Timeline of planning, filming and editing

Post on 20-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Timeline of planning, filming and editing

Timeline of Planning, Filming

and EditingBy Jack Bolton

October 1st October- Research and Planning blog Sheet Given

8th October- Increasing Knowledge of documentary modes with examples to help prepare us for our preliminary and final task.

15th October Group Planning for preliminary task

22nd October- Name chosen for Preliminary. And researched around topic

29th October- planning completed with all shots taken. Editing underway.

November5th November- Blog nearly up to date with finished preliminary task

12th November- Planning for final piece

19th November- Preliminary documentation up to date and final piece coming together

26th November- Rough Storyboard and script made for final piece

December3rd December- Further Development with more specific ideas for film

10th December- Research tasks undergone

17th December- Undergo audition Video in preparation for after the filming trip to Disney

24th December- Break Period

31st December- Add more onto research section on blog

January6th January- Further planning for shots to be taken when at DisneyLand

13th January- Shooting plans created for the trip to ensure a fluid an efficient trip

20th January- Overview plan and schedule before travelling

27th January- Shooting trip to Disneyland. Ensured that all intended shots were taken

February 3rd Febuary- Start editing process and ensure all shots are analised in detail

10th Febuary- All shots in place and in correct order in Finalcut, ready for colour correction and more indepth editing

17th February- Stock footage from sleeping beauty and cinderella added along with additional shots needed for film

24th February- Voiceover audition complete with not success of finding suitable vocalist

March2nd March- Vocalist chosen and contacted. Recording next week. Research and Planning section in blog also complete

9th March- Voiceover complete and being added to film this week and next week

16th March- Voiceover added and editied accordingly. Additional shots needed to show an additional element of creativity. News paper articles?

23rd March- With film finished, additional parts are added to blog and ancillaries being made

30th March- Ancillary completed and recorded and evaluation too.