv =where

is the combinatoric factor labelling how many distinctcontractions lead to the same graph.

Now this is exactly the factor that arises if we obtain our fatgraphs byexpanding the Penner matrix integral:

" £¤ ¥ & order of expansion of the

xth term in the exponent"v & weight per vertex appearing in the action� & combinatoric factor from contractions� �� � : & from weight of each vertex� �� � ~ ¢ & from each propagator� � & from the index sum on each face

. – p.29/54

Penner Model andMatrix Gamma Function

Recall the definition of the Penner matrix integral:

�¦� [ _ _ [ b � �§� � 7 � � R �� � � � � � � � ! � � � � �

Let us make the following change of variables:

� � ! � � !� �� � � ! � ¨ �

This replaces the original matrix�

and parameter

by a new matrix

and parameter ¨. The Penner action becomes:

�� ��� � �t� � � ! � � � � � � � � � � ¨ � � �t� � � ¨ � � �


The additive constant depends on ¨� �


. – p.30/54

Thus we can write:

�©� [ _ _ [ b � � F� � 7 � � R � � � � ¨ � � �t� � � ¨ � �where the new normalisation

� F� has absorbed the constant factors inthe exponential and also the simple Jacobian.

For a

! � !


� � ª, the integral is just the Euler



7 ª ª ¨ ! R ¨ ª � < � ¨ �

as long as we choose the correct limits ªr � �� « � .Hence we make the same restriction on the matrix


� � [ _ _ [ b above,namely its eigenvalues must be positive.

It can then be called the Matrix



. – p.31/54

We can remove the positivity restriction on

by defining:

� � R ¬



is a generic Hermitian matrix. In this case there is a nontrivialJacobian: � 7 � � � �­t® ¯ R ¬ � ° � 7 ¬ �Writing this equivalently as:

� 7 ¬ � � � 7 � � �­t® ¯ � � ~ ° � � 7 � � R � ��� �t� � �

we see that the Penner integral takes its simplest form:

�¦� [ _ _ [ b � � F� � 7 ¬ � R ¨ � � � ¬ R ± �

which we call the Liouville Matrix Model.

. – p.32/54

The Liouville matrix model:

��� [ _ _ [ b � � F� � 7 ¬ � R ¨ � � � ¬ R ± �has some intriguing properties that are familiar from string theory.

The integral is like a matrix version of the Liouville path integraloccurring in string theory, when restricted to the constant mode of theLiouville field.

It converges at

¬ ) � « because of the exponential term, and at¬ ) « because of the linear term.

It has an

-independent coefficient ¨, suggestive of D-brane actions instring theory, if ¨ is interpreted as the inverse string coupling.

We will see later that this interpretation of ¨ does hold in a string theorysetting of this model.

. – p.33/54

The Kontsevich Model

Another interesting topological problem associated to

� � � is thefollowing.

It is known that

� � � can be compactified, and the resulting space iscalled

�� � . Topological invariants can then be defined as integrals ofcohomology classes on

� � � .The problem of intersection theory on moduli space can then bedefined as follows.


²2 � 8 � !� ���³ ³ ³ � � be line bundles on

� � � . The fibre for each


isthe cotangent space to the Riemann surface at the puncture.

Each such bundle has its associated top Chern class X" � ²2 �

. This is atwo-form (intuitively, the field strength associated to the

´ � ! �

connection on this bundle).

. – p.34/54

Now construct the integral

µ·¶¹¸ º X" � ²" � / �» ¼ ¼ ¼» X" � ² � � / ºwhere

72 � �

are a set of integers satisfying:

�2 �"

72 � � �� �� �

This means that the integrand is a| � |� � � form, equal in degree to

the real dimension of

� � � .So the integral is well-defined and is a topological invariant of themoduli space.

. – p.35/54

Next we give this invariant a suggestive name:

µ¶ ¸ º X" � ²" � / � » ¼ ¼ ¼» X" � ² � � / º � ½ ( / � ¼ ¼ ¼ ( / º ¾as if it is a correlation function of some field theory. (We define theRHS to be


72 ¿ � � � �� � for any integer �.)This is actually the case, and the field theory (due to Witten) is calledtopological 2d gravity. But we won’t need to know this here.

Let us now define a generating functional for these invariants bysumming them up.

À�� �� � "� ¼ ¼ ¼ � � v Áv �   ½ (v Á� (v �" ¼ ¼ ¼ ¾ �

2 ��� v 52 x2 =

� ® Ã Ä � �2 ��

� 2 (2 �

. – p.36/54

Kontsevich proposed a matrix model whose connected fatgraphsgenerate this function.

Clearly the model must depend on infinitely many parameters

� 2 .However, these are encoded in a nontrivial way.

Introduce an

��� �

positive-definite Hermitian matrix


and let:

� 2 � � � 8 ! �= = � � Å~ S ? 2 ," T

Clearly the

� 2 obtained in this way are not all independent of each otherif the rank of


is finite.

Only as

� ) « can they be chosen independently.

This is a new role for the large-


. – p.37/54

The Kontsevich matrix model is a model of a single

�� �

randommatrix, whose action depends on the fixed matrix



��Æ i _ f `[Ç Zd g � Å � � ��È � Å � � 7É � R ��� � " ? É ? Å� 2 �É �

In his paper, Kontsevich showed that:

� � � �©Æ i _ f `[Ç Zd g � Å � � À�� �� � "� ¼ ¼ ¼ � � ® Ã Ä � �2 ��

� 2 (2 �

Notice that by a change of variables, the above model can also bewritten:

�©Æ i _ f `[Ç Zd g � Ê Å � � � FÈ � Ê Å � � 7 ÊÉ � R 8 ��� Ë " ÊÉ ÊÉ Ê Å Ì

in which form it is the Matrix Airy Function.

. – p.38/54

Applications to String TheoryKontsevich Model

Topological gravity was introduced by Witten as an alternative way tounderstand the noncritical string theories that were solved around1990 using double-scaled matrix models.

The string theories corresponded to X Í !conformal field theories

coupled to two-dimensional (Liouville) gravity.

“Pure” topological gravity describes the simplest of these theories, the�EÎ � Ï � � � ��� ! �

minimal model with central charge X � �

. In matrixmodel language, one gets this theory by not going to any critical point.

The theory is non-trivial (though its critical exponents are trivial), andits operators are the (2 mentioned before.

By construction, the Kontsevich model gives us all its correlators inevery genus.

. – p.39/54

However, the entire chain of

���� Ï � minimal models coupled to gravity,for all odd Ï, can be studied using the same model.

As Witten argued, to go to higher Ï, one only has to give anexpectation value to some of the

� 2 .

Thus, the Kontsevich model expanded around different “vacua” i.e.choices of expectation values

½� 2 ¾

generates all�� � Ï � minimal models

coupled to gravity.


�EÎ � Ï � noncritical strings with Î Ð � , one needs a model proposedby Adler-van Moerbeke and indepedently byKharchev-Marshakov-Mironov-Morozov-Zabrodin:

��Ñ Ç ÒÔÓ Æ Ò Ò ÒÕ � Ê Å � � � FÑ Ç ÒÔÓ Æ Ò Ò ÒÕ � Ê Å � � 7 ÊÉ � R 8 � � Ë "Ö ," ÊÉ Ö ," ÊÉ Ê Å Ì

. – p.40/54

Recently in a remarkable paper, Gaiotto and Rastelli obtained theKontsevich model by evaluating the action of open-string field theoryon the physical states:

!� × � × � !� ×ÙØ × Ø × ) ��� !� Å É ? � !� É

But the latter action describes closed-string states! So this is anexample of open-closed duality.

. – p.41/54

Penner Model

In 1990, it was noticed by Distler and Vafa that starting with the Pennerfree energy:

� � �� � � �� � 0 �� � �� � �� � � � �

0 �� � � � ! � � � � � �� � �= �� � ! �� � � � = �= >� �

one can perform the sum over � explicitly, to get:

� � � >� �� � �� � � � � �� � � � � Ë ! � !� Ì � � � !

For � Ð !

, they took the limit� ) « and

� )� X � !

, keeping fixedthe product

� � ! � � � � ¨. This led to the simpler result:� � � >� �� � �� �� � � ¨� � �

. – p.42/54

But this, for � Ð !

, is precisely the virtual Euler characteristic ofunpunctured Riemann surfaces!

Thus the Penner model, originally designed to study the moduli spaceof punctured Riemann surfaces, describes unpunctured ones too. Thishappens in the special double-scaling limit above.

More remarkably, we see that its free energy in the double scaling limit:

� � �>� �� � � � � � � ¨� � �

is almost identical to a well-known quantity in string theory: the freeenergy of the X � !

string compactified at self-dual radius:

� � �K >� � K� � �� �� � � � � �

. – p.43/54

However, there is an issue of alternating signs. We have:

K >� � K � � ! � � ! >� �Therefore if we define Ú � 8 ¨, we can write:

� � ¨ � X � ! � �� ��

>� �� � � � � � � ¨� � �

� �� �� 0 � ¨� � �

Thus the genus � contribution to the free energy of the X � !� Û � !

string at imaginary cosmological constant is the (virtual) Eulercharacteristic of genus- � moduli space, which in turn is the Penner freeenergy after double-scaling.

. – p.44/54

If the Penner model is associated to the X � !

string, it should describecorrelators of its observables: the so-called “discrete tachyons”

�v .

But it does not depend on the necessary (infinitely many) parameters.

However, there is a deformation of the model that does precisely thisjob. This was constructed in 1995 (Imbimbo and SM) starting with thegenerating functional for all tachyon correlators to all genus.

Such a functional

� �� � � �

depends on couplings

� v � � v such that:

½ � x"³ ³ ³ � x � � Ý"³ ³ ³ � ÝßÞ ¾ � HH� x" ¼ ¼ ¼ HH� x �

HH Ü� Ý" ¼ ¼ ¼ HH Ü� ÝßÞ

� �� � Ü� � àáàâàãàáà� � Ü� � �

where on the LHS we have connected amplitudes.

. – p.45/54

In the same spirit as Kontsevich, start by defining a constant��� �



that satisfies: � x � !¨ x � � ä x

This matrix can encode infinitely many parameters

� x in the limit� ) «.However, we do not perform a similar transformation on

� x , rather weexpect the model to depend directly on these parameters.

Using matrix quantum mechanics atÛ � !

, it was shown by Dijkgraaf,Moore and Plesser that

� �� � Ü� � � R å Sæ çæ Tsatisfies:

!� ¨ �H �H Ü� � � !� ¨ � � � ­t® ¯ ä � ¨ ��� H

H ä� � ­t® ¯ ä � ¨ � �� � Ü� �

where ¨ � 8 Ú and Ú is the cosmological constant.

. – p.46/54

Let us postulate that

� �� � � �

is an integral over Hermitian matrices�

ofthe form: � �� � Ü� � � �­ ® ¯ ä � ¨ � 7 � � R ��� u � �� ä� Ü� �for some

u � �� ä� Ü� �


The function


is determined by imposing the above differentialequation:

è !� ¨ �H

H Ü� � !� ¨ � � � � H

H ä� é � 7 � � R � � u � �� ä� Ü� � � �

This determines:u � �� ä� Ü� � � ¨ Ë � ä� «x � !

Ü� x � x Ì � ê � � �


ê � � �

is a function independent of

ä� Ü�

that we determine usinga boundary condition.

. – p.47/54

From conservation of the tachyon momentum, we know that

% �� � � �must be independent of

� v . Using:

% �� � � � � �­t® ¯ ä � ¨ � 7 � � R ¨ � � � ä� ��� ê � � �and changing variables

� ) � ä~ "

, we have

� 7 � � ) �­t® ¯ ä � � � 7 � �Then:

% �� � � � � � ­t® ¯ ä � ¨ � � 7 � � R ¨ ��� �� ��� ê � � ä~ " �

� � 7 � � R ¨ � � �� ��� ê � � ä~ " � � � ¨ � � � � �t� � ä

This uniquely determines:ê � � � � � ¨ � � � � � �

. – p.48/54

In summary, we have found that the generating function of all tachyonamplitudes in the X � !� Û � !

string theory is:

� �� � Ü� � � �­t® ¯ ä � ¨ � 7 � � R � � � ¨ � ä� � ¨ � � �t� � � ¨ �v �" Ü� x � x �

� � 7 � � R ��� � ¨ �� � ¨ � � �t� � � ¨ �v �" Ü� x � � ä~ " � x �

Note the re-appearance of the Penner model, from a completelyindependent starting point, and now with infinitely many parametersä� Ü� x .This deformed Penner model can be called the

ë � model.

As we saw before, the matrix

�(more precisely, its eigenvalues) must

be positive semidefinite.

. – p.49/54


1. The deformed Penner model is universal, in the following sense.


ä� Ü� v � �

we recover the original Penner model.

Setting ¨ � �� Ü� � Xì �í� � Ü� 2 � � � 8 ¿ � � �

we recover the matrix Airyfunction, or Kontsevich model.

Setting ¨ � �� Ü� Ö ," � Xì �í� � Ü� 2 � � � 8 ¿ � Î � ! �we recover the Î -th

AvM-KMMMZ model.

Setting ¨ � �� ä � �� Ü� v � �� x Ð ª we recover the polynomial 1-matrixmodel of any degree ª.

. – p.50/54

2. The

ë � model has a genus expansion governed entirely by Ú, not�

. Thus even at finite

, it has a genus expansion!

This tells us the generating function for the case where most of the

� v

are not independent. So for a given correlator, you only need to go tothe value of

large enough for the desired� v to be independent.

A similar property holds for the Kontsevich model. There, a givencorrelator only has a contribution in a definite genus.

. – p.51/54

3. There is a different (2-matrix) model that also describes the X � !string at selfdual radius (and other radii) - due to Alexandrov, Kazakov,Kostov.

This is the normal matrix model, for a complex matrix%


� %� % î � � �The matrix integral (at selfdual radius) is:

� �� � Ü� � °ï ï � � 7 % 7 % î � R ðòñ Ë~ ó ô ô õ , S ó~ ° Töø÷ù ô ô õ ~ ó úû ¤ýü � Sæ ¤ ô¤ , çæ ¤ ô õ ¤ T Ì

This is different from theë � model and yet describes the same

correlation functions. Also it has no Kontsevich-type constant matrix init. What is its relation to the

ë � model?

. – p.52/54

4. We have seen that all these topological matrix models describespecial noncritical string theories.

This is nice, but not too surprising, because integration over

� � � iscentral in perturbative string theory,

Do they capture nonperturbative effects in string theory? Not known.

. – p.53/54


. – p.54/54