Top 5 Causes of Electrical Accidents

Post on 19-Jan-2017

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Top 5 Causes of Electrical Accidents

A presentation


Solutions PC

Electrical failures and malfunctions cause more than 50,900 fires in U.S households each year. Out of these 50,900 fires, around 490 deaths and approximately 1,440 injuries are reported.

Take a look at top 5 causes of electrical accidents in U.S households.

Cords and Plugs

It wouldn’t be wrong if we say cords and extensions are the top cause of residential electrical accidents. Every year, more than 3,300 residential fires originate from these cords and extensions.

Around 50 deaths and 270 injuries are reported annually due to the fire caused by extension cords.

Misuse of Electrical Appliances

Misuse of electrical appliances and fixtures is another leading cause of electrical mishaps in U.S households. This misuse could be better explained as:

using a 100W light bulb in a 60W fixture that ultimately results in melting the wires and producing shock and fire.

Faulty Wiring System

There is no running from this electrical problem that is widely faced by households all around the world. Fixed wiring can present serious electrical danger and is reported as the second largest cause of electrical-related house fires.

If the wiring system is weak and not up to the standards, any circuit overloading, faulty breakers, damaged wires, loosed connections, switches and outlets can trigger electrical accidents.

Wet Areas/GFCI

GFCI units (ground-fault circuit-interrupter) are essential to avoid electrical accidents in bathrooms, kitchens and potentially wet areas in a house.

According to OSHA, GFCI are specially designed “to shut off electric power in the event of a ground-fault within as little as 1/40 of a second.”

Ignoring Safety Precautions

Last but not the least, the beginning of all electrical accidents is ignoring important safety measures such as following safety codes and product manuals.

Electrical accidents in U.S also occur due to modification and tampering with electrical equipment and using outdated and damaged devices.

For more information on electrical safety and how to protect yourself and people around you from electrical accidents, stay connected with Current Solutions PC.

Checkout “top 5 workplace electrical hazards.”