Post on 08-Nov-2014

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PENDIDIKAN kampus sekolah Pondok


Sekolah· Sekolah adalah sebuah lembaga yang

dirancang untuk pengajaran siswa (atau "murid") di bawah pengawasan guru.

· Sekolah merupakan bangunan atau lembaga untuk belajar dan mengajar serta tempat menerima dan memberi pelajaran. Sekolah dipimpin oleh seorang Kepala Sekolah. Kepala sekolah dibantu oleh wakil kepala sekolah. Jumlah wakil kepala sekolah di setiap sekolah berbeda, tergantung dengan kebutuhannya. Bangunan sekolah disusun meninggi untuk memanfaatkan tanah yang tersedia dan dapat diisi dengan fasilitas yang lain.

Sekolah Contoh : · Sekolah swasta SMAK PENABUR, dimana PENABUR memiliki chiri khas

warna yang memiliki arti-arti..

No Ruang Lantai1 Ruang Kelas sebanyak 25

kelas (lihat gambar)1-6

2 Laboratorium komputer 1

3 Perpustakaan (lihat gambar) 5

4 Laboratorium Fisika  55 Laboratorium Kimia 

(lihat gambar)6

6 Laboratorium Biologi (lihat gambar)


7 Laboratorium Bahasa (lihat gambar)


8 Laboratorium Akuntansi  1

9 Aula (lihat gambar) 8

10 Kantin (lihat gambar) 1

11 Sarana olahraga (lihat gambar) 1 dan 8

12 Green House (lihat gambar) 1

13 Bimbingan Konseling (lihat gambar)


14 Radio sekolah (lihat gambar) 3

15 Ruang Kesenian (lihat gambar) 4

16 Ruang Osis 317 Ruang UKS 3

Fasilitas SMAK 1 Jakarta 

Ruang Kelas

My Goals· To give you the academic and social

skills you need to progress to fourth grade.

· To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment.

· To help you make new friends and discover new interests.

Class Subjects· The subjects we cover during third

grade are:· Reading and writing· Math· Science· Social studies· Music and art

Reading· Briefly describe

the topics you will cover this year in Reading.

· This may take more than one slide.


· Briefly describe the topics you will cover this year in Writing.

· This may take more than one slide.

Math· Briefly describe

the topics you will cover this year in Math.

· This may take more than one slide.

Science· Briefly describe

the topics you will cover this year in Science.

· This may take more than one slide.

Social Studies· Briefly describe

the topics you will cover this year in Social Studies.

· This may take more than one slide.

Music and Art· Briefly describe

the topics you will cover this year in Music and Art.

· This may take more than one slide.

Classroom Community· Our classroom is a community. In our

community, we have rules to help us get along with each other.

· Our class rules are:· Be respectful and responsible.· Be organized and follow directions.· Be on time.· Be prepared.

Homework· I will assign about 45 minutes of homework

every night. This includes 20 minutes of reading.

· Your homework packet is due on Friday morning.

· If you need extra time to work on your homework, you can go to homework club during recess to work on it.

Tardiness· School starts at 9:05 A.M. · If you aren’t in the classroom by the

time the second bell rings, please check in at the school office before coming to class.

· If you are tardy four times, the school will contact your parents.

Field Trips· We have lots of fun field trips planned for this

year!· We will attend two plays at the Children’s Theater

as part of our reading units.· We will visit Maple Grove park and take water

samples from the river as part of our science unit on the environment.

· We will tour a bakery as part of our social studies unit on community.

Let’s Have a Great Year!