Top 10 most recommended foods rich in vitamin c

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Top 10 most recommended foods rich in vitamin c

)10(  Red bell pepper A cup of cut red bell pepper has about three times more

vitamin C than that exist in orange, it is about 190 mg.

  Green bell pepper )9( Less than the red bell pepper, a cup of cut green bell pepper

has vitamin C with 120 mg. It is high in para-coumaric acid.

 Kale (8(A cup of kale offers you about 80.4 mg of vitamin C. The nutrition source of power also distributes an ample dose of

minerals and fatty acids.

Broccoli (7(This food offers your meal 132 mg of vitamin C and filling fiber of only 30 calories. In addition, it is shown that broccoli may include anti-cancer properties, as it has diindolylmethane and petite amounts of selenium.

Papaya (6( Studies have proven that in-taking papaya can help clean your sinuses, make your skin lighter, and reinforce your bones. A cup offers 88.3 mg of vitamin C

 Strawberries (5( Only a cup of strawberries provides you a meal with 84.7 mg of vitamin C, and healthy amounts of foliate. It is deemed to be a fine source of

manganese, and several other vitamins as well as dietary minerals.

 Caulif lower (4(Cauliflower offers you a 127.7 mg of vitamin C, and 5 grams of fiber. Cauliflower is low in fat, in carbohydrates, yet it is rich in dietary fiber,

and foliate. Cauliflower can be roasted, fried, steamed.

Brussels sprouts (3(This foods are loaded with anti-cancer phytonutrients and fiber, it is rich in 74.8 mg of vitamin C. Raw Brussels sprouts have a great amount of vitamin K

as well, with reasonable amounts of B vitamins, as folic acid and vitamin B6.

Pineapple (2(This tropical plant has 78.9 mg of vitamin C, and also is a good

source of brome lain, which is a digestive enzyme essential to break down food and decrease inflation.

 Kiwi (1(2 pieces of this fruit offers you 137.2 mg of vitamin C. It is

rich in potassium and copper. Moreover, kiwi is deemed to be a fine source of dietary fiber as well as vitamin E.

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