To study a basic scientific explanation of the origin of the world and how Christians respond to...

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Transcript of To study a basic scientific explanation of the origin of the world and how Christians respond to...


To study a basic scientific explanation

of the origin of the world and how

Christians respond to this.

OUTCOMES…GRADE CWill be able to outline, in brief, the scientific and Christian explanations for the origin of the world.

GRADE BWill be able to explain the Christian responses to scientific explanations.

GRADE A/A*Will be able to assess how the scientific theory may prove or disprove God’s existence.

Your GOALS for the end of

this lesson are…

Science without religion is pointless,

Religion without science is blind

Albert Einstein

What do you think Einstein meant when he said this?

What Einstein saw is that religion and science both have a role to play in explaining the world around us.

HOWEVER Science and religion don’t always agree about that…..


In 1929, astronomer Edwin Hubble made Science’s greatest discovery of modern times...

The universe was started by THE BIG



The BIG BANG is now accepted by MOST scientists throughout the world

as being the starting point of the entire universe.

You need to know a basic outline of this for your exam – use the following information to make notes on pxx of

your booklet.

Watch the following and complete the first


So most scientists believe...• Matter is eternal.• 15 billion years ago the matter of the universe

EXPLODED – this is known as THE BIG BANG THEORY!

• The universe is still expanding.• As matter flew away from the explosion it

formed stars and galaxies and finally our solar system.

• The gases on the Earth’s surface produces primitive life.

• These primitive life forms EVOLVED.• Approximately 2.5 million years ago humans


• However some

Christians have a

different view – they believe the

Biblical account of creation.

Watch the following and complete the second


What happened on each day?

DAY 1 – Light and Dark

DAY 2 – Sky DAY 3 – Sea, Land and Plants

DAY 4 – Sun, Moon and Stars

DAY 5 – Birds and Fish

DAY 6 – Land animals and People

DAY 7 – God rested!

OUTCOMES…GRADE CWill be able to outline, in brief, the scientific and Christian explanations for the origin of the world.

GRADE BWill be able to explain the Christian responses to scientific explanations.

GRADE A/A*Will be able to assess how the scientific theory may prove or disprove God’s existence.

Your GOALS for the end of

this lesson are…

Science vs Religion• So how do

Christians respond to

what scientists teach about the creation of the


Christian responses to scientific explanations of the world

Creationists say... MAKE NOTES HERE!

Conservatives say...

Liberals say...



Please set you book up in the following way. Use the card you have been given to make notes on ONE section on the piece of

paper you have been given. Then SNOWBALL until all three sections are complete!

Science is WRONG!The Bible and the 6 days of creation are how the world was created – it is

historical FACT!The Bible is to be taken literally so Genesis is exactly how the world was





1. The world is 5000 years old

2. God made it in 6 days

3. There is no evolution

4. There was no big bang

5. There were no dinosaurs

6. Fossils and other scientific evidence was planted by God to test their faith.

CONSERVATIVES…Both science and the bible are correct. Science fits with the Bible story in Genesis

One of God’s days could have been billions of years.THE BIBLE IS TRUE BUT THERE ARE DIFFERENCES.



1. The bible may contain some mistakes.

2. There may have been millions of years between each day.

3. The order of the days may be incorrect

4. God did make the world.

LIBERALS…Science is TRUE but is also proof of God existence.

Only God could have made the BIG BANGOnly God could have made scientific laws such as

gravityGod works through EVOLUTION to create life.


Liberalists say...

1. God started the Big Bang

2. God works through Evolution.

Complete page 6 of your


using your notes from this lesson.

Swap with a partner and mark each others work in


The type of question (a,b,c,d) and the marks for each question (2,4,8,6) are

in brackets at the side.

Please comment – giving a POSITIVE and a TARGET

OUTCOMES…GRADE CWill be able to outline, in brief, the scientific and Christian explanations for the origin of the world.

GRADE BWill be able to explain the Christian responses to scientific explanations.

GRADE A/A*Will be able to assess how the scientific theory may prove or disprove God’s existence.

Your GOALS for the end of

this lesson are…

Does God exist?…In the exam you may be required to argue both FOR and AGAINST the scientific theory of how the world began. Complete the sheet on pxx of your booklet.

AGAINST – It does not prove that God does not exist.

FOR – It proves that God does NOT exist.

AGAINST – It does not prove that there is no God.

FOR – It proves that there is no God.

God is the only thing omnipotent enough to have created the Big Bang and the only thing omniscient enough to create scientific laws such as gravity.

If God existed he would be the only explanation for the world – he isn’t the only explanation so he doesn't exist.

Only God could have made the gases so precise on Earth that life could form – God is behind EVOLUTION.

The Big Bang was an accident and there is no evidence it was caused by God.

The main points of the scientific explanation fit with the biblical story – maybe days were millions of years.

An omniscient omnipotent God would not have created the world in such a destructive unordered way.

OUTCOMES…GRADE CWill be able to outline, in brief, the scientific and Christian explanations for the origin of the world.

GRADE BWill be able to explain the Christian responses to scientific explanations.

GRADE A/A*Will be able to assess how the scientific theory may prove or disprove God’s existence.

Your GOALS for the end of

this lesson are…

Plenary Pyramid…One question

you have about (or linked with)

the lesson?

List 3 new things you have learnt


What have you been reminded about this lesson?

Complete the PLENARY PYRAMID in the back of your books...