ThriveAtWork Peer Specialist Training Application … Mail the...

Post on 25-Aug-2020

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Transcript of ThriveAtWork Peer Specialist Training Application … Mail the...

ThriveAtWork Peer Specialist Training Application Overview

ThriveAtWork is a new training program designed to assist people who have experience using mental health services to develop careers as “peer specialists” helping others who are seeking support and treatment. ThriveAtWork is a Community Access initiative, in collaboration with Services for the Underserved (SUS) and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. We are a component of the ThriveNYC initiative. ThriveAtWork is free of charge to participants. This application explores your work history, previous education and training, and events in your life that will enable ThriveAtWork staff an opportunity to consider which training is most suitable to your experience. To apply, applicants must (at a minimum):

• Have a mental health diagnosis or direct experience using mental health services • Have earned at least a High School diploma (or GED/TASC equivalent) • Be a resident of New York City

We seek applicants with diverse backgrounds and life experiences. People with mental health conditions who also have a history of incarceration, homelessness, military service, or identify as LGBT, for example, are strongly encouraged to apply.

The Goal of ThriveAtWork Training ThriveAtWork courses are designed to help prepare you for NYS Peer Specialist certification and support trainees in furthering career options. Read about NY Peer Specialists at:; and the Academy of Peer Services at

ThriveAtWork Courses ThriveAtWork offers two distinct training modules, depending upon a person’s work and training history. Training Track 1 - Comprehensive Training and Work Experience: for people who are new to peer specialist work and have not worked in the behavioral health field Training Track 2 - Comprehensive Training: for people who have work experience as a peer in the behavioral health field and have previously completed peer specialist training.

Training Track 1: This course includes 16-weeks of training and work experience and is open to people with little or no experience working as a peer specialist. Trainees start with intensive daily classroom training and then transition to a combination of classroom work and an internship in a behavioral health setting, employing Peer Specialist skills. An internship support group offers assistance as the on-the-job experience continues. Students graduate with 250 hours of classroom learning and 250 hours of work experience in the field. Offered during day and evening hours, based on demand. Training Track 2: This course includes 12 weeks of training aimed at preparing trainees for completing the Academy of Peer Services Peer Specialist certification. Depending on the student’s experience as a Peer Specialist or in a similar role, the additional week of intensive training is required. Students graduate with up to 100 hours of classroom learning. Weekend modules support trainees’ workforce development needs. The 12 week option is ideal for Howie the Harp (HTH) graduates, while applicants with peer work experience of at least 250 hours and some training will be assigned the additional week of intensive training. Offered during day and evening hours, based on demand. ThriveAtWork staff will help determine which course is most appropriate for you based on the information provided in your application. Instructions Please complete all questions on the following pages. You may complete the application on the computer or by hand, and send the completed application (pages 1 – 5) by email or mail: Email the application to:

Mail the application to: ThriveAtWork 2 Washington St. 9th Floor New York, NY 10004

For more information, please visit our website

ThriveAtWork Peer Specialist Training Application

Please complete all of the following application questions. If you require more space, please use an additional sheet of paper:


Legal Name (First, Last): Birth Date:

Mailing Address: Apt #

City: State: Zip Code:

Phone: Email:

Gender Identification (optional): Race/ Ethnicity (optional):

Primary or Preferred Language: Veteran

(Y/N): U.S. Citizen (Y/N):

Education. Circle highest degree completed:


• Trade/Associates

• Bachelor

• Master’s

• Ph.D.

Availability. When are you available for training? Circle all that apply:

• Weekdays

• Weeknights

• Weekends

Are you a tenant in housing owned or operated by Community Access? (Yes/No): ________ Are you a member of another Community Access Program? (Yes/No): ________ If so, which one? ________________________________ Have you applied to the Howie the Harp Advocacy Center peer training? (Yes/No): ________ How did you hear about ThriveAtWork? ____________________________________ Which course do you feel qualified for? Please circle: (Track 1) (Track 2)


WORK EXPERIENCE (include Volunteer Experience) Please fill in the information requested below starting with your current position and then most recent positions. You can alternatively attach a resume with work information. EMPLOYER NAME & ADDRESS



PEER SPECIALIST TRAINING AND WORK EXPERIENCE 1. Are you a graduate of Howie the Harp? If so, what year/semester did you attend?

2. If you are a graduate of another recognized peer specialist training, please list the name,

location, and duration of the training.


3. List any experience you have working or volunteering in the behavioral health field in the

past five years, if any, including approximate number of hours worked.

4. List the experience you have working or volunteering as a peer specialist in the past five years, if any, including approximate number of hours worked.

5. If you have experience working as a peer, give an example of how you have used peer support or recovery principles in your work. (Please answer in no more than 300 words.)


LIFE EXPERIENCE AND MENTAL HEALTH 1. Other than a lived mental health experience, please describe any other experiences that

inform your motivation to be a peer specialist, such as: incarceration, substance use, homelessness, identification with a marginalized group, and/or traumatic life events.

2. Related to your personal life and work experiences, how do you define “recovery?”

(Please answer in one or two sentences.) 3. Describe your experience of personal recovery from mental health challenges/ treatment,

identifying areas it has affected your well-being, personal relationships, and work life. (Please answer in no more than 300 words.)


4. Describe what the role of a peer specialist means to you, and why you want to do the

work of a peer specialist. (Please answer in no more than 300 words.) 5. Respond to this scenario: An acquaintance approaches you and confides that the stress

and sadness he is experiencing related to his recent divorce is causing him to feel hopeless and unable to cope with the demands of day-to-day living (including dealing with his job and caring for his health and mental health). Please list some ways you would attempt to assist and support this person. (Please answer in no more than 150 words.)

Email the application to:

Mail the application to: ThriveAtWork 2 Washington St. 9th Floor New York, NY 10004

For more information, please visit our website