This is the slowest week every…it’s only Wednesday!! Grab your stuff Complete the 20 questions...

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of This is the slowest week every…it’s only Wednesday!! Grab your stuff Complete the 20 questions...

This is the slowest week every…it’s only Wednesday!!

Grab your stuff

Complete the 20 questions abt. Vietnam…put on p. 22

We’re continuing EOC review packets today…

Social Movements of the 1960s & 1970s

Inspired by the successes of the Civil Rights Movement, other groups began to speak out for their rights

Migrant WorkersWomenEnvironmentalistsNative AmericansCounterculture

Mexican Migrant WorkersCesar Chavez: Leader of

the movement to gain better working conditions & rights for migrant workers

Organized Mexican-American Farmers Union = United Farm Workers Organized Committee

Used peaceful activism & organized a boycott of table grapes

Native Americans

Native Americans among the poorest people living in the United States What are some examples of

mistreatment of Native Americans? Forced removal in the 1830s Dawe’s Act in 1880s Plains Indians Wars Forced Assimilation & Education Reservations

American Indian Movement (AIM): Militant group fighting for rights of Native Americans

Conditions on the

Reservations Average life expectancy is 45

years of age Most experience 70-80%

unemployment 50% live below poverty level Highest infant mortality rate

of any group Highest teen suicide rate of

any group 20-40% lack indoor plumbing,

sewage or phone service

Native Americans (Cont’d)

Wounded Knee (1973): Aim members too over town to protest police brutality & poor living conditions Reservation under control by brutal

tribal leader

Federal Gov’t. sent troops & a huge fire fight started All shown on television

Results of Wounded Knee: Native Americans given control of

own affairs, schools & tribal land returned

Alaska Native Claims Act: Gave Alaskan lands back to tribes for

conservation & tribal use

The Protest of Marlon Brando In protest to the

mistreatment of Native Americans & the events of Wounded Knee, Brando denied his Oscar for “The Godfather”

Sacheen Littlefeather

Women’s Rights Not considered equal, even though

major progress had been made 19th Amendment Working in war industries

After WWII, many women were forced out of their jobs & were not satisfied with being a housewife

National Organization of Women (NOW): Organized by Betty Freidan to get

more rights for women

Betty Freidan also wrote the book Feminine Mystique & exposed the unhappiness of American women

Women’s Rights (Cont’d) Gloria Steinem: Encouraged

women to get more involved in politics to push for equal rights

Equal Rights Amendment: Proposed Constitutional amendment to guarantee women equal rights Missed passage by 1 vote

Roe v Wade, 1973: Legalized women’s choice 1st trimester abortion – still very

controversial Court case based on 4th

Amendment right to privacy

Counter Culture (AKA – Hippies)

Many middle class whites disagreed with American traditions & formed their own culture

Hippie Culture: Based on drugs, music, hair, clothing…

Height-Ashbury: Center of the hippie movement

Fell apart because they needed the very things they were against…welfare & unemployment

Environmental MovementBegan in the 1960s, but war

in Vietnam took attention away from it

Silent Spring: Written by Rachel Carson Brought environmental

concerns to the public’s attention

Warned against chemicals in our food & soil

Environmental Movement (Cont’d)Love Canal:

Chemical waste found linked to cancers

Major Laws passed: Endangered

Species Act Environmenta

l Protection Agency

Clean Air Act