Think Globally, Act Locally Gener de Jesus

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Transcript of Think Globally, Act Locally Gener de Jesus

Think Globally, Act Locally

Think Globally, Act Locally

• urges people to consider the health of the entire planet and to take action in their own communities and cities.

organisms habitats


Why do we have to think globally,act locally?

…because the world is made up of parts and we are all a part of the whole planet, therefore, acting locally means doing something toward global solution.

Isn’t it a great motto?

Because the local is microcosm, the global is the macrocosm…

…what you do in the microcosm effects the macrocosm

…think globally, act locally…different disciplines

• Origin in Town Planning

• Environment

• Education

• Business

• Mathematics

Origin in Town Planning

• The original phrase "Think Global, Act Local" has been attributed to Scots town planner and social activist Patrick Geddes.

It is attained only in course of adequate grasp and treatment of the whole environment, and in active sympathy with the essential and characteristic life of the place concerned."

Environment • The first use of the phrase in an environmental

context is disputed.• David Brower, founder of Friends of the Earth, as the

slogan for FOE when it was founded in 1969 • Rene Dubos as an advisor to the United Nations

Conference on the Human Environment in 1972 • Frank Feather also chaired a conference called

"Thinking Globally, Acting Locally" in 1979 • French theologianJacques Ellul• include Buckminster Fuller, Hazel Henderson, and

American activist Saul Alinsky.


• The term was increasingly applied to initiatives in international education and was advanced by Stuart Grauer in his 1989 University of San Diego publication, Think Globally, Act Locally: A Delphi Study of Educational Leadership Through the Development of International Resources in the Local Community.


• The term is also used in business strategy, where multinational corporations are encouraged to build local roots. This is sometimes expressed by converging the words "global" and "local" into the single word "glocal," a term used by several companies (notably Sony Corporation and other major Japanese multinationals) in their advertising and branding strategies in the 1980s and 1990s.


• The phrase is an in-joke among mathematicians, as it is often used in situations where the global structure of an object (e.g., a manifold, a Diophantine equation, or a group) can be inferred from the local structure


• Globalocal is a portmanteau of Global and Local. Globalocal is relating to the whole world but with an impact or significance to a particular area or one’s neighbourhood. Globalocal is thinking on a global scale and acting at a local level. Variation of Glocal

Examples of globalocal

• Fairtrade ensures producers in the developing world get a fair deal when selling their products.

• Belu (company) 100% of profits from the sale of mineral water to fund clean water projects in Africa and India. They have also launched the "the UK's first commercially compostable bottle" - made from corn it breaks down in 12 weeks.

• Farmers_market Farmers have found commercial success selling their goods at Market direct to the local community through a network of countrywide markets.

Examples of globalocal

• Comic_relief Using comedy and local fun fundraising to benefit local and international causes.

• A Wind_up_radio is a radio that is powered by clockwork wind-up mechanism driving an internal electrical generator, rather than batteries, solar cells, thermoelectrics or electricity from the electrical grid therefore reducing the amount of used.

• Energy saving light bulbs consume less energy, which means less fossil fuels are burned in production of electricity globally.

Examples of globalocal

• sells ethical gifts, eco-friendly gadgets, fair trade and organic groceries.

• Cyclocity is a project where bicycles can be hired for short journeys which helps to reduce traffic congestion and CO2 emissions.

• Big_Issue is a magazine in the United Kingdom that is edited by professional journalists and sold by homeless people. The Big Issue is a social business to give homeless people the chance to make an income. It campaigns on behalf of the homeless people. It allows homeless people to voice their views and opinions.

Examples of globalocal

• Fifteen restaurants fifteen unemployed young people were recruited, some homeless and others with learning difficulties, and trained them from scratch to become professional-standard chefs. This continued after the TV series finished, and the restaurant has become a success.

• Globalocal Integrated Solutions Institute (GISI) is a non-profit organization that focuses on education and health programs in schools located in developing countries. GISI has worked extensively in Africa, Asia, and Haiti.

…so what can I do?

1.--> Take steps against WAR:* Wage peace. Remember, peace is not the absence of war.* Hold your media and elected officials accountable. If you don't like what they're doing, TELL THEM!* Live ethically even when it's unpopular, uncommon, unexpected or inconvenient. Consider not only what you do, but also what you don't do. * Strive to behave justly. Remember, No justice, no peace.

…so what can I do?

2. --> Take steps against CLASSISM, SEXISM, HOMOPHOPIA, and other unjust forms of DISCRIMINATION:* Teach and model tolerance of those who are different from (or the same as!) you.* Consider the role of class in your society. If you don't like it, model something better.* Make sure your actions reflect your beliefs.* Learn to communicate precisely so that you can avoid misinterpretation and say what you mean and mean what you say to whomever you want.

…so what can I do?

3. --> Take steps against HUNGER, FAMINE and HOMELESSNESS:* Build a home for someone who needs one.* Donate food from your pantry, party or garden to a shelter, food rescue agency or food bank near you.* Make free donations to agencies working in these areas.* Become a social entrepreneur and find creative ways to solve your community's problems.

…so what can I do?

4. --> Take steps against POVERTY:* Insist on economic justice buy purchasing fair trade products.* Invest responsibly in socially-conscious businesses.* Support sustainable development which is one of many ways to actually END

* Fund microloans and help a family take care of itself in the long term.

…so what can I do?

5. --> Take steps against VIOLENCE:* Report abuse and assault of all kinds.* Consider how you may unknowingly support violence.* Get the help you need to deal with being a survivor of violence.* Support agencies that work to end violence.

…so what can I do?6. --> Take steps against ENVIRONMENTAL

DEGRADATION:* Reduce, reuse, recycle, restore everything, in that order.* Insist on environmental justice. Whose neighborhoods are the dumps in?* Conserve water and make sure it is clean, and physically and financially accessible to everyone.* Choose heirloom or recycled jewelry to avoid the damage to earth and communities that mining can cause.

…so what can I do?

7. --> Take steps against SICKNESS:* Donate platelets blood, organs or tissues to save or improve someone's life.* Make good choices about your personal physical and mental health.* Donate stethoscopes and other medical equipment to clinics and hospitals around the world.* Support health initiatives at Carter Center and Clinton Center.

…parting words on the business world

1. When you start at a new job, you will be terrified. Ten years later, you will wonder what you were so worried about.

2. Learn how to do the things that aren't strictly your job. You never know when it might come in handy

3. Remember that it's okay to say "no" sometimes. But if you spend more energy explaining why you can't do something than you would have spent actually doing it, it's time to look for a new job.

…parting words on the business world

4. The business world is strange, and fickle, and strange. Weird things happen. Expect the weirdness and you'll be fine.

5. On a related note, especially in the corporate world, remember that you never know when a subordinate may someday become a supervisor. So don't be a dick.

…parting words

"I am only one, but still I am one; I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; And just because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do." - Helen Keller (1880-1968)

Video presentation

…think globally, act locally

Think Globally, Act Locally.flv

…thank you very much

Gener N. De Jesus PhD TM