Thursday 21st May, 2015 Term 2 - Newsletter No: 6 …. Thursday 21st May, 2015 Term 2 - Newsletter...

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Transcript of Thursday 21st May, 2015 Term 2 - Newsletter No: 6 …. Thursday 21st May, 2015 Term 2 - Newsletter...


Thursday 21st May, 2015 Term 2 - Newsletter No: 6

Upcoming Dates

Message from the Principal May 2015 - Term 2

21st Gr 3/4 Parish Mass

22nd Dendy Cross Country - All Gr 3 - 6

23rd Working Bee - 3.00pm - 5.00pm

27th School Photos (Full Winter Uniform)

Reconciliation Week (this week)

28th Touch of Pink Day (Gold Coin Donation)

Parent Q & A Faith Night - 6.00pm

29th 5/6 Sport

June 2015 - Term 2

1st P & F - 7.30pm

5th 5/6 Sport

Zoo Excursion - Foundation

8th Queen’s Birthday Holiday

9th School Closure Day

11th 1st Communion Reflection Day

12th 5/6 Sport

13th 1st Communion - 6.15pm

16th PEAB - 7.00pm

17th Topsy Turvy Day

Hot Food Day

18th Netball Lightning Premiership

19th Football Lightning Premiership

21st Children’s Liturgy

22nd Parent Teacher Interviews (this week)

26th Mass - 12.00pm End of Term 2

School finishes at 1.00pm

July 2015 - Term 3

13th Start of Term 3

17th Athletics Try Day

19th Children’s Liturgy

23rd Confirmation

Parent/Child Information Night - 7.00pm

30th SCHOOL CONCERT - ‘Alice In Wonderland’

31st Gr 5/6 Hoop Time

Dear Families,

St. Mary’s truly is an amazing community. There are many

opportunities to participate in areas across the school. Literacy

parent helpers, attending family mass on Saturday, working bees,

organising costumes for the upcoming concert, the Auskick muffin

stall, parent social nights. The list really is endless on how our

community supports each other.

Next Thursday is another opportunity to gather as a community as

Fr. Bill will try and answer your most challenging questions. The

P & F are providing wine and nibbles for the evening. Please return

your reply slip from the flyer sent home last week. We need

numbers for catering purposes. Families from our sister

school - Holy Eucharist - will also be attending. Questions can be

placed (anonymously if required!!) in the box by the office. We

look forward to seeing as many as possible at this wonderful

opportunity Fr. Bill has provided us.

We would like to welcome Josie Ferraro to St Mary’s. Josie will be

working in the office on Mondays and Wednesdays. If you see her,

please make her feel welcome.

There has been a lot of enthusiasm around the viewing and trading

of cards - AFL and Pokémon in particular. Unfortunately this

enthusiasm has led to disputes and disappointment for some

students. Due to this, we have made the decision to not allow these

cards at school. Please talk to your children about this so they know

cards can no longer be brought

to school.

Have a great week.

God Bless,

Sharon Daujat



Learning & Teaching

School Photo Day is on Wednesday 27th May.

Could all student/family packs be returned prior to Photo Day.

Students are to wear Full Winter Uniform for school photos.


Enrolments for 2016 are now being finalised.

For current families with siblings for 2016 who have not yet enrolled,

please collect an enrolment form from the office as soon as possible.


Learning & Teaching

Touch of Pink Day

On Thursday 28th May, the Grade 6 Social Justice leaders have organised a ‘Touch of Pink’ day to raise funds for the Breast Cancer Foundation. Students are

encouraged to wear a touch of pink with their school uniform. This could be ribbons in hair, hair ties, socks, shoe laces or a pinned ribbon to the

school jumper. A gold coin donation is requested.

Thank you for your support!


Grade 1 Scientists


School Concert

Hi St. Mary’s, are you ready for the performance of the year!!

All your kids are rehearsing madly for the performance of Alice in Wonderland on July 30th. The lead roles have been chosen and the songs are being learnt right now.

Are you someone who enjoys creating the big flashy lead roles costumes- lots of imagination and crafty fingers needed for the Dodo, the caterpillar, three Cheshire cats, the white rabbit (role being shared by two),

Alice (two; one big, one small), Alice’s sister (similar dress to Alice), Popeye, Ariel, the March Hare and the Mad Hatter.

If you can sew then help me create cool costume bits and pieces for the classes of kids. There will be bow ties (you just need to sew in a straight line for these!), skirts, and vests.

If you can help create cool set pieces, we have some sets that will need painting. And, don’t forget we will have a deck of cards and their giant paint brushes to make and paint, can you help?

Can you do stage make-up. We plan to organize make-up for the kids to take home and apply in the afternoon so you are not stuck behind stage painting faces.

Don’t worry if you can’t sew but want to be involved. We need people who can source things (buy props/materials) and people who can come to a workshop to help cut out patterns. I will list the props we need, maybe you have

something in your garage that would be perfect. (Any monies spent will be covered by the school if it has been ok’ed by the costume co-ordinator.)

Ariel costume

Glitter bowler hats (red, yellow, green)

Alice costume – need two and similar look for the sister

Remember: these are props/costumes for a production. Don’t offer something you don’t want damaged (accidents happen when kids are excited).

Please contact: Susan L’Huillier on . She is the Costume Co-ordinator.

Information regarding each year’s costume will be sent to the class reps. Any questions and any emails regarding costumes, could you please shoot a copy to me as well please. Also, out of courtesy, could you let me know of your intent to purchase any costume, before you do it, thanks.

Please come to a meeting next Tuesday 26th May at 2.15pm. If you can’t come please contact me if you can help.


Suse L’Huillier

A large cookie jar (needs to be visible on stage)

An oversized bottle

A large can shape container for ‘Spinach’



FROM FR. BILL Ascension Day - (Mark 16:15-20)

It’s Ascension Day – the day Jesus is whisked off into the clouds?

But is that what today is really about?

Those who wrote the gospels didn’t think so. They are not interested in:

what sort of cloud it was;

how fast Jesus shoots up into the sky;

how long they could see him for before he disappeared;

or what colour socks he had on?

Instead the gospel writers are concerned about what the Ascension means for us:

St. Matthew leaves out the Ascension altogether. But he does include what he felt was important - Jesus’ great commission: “Go, make disciples, baptise, teach”. What Matthew wanted us to know were the tasks which Jesus left us.

For St. Mark it’s “go and proclaim the good news to all people”.

And in St. John, in the spot where the Ascension should be, we find the commands “Feed my sheep” and “Follow me”.

And here is the real message to us. The activity of Jesus didn’t stop when his earthly life was ended. It continues in his followers – in you and me. You become Christ in the world. We have become Christ in the world. We must be Jesus in our world. We are the Church – the Body of Christ. Not the Pope, not the Bishops, not the clergy nor the religious – YOU!

And just in case we miss this truth, each of the Gospel writers underlines the fact that Jesus is still here - in us. Matthew ends his story with Jesus saying: “And lo, I am with you always, even to the close of the age.”

Mark says: “Jesus was still working with them...” no, Jesus hadn’t retired, hasn’t disappeared off the stage. Everywhere we are, Jesus is there with us.

So the Ascension is not really about Jesus whizzing around on clouds at all. It is about the wonderful way in which he works through you - his Church - once his physical life, on earth, was ended. It is about the way in which he continues to work through us – the Body of Christ. Go, baptise, teach, preach, pray, worship, take care of my people, take care of each other, visit the sick, feed the poor, shelter the refugee, protect the vulnerable, share your resources, your gifts, your love, your lives, stand up for justice and what is good and right, utter a kind word and speak words of peace – ‘follow me’.

Perhaps as we celebrate Ascension Day today you might think of just one way in which you can show, or be, the presence of Jesus to another person once you leave the four walls of this building – as you go out to be the Church in the world – the Body of Christ – still very much present in the world he loved.


Fr. Bill


P & F

Dear St. Mary’s Families,

It’s that time of year again… the annual St. Mary’s Social is fast approaching!

Your Social Committee is in full swing, preparing for what promises to be a fantastic night for our school community.

While this event is a perfect opportunity to raise funds, it is most importantly a fabulous occasion for parents to embrace

the wonderful community that is St. Mary’s Primary School.

Each year, some of the local businesses run by St. Mary’s families kindly sponsor this major event in exchange for

advertising and promotion on the night and during the lead up and post event messaging.

This sponsorship is key in ensuring costs are covered and that the fundraising on the night can be devoted to benefiting

the children.

Sponsorship can be applied to any number of components of the evening, such as the DJ, Major Raffle Prize, Live

Auction Items, Champagne, Beverages, Photographer, and the Social Committee is open to other ideas.

If you feel like this could work for you and your business, or you simply want to contribute, please contact

Nerissa McLean via email at

This event would also not be possible without the generous donations from the St. Mary’s families and friends who

support our Silent Auction.

If you, your business, your family or friends would like to donate an item for our Silent Auction we would be most


Here are some ideas…

Food Hampers

Sporting Items / Memorabilia

Holiday House To Rent For A Weekend

For all Silent Auction items please contact Chevaun Macilquham:

Thank you in advance.

The St. Mary’s Social Committee

A Business Service – great way to advertise!

Children’s Party Service

Beauty / Cosmetic Item

Grade 4 Drinks Night

Warm yourself up this Autumn (it feels like Winter already!) and come along to the Year 4 Drinks Night. To be hosted by Lou and Paul Diviny at their home in Malvern East on Saturday 30th May from 7.00pm.

Buy tickets at try booking asap so we can organise catering: or

Many thanks,

Soph Banay


P & F


Clinic #6 is on this Saturday and the St. Mary's Muffin stall will be open from 9.00am.

If you have the time, please bring a batch of muffins down to the stall

(thank you to those who have been baking).

Your muffin stall hosts this week are Lucinda McGrath, Sally Sutherland & Mona McColl-Jones.

Come on down for a chat and grab a coffee and a muffin (or a snake and a juice) while you're there.

And don't forget those home baked muffins (thank you to those who have been baking).

Your muffin stall coordinators,

Carlie Hall and Alison Gibson.


After School Care

Extend OSHC at St. Mary’s Primary School


Book by Friday12th June to avoid a late fee.

Our holiday program bookings are open and there’s a local one near you – all Extend’s holiday programs are open to primary school aged boys and girls. And the great news is, if you’re already enrolled with us for After

School Care you won’t need to enrol again to access our Holiday Programs.

We have heaps of fun activities planned these school holidays and we can’t wait for you to attend! To check out what’s on and where your local program is, visit our website at

and book via the Parent Portal.

Our weekly recap: Last week was full of mess and laughter! As always I am impressed by the children’s creativity by taking the days craft activity and running with it to crazy beautiful places. The pop-up cards turned into huge scenes complete with a mosaic giraffe. We had so much fun experimenting with different textures and patterns. There were lots of giggles making silly sludge trying to find the right consistency. My hands were stained rainbow until the weekend. I think the favourite activity for the week was building forts. Finn, Tom, and Josh went to battle building huge bases and catapulting yarn balls across the room. All the pictures are in the scrapbook in the portable. Till next time, Hannah (Bluey)

Our Extend Superstar is … Isabella Clancy for always including people in her games.

Next week’s activities:

Monday 25th May: Healthy Food Collage Tuesday 26th May: Animal Scenes Wednesday 27th May: Flip Books Thursday 28th May: Fruit Skewers Friday 29th May: Pizza Chefs Watch this space throughout the term for regular updates from our Extend team!




12. 91 Manning Road, East Malvern