Top 8 Trends in Financial Services & Social Media

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Transcript of Top 8 Trends in Financial Services & Social Media


Top 8 Trends in Financial Services

& Social Media Examples of the best innovations in social media and financial services

from around the world. By Dana Larson

May 2016


T r e n d # 1 : C h a t C o m m e r c e

•  Messaging used for commerce

–  Send money

–  Hail a taxi/transportation

–  Book a restaurant

–  Send a giﬞ card/certificate

–  Customer service


T r e n d # 2 : D i g i t a l & S o c i a l M e d i a M a r k e t i n g

•  Targeted marketing that delivers:

–  Beּמer segmentation

–  Real-time marketing

–  Reduced acquisition costs

–  Faster time-to-market


T r e n d # 3 : V i r t u a l B r a n c h e s

•  DenizBank Facebook virtual branch

–  10% of DenizBank’s online banking customers regularly use the app

–  150,000+ people used the app within 2 weeks of the media blast

–  3M+ viral impressions were generated through Facebook Ads


T r e n d # 4 : C o m m u n i t y C r o w d s o u r c i n g

•  Barclaycard Ring—a community-built card. Card members start discussions in any of five areas, and then vote, ultimately shaping the product features:

–  Card Basics

–  Community

–  Financial Stats

–  Financial Health

–  Credit Lines and Rewards


T r e n d # 5 : S o c i a l , U n i v e r s a l P a y m e n t W a l l e t – P o c k e t s

•  The Pockets app from ICICI Bank lets you use Facebook to:

–  Access your account

–  Book movie tickets

–  Track, split and pay the bill for entertainment with friends

–  Recharge a mobile phone

–  Pay bills

–  Get discounts


T r e n d # 6 : S o c i a l C o m m e r c e A p p s — P a y K e y

•  PayKey enables users to directly send payments from within supported social and messaging platforms


T r e n d # 6 : S o c i a l C o m m e r c e A p p s — V e n m o

•  Venmo enables users to make and share payments

–  Use Facebook to sign up and share payment activity

–  Fastest growing payments app


T r e n d # 7 : I n n o v a t i v e M o b i l e F i n a n c e E c o s y s t e m s

•  China is leading the way in mobile finance with WeChat’s WeBank, Alipay from Alibaba and Baidu

•  Customers enjoy all of the features of a regular bank online and more

•  Facial-recognition soﬞware from apps like Megvii ensures accurate identity

“In 2004, whenever I had to pay my rent, I would go to my bank, queue, withdraw my rent as cash, walk it across the street to my landlord’s bank, take a number and queue, and then eventually deposit the money into his account,” he says. “Today, I pay my rent using Alipay from Alibaba. I invest using WeChat from Tencent, and I bought a mutual fund from Baidu. The landscape has completely changed.”


T r e n d # 8 : S o c i a l M e d i a f o r C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e

•  Banks and other financial services companies are using social media to handle customer service inquiries

–  In some cases, response times can be faster on Facebook or Twiּמer than they might be via phone

–  When situations are handled well publicly, it can end up being a positive experience for everyone

–  The most successful organizations are those who don’t merely placate customers


R e s o u r c e s a n d R e f e r e n c e s

•  Amex Offers for Social Media: hּמp://

•  DenizBank for Facebook success story: hּמps://

•  Barclaycard Ring: hּמp://

•  ICICI Pockets app: hּמp://

•  PayKey social commerce app: hּמps://

•  Venmo social commerce app: hּמps://

•  WeBank: hּמp://

•  Alipay: hּמps://

•  Megvii facial recognition app: hּמps://


Contact us Extractable is a digital experience strategy and design firm that consults with financial services organizations to strengthen brand perception, improve customer acquisition, and increase share of wallet via online channels.  Based in San Francisco, the award-winning agency’s work centers on website, mobile, and product transformation, with services including research, strategy, user experience, technology and analytics.

612 Howard Street, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105

