TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD PART 1 TEST REVIEW. Why did Scout dislike her first day of school? She had...

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Transcript of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD PART 1 TEST REVIEW. Why did Scout dislike her first day of school? She had...






T 1






Why did Scout dislike her first day of school?

She had conflicts with the teacher.

Why did Uncle Jack become angry with Scout?

She used improper language

Why did Atticus make Jem read to Mrs. Dubose?

He wanted the children to know a person of courage

What did Scout and Jem receive at Christmas?

Air rifles

What is the only thing Atticus says is a sin?

Killing Mockingbirds

Who is the black man defended by Atticus?

Tom Robinson

Why did the children like Miss Maudie?

She understood them and treated them as friends.

Why does Scout beat up Cecil?

Cecil says bad things about Atticus

Who does Scout get spanked by for calling her cousin a name?


Who attends school only on the first day?

Burris Ewell

Who is Atticus’s sister?

Alexandra Hancock

Why did Jem remain “moody and silent” after returning at night from the Radley place?

He was trying to hide that he found his pants mended and folded.

Who were the other people involved in the Robinson case?

The Ewells

Why did the Cunningham family refuse welfare and other help?

They were too proud to accept help from anyone.

What does Scout’s Aunt not like that she does?

Eat, Talk, and Dress.

Who loves and takes care of the children?


Why did Atticus decide to defend Tom Robinson in court?

He knew that it was the right thing to do.

Who is Dill’s Aunt?

Rachel Haverford.

Who is the town gossip?

Miss Stephanie Crawford

This refers to a period in American history; its purpose was to bring the states back together

and to establish the status of emancipated blacks.


Who is Charles Baker Harris?


Who is the “cause” of Scout’s trouble at school?

Walter Cunningham

What does Miss Maudie say that people in their right mind never do?


Who cemented the knothole?

Nathan Radley

What was the name given to the laws and social customs which defined segregation?

Jim Crow

Who is the gardening neighbor?

Miss Maudie

The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson made this legal.


Why was Scout impressed when her father shot the crazed Tim Johnson?

She realized Atticus could do other things besides read.

Who is a Pulitzer Prize winning author?

Harper Lee

Who was the President credited with ending the Depression?

Franklin Roosevelt