Tips On Telephonic Interview Round

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Tips On Telephonic Interview Round

o Telephone interviews are becoming more and more common amongst recruiters, but that's only half the story when it comes to job hunting.

o Jobseekers think that the best thing about a telephone interview is that, like a radio presenter, you don't have to worry about how you look.

o An Telephonic interview is still an interview even if you don't have to go to their offices. You need to be as prepared and well presented as you would be for a face to face interview.

o Find out why, when you're looking for work, the phone can be your best friend or your worst enemy.

Tips to Follow in Telephonic Interview

o Prepare for the interview by compiling a list of your strengths and weaknesses, accomplishments and answers to typical questions.

o ƒ Have your resume in front of you to refer to when speaking about your work experience.

o ƒ Have a pen and paper available to take notes.

o ƒ Be in a quiet place alone—turn off the radio, television and any other background noise that might be distracting.

o Take a moment to think about the question, and, then, respond speaking slowly and clearly.

o ƒ Smile during the phone interview to project a positive tone in your voice and your image.

o ƒ Send a thank-you note after the phone interview to reiterate your interest in the position.

Mistakes to Avoid in Telephonic Interview

o Do not Smoke, eat or chew gum or candy during the interview.

o ƒ Do not Ramble—make sure that your answers are direct and to the point.

o ƒNot to Interrupt the interviewer when he or she is speaking.

o ƒ Not to Provide too much information—keep your answers short and to the point; however, make sure to fully answer the questions.

Tips to Boost your Confidence Level

o Smile when you talk on the telephone.

o You'll be more relaxed, you'll sound more confident and assertive.

o Seriously think about using a headset for telephone interviews.

o Apart from the fact that it will make it much easier to take notes you'll be able to concentrate on the conversation rather than on balancing the phone between shoulder and ear while you search for a pen.

o You should have some information from the prospective employer about the role and company.

o Think about answers you might give to their questions, particularly with regard to competency based questions.

o Do your research and prepare some questions to ask them exactly as you would for a regular interview.

o Make sure you sound enthusiastic, the sort of person they want on the team.

o Pace yourself, a good interviewer knows you may need a little time to compose a good response, so do take time to think about answers.

o Be aware that they may be pushing you to answer as part of their interview technique.

o Listen carefully and if you don't fully understand the question, ask for clarification.

o Don't allow yourself to become flustered, especially if some of the questions seem either irrelevant or overly-specific.

o And remember the interviewer may need some time to make notes between questions so don't worry unduly about short silences, be patient.

Make sure you have the interviewer's email details so that after the interview ends you can write them a thank you note, so as to reiterate your interest in the role and outline key points discussed and what you think you bring to the table.