Today's class: Synchrony in flashing fireflies

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Transcript of Today's class: Synchrony in flashing fireflies

Today’s class: Synchrony in flashing fireflies

“The Glowworms ... represent another shew, which settle on some Trees, like a fiery cloud, with this surprising circumstance, that a whole swarm of these Insects, having taken possession

of one Tree, and spread themselves over its branches, sometimes hide their Light all at once, and a moment after

make it appear again with the utmost regularity and exactness”

- Engelbert Kaempfer’s (1727) account of traveling in Thailand

Today’s class: Synchrony in flashing fireflies

The firefly lifecycle

larva pupa beetleegg

The firefly lifecycle

larva pupa beetleegg

all stages produce light

Functions of glowing

to teach predatorsthey're disgusting

to locate potential mates

Firefly courtship

male flies around, flashing

lets him find her

female responds

Species-specific flash codes

(but watch out)

Photuris females flash like Photinus females....

then eat the Photinus males that respond

aggressive mimicry

So, what causes the synchronized flashing?

early theories:

‘it’s just an illusion’

‘there’s a leader beetle’

‘there’s some outside trigger’

So, what causes the synchronized flashing?

modern theory:


to understand how it works, we first need to understand the mechanism behind rhythmic firefly flashing

the beetles cause each other to flash in unison, without any leader or external trigger

Mechanism: The ‘sawtooth model’

neural oscillator, affected by light



motor delay



basal level

Why we know light affects the oscillator

fireflies will respond to any

kind of light

makes their oscillator easy

to study


by studying the light’s effect on the firefly’s flashing, it’s possible to deduce the workings of its oscillator

light, flashing in a rhythm

firefly, who flashes back

The problem

light actually affects different species in different ways

one dimension that matters here is mating system

Synchrony and mating systems


individuals are solitary, and distributed


males and females congregate in trees

occassional, brief synchrony

habitual, mass synchrony

Synchrony in rovers

the mechanism in rovers tends to be simpler

so we’ll start with one of those

Photinus pyralis,a North American firefly

Reminder: The ‘sawtooth model’

neural oscillator, affected by light

now the question is: how does light affect a Photinus pyralis oscillator, and how does this allow them to synchronize?



motor delay



basal level

Entrainment in Photinus pyralis



regular flashing is a single flash every six seconds

Entrainment in Photinus pyralis


flash light continuation of the regular flash pattern

no effect of the light

flash a light early in the firefly’s regular cycle,then the firefly’s flashing is unaffected

threshold 8, latency 2, window 2, start-firefly-0 1, light-cycle 10

Entrainment in Photinus pyralis


flash light continuation of the regular flash pattern

effect of the light

flash a light late in the firefly’s regular cycle,then the next flash is advanced

threshold 8, latency 2, window 2, start-firefly-0 3, light-cycle 10

Entrainment in Photinus pyralis



flash lights at a frequency at the firefly’s natural rhythm, then the firefly usually matches it perfectly after a few flashes


threshold 8, latency 2, window 2, start-firefly-0 3, light-cycle 10

Entrainment in Photinus pyralis


flash light

flash lights at a frequency faster than the firefly’s natural rhythm, then the firefly matches it, but is always late

threshold 8, latency 2, window 2, start-firefly-0 3, light-cycle 8


flash light

flash lights at a frequency slower than the firefly’s natural rhythm, then the firefly flashes after every light, but also in between

Entrainment in Photinus pyralis

threshold 6, latency 2, window 2, start-firefly-0 3, light-cycle 10

Mechanism: Any ideas?


flash light continuation of the regular flash pattern

effect of the light

Mechanism: Phase advance resetting

when the firefly sees a light in its late window, its pacemaker is raised to the threshold level, triggering a flash



motor delay threshold

basal level


Mechanism: Phase advance resetting

when the firefly sees a light in its late window, its pacemaker is raised to the threshold level, triggering a flash


lightlate window

Phase advance resetting: NetLogothreshold 8, latency 2, window 2, start-firefly-0 3, light-cycle 10

Phase advance resetting: Summary

• a flash resets the pacemaker to the threshold level

• there is a critical window where resetting can occur


• allows the firefly to synchronize with a light flashing at its natural rhythm

• ...unless the light's flashes always occur outside of window


Synchrony in phase advance resetters: NetLogo

number 1500, threshold 8, latency 2, window 2 (waves) or 4 (sychrony)

Synchrony in phase advance resetters: Summary

• almost perfect (with some never synchronizing due to window)

• very brief, quickly settling back into seemingly random flashing

• 'wave like', with groups of fireflies flashing in sequence

depending on the pacemaker's properties and the spatial situation, synchrony can be:

(threshold 8, latency 2, window 4)

(threshold 8, latency 2, window 4, movement on)

(threshold 8, latency 2, window 4, movement off)

Synchrony in habitual synchronizers

Pteroptyx cribellata,a South Asian firefly

Entrainment in Pteroptyx cribellata



regular flashing is a single flash every second



flash a light almost anywhere in the firefly’s regular cycle,then next flash is delayed

continuation of the regular flash patternlight

effect of the light

Entrainment in Pteroptyx cribellata

threshold 8, latency 2, window 0, start-firefly-0 4, light-cycle 10



exception: flash a light just before a regular flash, and then the next flash is regular - but the one after that is advanced


effect of the light

Entrainment in Pteroptyx cribellata

threshold 8, latency 2, window 0, start-firefly-0 0, light-cycle 9



flash lights at a frequency at the firefly’s natural rhythm, then the firefly always matches it perfectly from the next flash


Entrainment in Pteroptyx cribellata

threshold 8, latency 2, window 0, start-firefly-0 4, light-cycle 10


flash light

flash lights at a frequency a little faster than the firefly’s natural rhythm, then the firefly matches it, but is always late

Entrainment in Pteroptyx cribellata

threshold 8, latency 2, window 0, start-firefly-0 4, light-cycle 9


flash light

flash lights at a frequency a lot faster than the firefly’s natural rhythm, then the firefly never flashes at all

Entrainment in Pteroptyx cribellata

threshold 8, latency 2, window 0, start-firefly-0 4, light-cycle 6


flash light

flash lights at a frequency slower than the firefly’s natural rhythm, then the firefly flashes before the next light

Entrainment in Pteroptyx cribellata

threshold 8, latency 2, window 0, start-firefly-0 4, light-cycle 12

Mechanism: Any ideas?


flash continuation of the regular flash patternlight

effect of the light

Mechanism: Phase delay resetting



motor delay



basal level

when the firefly sees a light, its pacemaker is immediatelyset back to the basal level

Mechanism: Phase delay resetting



in almost all parts of a firefly’s flashing rhythm,this causes a delay in the next flash

Mechanism: Phase delay resetting



however, if the light occurs when a flash has already been triggered, then the next flash is advanced

Phase delay resetting: NetLogothreshold 8, latency 2, window 0, start-firefly-0 4, light-cycle 10 (for synchrony) or start-firefly-0 1, light-cycle 9 (for advancement)

Phase delay resetting: Summary

• a flash resets the pacemaker to the basal level, anywhere in its cycleproperties

• generally, this causes a delay in the timing of the next flash

• but, if a flash has already been triggered, the next flash may seem to be advanced

• allows the firefly to synchronize with a light flashing at its natural rhythm


Synchrony in phase delay resetters: NetLogo

• always perfect synchrony within a few cycles

number 1500, threshold 8, latency 2, window 0

Synchrony in habitual synchronizers

Pteroptyx malaccae,a South Asian firefly

Entrainment in Pteroptyx malaccae

flash light

unlike the other two species, Pteroptyx malaccae can match a rhythm that is slightly slower or faster than its natural rhythm

however, this process is very slow, taking many cycles

Mechanism: 'Perfect' resetting

a variant of phase delay resetting

• a flash early in the cycle raises its threshold slightly, a flash late in the cycle lowers its threshold slightly, within limits of a minimum and maximum threshold

• in this way, Pteroptyx malaccae can adjust to rhythms 15% faster or slower than its own

what explains the slow entrainment:

• a flash lowers the level of the pacemaker by a small amount, rather than to zero

what explains its ability to adjust to different rhythms:

Mechanism: Perfect resetting

• allows the firefly to synchronize with a light at or close to its natural rhythm

• entrainment is always very slow; it takes many cycles to reach synchrony


• a flash lowers the level of the pacemaker by a small amount, rather than to zero

• in addition, the pacemaker can adjust its period as well as its phase


Other similarly synchronizing species

frogskatydids fiddler crabs

Just for fun: Fiddler crabs

Functions of synchrony

the 'beacon' hypothesis

synchronous flashing helps females find the mating trees

Functions of synchrony

the 'female recognition' hypothesis

if males don't flash in synchrony, they can't detect female response flashes

the 'male recognition' hypothesis

if males don't flash in synchrony, the female can't detect the species specific flash

or, conversely:

Functions of synchrony

the 'interloping' hypothesis

if males synchronize with each other, they can hope to steal each other's mates

Functions of synchrony

the 'predator avoidance' hypothesis

if males synchronize with each other, it makes it more difficult for predators to locate them

And now for something completely different (or not?)

phase alternation

many species of katydid, grasshopper, and frog

true katydid

Entrainment in alternating species


regular chirping is a series of phrases, each consisting of several pulses


Entrainment in alternating species


to simplify a bit, assume that every phrase consists of just one pulse


Entrainment in alternating species


chirp continuation of the regular chirp patternbeep

produce a beep early in the katydid’s regular cycle,then the next chirp is advanced

effect of the beep

threshold 8, latency 2, window 2, start-firefly-0 3, light-cycle 10

Entrainment in alternating species



produce a beep late in the katydid’s regular cycle,then the next chirp is delayed

threshold 8, latency 2, window 2, start-firefly-0 5, light-cycle 10


effect of the beep

Entrainment in alternating species



produce regular beeps in the katydid’s natural rhythm, and alternation ensues

threshold 8, latency 2, window 2, start-firefly-0 5, light-cycle 10


Mechanism: Any ideas?


chirp continuation of the regular chirp patternbeep

effect of the beep

Mechanism: Accelerated resetting



motor delay



basal level

a variation of phase delay resetting, where the oscillator rebounds quickly after inhibition by a beep

Mechanism: Accelerated resetting



produce a beep early in the katydid’s cycle, and rapid resetting causes the next flash to advance

Mechanism: Accelerated resetting




produce a beep late in the katydid’s cycle, and rapid resetting isn’t enough to prevent a delay

Accelerated resetting: NetLogothreshold 8, latency 2, window 2, start-firefly-0 3, light-cycle 10

Accelerated resetting: Summary

• a beep resets the pacemaker to the basal level

• after resetting, the pacemaker rebounds rapidly


• can produce advancement or delay of the katydid’s next chirp

• allows the katydid to alternate with a chirp flashing at its natural rhythm


Function of alternation

females of many species prefer the leading of two chirps

phase delay resetting helps a male avoid chirping right after another male

rapid resetting helps a male avoid being silenced completely if the other male chirps faster

Synchrony in flashing fireflies: Conclusions

• what seems like a massive act of coordination can in fact be explained by self-organisation➡ e.g., the habitual synchrony of South Asian fireflies

• what seems like similar behavior can in fact be caused by subtly different mechanisms➡ e.g., the phase-delay resetting of Pt. cribellata vs. the

perfect resetting of Pt. malaccae

• what seems like very different behavior can in fact be caused by very similar mechanisms➡ e.g., the firefly synchrony vs. katydid alternation