Tithing and Other Preacher Peccadilloes

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  • 7/31/2019 Tithing and Other Preacher Peccadilloes


    Tithing and Other Preacher Peccadilloes

    By Patricia Backora

    Christs church ought to be a family gathering where His disciples arebuilt up in the faith to grow in the fullness of His image. The gathering

    of the saints ought to be a warm, secure environment where saints are

    taught by elder believers how to share the riches of Gods love with oneanother and with the world. Christs church should be a secure nursery

    where those newly born again can be nurtured in His love and taughtthe foundational truths of the Kingdom of God. Instead, God sees His

    church being transformed into a big business enterprise, with DVDs,

    books and CDs lining the entry to the sanctuary. Worse yet is the

    invention of the so-called Tithing Machine, where people can have anillicit money tithe deducted from their wages electronically, for theconvenience of preachers who dont have the guts to look the giver in

    the eye and beg for it. More than ever, Gods people are being

    victimized in a den of thieves which passes itself off as being the Houseof God (Matt.21:13).

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    The PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS is being attacked and weakenedby satans ravening wolves in sheeps clothing. Old Covenant priests did

    not pay tithes to anyone. So why do a few fat cat pulpit pilots think

    theyve got the right to ignore Gods divinely appointed, all-inclusivepriesthood of every believer, so as to exalt THEMSELVES as tax

    gatherers over His elect?

    A MAN-MADE priesthood developed by the institutional church is running

    roughshod over baby believers and even over people too spirituallyweak to object to their scare tactics. A lying, deceiving spirit is at work.

    God will KILL you if you dont tithe (or make a sacrificial contribution)to your local church. To the local church really means those greedy

    loudmouth vultures in the pulpit. But God would have you to know thatyou who believe in Christ ARE His church. You are just as much the

    church as the guy with the long string of degrees from the cemetery

    seminary which taught him/her dead, deceitful traditions posing as thetruth of God.

    God can have compassion on ministers who are being deceived

    themselves, or who genuinely are not learned in His Word enough to

    discern truth from error. God can even have compassion on preacherswho are bound by evil spirits of greed and cant break free of satans

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    influence. They need deliverance, not censure. But a vast majority ofBible-educated tithe collectors are fully aware that what theyre

    teaching and enforcing in the congregation is a lie. Satan is the authorof false doctrine, not the Holy Spirit. The leeches in the pulpit use a

    stranglehold of FEAR on Gods dear ones. Some people have suffered

    so much adversity in their lives, theyre too scared to withhold Godstithe, although the old tithing Law DIED when the Levitical Temple

    system it supported was destroyed.

    God DID NOT legislate a new, improved version of the Tithing Law to

    impose upon His New Covenant church. The ENEMY sneaked this lie in.The ENEMY has done this sowing of tares into the congregation

    (Matt.13:28). Tares look ALMOST like the real thing (wheat in the NT),but theyre way too poisonous for human consumption. Invariably satan

    appeals to sweet religious sentiment and carefully selected verses to

    psychologically manipulate you into paying tithes. Hell paint a picture ofyou as being a stingy bum for refusing to fork the money over to those

    who cover (smother) you (where is the covering doctrine found inthe NT)? There is only ONE Mediator between man and God, the Man

    Christ Jesus (I Tim.2:5). Different gifts manifest through differentbelievers, but God intended for all His saints to relate equally to one

    another as brethren only (Matt.23:8). But today you have one or two

    men standing at the front of some fancy building representing youbefore God (supposedly) and taking your tribute money. They cover

    your eyes with a spiritual blindfold so you cant see youre being bilkedby false, lying TRADITIONS OF MEN. They are feeding Gods people

    spiritual tares in exchange for this loot.

    Consume satans counterfeit of Biblical truth, and you wreck your

    spiritual digestive tract to the extent that youre unable to digest GodsREAL food when it is presented to you. Like the little boy who ate too

    much candy, those overstuffed on error arent hungry for the genuine

    truth of Gods Word.

    As in the days of Paul, so today greedy blind leaders of the blind havecrept in unawares to spy out your liberty in Christ Jesus (Gal.2:4). They

    will tell you that you are NOT free, but that you are slaves! One of theirfavorite lines is Slaves have no rights so shut up and suffer. Theyemphasize the fact Christians are bondservants of Christ but totally

    dismiss our rights as children of the Living God. By the time Christianshave been put in their place preachers can dig deep in their pocket

    and make them feel like ungrateful crumbs if they gripe about it.Preachers want you to feel BOUND to toil like a donkey so you can pay

    THEM ten per cent of your pre-tax salaries until the day you drop dead

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    from sheer exhaustion. Tithing on money or peoples cash wages wasNEVER commanded in either Testament. Tithes were NEVER taken from

    destitute widows, carpenters, fishermen, sandal-makers, potters, oreven from wealthy merchants, unless those people raised crops or

    livestock on the side. It is a SIN to add a new commandment to Gods

    Word. It is an ABOMINATION to take down from the Cross of Christregulations which were nailed there as defunct and obsolete (Col.2:14).

    God sees so many of His poor babes crying and weeping with dread as

    they hold their pitiful Social security check or their paltry minimum

    wage pay in their hand. They think of the nutritious food they will haveto do without, how they will freeze in winter time, and how their broken

    teeth will go unrepaired because the preacher posing as the Lord mustbe paid first. Meanwhile God sees rich preachers sinking their pearly

    white teeth into sumptuous cuisine at the finest restaurants right after

    they sink their greedy fangs into the flesh of the poor who are tooscared to question their lies. God will CURSE you if you withhold His

    (OUR) tithe. Youll get sick(er). Youll lose your job and end up on thestreet if you dont honor Him (the preacher, really) with the firstfruits of

    your peanuts paycheck. Youll be a second-class citizen in heaven if youmake it there at all. Your child will die and you will end up on welfare.

    And theyll end with a self-righteous, religious flourish: Be sure your

    sins will find you out.

    Gods children feel like theyre going to the woodshed to get a badbeating from self-righteous Pharisees instead of going to church to get

    blessed by the Lord. The phrase going to church isnt a phrase foundin Scripture, although Christians do assemble together to build oneanother up in the faith. True Christians ARE Christs church, and

    Christians gather together in a building or other place AS the church.We are the Body of Christ, and each one of us are individual members

    comprising His Body on earth (I Cor.12:27). To say you owe tithe

    money to the church is the same as saying that the rest of your bodyhas the right to tax your little finger. Ridiculous, isnt it?

    The phrase going to church is conjures up the same idea as attending

    some other function, like a ball game, movie, play, or otherPRODUCTION OF MEN. Yes, church has been redefined and treated asa spectator sport. A few players out in front perform the whole show

    while others watch. And if you dont pay enough admission, you dontbelong there. No wonder so many true believers feel disconnected to

    the institutional church system. Because God is the One pulling theplug on it! God is disconnecting these greedy SYSTEMS OF MEN from

    His power source, the Holy Spirit. In mercy, God has allowed many

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    souls to be saved in these Jezebel institutional systems in spite of thelies that were mixed in with any scriptural truths presented in those

    religious organizations. God has been faithful to save through salvationScriptures presented in these places, despite the idolatry and false

    religious traditions which fill brick-and-mortar BUILDINGS OF MEN. This

    poor, anemic religious structure which is sick head to toe and laced withdeadly lies has alienated the poor among Gods flock and deceived the

    affluent into thinking they can buy the blessings of God, much likeSimon Magus thought he could purchase the power of the Holy Ghost

    (Acts 8:20). Unscriptural churchianity is to true Biblical Christianity

    what imitation orangeade is to orange juice.

    God has grown weary of the grossest show on earth manipulating Hispeoples giving habits with greed and false guilt. God is angry with

    spiritual tyrants threatening His people with hell fire for non-tithing and

    placing themselves as mediators between God and His people, chargingadmission into His Presence. God doesnt take too kindly to the way

    religious showmen play His people like a fiddle, with soft lighting,melodramatic voice intonations, musical effects, and theatrical gestures.

    They fake an anointing of the Spirit they KNOW they dont have, tojustify their greed. In this way they control the emotional responses of

    the congregation to butter up contributors. These greedy snakes dare

    to invade Gods own territory, the sanctuary of the human spirit roomwhere He dwells in His people. False churchianity and the systems which

    support its insatiable appetite are cursed and fit only for the fire.

    God has seen the frustrated tears of sighing Christians who surrenderten per cent of their paycheck to their overlords in the pulpit, AND top itoff with an offering above and beyond the required ten per cent. The

    most desperate of these poor Christians are driven to look for relief, notfrom the institution which robbed them, but from secular resources,

    such as the community food bank or in taking extra odd jobs which not

    only reduce the time spent with their children, but also provide evenmore tithe money for greedy preachers who take nice vacations.

    God knows how many believers got in hock to loan sharks because they

    couldnt get a dime of help from their so-called churches when someemergency struck. Young mothers who need to buy milk for theirchildren or shoes for school are left with pennies after all the

    burdensome bills are paid, including the church tithe. But instead ofgetting a hand up from rich preachers, theyll only get a boot up the

    backside from hardhearted pastors who rebuke them for beingmurmurers and complainers and admonish them that God is

    disappointed with them for failing in the so-called School of Faith and

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    failing to adequately support their own families. Often when thechurchs benevolence committee hands out food parcels to poor

    people, it comes with a sting in its tail, like a scorpion. With apatronizing smile the poor recipient will be reminded that hard work is

    the only honorable way out of their predicament, and it would bring

    greater glory to God if the individual were self-sustaining instead ofneeding help. But did Jesus rebuke those 5,000 ABLE-BODIED men

    when HE handed out a free lunch of bread and fish in Matthew 14?

    Beg-a-thon TV preachers are some of the biggest welfare recipients of

    all, even though their designer duds and jewelry make them appearrespectable. Wearing a fancy suit and tie makes them appear more

    godlike (and worthier of tribute) in the eyes of impressionable believerswho equate giving to the preacher with giving to God, and so, their

    brainwashed brains subconsciously perceive this conniving character as

    BEING god. These fancy preachers cry and plead with viewers to sendgod (themselves) their very best offering, then turn around and buy a

    new boat with it.

    Preachers moan about how their ministry is sinking and needs a fresh

    infusion of money to keep it alive. So why dont these privileged fat

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    cats draw the same criticism as poorer believers who fall into hardeconomic times? Did Jesus urge His disciples to give to the needy or to

    the greedy? Is it any more of a shame for poor people to ask for helpwith groceries than it is for a preacher to ask for donations to carpet the

    sanctuary? Which begs this question: If the body of the believer is the

    REAL Temple of the Living God (see I Cor.3:16 and 2 Cor..6:16), whydont preachers build up Gods REAL Temple by donating some of that

    church money to nourish the bodies of poor believers? Everyoneknows that the bodies of poor people fall apart and die prematurely

    because of lack of food money! But oh, no, preachers are FAR more

    concerned about redecorating the sanctuary and varnishing the pews!

    God rarely sees prosperity preachers breaking a sweat (except under

    hot TV lights) or worrying about where THEIR next meal is coming from.A feeble, insincere, God bless you prayer is about the nicest offering

    any poor believer will get from clergymen who have robbed them again

    and again. Despite the fact that James commands Christian love totake practical action (James 2:14-17). Christians who must work two or

    three jobs to survive are tempted to feel resentment as their laid-back(lazy) leadership returns from vacation, all tanned and relaxed and

    eager to share videos from their trip. Yeah, rub it in!

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    Surprising to many, Gods Word promises only poverty to people who

    pamper the rich with gifts (Prov.22:16). Scripture promises curses, notblessing, to those who come back under the Law or any part of it

    (Gal.3:10). People who think theyre obeying the true Biblical tithing law

    should remember:

    1. The tithing Law, like all other Old Covenant rules and regulations,was given by Moses TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL only

    (Lev.27:30-34). All promises AND CURSES associated with this

    law, even the dreaded Curse of Malachi so loved by preachers,are for Israel ONLY! If God ever loses His patience with these

    preachers who curse for tithes, I wouldnt be surprised if He letsome of these preachers suffer the very same curses they

    threatened non-tithers with!

    2. Money is not mentioned in the list of things God ordered to betithed. Cain offered up whatever he felt like offering instead of

    what God commanded (Heb.11:4). God doesnt bless good ideas.God blesses OBEDIENCE! God never changed the rules on what

    He wanted tithed. Human ministers of greed introduced monetarytithing into the church during the Middle Ages to keep the

    revenues flowing into their coffers. If youre tithing on money,

    youre doing it against Gods clearly stated Word. If youre tithingon anything at all as a religious duty to gain Gods favor thereby,

    you run the risk of falling from grace and forfeiting salvation(Gal.5:4).

    3. EVEN if you claim God has blessed you for keeping the tithinglaw, that does not prove it to be sound doctrine! The Word ofGod, RIGHTLY DIVIDED and applied in keeping with the teachings

    of the Biblical apostles TO THE CHURCH, must be the finalauthority for faith and practice. Neither Jesus nor the apostles

    EVER taught tithing on money or paychecks, and no tithing of any

    type was NEVER taught as a religious duty after the Cross. Imsure people have sold their soul to satan to get rich too, but the

    end does not justify the means. The devil will allow a few goodthings to happen if it helps him deceive the saints.


    Abrahams ONE-TIME act of tithing consisted ONLY of the spoils ofwar. Abraham did not run back to his camp to gather ten per

    cent of his own possessions or personal wealth to give toMelchisedek (Gen.14:17-24; Heb.7:1-10). Abraham DID NOT

    repeat this ONE-TIME ACT of tithing, nor did he teach it to His

    children as a binding obligation.5. All tribes of Israel (including the priestly tribe of Levi) paid tithes

    to Melchisedek as Abraham paid this special tithe, when they were

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    yet in the LOINS of their father Abraham (Heb.7:9-10). Gentilebelievers were NOT in the loins (of physical descent) from

    Abraham, but can claim only spiritual descent from Abrahamthrough Christ. Paul the apostle NEVER taught Gentile believers

    they must start tithing in order to please their Heavenly Father.

    Nor did Peter or James impose tithing on Gentile converts in theapostolic council of Acts Chapter 15, which met to decide whether

    they were required to keep part or all of the Law of Moses. Thatwould have been an ideal time to bind tithing on believers. But

    the Holy Spirit clearly stated that the Gentiles were not supposed

    to live under the Law of Moses, which includes tithing (Acts15:24-29). A few unscrupulous tithing teachers lie and say that



    THEY APPEAL TO TO JUSTIFY THEIR FALSE DOCTRINE! Id hate tobe in their shoes on Judgment Day!

    6. Jesus Himself declared that the children are free (from religioustaxation) in Matthew 17:26. God does not tax His own beloved

    children, nor does He sanction the pillaging of believers going ontoday in nominal churches, and on Christian TV.

    7. If the so-called Tithing Law is transferable to the New Covenant,

    what about OTHER laws, such as circumcision, kosher dietary

    laws, and all other regulations of Moses? Why arent preachers

    threatening Gods children with hellfire and damnation for failureto wear their hair and beard a certain style (Lev.19:27)? It is

    against Old Testament Law for a male to be clean-shaven! On alighter note, where is the preachers personal pooper scooper,

    which all people under OT Law must carry with them for personal

    hygiene (Deut.23:13)?8. Whatever happened to the third and sixth year special tithe to be

    earmarked ONLY for THE HUNGRY POOR (Deut.14:28-29)? Whydont preachers invite all the poor to line up at the church door to

    take away sacks of cash, the modern tithe every third year?9. Whatever happened to the tithing regulation which permits tithers

    to help EAT their own tithe AND drink their favorite alcoholic

    beverages (Deut.14:22-26)? When do preachers ever literallyenforce the wine and strong drink tithing regulation clearly

    stated in Gods Word? What about the tithed oil pressed fromolive trees, required to be brought to the Jews feasts and eaten

    by the tither and his family (Deut.12:17-18)? Why are these

    minor points of Gods tithing Law NEVER preached as sacred andbinding by pro-tithing preachers? Are they afraid there might be

    a beer party in the sanctuary if they took ALL Mosaic tithing

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    regulations seriously as they apply this scripture to their lives?Many preachers sanctimoniously insist that the wine and the oil

    tithers used to bring with them to feasts are now spiritual only.But why is LITERAL MONEY required instead of being made

    spiritual only? (Even if you overlook the fact money was NEVER

    commanded as the tithe!) And if Jesus fulfilled all the Law on ourbehalf, then why was the TITHING law left unfulfilled for us to be

    saddled to for the rest of our lives?10. Paul stated that love is the fulfilling of the Law (Rom.13:10;

    Gal.5:14). How loving is it for an impoverished parent to take

    money which could have provided food for their child and give itto a rich preacher instead? By reimposing the tithe preachers are

    saying that love is NOT enough and Paul lied, and instead ofowing no man anything but to love one another (Rom.13:8), well

    owe some preacher an ongoing debt of ten per cent of our GROSS

    income for the rest of our lives!

    11. What about the tithe-free seventh years, and the fiftieth Jubilee

    years, where NO harvest was to be gathered in, and no tithescould be paid on it (Ex.23:10-11; Lev.25:1-12)? How many

    Christians are given a break every seventh and fiftieth years from

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    compulsory donations and from paying this adulterated MONEYtithe God never commanded? And since working at the widget

    factory is the modern day equivalent of farming in OT times, whydont preachers order Christians to quit their jobs every seventh

    year and rest up? Modern Conservative Christian preachers

    would have a cow if believers LITERALLY followed Gods orders toforage off the land every seventh year (Ex.23:11; Lev.25:6)

    instead of toiling at McDonalds to produce tithes for the church.They would roar about what a big shame it is how the church is

    overrun with hungry hippie bums going back to nature instead of

    punching a time clock! Speaking of the land, I think its a greatidea to let farmland rest every seventh year, or at least practice

    crop rotation where some segment of farm acreage is periodicallyallowed to lie fallow to replenish its nutrients instead of being

    exploited for profit until its been turned to a dead dustbowl.

    12. Just WHO goes around with a basket taking up theillegitimate church tithe? ILLEGITIMATE COLLECTORS! And what

    makes these swindlers illegitimate? Their illegitimate handling ofGods Holy Word! The fact God never called religious parasites

    Rev.22:18 to spread these lies, and they do not represent Jesusbut satan. It is not lawful for any man (or woman) born outside

    the Tribe of Levi to collect tithes today (Heb.7:5). Any unqualified

    individual posing as a tithe-collecting Levite would have been PUTTO DEATH under the Old Law (Num.1:51; 3:10,38; 18:7).

    13. You cant pick and choose favorite elements (the ten percent figure) out of a law which contains many other binding

    stipulations and ignore the rest as being irrelevant for today. Goddoesnt honor partial obedience. If you tithe on the wrong thing tothe wrong people, ignore the special third and sixth year poor

    tithes, pay tithes on the seventh and fiftieth years of every timecycle, and dont participate in the eating of the tithe, Gods

    tithing law is being broken, not kept! I remember my school

    teacher saying: If you miss one part of the question, you got itALL wrong! Those who claim to obey Gods tithing Law are

    getting it ALL wrong by ignoring Gods REAL instructions on howHe wanted it done!

    14. Coming back under Law puts your own salvation in danger!Your salvation is maintained the same way as you began it:through faith:

    Rom.11:20: Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou

    standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:Verse 21: For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he

    also spare not thee.

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    Verse 22: Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on themwhich fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his

    goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.

    Gal.5:4: Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are

    justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.

    Heb.4:1: Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left [us] ofentering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.

    Verse 10: For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased fromhis own works, as God did from his.

    Cease from your own works, Christian. Tithing is a work OF THE LAW

    (Matt.23:23). Christ upheld the tithing law as being still binding before

    His death on the Cross rendered the Law (and tithing) obsolete. Westand ONLY by faith in Christ and His finished work on Calvary. Coming

    back under the Law of Moss or any part of it robs a believer of soledependence on Christ.

    Child of God, stop paying tribute to these stealthy, conniving, greedy

    snakes and liars. You are FREE! Free to live and give as God guides

    you. Free even NOT to give to preachers when God commands you tolook after your OWN family first. Let the children FIRST be fed, for it is

    not fitting to take the childrens bread and to cast it to self-serving,deceitful dogs (Mark 7:27; Isa.56:11). God even counts it as sin to take

    money your family needs and pay it to preachers, unless He clearlyshows you otherwise (Mark 7:11-13; I Tim.5:8). One possibleexception might be when the preacher is just as hungry as you are, and

    youre trusting God to provide despite the sacrificial gift, as in the caseof the starving widow who fed Elijah (I Kings 17:9-14).But God does

    NOT command believers to give sacrificially to provide the preacher

    with mansions, cars, fine paintings and jewelry. The Old Testamenttithe was NEVER used to finance new buildings, steeples, organs, and

    choir robes! Anyone doing this is only compounding their sin in thesight of God. They are ADDING TO Gods clearly stated Biblical

    instructions, which is a very grave offense in the sight of the Lord(Deut.12:32; Rev.22:18).

    Even when I was a brand new believer I wondered why Paul and theother apostles NEVER reminded Christians to pay their tithe, or rebuked

    anybody for failure to do so. Even when Paul was starving he didntremind the churches to meet his need with tithes, though he did accept

    freewill offerings gladly. Today Im firmly convinced that one prime

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    reason God withholds His power from the churches is that doctrinalerrors are ALLOWED to remain in the church, even when these

    teachings arent aggressively enforced. But there is no neutral ground inGods eyes. Youre either for truth or against it.

    Most likely some preachers barely look at their Bible or think its allequally applicable to modern believers (even the Law of Moses). But any

    conscientious church leader who thoroughly knows his Bible and how tocorrectly divide scripture (2 Tim.2:15) bears a frightful degree of

    responsibility before God Who has made him overseer of the flock (1

    Pet.5:1-4). If such a pastor fully realizes that tithing is not for todayand money tithes are unscriptural, and he still keeps silent and ALLOWS

    Christians to think they owe tithes, hes guilty of letting doctrinal errordo its dirty work in Gods pasture.

    Its the little foxes that spoil the vines. God commanded the Israelitesnot to keep certain things in their camp. Joshua chapter 7 tells of just

    one man, Achan, who was responsible for the defeat of the entireIsraelite army. Achan hid a heap of silver and gold and a fancy garment

    inside his tent, thinking no harm could come of it, probably because hethought it was no big deal and it was making Achan richer to disobey

    God. God had commanded that no spoils should be taken from their

    defeated enemy, but that EVERYTHING should be destroyed. Butbecause of this one mans act of disobedience springing from

    covetousness of forbidden things, the hearts of the Israelite soldiersmelted like wax and they were easily defeated by the enemy. Only the

    devil wins when forbidden doctrines are kept like secret treasures, tothe detriment of the whole Body of Christ. Hebrews 8:13 says that theOld Covenant was a decaying thing ready to vanish away. But money-

    hungry preachers dont want to see their money-making lawsdestroyed. It would cost them way too much. Instead, they threaten

    modern-day Gentile Christians with obsolete curses associated with an

    obsolete law which pertained only to ancient Israelites!

    What shall be the end of spiritual extortionists who KNOWINGLYcontinue to rip off Gods beloved people with threats of destruction from

    God? Those fire-breathing dragons and swindlers threaten that God willtorture non-tithers in horrible fire and brimstone for all eternity, andeven if He allows a few non-tithers into heaven, theyll only serve as

    butlers and maids to the former tithers and their spiritual fathers(they WISH!). Well, Gods got some sad news for those fleecers of His

    flock. He is even now igniting a white-hot furious fire of doom andjudgment which they shall suffer on His Day of Reckoning. All the

    treasure theyve filched out of His people shall be burnt up in the

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    ferocious fire of His judgment. All the precious treasures stored up inbank vaults will melt in the fierce heat of divine wrath as they are

    scrutinized by Jesus righteous eyes which are as a flame of fire (seeRev.1:14; 19:12). All those preachers fancy cars shall be cast onto

    the scrap heap of eternity, along with all other filthy luxuries extorted

    out of welfare mothers and children who sacrificed the food out of theirmouth so they could tithe to the lord. Tithing machines and all other

    electronic wizardry (banditry) used by preachers to bring in the papersheaves will also be burnt up as wood, hay and stubble at the Judgment

    Seat of Christ (I Cor.3:12-15).

    There are many other ways preachers act like bald-faced hypocrites

    while excoriating pew warmers for failure to live exemplary lives. Whena burger flipper pinches a chicken nugget on the job hes the chief of

    sinners. But if preacher (or other professional) is caught with his/her

    hand in the cookie jar, its called professional misconduct, worthy of aslap on the wrist rebuke, but hardly worth remembering ten years down

    the road. Preachers are quick to cast stones at John Q. Pew-warmer forfailure to run a respectable Christian home. But whenever a big-name

    preacher cheats on his wife, divorces her and marries a blond cutie, hegoes through a time of spiritual restoration where he allegedly allows

    God to make him emotionally whole again (no mention of sin and

    judgment), And even after a respectable time period has passed andthe scandal blows over hes usually allowed to marry his pretty hooker

    and stay in the pulpit (wonder why preachers never feel led of the Lordto take some ugly old frump as wife number two or three?).

    Funny how sin is ten thousand times worse when its committed by apoor person, who probably also commits the unpardonable sin of being

    a Democrat. The whole congregation consigns a poor adulterer to helland wont even speak to him. Man, theyll eat him for lunch behind his

    back. But when Pretty Preacher Boy gets back from his third or fourth

    honeymoon with his blushing blond bride, they all praise the Lord forbringing healing and restoration into his broken life. Its considered

    uncharitable to notice sin in the pulpit. When a rich celebrity preachercheats on his wife, its blamed on the devil who personally tore off the

    preachers clothes and pushed him into some sluts bed. Poor preacher,hes in need of healing and love hides a multitude of sins, while his poordeserted wife is either blamed for their marital breakup or ignored

    altogether. For the sake of love sin committed by Leadership must behushed up, and satan must be allowed to do his dirty mwork


  • 7/31/2019 Tithing and Other Preacher Peccadilloes


    If a preacher stretches the truth to skin the flock, its quickly forgottenand forgiven. But when a poor man steals an apple to fend off

    starvation, its a crime worth remembering for all eternity. Yet God seesno difference, except in degree of guilt and the intent of the heart. He

    is no respecter of persons. So-called white collar crime done by

    professionals wearing a backwards collar is every bit as serious asthievery committed by a poor man. If anything, its even worse in

    Gods sight because the minister claims to represent God and Hisholiness. Much of todays church has turned into a religious protection

    racket whereby you pay the preacher so much per week in exchange

    for Gods guarantee that Hell bless you and not send you to hell. Itsreally spiritual prostitution promoted by religious pimps who send the

    true Gospel of Christ down the river in exchange for a big Judas bag ofsilver. Gods truth is twisted and misrepresented and swapped for a

    gospel of greed to benefit the leadership who are fattening their bank

    accounts by sucking the blood of poor wage earners and widows onSocial Security.

    Let religious liars be warned. The Lord of Hosts is not mocked. The time

    is coming when the pleasure-bloated bodies of religious overlords whofattened themselves for the Day of Destruction shall be dropped by holy

    angels over the precipice of the pit of hell. Every terror, every horrible

    fate which preachers cursed down upon non-tithers shall be multipliedten thousand-fold and inflicted upon these greedy leeches in the fires of

    Gods eternal judgment. Those who profiteered from keeping Godspeople in spiritual bondage and darkness shall dwell in densest darkness

    forever, bound by the cords of their own greed (Prov.5:22).

    Woe unto those who sell out their own precious Savior for filthy lucre,

    those who turn from holiness to be the servants of satan! How perilousit will be to stand in the shiny shoes of preachers who beat their fellow-

    servants, as they overindulged on the fruits of their wickedness! Jesus

    shall return and cut them into pieces and appoint them their portionwith hypocrites (Matt.24:51), these greedy foxes who hoodwinked Gods

    simple people with cheap gimmicks and trinkets live and on the air.Their frying pan in hell will be far hotter than that prepared for sinners

    who never knew anything about the Way to Salvation. Like Christ saidof Judas in Mark 14:21, far better for them if theyd never been bornthan that they lived to reap the fruit of their wicked ways!

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  • 7/31/2019 Tithing and Other Preacher Peccadilloes
