This is dedicated to the people who born in 1980-1990.

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Transcript of This is dedicated to the people who born in 1980-1990.

This is dedicated to the people who born in 1980-1990

The memory only in our mind----people born in 1980~1990

Post-80s childhood 80 后的童年

Do you still remember the most impressive things in your childhood?

Which toy made you laugh in those years?

Which game you played with others everyday?

Which teleplay or cartoon you want to watch again?

What is the most delicious food in your memory?


Line game

Toys and games

Rubik's Cube

Tangram 七巧板

IQ toys

Toy piano block

Cards Doll

squirt water-gun


Gunpowder toy-gun

Elasticity ball 弹性球

Paopao glue

Bamboo dragonfly


Clockwork Frog

The expensive toys in those years

Remote control toys


Earthbags - throw

Leafstalk PK Stir sticks

Hide handkerchief Jump - rooms

Play rubber band Eagle-Chicken catching

Cotton candy

Food ( nosh , snack )


candy painting

A traditional handicraft

Movie, teleplay, cartoon

The Snake Peri

Little Dragon Boy

Emperor Qianlong Red starMonkey king

Tom and Jerry Trans Formers

Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck Popeye


Clever Yixiu Doraemon

Slam Dunk

Rubik's Cube Edifice Gourd Brothers Shuke and Beita

Tadpole finding mother The Black Cat Policeman

Chinese book

Characteristic of our childhood





Not rich but enough

Compare with the Post-90s and Post-2000s


90 后的非主流们

Like the American Punk but just the outlook

Constantly innovate

Comment about Post-90s and Post 2000s from Net

Good at communication

Stay with pretty women since childhood

Don’t be afraid of inclement Jianghu

Super vanguard

Dare to love

Good at hiding

Take things as they come

In pursuit of High-tastes

Grace and Romantic

童 年• 池塘边的榕树上• 知了在声声叫着夏天• 操场边的秋千上• 只有蝴蝶停在上面• 黑板上老师的粉笔 还在拼命唧唧喳喳写个

不停• 等待着下课 等待着放学 等待流失的童