TNSDA CARRYIN’ ALONG NEWSLETTER · 2020-07-22 · your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice,...

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Transcript of TNSDA CARRYIN’ ALONG NEWSLETTER · 2020-07-22 · your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice,...


Volume 1, Issue 1 April, 2020


Website: @TNSDA_Nigeria

From the Editor…

“My peace I give to you”

Shortly after Jesus announced to His disciples of His return to the Father, they became fearful, anxious and troubled. Today, the COVID-19 pandemic has put fear in the hearts of many, and everywhere we look we see people with troubled hearts. I want to remind you of the promised peace. As the disciples were troubled and confused, Jesus gave them a promise of peace. Despite what laid ahead of Him, Jesus had peace, a peace that comes from a right relationship with the Father. This peace can be yours amidst COVID-19 pandemic if you stay connected to Him. Stay connected to Him and experience for yourself the promise “…my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives, do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). In this issue of TNSDA quarterly newsletter, you’ll read about how God has been adding to our membership as part of our goals for the year 2020; our strategy to encourage members to come early to church; and the various departmental activities/events that happened at our church during the first quarter of the year 2020.

May the God of peace fill your hearts with peace which transcends all understanding.

Oyediran Akinrinade, PhD TNSDA Communications Director

Pastor’s Corner

Dear Brethren, I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior who laid down His life for us to be with Him in glory. Amen. I believe we all know the times we are living now when man’s heart is filled with fear (Luke 21:26); which is the fulfilment of prophesying words of our Savior of the things to come in the last days of our world’s history. I write to you in such a time like this to encourage you to hold firm your faith in the Lord and Savior Jesus

Christ as we go through the turbulence of this COVID-19 era, and pray that our Lord will have mercy on the land and our world and allow a strong east wind to blow away this pandemic. It is a fact that as we live in the last days, things may not go as planned. Jobs may be lost, health of many may fail them, candidates may drop out of the race and many will be let down by their own friends and families. When it comes down to the bottom of it, believers may get discouraged because we live in the world and experience the same discouraging events. All we need to do is to remind ourselves of the promises of our God to His children that in time of adversities, He will never leave or forsake anyone and as He admonishes us not to be afraid. (Deuteronomy 31:6,8; Isaiah 41:10-13). It is my prayer to everyone to keep your hope in the coming of our Lord and Savior alive while I share this admonition from the second letter written by the Apostle Paul to his dear friend Timothy with you, brethren at Toronto Nigerian Seventh-day Adventist church; be encouraged in this trouble times of our word history. Paul wrote: “I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day, greatly desiring to see you, being mindful of your tears, that I may be filled with joy, when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also. Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:3-7) Finally, brethren, be strong in the Lord. Let us make good use of the time we have in our homes with our families. Keep loving each other, learn to live with the unloving, love the unloving and show kindness to your enemies, for your reward is about to be revealed. May God bless you all. Your servant in the Lord’s vineyard, Pastor Joseph Amankwah.

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Sabbath Breakfast

To ensure that members don’t miss out on Sabbath School activities, the Sabbath School department launched the Sabbath breakfast program in which breakfast is served in church before Sabbath school every Sabbath except on first Sabbath of the month which is for fasting and prayer. Attendees are assured of hot or cold breakfast options. While the direct motivation is to encourage members to come early to church every Sabbath, our goal is to use this avenue in inviting friends and immediate community to experience the love of God. We envision using this avenue to bring souls to Christ.

TNSDA Prayer line

As a praying church, TNSDA is committed to lifting her members as well as the community up in prayer. Seeing the growing need for people who will stand in the gap and intercede for others, TNSDA commenced a 24/7 prayer line, +1(647) 361-7264, in January 2020. On this line, one of our prayer warriors is always available to intercede on behalf of anyone who calls in, and take the prayer request before God for He has promised that before we call He will answer, and that while we are still speaking He will hear (Isaiah 65:24).

Academic Achievements/Recognition

On January 4, the TNSDA church acknowledged seven newly or recently admitted youths to post-secondary education in validation of progress and advancements by church youths. Certain church members made some financial pledges (stipends) contingent on graduates’ determination and actual success in their immediate-future academic goals. The church continues to pray for academic success for all students.

Pastor Appreciation

The TNSDA church showed appreciation to her pastor, who has been diligently feeding and leading the flock faithfully for the past 3 years. It was a joyous occasion. Blessings on your ministry pastor! Leadership Appreciation

On January 28, the TNSDA choir gave a plaque of appreciation to their long-time leader Brother Obinwa Onyemachi, for his commitment and dedication to the ministry. With the approval of current choir leader Bro. Chisom John, Sis Ijeoma Obike and Elder Eugene Oseghale offered words of appreciation. The Lord was praised!


It was with great joy and excitement that TNSDA church officially welcomed Bro. Amaechi Akalezi who has been very active in the church even before his membership transfer was voted in. He was warmly received by all serving executives of TNSDA. Bro Amaechi is currently a member of the audio-visual team and has been playing a key role in the department.

From L-R: Bright Akporjotor, Ogechi Ahunanya, Mary Ebifegha, Ngozi Oluikpe, Gbemi Akerele. Absent in photo – Lilian Anama and Dorcas Olawoyin.

‘Let not your heart be troubled…’ John 14:1

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Welcoming Newcomers

It was with joy that TNSDA welcomed new families to the fold having been blessed with two new families. Warm welcome to the family of Sis. Yemi & Bro. John Fafowora and the family of Sis. Oyinlola & Bro. Segun Yahaya. Indeed, the Lord of the harvest is bringing more workmen into His vineyard.

Operation Reach Out to One

Recognizing the need to be more intentional and practical in living the Christian life, the personal ministry department in conjunction with deacons/deaconesses’ department of TNSDA launched a program tagged ‘Operation Reach Out to One’. With the goal of checking on absent members and reaching out to members who haven’t been in church in recent times, Operation Reach Out to One has been an eye-opener as it is not only helping the church to identify with our members in their struggles but also to stand by them. Every member is encouraged to join force with the effort of the departments involved as we strive to be our brothers’ keeper.

Deacon Ordination

To allow newly elected deacons and deaconesses function fully in their roles, TNSDA church had a deacon/deaconess ordination service on February 15, 2020 as four deaconesses – Sis. Chioma Isaac, Sis. Grace Evo, Sis. Tochi Onyemachi and Sis. Busola Babalola, and three deacons – Bro. Rudolph Lewis, Bro. Chisom John and Bro. Diran Akinrinade were all ordained for service in the house of God. Pastor Joseph Amankwah in his speech, charged the newly ordained deacons and deaconesses to give themselves to the study of the word of God and be workmen rightly dividing the word of truth.

Pastor. Joseph Amankwah and all ordained Elders and Deacons praying for the newly elected Deacons and Deaconesses during Deacon ordination service.

Newly ordained deacons and deaconesses. From left to right: Sis. Busola Babalola, Bro. Chisom John, Bro. Rudolph Lewis, Bro. Diran Akinrinade, Sis. Tochi Onyemachi, Sis. Grace Evo, and Sis. Chioma Isaac.

Newly ordained deacons and deaconesses, their spouses and TNSDA church leaders

TheFafoworas TheYahayas

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Couples' Day

As part of the Hospitality and Family life annual departmental program, the 2020 edition of Couples’ Day held on February 15 was a memorable one. This year, we were blessed to have Elder Kwasi Boateng as the guest speaker as he preached a sermon titled “Everyone has a story”. Elder Kwasi Boateng at the dinner he co-anchored with Pastor Joseph Amankwah gave a talk titled “Darling, how sweet can I be?”. The evening/dinner session opened our eyes to difficult situations and issues that couples and families face and offered practical solutions to them. During the interactive evening session/dinner, members asked diverse questions and learned from the each other’s experiences. Obviously, the entire church is looking forward to the next one.

Elder Boateng giving a talk titled “Darling, how sweet can I be?” at the dinner

Grandma sharing her experiences during the interactive evening session.

More Pictures from the session

‘Let not your heart be troubled…’ John 14:1

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Holy Communion

On February 22, 2020, TNSDA church members had the opportunity to partake in the emblems of Christ's broken body and shed blood in our first Communion Service in the year. Deacons and deaconesses gathered very early in church to prepare the sanctuary and make necessary arrangements ahead of the service. The team was indeed ready to serve during the Ordinance. After foot washing, men and women gathered together with a short admonition by the pastor before taking the head count. With a total of 58 participants – 29 women and 29 men, members had the opportunity to reconcile with one another prior to being served the emblems of Christ's body and blood.

Cross-section of deacons and deaconesses who came very early to prepare the sanctuary for the communion service and serve others. Choir Outings 22nd and 29th February saw the TNSDA church choir filling Ajax and Shiloh SDA churches with soul uplifting traditional Nigerian songs. It was electrifying as members stood clapping and joined in the soul uplifting renditions. May God continue to bless the choristers as they serve Him through music.

TNSDA Adult choir at Ajax SDA church

TNSDA Adult choir ministering at Shiloh SDA church.

Virtual service due to COVID-19

Following the instruction from the Federal Chief Medical Officer, that all gatherings, including church services, are to be suspended until further notice due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, and the guidelines from Ontario Conference of SDA, TNSDA immediately adopted and started virtual services. TNSDA commenced online services with our ‘mid-week’ prayer meeting on Thursday, March 19th, 2020 followed by worship service on Sabbath March 21st, 2020. Ever since, we have been recording an increasing number of participants from across Canada, USA and Nigeria. Seeing the success of the online services, all departments within TNSDA church have started holding their meetings and programs on the zoom platform. TNSDA communications and audiovisual departments have been playing a pivotal role in getting members setup most particularly our elderly ones, while also ensuring smooth running of the services. The church is especially grateful to God for such an interactive opportunity to continue our worship in such troubling times as now.

Online Payment

With our services now virtual, TNSDA church members continue to worship God with their means by giving via our recently activated online giving platform. Members are encouraged to return their tithe and give toward the furtherance of God’s kingdom via the online giving platform. The link can be accessed by clicking “ONLINE GIVING” from the TNSDA website (

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Zoom gallery view of participants taken after worship service on March 28, 2020