Title sequences in film

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Title sequences in film

  • 1. Title Sequences in film

2. The Dark Knight O Black background with blue titles providestension due to lack of colour O Production team logos in blue colour shows the tension building as the logo has changed its usual colour to accommodate the mood of the film O Ambient strings soundtrack that plays throughout the title sequence and over the top of the first shot in the first scene O Sequence time= 1 minute 5 seconds 3. Pulp Fiction O Starts with a robbery scene dialogue between acouple in a diner O After the dialogue ends the titles appear showing most of the cast, director and production in yellow type on a plain black background O Credits at the start is rare now but Pulp fiction was from 1994 where most films started with this O A fast paced Mexican feel soundtrack is played over the titles so that they do not seem as long as they would without a fast soundtrack 4. Scarface O Production logo with dramatic soundtrack O Soundtrack continues, black screen with whitesubtitles explaining at the bottom of screen O A clip of Fidel Castros speech is played over the top of the soundtrack O The screen goes black, the titles begin in red and the soundtrack changes O Between each title is a piece of the first scene where the Cubans get are on the boats