Tips for Social Media Supplement

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Tips for Social Media Supplement

Technical Definitions and Extras for Social Media

NetworkingCarmen Saunders, MSN, FNP-BC

Carmsaunders@gmail.comAugust 2012


Twitter – good for real time posting- 500 million users

Facebook- personal tool to personalize your brand on timeline- 900 million users

Linked In- extremely professional site, advance your career

Pinterest – An online pin board that shares and saves pictures of anything you find online browsing.

Google + - encompasses Google, reader, docs, circles, chat, and hangouts.

Top Social Media Sites

Social Media- A way for groups to come together on the Internet where they can share ideas or opinions Ex. Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and Google+.

Personal Branding-Creating the right kind of emotional response you want others to have

Social Network- an online network or community where people share ideas on the web


Blogging- Creating a site through a social media app like word press or tumblr to discuss your interests or stories

Tweeting- Sharing ideas on Twitter in 140 characters or less

Pinning- Taking pictures online and placing them on

Definitions Continued

You Tube- Subscribers of your channel can view your original work

Instagram- Camera app that filters pic and shares them with your followers

Tumblr- Highly customizable blog service

Word press- Customizable blog site

Other sites to look into

Flickr- Organize your photos and share Digg- Bookmarking tool used to

provide searchers with info from the web that has been refracted through the lens of the Digg community

Stumble Upon- Add on as bookmark, can take you anywhere

Delicious- Stack your bookmarks

Just in case you wondering what these sites were

The art of getting your website or blog ranked at the top of search engines

Google yourself first and see what comes up

Twitter, Linked in, Facebook, and YouTube are findable

What do you want people to find? You want them to find good stuff.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

#1 Create a profileCreate short easy username (ex. @carmfnp)

that is easy to retweet – can change twitter handle at anytime

#2 Upload photoFill in bio section and be sure to use your

website or LinkedIn/blog in the bio section, can use if no blog or website

How to use Twitter

Short messages limited to 140 characters or less

DM or direct messages sends a secure note to any of your followers

@mentions- shout out to anyone on twitter whether you are following them or not

Add photos or videos to your tweet


# hashtag symbol is used by tweeters to add their tweets to the same subject thread EX. #healthcare #nurse #leadership

URL shortening services, need to make link as small as possible so you can add comment, shortening services are: Google:

Searches and hash tags

Who to follow tool Follow people or organizations that you

would want to follow you Browse categories Can always un follow at anytime Create lists if you exceed the 2000 person


Who to follow

If you have a website download the follow button and copy and paste the HTML code into your website

Link your twitter to your FB so that your tweets feed onto your FB wall

Download analytical tools to track your influence across the twitterverse

Twitter Resources

Can change personal URL in settings Can create events (ex. Online

discussions or talks) Connect with other social profiles (ex.

Other NP’s or ex coworkers) Applications- link in slide share ,word

press, or twitter feeds into your account

It’s free, don’t pay for premium

Linked In Features

Almost a prerequisite for candidacy if searching for a job

Can Highlight your skills accomplishments or projects you’ve developed

Better to edit sections than to upload resume

Follow companies you would want to work for Ex. Major hospitals, agencies, people, or corporations

Linked In- Get to work

If you are working and searching for a job got to settings and change privacy controls

Turn off activity broadcast and make activity feed only visible to you

Can keep profile pic hidden, restrict connections, and adjust your public profile so it is invisible to web searches

Linked In Privacy Settings

900 million users Allows for community based

relationships Advertise through Facebook ads

(Always use pay per click) Facebook analytics provide insight

(Professional pages only)

Why Choose FB for Professional Branding?

Privacy Settings on Facebook- Choose the right default settings so that only your friends can see your posts on your personal page and choose public for professional page

Edit Timeline and tagging of Photos in your privacy settings, Enable timeline review and tag review

Consider using 2 FB accts, one personal , one professional

Facebook privacy Settings

Concerning privacy use a different Facebook for your professional account is a good idea

Choose privacy settings wisely Fan pages can be used as well but are meant

for business purposes, keep in mind no analytic pages but unlimited number of friends, cannot invite by email but can ask people to join through your professional page

Use same high quality picture throughout each site

Facebook Privacy Extras

You can also manage blocking in your privacy settings and block applications and event invites

Facebook offers a quick overview of the do’s and don'ts of online security so you can apply to all your online interactions:

Tip: If you want to keep a copy of all your Facebook photos on your own computer request and archive by clicking download a copy in the general settings page

Facebook Security Settings

Facebook- Post one status update, answer messages and posts to wall

Twitter- Follow 10 people, post 2-5 tweets daily, respond to @ replies, respond to DM

LinkedIn- Connect with 2 people, answer one question from group

Task Sheet - Daily Time Management

Facebook- Share a success or funny story, upload a picture, share presentations

Twitter- send out 5 #follow Friday tweets - #FF

LinkedIn- Post one question to LinkedIn group

Task Sheet- Weekly Management

They track your content growth Example: Think of it as nursing research

101 , how did we measure if our research was useful or not

Measure interactions and engagement Capitalize on content

Why are Social Media Metrics so Important?

Reach- amount of people you are connected to on social networks

Visibility- How many eyeballs physically see your content each day

Influence- by product of reach and visibility

Facebook- FB Insights Google - Google Analytics Twitter- Klout and Twitalyzer

Measuring your success- Terms