- through · Farnham Youth Project. Farnham Youth Forum, Bourne Chlldren & Youth Irl~t~at~ve. L:ons...

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Transcript of - through · Farnham Youth Project. Farnham Youth Forum, Bourne Chlldren & Youth Irl~t~at~ve. L:ons...

8.0 Constraints

k t r i c t d u b w ~ and n t a riverduebiheMafttrariw.

&thg fwl water sewer and gas

. - .owin alow BiighWll Road,

40 East Street Famham - DMopment Framework Document with Desrgn Access Statement - January 2008 ScDtt Brownrig#

Public consultation and community involvement have been an integral part of the East Street scheme's evolution. Consultations undertaken during the five years since the start of the process, have asslsted in the evolution of the scheme based on the feedback received.

The applnant has sought throughout the consultation processes to follow an established seven-point plan for community involvement, outlined below: This plan was agreed with Waverley Borough Council and presented to full Council In January 2003, before public consultation started.

Crest Naholson and Salnsburj's have employed a wlde range of cornmunlcauon methods, wlth the alm of ensurlng that as many people as poss~ble have had the opportun~ty lo become involved In the consultation process and give the~r feedback, These have Included,-

Meetings and Presentations. Community Workshops and Forums. Public Exhibitions. Newsletters. A dedicated Project Webslte. Press Briefings. Advertising and Adverlorials. On-site Displays. Community hotllne, ernall address and postal address

Responses to updates enqulnes and comments through the media and through prrvate correspondence. - Independent survey of public opin~on.

Programme Stage








The scheme has evolved considerably as a result of the vanous consultation perlods in response to publ~c feedback, d~scussion w~th Borough Council OKcers, Salnsbury's, potentral retailers and leisure operators, the South East Reg~onal Oes~gn Panel (SERDP) CABE, Waverley Borough Counc~l, Surrey Pollce (West Surrey Dwision), Engl~sh Heritage, The Georgian Socrety and The Vlctonan Soc~ety.

Notifying all relevant parties of the proposals and the participation process.

Providing all parties with the necessary background to the proposals, objectives, relevant criteria and constraints.

The general public and key consultees working together with the project team on developing the scheme.

Assessing feedback, views expressed and suggestions made during the public partlcrpatron programme.

Reporting back to all partles on the results of the consultation programme

Working up the scheme to reflect the findings of the public part~c~pation programme.

Publishing the pmpsed scheme that w~l l form the basis of a plannlng application, explalnlng the contribution made by pubhc part~cipatlon (~nclud~ng what could and what could not be incorporated)


Slnce 2002, the scheme has drawn out a wide range of forthright responses, comments, questions and criticisms spanning most aspects of the scheme and covering a very wide spectrum of viewpoints. The applicants and professional team have taken note of all the comments received and considered them carefully. Where feasible, they have been addressed by revisions to the scheme as it has evolved.

We have also sought to achieve a balance between listening to minorlty or single- issue viewpoints and considering the wider interests of the community

Some individuals and interest groups have

9.0 Public Consultation

not k e n supportive of the scheme, w~th the desire to retain the Redgrave Theatre, concern about the viability of underground car parking, traffic proposals and scale of the scheme amongst their concerns.

Crest, Sainsbury's and the team have met with many of these parties, have listened to all the views expressed and have incormrated their comments where feasible.

However, not all suggestions have been in line with the Development Brief, Development Agreement with the Council or Government Policy.

Other suggestions, if adopted, would have fundamentally changed the principles of the scheme and, therefore, the basis on whah the developers were selected by the Borough Counc~l In 2002, or they would have compromised the werall viabll~ty of the scheme.

At the same time, feedback rece~ved dur~ng the exhibitions, workshops and meetings. which Crest Nicholson and Sainsbury's have held since 2002 has lndlcated general support for the development of the area, recognlslng the need for new fac~l~ties and particularly welcoming the new public realm. Town Square, cinema, restaurants, cafes and gardens.

The application contans a Statement of Comrnunlty Involvement, which details the

Scott Brownrigg East Street. Farnham - Development Frameworlc Document w~th Des~gn Access Statement - January 2008 41

9.0 Public Consultation

addltlonal consultation which has taken place slnce planning submissions 01 September 2006 and May 2007 were made.

The deslgn team has undertaken further consultation wlth Waverley Borough Council, local counc~llors and interested members of the publ~c regard~ng local concerns. As a result, s~gnificant alterations to the scheme have been developed

The team have liaised with Waverley Borough Council to produce a publ~c consultat~on leaflet 'East Street - Getting ~t right for Fa1 nham' [September 2007).

The appl~cat!on proposals will be subject to furthe: consultat~on processes during the course of the application.

We set out opposite a schedule of public consultatlon which has been undertaken throughout the project lo dale at the end of thls section. Since 2002 the following consultation has taken place

i Notifying

The flrst stage ~n the consultatlon process was to notify key consultees of the consultation programme and the basis on which they would be consulted. Following liaison with the Borough Council a lettel of notification

was sent out on 31 Janual y 2003, before the start of the consultation process

2 Informing


In early February 2003, 16,500 coples of the flrst East Street Newsletter were d~strlhuted ~n and around Farnham. The newsletter outllned the project background, the developers experience

constraints of the slte and the opportunltles ~t provldcd Dela~ls of the forthcom~ng consultatlon were Included, ~ncludtng dates and tlmes of the publlc exhlbltlon, the wehsrte address and contact details for telephone calls letters or ema~ls Local Press

A hr~eflng meeting with the Farnham Herald was held at the same time to notlfy the newspaper and its readers of the forthcom~ng consultation process, in advance of maklng publc the proposals.

3 Consulting

Stakeholder & Local Commun~ty Involvement Consultation on Ihe Planning Brlef and Development Partner ( 1 997 - 2002)

Consultation on a brief and proposals

for the redevelopment of the East Street area began before the select~on of Crest Nicholson Regeneration and Salnsbury's as the Borough Council's development partner. w~th a number of lnltlatlves organlsed by the Borough Council Th~s const~ltat~or~ formed the bas15 for the form of thls scheme and the elemenls and uses requlred for ~nclus~on wlthln the plannlng appllcatlon

The scheme presented by Crest N~ctiolson and Sainsbury's for consultation from 2003 onwards had therefore been selected by the Borough Councll as app~opr~ate for the area, it responded to the P!annlng Brief, whlch had In turn been the basis of much consultatlon, and 11 ~ncluded the Borough Council v Requlred Elements'.

Start~ng February 2003, the developers undertook an extenslve programme. ~ncluding meetings, exhib~i~ons and workshops to present the plans to the locat community and galher feedback

4 Meetings

The deveioprnent team met with a wide range of local organisations. The usual format of these meetings was a presentation of the plans by the developer and arch~tect followed by the opportunlty for cnmmenls and questions.

S~nce May 2007, the applicants have met w~th various stakeholders and consultees to d~scuss revised proposals

5 Public Exhibitions

A public exh~btl~on of the orlglnal plans was held In Farnham Town centre and surround!ng villages in February and March 2003

It was open to all and provided an opportunlty for people to look at the plans In more detail, ask any quest~ons of the developers and gtve the~r feedback. Dates and tlmes were arranged so that people could ~ 1 s t the exh~b~ t~on rn the evenlng and at weekends

The exhlblt~on was advert~sed in advance In the local press and the scheme was also previewed rn the Farnham Herald The exhlbltions were staffed throughout by members of the profe~s~ol>al team. who answered any questions

explained the scheme In more detail if needed and discussed the plans wlth people wanting to glve thelr comments in person

In addltlon to the verbal feedback relayed to members of the project team there were two ways for attendees lo record the~r' vlews: through cornplei~ng a survey form and through making an entry In a

42 East Streel Famhem - Development Framework Document w~rh Design Access Statarnenl- January 2008 S c M Bmwnrigg

comments book.

Overall, approx~mately 1,500 people attended the exhibition, 524 completed quest~onnaires were returned and 170 people commented in the V~s~tors' Book.

6 Community Workshops

The applicant undertook two community workshops as part of Ine consultation, designed to give local groups, organlsatlons and individuals the opportunity to meet and work interact~vely w ~ t h the project team, lo explore In detall the issues surround~ng the regeneraton of the East Street area, including the physical env~ronmental, plannlng and financial constraints of the site

Farnham Society, and Waverley Borough Council's C~t!zens Panel, as well as individual part~c~pants

wlth a full outllne included In the Statement of Community Involvement

9 Reporting Back Workshop 2

The second workshop, held on 7 May 2093, was designed to gain an input from younger people In Farnham, who had been less forthcoming with their vlews of the scheme dur!ng the consultatlon to date. It was attended by 18 people representing organlsallons, including the Farnham Youth Project. Farnham Youth Forum, Bourne Chlldren & Youth Irl~t~at~ve. L:ons Club of Farnham, Farnham College and Ihe C~t~zens' Panel, as well as young people and farnrlies from Farnham. took part in tho evenlrig event at The Maltlngs.

7 Website Workshop 1

The flrst workshop was held on 18 February 3303 and was attended by seventeen local participants and nine members of Ihe professional team, including representatives from the Farnham Society and Farnham Adv~sory Panel. University College for the creative arts In Farnham, New Farnham Repertory Company, West Street Residents Association, Farnham Chamber of Commerce Farnham College, Farnham Youth Project, Farnham Youth Consultative Gr~up, Cltlzens Advice Bureau, Univers~ty of the Th~rd Age.

A dedicated scheme webslle was created for the East Streel project. it Included the latest detalls of the scheme as ~t evo!ved, images, contact details for the professioqal team, news updates and other inforrnatlon

The website went live at the time of the publrc exhibitions and has been available constantly since then

8 Analysing Results

Fotlow~ng the coosultatlon, the results were fully analysed and d~scussed,

9.0 Public Consultation

Second Newslener A second Newsletter was Issued In July 2003, detarllng the consultatlon undertaken to date, lncludlng the publlc exhl b~ t~on and the comments received from the questlonnalres and Visitor's Book More than 18,500 coples were d~stributed in and around Farnham and uploaded to the project webslte

Press Updates Press releases provlded details of the exhibltlons and workshops and the range of comments received.

Cornrnunlty Forum Meeting A Community Forum was set up for the purpose of reporting back on the scheme plans. Its first meeliog was held on 30 September 2003 a1 The Maltlngs in Farnham, and included updates on how the scheme had progressed since the publlc exhibition, a response to comments received and an opportunity for quest~ons and discussion

leading up to the Borough Counc~l's approval of the rnasterplan, In ~ t s role as landowner in July 2004. Leading Independent opinion poll company NOP World compiled an independent questionnaire on the East Street masterplan. The quest~onnaire was used in a number of ways lo provide qualitative and quantitat~ve tesults, as well as providing a sample response which was representative of Fai-nham as a whole

a) Leaflet & Questionna~re - leaflets were delivered to more than 16,500 households in Farnham and were made avaltable in the Counc~l's Localtty Office and to local businesses.

b) Face-to-face ~ntervlews - 506 face-to face lntervlews, based on the questlonna:re, took place In Farnham, lo galn a dela~led representatwe sample of the town c) Telephone lntervlews - 501 telephone lnterv~ews were undertaken the Waverley Borough (excluding Farnham) to galn a representative sample of Ihe borough

d) Online survey, Including questionnaire. 10 Respond and Revise

NOP World Publlc Opinion Survey

W ~ d e ranglng consultation on the scheme rnasterplan was undertaken In the period

The consultatlon also included:-

* Presentations to: Waverley Borough Councll. Surrey County Counc~l Local Comm~ttee, Farnham Town Counc~l,

Scott Bmwnfigg East Street. Famham - Development Framework Document wlth Des~gn Access Statement - January 2008 43

Farnharn Soc~ety. East Street Actlon. CEASE. Farnhal-n Buildings Preservat~on Trust and the Farnham Chamber of Commerce

A display at the Salnsbury's store on South Street In farnham Town Centre

Press updates and advertorials.

lnforlnal~on on the scherne website

and the Waverley Borough Council webslte i~w.waverley.gov.uk)

11 Landowner Consent May 2006

Follow~ng Salnsbclry's decision not to relocate its store, the followrng public updates were provided. In addition to updat~ng Borough Councillors oi the revlsed proposals

Briefing lo the local newspaper, including provldrng new images and the updated master plan.

- 16,500 leaflets delivered In and around Farnham, showlng lhe updated masterplan

New proposals updated onto the prolecl webslte, includrng a downloadable copy of the leaflet

Waverley Borough Counc~l Corisultat~ve Forums (June- August 2005 &June 2006)

The f o ~ ~ r consultative forums organised by Waverley Borough Councrl In 2005 and 2006 and the Council 5 Deslgn Forum in February 2007 have hetped to shape the plans further. As well as offering the deveioprnent team the opportunity to d~scuss the evolvlng propos3ls in some deta~l, comments from slakeholders and Borough Counctlior~ at each meeting have been carefully considered and have ~nfluenced the scheme's evolut~on

12 Publish

The Orig~nal outline planning appl!cat~on for the East Street scheme was made publ~c through a number of methods.

An ongoing d~splay at the Farnham lnformat~on Centre on South Street, which was advert~sed through posters and in the local rned~a. The display gave an overvlew of the scheme and ~ t s maln features and accompanied the planning appllcal~on documentation. which was also on public display In the same locat!on

Updates on the project website, w eaststreetregeneratlon n fo

A briefing to the local rneclla that the plans are on publ~c dlsplay, which ran as the front page on the Farnham Herald.

The Fresh. May 2007 apwllcatlons. and the ref~nements made to the plans were publiclsed through the same methods. with the ma!erlal remaining on dlsplay in Farnham wh~le the application was considered

9.0 Public Consultation

Following the appeals made against non-determinat~on of the earlier outlme appl~cations, the appl~cants embarked upon a cowplete redeslgn of the scherne In an attempt to address concerns raised by some of the scheme's objectols

In September 2007, as part of the consultat~on leading to the Issue of a new Landlord's Consent, Waverley Borough Council issued a Consultation Leaflet titled 'East Street - Getting it right lor 'Fa:n ham'.

Full details of the responses to that consultation are con!alned w ~ t h ~ n the accompanylng SCI, but overall, the response from the publlc was mainly positive

Follow~ng the issue of Landlorcl's Consent, the scheme has been completely re-worked (as detailed In the following sections)

As par! of that re-working process, the deslgn team have liaised wlth the Local Authority to produce changes to the proposals that adopt a more tradltlonal


The appl~cant and design team will contlnue to respond to the comments of the local community stakeholders, consultees and officers throughout the planning. developmer;t and construction phases of the prolect

Scott Brownrigg East Street. Fernham - Development Framework Dccument with Des~gn Access Statement - JanuaFy 2008 45

10.1 Design &Access How the Scheme Has Evolved

The scheme has evolved In nine clear stages since the bid was won in Autumn 2002. Detailed below are the major amendments that have been made as the deslgn has progressed. In response to comments received from stakeholders and the general public over the last three years

The nine phases are: Stage.1. From July 02-February 03 (bid submission to exhibition masterplan)

Stage.2. From February 03-April 03 (exhibition masterplan to conditional contract)

Stage.3. From April 03-Dec 03 (conditional contract to NOP questionnaires)

StageA. Dec 03-July 04 (NOP questionnaires to Landlords Consent Application)

Stage.5. From July 04-Sept 05 (Landlords Consent to end of Consultative Forum No. 3)

Stage.6. From Sept 05 (Consultative Forum No. 3)

Stage.7. From Sept 2006 (Original Application)

Stage.8. From Sept 06-May 2007 (Fresh


Stage.9. From May 2007 - Present.

The changes to the scheme in each stage are detailed in the tables below. A more detailed analysis of how the scheme has evolved in response to consultation will be prepared and will accompany the plannlng application.

8.1 Stage 1: Submission to Exhibition

The residentla1 blocks by the rlver were redesigned and the vlew from East Street to the rlver was opened up

The servicing solut~on off Dogflud Way was redestgned, placlng ~t underneath new, hlgh quality, landmark residential units

The proposed new Youth Centre was removed from the scheme.

The Brightwells Gostrey Centre was repositioned to a block on South Street to increase accessibility.

Some ground floor areas between the new town square and East Street changed from restaurantslbars to retail.

Signlflcant work was undertaken on drawlng up more detalled des~gns of bulldlngs, albe~t ~llustratlvely, to glve a further ldea of how the scheme mlght look.

8.2 Stage 2: Exhibition to Conditional Contract

The buildtng helghts at the exhlbltion were:

1 storey - 12.3% 2 storey - 8.5% 3 storey - 37 4% 4 storey - 41.8%

The cinema has been moved to another side of the town square and reduced by one storey.

The Health & Fitness faclllty 1s now spread across a single floor, to reduce the level of the block on the town square by one storey

The Bowling Clubhouse has been moved to the west slde of the bowling green to provtde a better aspect for members to watch playlng and to allow dedicated parking to be provided

The residential block on Brightwells Road (South Street) has been set back to enhance the setting of Harold Falkner's arched gateway and Victoria Gardens.

A new entrance to the car park has been added off Brightwells Road to allow easy access for residents who live to the south of Farnham and who currently park In the Salnsbury's car park. vra Vlctor~a Road.

The Brightwells Gostrey Centre block on the corner of South Street and Brightwells Road has been reduced in width, without reducing the overall space available to the centre.

8.3 Stage 3: Conditional Contract to Dec 03

The bu~ldlng heights at Oec 03 were'

1 storey - 8.2% 2 storey - 17.9% 3 storey - 42 6% 4 storey - 31 3%

The main residential blocks by the river have evolved further, so that they have storeys built into roof to reduce the overall helghts of the buildings

The Salnsbury's store has been reduced in height by 1.5m

The he~ghts of the buildings facing onto South Street have been reduced, so that only one part of the hotel is now four storeys, wh~ch prov~des a focus on the street, whllst taklng Into cons~deration the bulldlngs on the other side.

Residential units have been

introduced onto South Street to provide more active frontages

The residential blocks on the west slde of the bowlrng green and on the south side of the town square and adjacent Br~ghtwell Gardens, have been reduced from four storeys to three

Whilst there are the same number of residential units as the original bid submission, the unit sizes are smaller to meet market requirements, and therefore the residential part of the overall scheme now covers a smaller footprint.

46 East Street. Farnham - Development Framework Document wlth Deslgn Access Statement - January 2006 Scott Bromrigg

Where detailed designs have been worked up the approach has been to use a variety of architectural styles and materials to reflect Farnham For example, the Sainsbury's block is in a modern style while the main residential blocks are a mix of styles

8.4 Stage 4: Dec 03 - July 04 The building heights are were:

1 storey - 13 1% 2 storey - 25 4% 3 storey - 36 0% 4 storey - 25 5%

The number of res~dent~al units has been reduced by 13% from 338 to 2 94

The gross exterrlal area of the development has been reduced by 5.556m2 (59,805sqft)

The res~denlial block 05 has been reduced subsianlially; creat~ng 51gnlflcantly more landscaped space by the rlver.

The proportlon of four storey accommodatron has been reduced, mostly from around the town square, by a further 18.5% since Dec 03.

D2 has been reduced by one storey to Increase sunllght In the town square.

03 has been reduced by one storey to reduce overlooking and impact on adjoining properties.

03 and D l I have been moved

back from Br~ghtwetls Road to reduce Impact on the exlstlng bulldlngs oppos~te.

D6 has beer! reduced by one storey to reduce ~ t s Impact on the town square.

The mews s~de of D7 is reduced by one storey.

Retall has been added to the ground floor of D l 6 to bring more actlve frontages to South Street.

The usable space within the town square has been increased by reducing the scale of the orangery addition to Brlghtwell House.

The gap between D l 3 and 0 2 has been wldened to improve access and vlews.

The Brightwell Gostrey Centre IS

cetalned In its exlsting location in lieu of offices.

The basement car park has been redesigned to make it easier for the public to use and giving closer access to the town square

The Brlghtwells Road car park access has been moved to reduce the effect of trafflc on Falkner House.

The residential park~ng rabo has been Increased to 1 1

8.5 Stage 5: July 04September 05 The bulldlng heights were

1 storey - 17 0% 2 storey - 26 4% 3 storey - 31 9% 4 storey - 24 7%

10.1 Design & Access How the Scheme Has Evolved

Clnema moved to D8 to enable ~t to be constructed In Phase 1

Cinema enlarged from 3 screen to 8 screen facll~ty

Servlce mews (runnlng parallel wlth South Street) om~tted to avo~d confl~ct between veh~cle and pedestrians. Serv~ce yards utlllsed tnstead.

The route between South Street and the New Town Square adjusted to encourage actlve frontages and cornrnerclal vlablllty of unlts on South Street

Masterplan adlusted on the western slde to enable the development to be phased more sat~sfactor~ly.

lllustratlve elevat~ons for 0 5 , 0 4 and DB developed furttler

Bars and cafes hntroduced to 0 8 fronllng onto the New Town Square

Sa~nsbury s moved lo D l 0 front~ng South Street, enabllng them to have conllnu~b of tradlng

F~tness Cenire om~lled due lo market condltlons

Underground car park layout rat~onal~sed

8.6 Stage 6: September 05 The building heights are:

1 storey - 29.4% 2 storey - 23.7% 3 storey - 20.3% 4 storey - 26.6%

Sainsbury's enhanced internally

and externally In current locallon includ~ng travelators or lifts dlrectly from new extension frontrng the New Town Square to the below ground car park Enhanced elevat~ons ensure Salnsbury's contribute more pos~t~vely to the South Street.

Larger cafes and bars added to D8 and introduced to D4 to ensure lively frontages onto the Town Square.

Hotel omitted from the project. A new bowling green (or public

green space) is laid over the top of the underground car park, enabling the car park layout to be rationallsed.

Wlder range of retail (A1 . A2 or A3) units sizes introduced to 020 In the south-west quadrant of the masterplan.

There is now no four-storey element of construction on South Street.

8.7 Stage 7: September 2006 (Original Application) The building heights are:

1 storey - 20% 2 storey - 35% 3 storey - 18% 4 storey - 27%

Sa~nsbul-y's enhanced externally in current locatlon lncludlng travelators or lifts directly from new extenston frontlng the New Town Square to the below ground car park. Enhanced elevat~ons ensure Sainsbury's contribute more positively to the South Street

Scott Brownrlgg East Saee:. F amharn - Development Framework Document with Des~gn Access Statement - January 2008 47

Larger cafes and bars added to D8 and Introduced to D4 to ensure llvely frontages onto the Town Square

Bowling green retained withln the development

Wider range of retail (A1 . A2 or A3) units sizes introduced to D20 in t h ~ south-west quadrant of the master plan

There is now no four-storey element of construction on South Street.

The exlsting Gostrey Slte will be re-furbished.

The Marlbnrough Head footpr~nt to be reta~ned

Car Club Incorporated w ~ l h ~ n car park

8.8 Stage 8: May 2007 (Fresh Application)

The bu~ ld~ng heights are. 1 storey - 2D0/0 2 storey - 34% 3 storey - 21% 4 storey - 25%

Sa~nsbury s enhanced externally

in current locat~on including travelators or l~hs directly from new extension frontlny the New Town Square to the below ground car park. Enhanced elevations ensure Sainsbury's contrrbutc more posltlvely to the South Street

Larger cafes and bars added to D8 and introduced to 04 to ensure l~velv frontages onto the Town Square. . Bowling green removed from :he

development. W~der range of retall ( A l , A2 or

A3) units sizes Introduced to 020 In the south-west quadrant of the masterplan.

There IS now no four-storey element of construction on South Slrcet

A new 'Community Cen!re' will be provided wlthln the heart of the development to replace the ex~st~ng Gostrey Centre. Thls will be located with~n Bu~ld~ng D20

The exlstlng Gostrey S~te will be redeveloped for resldentlal use w~thln Phase 2 of the development

Env~ronment Agency requests incorporated Into Ihe lar:dscape strategy. Wayleave prov~ded adlacent to River Wey

The des~gn of Bnghtwell House and the pr~posed extension refined.

The Marlborough Head fooipi~nt to be retained.

Car Club incorporated withln car park.

8.9 Stage 9: September 2007 - Present (Scheme developed towards 'New' application)

The build~ng heights are

1 storey - 7% 2 storey - 15% 3 storey - 53% 4 storey - 25%

The ex~stlng Sa~nsbury's car park is retained as public parkrng.

10.1 Design & Access How the Scheme Has Evolved

It IS ncl Intended to incorporate the external enhancements to the Salnsbury's store with~n the 'New Appl~cat~on

A new Brightwell Park will be provided to creale a betrer connect~on to the rlver Wey

Br~ghLuells House will be retained, refurbished and extended to form two new restaurants.

It is intended Ihat the scheme has two large anchor retail un~ts These

will be located within bu:ld~ng D6 facing onto East Street. avd Bulldlng 020 facing onto the 'New b w n Square'.

A wlder mix of unit slzes lo1 the retall across the development has been ~ncorporated.

Larger cafes and bars added to 0 8 and Introduced to 0 3 to ensure lively frontages onto the Town Square.

It 1s intended to prov~de a new 'Community Centre' wlthin Building 020 to replace the ex~stlng Brightwell Gostrey Centre

The existing Br~ghtwefl Gostrey Site will be redeveloped far resldentlal

use Bulld~ng D5 known as the 'MIII

Bu~ldlng' has been removed from the proposals to open up the vista to the rrver from Br~ghtwell House.

The signlfrcani reduct~on of the basement car park has allowed the retention of more key ex~st~ng trees wlthln the site. These wrll form the basls of the new landscape proposals.

The Town square has been re-unentated to ensure the retention of Ex~st~ng trees and to Improve the gateway Into the scheme from South Street.

The scheme also incorporates a

reduced size clnema. The Basement Car Park has

been reduced by 70% across the development.

A multl-slorey car park w~l l be provided wlthln Bullding 08, w ~ t h a PI ivate residentla1 car park provided at a lowci ground level withln Building D4.

A new res~dential layout for Bh~ld~ng 04 has been developed b

improve the relationship wlth tne public realm.

New elevatrons for D l . 04, D6, 014 and D8 h a b ~ been developed during th~s new phase of the project.

The retent~on of Sainsbury's car park for publ~c Pal klng allows the opportunity for the development to be constructed In a 'Single Phase'.

To Reduce the res~dent~al content from ?94 to 239 units

Tc remove the C~tlzens advice

bureau from the development propclsals (Waverley Borough Council have aiready relocated the CAR) . Waverley Borough Council are

looking to relocate the tennls club to the new R~ver slde Site

The provision of Building 010 to allow resldentlal access to car park bebw Bullding 04

r -. I'

10.2 Design &Access ,; Design Principles

To create an Integrated W n s i o n ta tM TM Cenm on ourvently under udllsgd brownfield land.

~ a ~ ~ t o ~ i a ~ & ~ ~ ~ a r i l b r a n t t ~ r l s ~ ~ ~ ~ cmh.

appmpWt Bo the quam of Farnham T m Cedm wilh an app- d -1 the deybpment w s

cwbry w h i i

* I

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Scott ~ O W ~ ~ Q Q East Seeet. Farnham - Development Frarnwork Document with Design A-6s Statement - January 2008 49

A key objective has been to create a new Masterplan, teta~n~ng the urban grain which ex~sts wlth~n Farnham, w~lh its pattern of streets and alleyways and rntroduces a new publ~c square. openlng up the river frontage for greater public use. The masterplan layout clearly respects and links with the layout of the exisl~ng town centre. It has not been designed In sol at ion, but is rather seen as an extension of the exising, ~ncorporating buildings w~th features that w~ll act as markers to assist with legibility The mixed-use design seeks to prov~de an environment that will help create a quality of life and vhtal~ty which makes urban l~fe desirable. A variety of irnlt size for both commerc!al and res~dential uses, together with a range of tenurelownersh~p options. will allow this diverse comrnun~ty to thrive. Whilsl siting buildings and craat~ng spaces, Ihe Masterplan has flexlbllqty to respond to market conditions.

The development is to be ~nherently sustainable. People l~ving close to their work will reduce car trips, community facilit~es wrll be close to homes, bu5 routes are readily accessible and the iraln statlon is within easy walk~ng d~stance. Other detalled design issues will also be incorporated, including; waste recycling, use of rainwater irrigation construct~on materials from renewable sources etc. Pedestr~an,

cycle and public transport routes have been priont~sed. The car IS placed underground, or w i t h a multi-level car park allowing landscaped public spaces throughout the development to be created and enhanced. There is a cleal- h~erarchy of spaces used by trafhc. pedestr~ans, cyclists, cars avd lorries.

The publlc spaces allow people to move about eas~ly In a pleasant environment. The orientalron of the major north-south pedest~an~sed route containing the New Town Square, Brightwell Gardens and the new public riverside spaces, allows an abundance of daylight and sunl~ght whch. coupled wth the landscape, will brlng enjoyment and street activity to the public spaces. A wide var~eiy of spaces have been created, including. pdblic square. pedestrianised street, gardens and semi-private res~dential gardens. A green corridor and ecological area has been provlded on the water frontage of the slte. The des~gn focuses on prov~drng spaces between the build~ngs, and not lust the build~ngs themselves.

Building Use

There is considerable demand for new retail un~ts In Farnham, without detract~ng from the exist~ng vitality of the town centre. The design therefore seeks to reinforce East Street as an extension to the town

Design & Access: Urban Design Strategy

centre retail area by the Introduction of a number of varted-sized units, Inserted between the listedllocally llstedlcharacter build~ngs.

It is proposed that a crnema is provided on the site, close b the existing le~sure centre, to at : as a magnet to draw pedestr~ans deeper Into the development and thus encourage and strengthen trade on both sides of East Street, into the heart of the scheme.

High demand for A3 (cafks, bars, restaurants) use has been established. A new publlc square, Brightwell Square, has been created in the heart of the masterplan, w~th a great deal of surround~ng pavement life incorporating: cafes. bars, retall and the cinema.

The remainder of the site and floors above ground level are generally allocated for residentla1 use. to provide 240 new homes. Homes will, in the main, comprise predominately 1 and 2 bedroom apartments and a small number 01 3 bedroom apartments.

30% of all residentlal un~ls will be affordable homes.