Top 3 Weird And Wonderful Asset Finance Solutions

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Mention Asset Finance and peoples faces glaze over ! They think of Plant and equipment, buildings and cars. But we have created some asset finance solutions for some very odd items, read more at

Transcript of Top 3 Weird And Wonderful Asset Finance Solutions

Our top 3 weird and wonderful asset finance /our- top-3-weird-and-wonderf ul-asset- f inance-solutions/

Asset f inance solutions: the weird and wonderfulWhenever people think of asset leasing they usually associate it with cars, commercial vehicles, plant & machineryand IT equipment. But the fact is you can secure an asset finance solution for just about anything – within reason.

Exactly what denotes within reason is basically up to the discretion of the leasing company which is going to providethe money and ultimately takes the risk for financing your asset. So it should come as no surprise that you are likelyto be far more successful applying for finance for a vehicle that will provide years of service and aid your businessgoals than for an executive Jacuzz i.

Having said that, we never cease to be surprised at some of the requests that we have come across over the years.So we asked around the company and came up with the following rather unusual assets that the Maxxia team hasencountered.

Below are our top 3 unusual asset finance solutions and a list of some of the also- rans:

Our top 3 unusual asset f inance solut ions

1. HMS Bounty

The Maxxia team may come with many years of experience, but not enough to have financed the original HMSBounty which was burned and sunk off the Pitcairn Islands by the mutineers over 200 years ago.

This asset finance solution was for a three-masted replica of the original 18th-century ship and was commissionedfor the 1962 film Mutiny on the Bounty which starred Trevor Howard as Captain Bligh and Marlon Brando as FletcherChristian. Constructed by Smith and Ruhland in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, it was built specifically for filming and wasconstructed with unusually large rooms; as a result the ship went on to star in many other films including JohnnyDepp’s Pirates of the Caribbean, Treasure Island, Yellow Beard, Pirates, and SpongeBob SquarePants, The Movie.

Sadly, on 29 October 2012 the ship was sunk off the coast of North Carolina after getting caught in the high seasbrought on by Hurricane Sandy.

2. A f ish

Not just any old fish, we are talking about an extremely rare tropical fish worth a cool £13,000!

Suffice to say that the agreement included some very strict stipulations about its upkeep and care, even down towhat animals, if any, would be allowed to share its aquarium! (Guess that’s piranha fish out of the question then.)

3. A herd of cows

Dairy cows can cost anything from around £400 up to £1,200, depending on the breed, the age and productivity ofthe cow. Some of the breeds such as Holsteins produce a great deal of milk and as a result are far more expensivethan say an Ayrshire, so buying a complete herd can quickly add up into many £000s. We bet they had to moo-veheaven and earth to seal the deal for this client.

And the also-rans…

Straight to DVD film

Crematorium furnaces

Seating at a Championship football club

Floodlights for a major cricket ground

North sea oil pipe line

Recording studio

Night Club interior outfitting


A submarine!

Asset f inance solut ions for virtually anything

So that the next time you need finance for a seemingly unusual asset, after viewing the list above it may not seemso strange after all.

The Maxxia team is comprised of experts from the field of corporate and asset finance; our highly experiencedprofessionals have extensive knowledge of the financial services industry and all its complexities.

We are entrepreneurial, passionate about business and driven by a desire to deliver outstanding results and canhelp you find finance for just about anything…