Thomas aquinas

Post on 21-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Thomas aquinas


At the age of 5 he was sent to the Monastery

He was imprisoned for nearly 2 years by his

own family.

Summa theologica and Summa contra gentiles.


Physical objects and human beings, including our minds and ideas, are in creation of God.

Faith and reason enable us to know God. Goodness follows reason. Beauty follows knowledge. Ignorance is the source of evil. A rational being with a soul modeled

after God, perfection.

School is meant to cultivate the intellect and develop spirituality through a relationship with God.

Basic skills, liberal arts, and theology taught through drill and practice, demonstration, and recitation.


The main base to the philosophy teachings in Catholic institutes.

He taught that humans have a natural capacity to know many things without special divine revelation.

Natural Law is one of the most influential parts of Thomist philosophy.

Influence and Impact on Education

His philosophy is the official doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church.

A Patron Saint of all Catholic schools, colleges, and universities.

Believed that there was no conflict needed between reason and faith; they are complimentary rather then contradictory.

He reintroduced reason: knowledge can be acquired through the world instead of only through revelation.

Works Cited

All pictures were found on G. K. Chesterton :Essay on St.

Thomas Aquinas, The Spectator. 27 Feb. 1932.

History and Philosophy of Education: BYU-I custom edition 2010.