Thesis M.adel-2

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Transcript of Thesis M.adel-2

  • 7/24/2019 Thesis M.adel-2



    The Role of Advertising in Affecting Consumers Behaviorand Buying

    Decision- Making

    An Egyptian Experience


    Mohamed Adel Sayed Mohamed Saleh

    Supervisor: Dr. Raffat Youssef

    A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

    The Degree Masters of Business Administration


    Victoria University

    May / 2015

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    This dissertation is dedicated to my Family, for whom none of my accomplishments in my

    Life could have been achieved, their unconditional love and unlimited support has been a

    major factor in giving me the strength to complete my M.B.A Program.

    I am very grateful to all my Victoria & Brilliance Professors, especially Dr. Raffat Youssef

    who persistently encouraged all of my colleagues and me to strive for excellence. He taught

    us how to think positively and to have self-confidence. As my advisor, he was there every

    time we need him to give us advices we need during the dissertation process. I truly

    appreciate his guidance, patience, and dedication to give us all his experiences.

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    No one can deny the major effect of the advertising as one of the most important promotion

    tools which all the companies are relay on these days to create awareness and to persuade the

    customers with a new product or with existent one to remind the customers with, so that there

    were numerous researchers tried to study the advertising and its extensive influence on the

    behavior of the customers which also will reflect on their buying decision making.

    Therefore the major endeavor of this study was to analyze the impact of advertising on the

    consumers behavior and his decision making of buying a product or to use a service, the

    researchersfrom decade considered advertising is one of the essential marketing tools and the

    most correspondence medium which influence directly to the customers and it reflect

    consequently on any company revenues.

    All companies in these days are spend a lot of money to their advertisement campaigns to

    assure that the customer will associate with their product or service brand, At the end of this

    study we will be able to answer the core question which all our study focuses on:

    Does the advertising really effect on the consumers behavior and his buying decision


    So the aim for this research is to inspect and analyze the effect of advertising and its impact

    on consumers behavior and theirs buying decision making , and this research is considered as

    quantitative research to analyze the impact of Advertising on consumer behavior , as a part of

    this study we examined the respondents preferences& attitude towards the advertisements by

    conducting a Questionnaire, which was selected through a stratified sampling method and the

    respondents was from different categories and a different ages & gender to assure the

    diversity inour results.

    The researcher used a differentStatistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to analyze the

    data that researcher had collected.

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    Purpose of the study:

    The Purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the impact of advertising on the

    consumers behavior and their buying decision making in Egypt.

    Methodology Design:

    This study is a descriptive quantitative study and the researcher depends on both a secondary

    data which has collected from previous researches, studies and articles and a primary data it

    was through a respondents structured questionnaire operated in contrived base setting to

    describe the role of advertising as an independent variable consumers behavior and their buying

    decision making in Egypt as a dependent variable with minimal interference from the


    The researcher used a cross sectional research design as its data was collected once a time, the

    researcher depends on individual as a unit of his analysis.

    The researcher depends on stratified sampling process to answer questionnaires which had

    implemented in Carrefour hypermarkets, and several malls at my city Suez and the capital

    of Egypt Cairo at the weekends and the researcher had divides the whole population into

    strata according to the age, gender, and social classification and takes stratified sampling from

    each stratum and depends on the stratified sampling to insure the diversity in questionnaire



    After this study finished the researcher has found that 64% of the respondents can buy a

    product after the advertising convinced them ,72% saw that the advertisement are very

    important , 72% finding pleasure while watching the ads, TV is the most preferable

    communication tool for 40% of the respondents ,56% of them said TV advertisement timing

    can affect differently on consumers decision making, also 56% of the respondents saw that

    Using celebrities on TV advertisement can effect on consumers behavior and their buying

    decision making, 56% saw that companies has to use a variety of advertisement because it is

    the most effective factor to attract the customers to products, concerning to Radio ads 56%

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    saw that Using good sound effects in radio advertising motivates customers to buy a product ,

    using Billboard advertising on crowded roads is playing an important role to inform customer

    with a product on roads 56% of the respondents stated that, Online shopping may affect the

    image for a product or service in the consumers mind 56% also admitted that , 44% of the

    respondents prefer the sense of humor advertisement .

    Conclusion -:

    After the researcher finished his study through a quantitative research by implementing

    respondents questionnaire and using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to

    analyze the data and studying thesis and articles that relevant to the study he conclude that

    advertising can effect positively on the consumer behaviors and their buying decision making.

    Research limitations -:

    The major element that imitated the researcher in this study was the time because this research

    was constrained by in adequate data and information to represent the research, so the

    researcher didnthad enough time to research widely to cover more geographic areas to make

    the research include more cities so he applied it only in two cities his own city Suez and the

    Egyptian capital Cairo and as a result of time & the geographical limitation he didnt have

    the ability to include more respondents in the questionnaire.

    This study was essentially designed to examine the impact of advertising on consumers

    behavior and because of the most complexity thing you can study is human behavior and it

    has its variety perspectives so it was so difficult to examine all kind of respondent behaviors

    and their attitude.

    Keywords -:

    Advertising, Consumer behavior and Buying decision making.

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    Table of contents

    1. CHAPTER ONE1Introduction .................................................................................... 10:19

    1.1. Purpose of the study ...................................................................................................... 19

    1.2. Research problem.......................................................................................................... 19

    1.3. Research objectives: ...................................................................................................... 19

    1.4. Importance of the study ................................................................................................ 20

    1.5. Structure of the study................................................................................................... 20

    1.5.1. Chapter -1- Introduction.......................................................................................... 20

    1.5.2. Chapter -2-Literature review................................................................................... 20

    1.5.3. Chapter -3- Methodology .......................................................................................... 21

    1.5.4. Chapter-4- Research findings and data analysis:................................................... 22

    1.5.5. Chapter-5-Conclusion and recommendations:....................................................... 22

    1.6. Industry overview .......................................................................................................... 22

    2. Chapter two-2- Literature review:.................................................................................... 23:30

    3. Chapter threeResearch methodology................................................................................. 31

    3.1. Research Hypothesis..................................................................................................... 32

    3.2. Research design............................................................................................................. 32

    3.2.1. Purpose of the study.................................................................................................. 32

    3.2.2. Type of investigation................................................................................................. 32

    3.2.3. Extent of researcher interference............................................................................. 34

    3.2.4. Study setting ............................................................................................................... 34

    3.2.5. Unit of analysis ........................................................................................................... 34

    3.2.6. Time horizon.............................................................................................................. 34

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    3.3. Data collection method.................................................................................................. 35

    3.3.1. Secondary data........................................................................................................... 35

    3.3.2. Primary data.............................................................................................................. 35

    3.4. Sampling process ........................................................................................................... 36

    3.4.1. Questionnaire sampling process............................................................................... 36

    4. Chapter four-4-Research findings and data analysis............................................................ 37

    4.1. Quantitative analysis ..................................................................................................... 38

    4.1.1. Fraquences of Personal data........................................................................................ 39

    4.1.2. Analyzing questionnaire general questions................................................................. 40

    4.1.3. Hypothesis testing ...................................................................................................... 40

    5. Chapter fiveConclusion and recommendation.................................................................. 49

    5.1. General conclusion........................................................................................................ 50

    5.2. General recommendation............................................................................................. 51

    Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................... 52

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    List of tables

    Table 1: The definitions of Advertisment . Page 12

    Table 2: Advertisement Purposes Page 13

    Table 3: advantages and limitations of Media Page 14

    Table 4:Hypothesis Question analysis : affect of using celebirities in ads Page 40

    Table 5:Hypothesis analysis :TV timing can affect on consumer behavior Page 41

    Table 6:Hypothesis analysis :variety ads can affect on consumer behavior Page 42

    Table 7:Hypothesis Question analysis :using good sound effect in radio ads Page 44

    Table 8:Hypothesis Question analysis :using attractive color in billboard ads Page 45

    Table 9:Hypothesis Question analysis :online ads can persuade the consumers Page 46

    Table 10:correlations Table Page 48

    Table 11:the mean table which compairing between the independent variable Page 49

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    List of figures

    Figure 1: The 5-Stage Decision Making Model Page18

    Figure 2: Theoratical Fram work Page32

    Figure 3: Hypothesis Bar chart Page41

    Figure 4: Hypothesis Bar chart Page42

    Figure 5: Hypothesis Bar chart Page43

    Figure 6: Hypothesis Bar chart Page44

    Figure 7: Hypothesis Bar chart Page45

    Figure 8: Hypothesis Bar chart Page46

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    Advertising Background Information:

    Advertere, with this word the Latin people refers to Advertising In the 17 th century to

    make people notice or know.

    The Dictionary of Chinese Etymology also defines the advertising as to extensively notify

    the public.

    Also Kotler & Armstrong 2010 defines the advertising as itsany paid form of non-personal

    presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services.

    David Ogilvy once said, Advertising is a means to sell products and acquire the market.

    So advertisement is considered as a promotional tool It creates the awareness, persuade,

    reassure and influence on the customer decision making more so any rational company all

    what it care about is to Maximize profits that will be throw increasing its sales so it relay on

    the advertisement to keep the business going towards its goals although among the

    competitors to make sure that the company has its competitive advantage.

    There are a several kind of advertisement the companies can use to enlighten and inform the

    customer with its products or services such as the printed Newspapers , Magazines ,Billboards

    and flyers , the broadcast media Television and Radio and in this days a lot of people using

    the social websites through their working day that direct the companies to creates a new kindof advertisement which called the word of mouse which addressed a lot of customers and it

    achieved a successful results in many kind of fields , so because of all the above if we looked

    deeply we will find that the most important fundamental principles for any company

    advertisement champagne is to :

    To score attention.

    To arose interest.

    To develop and sustain that interest.

    To create desire.

    To incite action.

    To create good will.

    Advertising Definitions:

    A lot of scientists tried to define the advertising term in the past and every one of them

    defined the advertising through his perspective as the following table illustrates:

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    (Table 1)

    Year Researcher Definition

    1961 Colley Advertising is the use of public media at a price. Its purpose is to

    convey information, change peoples attitudes toward the advertised

    product, and induce purchase behavior to benefit the advertiser.

    1978 Krugman &


    Advertising is paid delegation of communication of messages by an

    organization or individual through various media to enable the public

    to identify the advertisers product or service.

    1987 Xu Shuifu Advertising is a medium between the advertiser and the consumer, in

    other words, a persuasive intelligence activity to convey information

    about and promote sales of products or services.

    1992 Guan


    Advertising is a communicative and persuasive activity paid for by the

    advertiser to appropriately convey messages to specific targets throughappropriate media at the appropriate time for the purpose of persuasion

    in a planned and systematic approach.

    1998 Yang Zhi 1. Advertising is an activity of information exchange to promote

    market activity for businesses. 2. Advertising is information exchange

    techniques to make people aware of products and services and

    persuade them to purchase the said products and services.

    2000 Xu Anqi 1. There is a specific advertiser. 2. It is paid communication. 3. It is

    non-interpersonal communication. 4. It sells ideas, commercialproducts or labor.

    2002 Li Yanzu Advertising is planned extensive publicity for a commercial product or

    service to generate, maintain and expand product sales or service


    2004 Liu Jianshun Advertising is a methodical, organized, impersonal communicative and

    persuasive activity paid for by specific advertisers to promote

    commercial products, (including tangible products, services, ideas,


    2006 Wang


    Advertising is communication of information about an organization

    and its products through mass media to target viewers or audiences.

    2007 Hunag


    Advertising is impersonal communication paid for by specific

    advertisers as an attempt to persuade and influence consumers through

    public media.

    Collection from web articles as an efforts from the researcher

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    Advertising objectives:

    As it is known that the objectives of the advertisement are to communicate with largest

    audiences at a specific time, so the researchers classified the advertisement objectives throw

    their purpose to:

    Inform advertising.

    Persuading advertising.

    Reminding advertising.

    (Table 2)

    Informative Advertising: Persuasive Advertising Reminder Advertising

    Communicating customer


    Suggesting new uses for


    Building a brand and

    company image

    Informing the market of aprice change

    Telling the market about a

    new product

    Describing available services

    Building brand preference

    Persuading customers topurchase now

    Encouraging switching to a


    Persuading customers to

    receive a sales call

    Changing customer

    perceptions of product


    Convincing customers to

    Maintaining customer


    Reminding consumers where to

    buy the product

    Reminding consumers that the

    product may be needed in the

    near future

    Keeping the brand in a

    customers mind during off-


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    and support

    Correcting false impressions

    Explaining how a productworks

    tell others about the brand

    The major type of advertising is media which has a several kind such as T.V, newspapers, the

    Internet, Direct mail, magazines, radio and outdoors but each media has its advantages

    And disadvantages as the following table will illustrate:

    (Table 3)

    Medium Advantages Limitations

    Television Good mass-marketing

    coverage; low cost perexposure;

    combines sight, sound, and

    motion; appealing to the


    High absolute costs; high

    clutter; fleeting exposure;less

    audience selectivity

    Newspapers Flexibility; timeliness; good

    local market coverage; broad

    acceptability; highbelievability

    Short life; poor reproduction

    quality; small pass-along


    The Internet High selectivity; low cost;

    immediacy; interactive


    Potentially low impact; the

    audience controls exposure

    Direct mail High audience selectivity;

    flexibility; no ad competition

    Relatively high cost per

    exposure; junk mail image

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    within the same medium;

    allows personalization

    Magazines High geographic and

    demographic selectivity;


    and prestige; high-qualityreproduction; long life and

    good pass-along readership

    Long ad purchase lead time;

    high cost; no guarantee

    of position

    Radio Good local acceptance; high

    geographic and

    demographic selectivity; low


    Audio only; fleeting

    exposure; low attention (the


    medium); fragmented


    Outdoor Flexibility; high repeat

    exposure; low cost; low


    competition; good positional


    Little audience selectivity;

    creative limitations

    Source: Principle of marketing 14th edition.

    Consumer Behavior:

    Consumer behavior is one of the most complex studies the researchers can to analyze and also

    the most important factor in the marketing field which its all companies are caring about.

    There are a lot of theories exist to explain and to analyze the Consumers and their behaviors,

    all these studies are figured it out that there are several factors that influence on the consumer

    behavior whether internal or external, the common factors are:


    Social factors and

    The consumers personal factors such as motivation, perception, learning and memory

    comprise an influence on how the consumer responds to the marketing. (Kotler & Keller

    2007, 92.) .

    The study of individuals, groups or organizations and the processes they use to select,

    secure, use and dispose of products, services, experiences or ideas to satisfy needs and the

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    impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. This how Pant (2007)

    defined consumer behavior.

    In 2010 Solomon, et al p6 defined Consumer behavior as The study of the processes

    involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or dispose of products, services,

    ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires.

    Lantos, 2011 put into his consideration that one of the important aspects of consumer

    behavior is market segmentation, because consumers within the segment are more or less

    similar in terms of products needs and desire

    Also Solomon, et al, 2010 said that the market segmentation consists of different categories

    for instance demographics (age, gender, social class), geographic (region, countrydifferences), psychographic (personality, life style) and behavioral (Brand loyalty, benefit

    desire) and also he mentioned that One of the important dimensions in consumer behavior is

    social time, which means The time in relation to social processes and rhythms and schedules

    in society such as working hours, opening hours, eating hours, and other institutionalized


    Another definition of consumer behavior is The dynamic interaction of affect and cognition,

    behavior, and environmental events by which human beings conduct the exchange aspects of

    their lives(Bennett, 1989).

    As (Kvnstantynydys, 2004, pp. 111) stated that Consumer buying behavior has always been

    regarded as a matter of marketing, Consumer behavior is based on the following five steps:

    1) Identify the problem

    2) Search

    3) Evaluate Options

    4) Decide to Buy

    5) After purchasing behavior

    The Nature of consumer Behavior:

    There is a several factors influence the consumer behavior it is divided as following:

    1- External Influences:


    Demographics and social stratification

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    Ethnic, religious, and regional subcultures

    Families and households


    2- Internal Influences:


    Learning Memory





    To examine the consumer behavior we have to differentiate between three Issues(Needs, Wants and Demands) to be able to analyze the consumer behavior and to

    know how we will stimulates them to purchase product through advertisement.

    Needs: state of felt deprivation including physical, social, and individual needs

    such as hunger.

    Wants: form that human need takes as shaped by culture and individual

    personality such as bread.

    Demands: human wants backed by buying power i.e. money.

    According to the abovementioned if we were more carefully to interpret the

    human nature the more easily to predict the interaction of the consumer

    through that we will trying to provide him with advertising which will stimulate

    him to purchase the products and to satisfy his needs

    Consumer Decision Making Process

    Before we get into our study we will have to brief the term decision first so every day every

    one of us makes a lot of decisions every day of his live, However, we in general we made

    these decisions always without thinking about how we will make them and what is the

    consequences of our decisions even the decision-making process itself.

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    So as a general the decision is defined as the selection of an option from two or more

    alternative choices, so if any person wants to make a decision, he has to choose from an

    alternatives as an example if anyone has to choose to purchase a product and to leave the

    other or to do something and to leave another one in this meantime he will have to make his

    decision , on the other hand if he didnt has any choices to choose from and he has to accept

    the only choice he has in this mean time he wont make a decision he will do what he has to

    do, also the scientists after a deep researches come to with three levels of consumers decision

    making process which make this process more easier and not boring one they ranged it from

    very high to very low, they distinguish the three specific level of consumer decision making as

    following :

    1. Extensive problem solving.

    2. Limited problem solving

    3. Reutilized response behavior. Which were discussed in Howard-Shenth model of consumer

    behavior (Schiffman and Kanuk 2003; 547-549)

    So as the abovementioned we can conclude that if anyone wants to make his own decision he

    will go through five basic levels as following:

    (1) Problem recognition

    (2) Information search

    (3) Evaluation

    (4) Purchase decision

    (5) post purchase behavior

    Figure (1)

    Figure 1. The 5-Stage Decision Making Model (Silverman 2001.)

    Decision Making Process

    The decision making process consists of a steps, it begin with need feelings arising from and

    ending with making the decision. The need feeling may be an urgent one which must be

    satisfied immediately or one which may be postponed to another time so if we want to make a

    decision for an issue we will go through three recognized stages as following:

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    1- The Pre-decision Stage

    At this stage the consumer influenced by external factor such as observation or awareness of a

    product which stimulate his desire to think of a decision.

    2- The Decision Stage

    At this stage, the consumer influenced by internal factors which consists of his experiences,

    attitudes, opinions, and feelings these entire factors will accumulate with each other to make the

    cognitive structure to make the consumer about to make his move.

    3- The Post-Decision Stage

    At this stage, the consumer will have to take the risk of his decision and to bear the consequences

    of his decision.

    1.1. Purpose of the study

    The Purpose of this research is to examine the influence of advertising on consumers

    behavior and their buying decision making.

    1.2. Research problem

    The biggest problem for that research that some companies dont rely on the advertising as

    much as its importance and they consider the any amount they will spend on advertising is

    consider as ordinary expenses not as a tool will bring to him a lot of revenues in return, so the

    researcher tried to reveal the importance of the ads and its effect on consumer behavior and

    buying decision making.

    1.3. Research objectives:

    In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the following questions should be answered:1- What are the forms of advertising used?

    2- Determine the relationship between the advertising and consumers behavior?

    3- How far the advertising influenced on consumers behavior & his decision making?

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    1.4. Importance of the study

    This essential aim for this study was to reveal the importance of advertising and its

    influence and its impact on the consumer behavior and how it can change the

    consumer opinion for a product and his behavior toward it then his buying decision


    1.5. Structure of the study

    The research contains five chapters relevant related and every chapter is considered as

    complementary for the previous one, So that it makes us able to answer the main

    research questions at the end of the study.

    1.5.1. Chapter -1- Introduction

    It includes a discussion about the purpose of the study to find out the research problem

    after that the introduction discusses the research objectives and importance of the

    study, finally the end of this chapter includes the structure of the study.

    1.5.2. Chapter -2-Literature review

    In this chapter we are passing through the history of researches related to my topic

    from accredited source like previous thesis the literature review is divided into two

    main parts represent the keywords of the research (Advertising) , (Consumers

    Behavior) & ( Buying Decision Making )

    1- Literature includes the definition of term advertising from the academic point of view,

    and then it goes to explain the impact of the advertising and its influence on the

    consumers behavior.

    2- Consumer behavior is the second keyword in this research. The same way as the first

    keyword started with the academic meaning of consumer behavior and then discussed

    how the behavior and the attitude of the consumer can be changed after the advertising

    for a particular product.

    1.5.3. Chapter -3- Methodology

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    It describes the methodology used in the research, highlighting the data collection

    methods: Purpose of the study

    Describe the role of advertisement on consumers behavior in Egyptian market. Type of investigation:

    The researcher depends on the descriptive method in this research to demonstrate and

    to examine the influence and impact of the advertisement in affecting the consumers

    behavior in Egypt. Extent of researcher interferenceThis study has been accomplished with the minimum interference from the researcher. Study setting

    This study is done in a contrived setting. Unit of analysis

    This study depends on individual as a unit of analysis. Time horizon

    The study is considered as cross-sectional study as its data was collected once a time. Sampling process

    The researcher depends on the primary data collected with stratified sampling process to

    answer questionnaires in which the population represents Egyptian people in different scales

    and have different tastes to answer the listed questions in questionnaire and to assure the

    diversity in the results.

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    1.5.4. Chapter-4- Research findings and data analysis:

    This chapter includes the primary data analysis which is collected by respondents

    questionnaire and the researcher used a Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)

    to analyze the collected data.

    1.5.5. Chapter-5-Conclusion and recommendations:

    This chapter contains all finding and the conclusions that the researcher had come out

    with after analyzing the primary and secondary data and includes the overall answers

    about the research questions.

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    Chapter two-2- Literature review

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    Chapter two-2- Literature review:


    - Its any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or

    services with words Kotler &Armstrong 2010 defined the most important tool in the

    marketing strategy, there are a numerous researchers tried to define the advertising for

    its great influence on consumers (as the researcher revealed it in chapter one).

    - The study of individuals, groups or organizations and the processes they use to select,

    secure, use and dispose of products, services, experiences or ideas to satisfy needs and

    the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. This how Pant

    (2007) defined consumer behavior, and because of consumer behavior is one of the

    most complex studies the researchers can to analyze and also the most important factor

    in the marketing field which its all companies are caring about also Kotler & Keller

    2007, 92 said that The consumers personal factors such as motivation, perception,

    learning and memory comprise an influence on how the consumer responds to the

    marketing as an efforts from him to understand the human behavior.

    Soin this chapter we will trying to represent the numerous scientists studies they had made to

    examine the effect of advertisement on the consumers behavior because of its tremendous

    influence on consumers, the advertisement is a very important tool of marketing it can

    stimulates the consumers needs to purchase any product for that the companies are spending

    a huge amounts on their advertising campaigns to make sure that their brand and the product

    name has impressed permanently at their consumers mind, so there are also a numerous

    researchers made their researches regarding this issue to accomplish what the previousresearchers had been begun before.

    In the research literature we will make an overview of previous researches on my

    research topic and a comprehensive review of all published research that is relevant to

    my proposed investigation and guided by my research objectives so we will study all

    thesis articles had been published concerning to my research and we will make :

    Convey the depth and breadth of research that has been accomplished on a subject

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    Supports the motivation and significance of the research

    Identify important issues and link to hypotheses

    Identify key areas of missing knowledge

    Describe methodologies used

    Describe existing data sets

    Link proposed research to previous and ongoing research efforts.

    In our research we will make an overview for some studies concerning the effect of

    advertisement on the consumersbehavior to see if there a relationship between the ads and

    the consumersbehavior and their decision making:

    Study one:

    IDOSI Publications, 2013 Muhammad Ehsan Malik, Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor, Hafiz

    Kashif Iqbal, Qasim Ali, Hira Hunbal, Muhammad Noman and Bilal Ahmad they have made

    a study with the name of Impact of Brand Image and Advertisement on Consumer

    Buying Behaviorthey discussed in their study the influence and the impact of product brand

    and its advertisement on the consumer behavior and they found that brand image and

    advertisement for any product are playing an important role to enhance the companys

    performance and their market share , they also found that brand name is considered as

    essential tool for changing consumers buying opinion and the advertisement is an effective

    source to convey any productsmessage and stay in customersmind, so in their study they

    tried to analyze the impact of brand image and advertisement on consumer buying behavior.

    After the researchers made their Questionnaire on over 150 respondents were collected within

    the period of one month. They found that the brand image and advertisement have strong

    positive influence and tremendous relationship between the Consumer buying behaviors and

    After they made SPSS analysis to evaluate and analyze the results it revealed the strong

    influence of brand image on Consumer buying behavior and how i t can change peoples

    buying behaviors positively and also the analysis result illustrate that advertisement also has

    positive impact on consumer buying behavior. So summarized the research that if the

    consumers know more about the brands in the advertising media it will be in their mind easily

    and it will change their opinion to purchase the products so in their study they confirmed the

    importance of advertisement and its impact on consumer as a big marketing weapon to attract

    the customers to any products.

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    - Key words: Brand image, Advertisement and Consumer Buying Behavior

    Study two:

    The IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) had published a study to Dr.

    D.Prasanna Kumar & K. Venkateswara Raju under the name of The Role of Advertising in

    Consumer Decision Making they discussed in their study the influence of the

    advertisement on the consumers behavior and their willingness to buy a product and they

    aimed in their study the importance of the advertisement and they define it as a kind of

    communication tools which trying to convince and make awareness to the audience

    whatever they were a viewers, readers or even a listeners to purchase a product or to take an

    action towards a products or services ,they mentioned that the purchase process is considered

    as a decision making process and it always be at under risk level so it has a sensitive

    influence on the consumers and they find a difficulty to take that decision , so in their study

    they investigated the relationship between the advertisement and its effect on the behavioral

    aspect of consumer buying behavior, after they made respondents questionnaire on over 100

    hundred to analyze their responses they made an analysis for the results they found that,

    advertisement has the ability to change the opinion of the customers about the product also

    they find out that the Customers likes to watch more of the ads which affect in their behaviour

    towards a product , Advertisement are easily convincing the customers for a product,advertisement as a communication media has the ability to convey an important message to

    the customers and also they found that the advertisement should neither be long nor be too

    short and the advertisement should be attractive to the customers to make them involved with

    the advertisement and the brand of the product to related with the consumers mind, they

    conclude that every consumer is making his buying decision making with incomplete

    information, so they are under risk all the time and because of the variety of the brands of a

    particular product so there are a lot of alternative for the consumer to choose among them so

    in the absence of the demanded information here the a good advertisement role to provide the

    customers with whole information about The products because the customer did not has the

    enough time to search about information for every products so the advertisement is influence

    on the consumer opinion and his decision making to buy products and their behavior.

    - Key Words: Advertising, Consumer behavior, Consumer buying behavior.

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    Study three:

    In 2013 IJMRBS had published a study to Naveen Rai with the name of Impact of

    advertising on consumer behaviour and attitude with reference to consumer durable

    the researcher mentioned in the study that we are now live in a world full of information and

    media, so the advertisements is playing an important role in changing the attitude of the

    consumer behaviour towards the products so the advertisements are changing the attitude of

    consumers and their look at products, for decades and the advertisement are playing its role in

    changing the a behavior of the consumers and the all kind of an advertisement and the huge

    number of it are the witness on that , in the mentioned study the researcher made it in the first

    place to illustrate the impact of the advertisement and its influence on the consumers behavior

    , how it can change the attitude of the consumer towards the products after they watch its

    advertising champagnes, after making the analysis for respondents results the researcher came

    out with a conclusions that advertisement has its influence on the behavior and attitude

    formation of consumers not only in India but also worldwide, the study revealed that

    advertisement are motivating the durables products consumers, and the study also illustrates

    that the consumers are induced significantly by advertisements when the target is on quality

    and price and variety of the advertisement is playing a great role to motivates the consumers

    to purchase the products especially when it cover all the values of the product and make a

    brand recognition.

    - Keywords: Advertisements, Consumers, Behavior, Attitude, Product

    Study four:

    IBIMA volume 3, 2008 published a study to Sandra Jaktien, Dalia Susnien and Valdas

    Narbutas, they mentioned in their study that Advertising is playing a major role in the life. It

    is changing the attitudes of the whole society and the individual level too and influences on

    consumers behavior their willingness to purchase a product ,they mentioned that the customer

    has to be aware of all information about the product which intend to buy to be able to make

    his decision making and to came out with conclusions, because of the whole environment

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    around the consumers is full of a positive emotional stimulus so the most important purpose

    of the advertising is to present its product and to keep the brand name of the products stock in

    the consumers mind and to attract the customers attention they focused in their study that

    there are a lot of aspects influence on the consumer such as the psychological-cognitive,

    emotional aspect and behavioral ones play the most important role , after they made a

    descriptive quantitative survey (questionnaire) ,through a several kind of questions which

    asking about if the customers learn about the enterprise from the ads , to reveal how the

    customer accepted the advertising information in the cognitive aspect, to determine if the

    advertising information makes any impact on the customer behavior. They conclude that

    advertising has influences on the consumers that will be through the cognitive aspects through

    senses, perception, attention, memory, reasoning, language, etcthey found out that the most

    important tasks for the advertising process is to enlightening the product or service advertised,

    attract the customers attentionand sustain it to concentrate the brand name in the consumermind .

    Theoretical analysis revealed that there are three aspects: cognitive, emotional and behavioral

    were identified and evaluated during the survey.

    The survey results illustrated that the customers attentionwas influent mostly by ads in press

    and brochures.

    The research data revealed that (79%) of the respondents are influenced the by (emotional)

    aspect with a positive feelings.

    SO they had confirmed their opinion that advertising make a psychological impact on the

    customer and changed their behavior.

    Keywords: advertising, impact of advertising, customer behaviour, psychological aspects.

    Study five:

    In 2013 Ethel Lee is a candidate at Turku University of Applied Sciences made his Bachelor

    of Business Administration (BBA) thesis on one of the advertising medium which is online

    advertising and the thesis was named as Impacts of social media on consumer behavior,

    Decision making process, the researcher in this study tried to examine the impact of the

    social media on the consumer behavior and his buying decision making because of the life

    style in tis days enormous people are using the social media in their regular day while they

    waiting transportation even in it when they are going in their works and at the breaks in their

    jobs .etc. so this new trend has attract the marketer to represent their advertisement on this

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    social media which attract a huge number of consumer so it will surround the consumers and

    make the brand of the product be always in the consumers mind , So in this research

    explained how consumers are trying to and select between the products to take the

    appropriate decision through social media before they purchase. The research findings

    illustrated that consumers pursue an active role in information search on social media

    comparing to mass media, after the researcher had finished the data analysis find out that

    however the major role that social media playing in marketing strategy, but social media

    cannot be considered as the most powerful tool in the marketing to attract the consumers to

    purchase products through it in Finland, and consumers confirmed that mass media still has

    certain influence in attract the consumers awareness to stimulate their needs for purchasing ,

    for instance discounts available in stores, or a good deal so Social media is playing a great

    role in getting relevant information, however the mass media still the most powerful tools in

    the marketing strategy for any company which has to depend on more .

    Study six :

    Johanna vihonen is a candidate at Tampere University of Applied Sciences in 2013 he

    represents his thesis under the name of The Effects of Internet Pages and Online Advertising

    in Consumer Behaviour, Case IKEA Tampere in this study the researcher tried to examine

    and analysing the effects of internet pages and online advertising in consumer behaviour and

    he took IKEA Tampere as an example for supporting his study so he made a lot of researches

    on the company and the study was conducted with two method quantitative and qualitative

    research methods in order to expand the overall understanding and to confirm findings from

    different data sources however the researcher has received a huge information and analysis he

    intend to make his analysis and findings unpublished as confidentiality agreement he made so

    we understand from his conclusions that he found that ,If there is a pattern between the IKEA

    Company and its customers and how they behave with the company website online, the

    analysis shows that IKEA as a company and ongoing campaigns. Being too simple, plain, and

    boring sometimes could be highlighted as a local store pages weakness ,they found that

    customer sometimes find an inspiration to visit the sores after they took they recognition and

    information from the webpages. The analysis illustrate also that the local website is not used

    at its full potential, IKEA Tampere has established a large customer whom registered to IKEA

    FAMILY loyal customer programme so they numerous potentials with customers whom can

    be traced more easier to attract them to visit the store, it shows a clear interest towards the

  • 7/24/2019 Thesis M.adel-2



    local store page. However, when they compared the actual sales revenues of the online

    advertising week, with the numbers of visitors on page, it was minimal percentage,

    After a customers interviews the analysis revealed that the layout of the website is fairly

    attractive although they stated it was clear and things were found easier but in general it

    wasnt memorable, the analysis revealed that 10% of the visitors are leaving the page just

    from interring the front page so the company has to make the front page more attractive to

    customers to encourage them to visit the whole pages to gain more marketing time ,

    eventually the study analysis revealed that there are weakness an strengths in online

    marketing for IKIA but in general the analysis find out that there are a numerous visitors to

    web pages and online websites which give a great opportunities to companies to gain a newsociety sector of buyers and how this kind of advertisement can effect on the consumers

    behaviour and their willingness to buy products .

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    Chapter three3- Research methodology

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    This research is depending on both primary data and secondary data. The primary data had

    been collected from a structured respondents questionnaire that had been selected with

    stratified random sampling for this research, Concerning the Secondary data it also had been

    collected from previous researches, studies and articles, the researcher used the structured five

    point Likert Scale to assess the results and a Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS

    version 21.0 of IBM for analysis and evaluation)to analyze the data that had been collected.

    This research basically established to examine the impact and the influence of the

    advertisements in effecting consumers behavior and their purchase decision making, The mostimportant task for advertising of any product is to create awareness, perception, provide

    enough information, learning about the product for the customers to make their decision

    whether buying or not so the marketer has to be persuasive enough to motivates the

    customers to buy and satisfy their needs.

    The following picture is represent the research theoretical frame work :

    Figure (2)

    3. Chapter three3-Research methodology

    3.1.Research Hypothesis

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    H1: Using celebrities on TV advertisement can effect on consumers behavior

    and their buying decision making.

    H2: - TV advertisement timing can affect differently on consumers decision

    making .

    H3: the variety of advertisement is the most effective facto to attract the

    customers to products .

    H4: Using good sound effects in radio advertising motivates customers to buy

    a product. .

    H5: to concentrate on rush hours radio advertisement will attract more

    listeners to the products

    H6: using Billboard advertising on crowded roads is playing an important role

    to inform customer with a product on roads

    H7: to attract more customers to billboard ads we have to make it with bright


    H8: Online shopping may affect your image for a product or service

    H9: POP advertising is considered as an important tool of online advertisement

    do you agree.

    3.2.Research design

    3.2.1. Purpose of the study

    The Purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the impact of advertising

    on the consumers behavior and their buying decision making in Egypt.

    3.2.2. Type of investigation

    This descriptive study is to describe the impact of the advertising on the

    consumersbehavior and their buying decision making in Egyptian market.

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    In this study, the researcher tries to know the role of advertising as an

    (independent variable) on consumers behavior and their buying decision

    making as an (dependent variable) in Egypt.

    3.2.3. Extent of researcher interference

    This study will be performed with minimal interference from the researcher because its a

    field experiment as questionnaire will be distributed to respondents to answer questions and

    collected after answering them but if there is any difficulty to understand any question, the

    researcher will clarify it in a simple and a neutral manner without giving any directions to

    respondents for selection.

    The researcher used a differentStatistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to analyze the

    data that researcher had collected.

    3.2.4. Study setting

    This study is a descriptive study operated in contrived settings questionnaire will be applied

    by face to face to respondents to answer it and collect it back to the researcher. This will be a

    quantitative method for data collection.

    3.2.5. Unit of analysis

    Researcher will depend on individual as a unit of analysis for this research; respondents will

    be the unit of analysis for questionnaire.

    3.2.6. Time horizon

    This study is cross sectional study because the researcher will collect data

    once a time.

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    3.2.7. Data collection methods

    Primary data and secondary data are required for this research; the researcher

    has to depend on both sources of data to complete the total image of data


    3.2.8. Secondary data

    The researcher depends on different sources to obtain data that support this

    study. Reference books, recent journals and trusted internet web sites are the

    main dependent in collecting secondary data to support this study with actual

    data about the role of advertising in affection on consumers behavior andtheir buying decision making in the Egyptian market.

    3.2.9. Primary data

    The researcher depends on one way only to collect the primary data that was

    through respondents questionnaire Questionnaire

    The researcher uses a questionnaire as a tool to test the effect of advertising on consumers

    behavior and their buying decision making in Egypt, this questionnaire helps to draw the

    relation between the effect of advertisement and consumer behavior and their buying decision


    The questionnaire is divided into three parts which are

    1- Personal information questions

    2- General questions

    3- Hypothesis testing questions.

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    1- Personal information:the researcher collects demographic information to segment

    the sample into groups which can indicate the effect of social classification for

    groups, the marital Status for them and demographical background.

    2- General questions:the researcher collects general questions that asking about if the

    respondents have any leisure time and if there is how many hours in the week,

    questions that measure the importance of ads for the respondents, the preferable ads

    for them and the most favorable medium for them.

    3- Hypothesis testing questions: the researcher tries to test the hypotheses

    suggested. This will be when the participants answer certain questions which

    determine the direction of each hypothesis.

    4- Sampling process

    The researcher collected stratified sampling respondents to answer questionnaires;

    this study describes the role of advertising if affecting the consumersbehavior and

    their buying decision making in Egypt. sampling process

    The researcher will depend on stratified sampling process and divides the whole population

    into strata according to the age, gender, social and regional classification and takes stratified

    sampling from each stratum and he depends on the stratified sampling to insure the diversity

    in questionnaire results and to decrease sampling errors and take equal number of respondents

    from each stratum.

    The researcher will collect respondents randomly from each stratum; questionnaire will be

    distributed to the candidate manually and collected after answering it.

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    Chapter four-4-Research Findings and data


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    4. Chapter four-4-Research findings and data analysis

    4.1. Quantitative analysis :


    This following chapter illustrates the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) analysis

    which made from the data collected from the questionnaire, the set of questions based on the

    theories discussed in previously chapters the questions was sent to all possible individuals who

    are currently living in Cairo and Suez, all the research questions and response option are

    relevant and related to components of the research study , and all these questions has been

    implemented in order to allow respondents to understand it easily and to make sure that all

    results will be more accurate .

    This survey was sent out to approximately 98 respondents, and the number of

    participants was 50, so the total percentage of responses was 51%, the questionnaire

    was containing 30 questions, Questions was divided into 3 stages according to the

    research object:

    1- The first stage: waspersonal information the researcher collected it according to

    demographic information to segment the sample into groups which can indicate the

    effect of social classification for groups, the marital Status for them and

    demographical background.

    2- The second stage: General questions the researcher collected general

    questions that asking about if the respondents have any leisure time and if there is?

    How many hours in the week? Questions that measure the importance of ads for the

    respondents, the preferable ads for them and the most favorable medium for them.

    3- The third stage: Hypothesis testing questions the researcher tried to test the

    hypotheses suggested. That happened when the participants answered certain

    questions which determined the direction of each hypothesis.

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    The Analysis for the research as following:

    The researcher in his analysis used the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)

    analysis and he also to assess his results he used the Likert scale which consists of 5

    point scale. For the analysis of the responses.

    4.1.1 Frequencies of personal data

    the analysis revealed that respondents numbers who responded to the survey was 98

    but only 50 respondents who completed all the survey questions most of the

    respondents were a local customers to malls or hypermarkets and the number of the

    Female respondents was (21) with percentage 42% and Male respondents (29) with

    percentage 58% .

    And the number of respondents who were at the age of 16: 21years old (16) which

    mean the majority and the minority was divided equally between the 21: 35 years old

    and who 55 years old and over with frequency (11).

    And the marital status analysis illustrate that the percentage for the respondents was

    for the married with children with 36% of the respondents with frequency (18),

    married (16) with 32 % percent and singles also (16) with 32% percent too.

    - Concerning the educational status analysis the majority was to post graduate with

    frequency number (20) with percentage 40% in the second position the graduated (17)with percentage 34% of the respondents and any other with frequency (13) percentage


    - And the monthly income status analysis shows that we have (17) respondents earning

    from 3000 EGP: 6000 EGP per month which majority with percentage 34%, we have

    (15) who earns from 1000:3000EGP per month with percentage 30% and the other

    36% is divided equally between who earns 6000EGP per month and more.

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    - Concerning the leisure time hours per week analysis we can see that we have the

    number of respondents who has less than 5 hours (15) with percentage 30%, from 5:10

    hours (14) with percentage 28%, from 11:16 hours (9) with percentage18%, from 17:

    21 hours (6) with percentage 12% and more than 21 hours (6) with percentage12%.

    4.1.2 Analyzing questionnaire general questions :

    - The analysis of the general questions revealed that 64 % of the respondents say (Yes)

    to buy a product after advertisement convincing them however 36% they say (No).

    - Despite 72% of them saw that product advertisements are important and on the other

    hand 28% saw that advertisement is not important for them.

    - And 72% of the respondents finds a pleasure while watching a good advertising and

    28% said (No) about that.

    - However there are72% saw that the repeating an attractive advertising is useful and28% say (No) to that.

    - The 40% of the respondents prefer the TV as tool of advertising, 340% prefer radio,

    8% prefer billboard as a communication tool and the left 18% prefer the online



    Kindly find the whole tables which support my analysis in the Appendixes

    4.1.3 Hypothesis testing:

    - The analysis of the hypothesis questions revealed that 56% of the respondents agree

    with using celebrities on TV advertisement and it can effect on consumers behavior

    and their buying decision making, 8% strongly agree with this, 9% was neutral and the

    left 18% it was between disagree and strongly disagree. As Table (4) shows:

    Table (4)

    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    strongly agree 4 8.0 8.0 8.0

    agree 28 56.0 56.0 64.0

    neutral 9 18.0 18.0 82.0

    disagree 5 10.0 10.0 92.0

    strongly disagree 4 8.0 8.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0 100.0


    Using celebrities on TV advertisement can affect on consumers behavior and their buying decision making.

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    (Figure 3)

    - Concerning to TV advertisement timing can affect differently on consumers decision

    making as the Table (5) shows that 8% strongly agree with this aspect ,56% are also

    agree , 18% were neutral ,10% were disagree and the other 8% were strongly disagree

    with that .

    Table (5)

    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    strongly agree 4 8.0 8.0 8.0

    agree 28 56.0 56.0 64.0

    neutral 9 18.0 18.0 82.0

    disagree 5 10.0 10.0 92.0

    strongly disagree 4 8.0 8.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0 100.0

    TV advertisement timing can affect differently on consumers decision making


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    (Figure 4)

    - Table (6) illustrate the analysis of the how variety of advertisement can be effective

    factortoattract the customers to products we can see that 56% is agree with this aspect

    and 8% is strongly agree , 18% were neutral and the 18% was either disagree or

    strongly disagree .

    Table (6)

    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    strongly agree 4 8.0 8.0 8.0

    agree 28 56.0 56.0 64.0

    neutral 9 18.0 18.0 82.0

    disagree 5 10.0 10.0 92.0

    strongly disagree 4 8.0 8.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0 100.0

    the variety of advertisement is the most effective facto to attract the customers to products


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    (Figure 5)

    - sometimes using celebrities in TV ads is considered as an exaggerator issue in this

    question 56% of the respondents said (No) and 44% of them said (Yes)to this aspect

    - when we asked about how many times of purchasing after watching celebritys ads

    30% of the respondents said (Once),50% said (twice),8% said (three times )

    and 12% said they bout more than three times .

    - when we asked about if TV ads repeating is stimulate the customer to purchase the

    products 56% of the respondents said (No) and 44% said (Yes)

    - after asking about the perfect duration time for TV ads to memorize a product brand

    68% of respondents said (1 Minute) , 16% said (2Minute), 10%(3Minute)and 6% said

    more than 3Minuts

    - Concerning to the most preferable kind of TV ads 44% of the respondents preferred

    (humor) ads, 12% (Fear), 32% preferred the (animation) ads and 12% preferred other

    kinds of ads.

    - Using good sound effects in radio advertising motivates customers to buy a product

    we can find that 8% were strongly agree ,56% were agree ,the neutral respondents

    were 18% , 10% were disagree strongly disagree as Table (7) shows

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    Table (7)

    (Figure 6)

    - When we asked about the preferable sound for radio advertising we find out that 74%

    of the respondents are prefer the (Female) sound and the 16% prefer the (Male) and

    10% saw that the Radio advertising should be consists of both sounds.

    - to concentrate on rush hours radio advertisement will attract more listeners to the

    products there were 56% agree with that ,8% strongly agree ,the neutral were 18% ,

    disagree were 10% and strongly disagree were 8%.

    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    strongly agree 4 8.0 8.0 8.0

    agree 28 56.0 56.0 64.0

    neutral 9 18.0 18.0 82.0

    disagree 5 10.0 10.0 92.0

    strongly disagree 4 8.0 8.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0 100.0

    Using good sound effects in radio advertising motivates customers to buy a product.


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    - using Billboard advertising on crowded roads is playing an important role to inform

    customer with a product on roads there were 56% agree with that ,8% strongly agree

    ,the neutral were 18% , disagree were 10% and strongly disagree were 8%.

    - Asking about the preferable ads billboard color which attract the consumer attention

    38% of the respondents prefer the (Blue) color ,28% prefer (Red) color ,18% preferred

    the (Brown) color and 16% preferred other colors.

    - to attract more customers to billboard ads we have to make it with bright colors There

    were 56% agree with that, 8% strongly agree, the neutral were 18%, disagree were

    10% and strongly disagree were 8%. As Table (8) shows.

    Table (8)

    (Figure 7)

    - The Online shopping may affect the respondents image for a product or service There

    were 56% agree with that, 8% strongly agree, the neutral were 18%, disagree were 10%

    and strongly disagree were 8%.

    - The POP advertising is considered as an important tool of online advertisement do you

    agree in the question there were 56% agree with that, 8% strongly agree, the neutral

    were 18%, disagree were 10% and strongly disagree were 8%.

    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    strongly agree 4 8.0 8.0 8.0

    agree 28 56.0 56.0 64.0

    neutral 9 18.0 18.0 82.0

    disagree 5 10.0 10.0 92.0

    strongly disagree 4 8.0 8.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0 100.0

    to attract more customers to billboard ads we have to make it with bright colors


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    - When the researcher asked about the Poisoning of online ads which distracting the

    internet visitors sometimes are they agree with that or not he found that 86% agree with

    the aspect and 14% disagree.

    - Concerning how many times online ads persuade the respondent to purchase product the

    results were 66% of the respondents bought (Once), 16% bought (Twice),12%bought

    (Three Times) and 6% bought (More )as the Table (9) shows

    Table (9)

    (Figure 8)

    4.2. Correlations

    The correlation table (10) indicates the relationship between impact of TV ads, radio,

    billboard, online (independent variable) and consumersbehavior (dependent variable)

    Frequency Percent Valid Percent



    once 33 66.0 66.0 66.0

    twice8 16.0 16.0 82.0

    three times 6 12.0 12.0 94.0

    more 3 6.0 6.0 100.0

    Total 50 100.0 100.0


    times online ads persuaded you to purchase product

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    As table show the positive values and relations between variables so It is obvious from the

    below table that the relation between the different variables is mostly positively relationship

    and that means there is positive correlation high scores on one variable are associated

    with high scores on the other, and that is supporting the research hypotheses.

    Also as shown in the correlations table, the researcher found that there was a positive

    correlation for the relationship between leisure time hours and TV advertisement timing can

    affect differently on consumers decision making that can effect on consumers behavior and

    their buying decision making by the same previous results .314 and this is significant result at

    the 0.05 level, therefore that supports the research.

    Also as shown in the correlations table, the researcher found that there was a positive

    correlation for the relationship between buying a product after convincing by ads and the

    perfect duration time for TV ads to memorize a product brand can that affect positively on

    consumers decision making by.430 and this is significant result at the 0.05 level, therefore

    that supports the research.

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    by ads




    ing is


















    for TV




    rize a









    of TV
































    you to







    s on TV




    affect on




    and their












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    is the



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    rate on










    s to the






    g on


    roads is




    role to



    with a


    on roads








    for a


    t or




    sing is



    as an


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    do you







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    ng a






    status age




    1 .741**




    .483** .137 .491

    ** -.198 .653**











    -.307* -.257 .109

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .0 00 .035 .000 .009 .000 .341 .000 .167 .000 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 .027 .000 .030 .071 .450

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50




    .741** 1 .2 59 -.373

    ** .149 .270 .101 .384**










    .314* .226 .521


    ** .112 .044

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .000 .069 .008 . 300 . 058 .485 . 006 . 026 . 000 .026 .026 .026 .026 .026 .026 .026 .026 .114 .000 . 002 . 441 . 763

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50




    .299* .259 1 -.678



    ** .089 .032 .178 .524** .011 .011 .011 .011 .011 .011 .011 .011 .497

    ** .074 -.468**



    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .035 . 069 .000 . 002 . 001 .539 . 825 . 217 . 000 .939 .939 .939 .939 .939 .939 .939 .939 . 000 .611 . 001 . 009 . 000

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50






    -.678** 1 -.453


    ** -.105 -.161 -.107 -.537** -.198 -.198 -.198 - .198 - .198 - .198 - .198 - .198 -.623






    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .000 . 008 . 000 .001 . 000 .468 . 263 . 460 . 000 .169 .169 .169 .169 .169 .169 .169 .169 . 000 .045 . 001 . 000 . 001

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50




    .365** .149 .430


    ** 1 .156 -.105 -.025 -.242 .420** -.247 -.247 -.247 - .247 - .247 - .247 - .247 - .247 .308


    * -.028 -.500**


    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .009 . 300 . 002 .001 .280 .470 . 861 . 090 . 002 .084 .084 .084 .084 .084 .084 .084 .084 . 029 .034 . 848 . 000 . 017

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50




    .483** .270 .446


    ** .156 1 .120 .685**














    -.361** .266

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .000 . 058 . 001 .000 . 280 .407 . 000 . 008 . 004 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 . 000 .041 . 000 . 010 . 062

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50



    .137 .1 01 .089 - .105 -.105 .120 1 .049 .048 .075 .213 .213 .213 .213 .213 .213 .213 .213 .134 .173 .074 -.049 .072

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .341 . 485 . 539 .468 . 470 . 407 .734 . 742 . 606 .138 .138 .138 .138 .138 .138 .138 .138 . 355 .230 . 610 . 733 . 620

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50





    .384** .032 -.161 -.025 .685

    ** .049 1 .273 . 250 .735**










    -.519** -.023 .110

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .000 . 006 . 825 .263 . 861 . 000 .734 .055 . 079 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .011 .005 . 000 . 874 . 448

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50




    -.198 -.315* .178 -.107 -.242 .373

    ** .048 .273 1 -.255 .509**







    .509** .242 -.009 -.252 -.288



    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .167 . 026 . 217 .460 . 090 . 008 .742 . 055 .074 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 . 091 .952 . 078 . 042 . 021

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50









    .404** .075 .250 -.255 1 .070 .070 .070 .070 .070 .070 .070 .070 .384

    ** .245 -.394** -.218 .296


    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .000 . 000 . 000 .000 . 002 . 004 .606 . 079 . 074 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 . 006 .087 . 005 . 129 . 037

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50





    .314* .011 -.198 -.247 .602

    ** .213 .735**

    .509** .070 1 1.000







    ** .188 .402**

    -.365** -.120 .105

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .0 06 .0 26 .9 39 .1 69 .0 84 .0 00 .1 38 .0 00 .0 00 .6 30 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0.0 00 0 .0 00 .1 90 .0 04 .0 09 .4 07 .4 67

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50





    .314* .011 -.198 -.247 .602

    ** .213 .735**

    .509** .070 1.000

    ** 1 1.000**





    1.000** .188 .402


    ** -.120 .105

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .0 06 .0 26 .9 39 .1 69 .0 84 .0 00 .1 38 .0 00 .0 00 .6 30 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0.0 00 0 .0 00 .1 90 .0 04 .0 09 .4 07 .4 67

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50





    .314* .011 -.198 -.247 .602

    ** .213 .735**

    .509** .070 1.000


    ** 1 1.000**




    1.000** .188 .402


    ** -.120 .105

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .0 06 .0 26 .9 39 .1 69 .0 84 .0 00 .1 38 .0 00 .0 00 .6 30 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0.0 00 0 .0 00 .1 90 .0 04 .0 09 .4 07 .4 67

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50





    .314* .011 -.198 -.247 .602

    ** .213 .735**

    .509** .070 1.000



    ** 1 1.000**



    1.000** .188 .402


    ** -.120 .105

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .0 06 .0 26 .9 39 .1 69 .0 84 .0 00 .1 38 .0 00 .0 00 .6 30 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0.0 00 0 .0 00 .1 90 .0 04 .0 09 .4 07 .4 67

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50





    .314* .011 -.198 -.247 .602

    ** .213 .735**

    .509** .070 1.000




    ** 1 1.000**


    1.000** .188 .402


    ** -.120 .105

    Sig. (2-tailed)

    .0 06 .0 26 .9 39 .1 69 .0 84 .0 00 .1 38 .0 00 .0 00 .6 30 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0.0 00 0 .0 00 .1 90 .0 04 .0 09 .4 07 .4 67

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50





    .314* .011 -.198 -.247 .602

    ** .213 .735**

    .509** .070 1.000





    ** 1 1.000**

    1.000** .188 .402


    ** -.120 .105

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .0 06 .0 26 .9 39 .1 69 .0 84 .0 00 .1 38 .0 00 .0 00 .6 30 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 .1 90 .0 04 .0 09 .4 07 .4 67

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50





    .314* .011 -.198 -.247 .602

    ** .213 .735**

    .509** .070 1.000






    ** 1 1.000** .188 .402


    ** -.120 .105

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .0 06 .0 26 .9 39 .1 69 .0 84 .0 00 .1 38 .0 00 .0 00 .6 30 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 .1 90 .0 04 .0 09 .4 07 .4 67

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50





    .314* .011 -.198 -.247 .602

    ** .213 .735**

    .509** .070 1.000







    ** 1 .1 88 .402**

    -.365** -.120 .105

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .0 06 .0 26 .9 39 .1 69 .0 84 .0 00 .1 38 .0 00 .0 00 .6 30 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0 .0 00 0.0 00 .1 90 .0 04 .0 09 .4 07 .4 67

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50




    .312* .226 .497




    ** .134 .357* .242 .384

    ** .188 .188 .188 .188 .188 .188 .188 .188 1 .193 -.614**



    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .027 .114 . 000 .000 . 029 . 000 .355 .011 . 091 . 006 .190 .190 .190 .190 .190 .190 .190 .190 .179 . 000 . 012 . 000

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50





    .521** .074 -.285



    * .173 .394** -.009 .245 .402








    ** .193 1 -.350*

    .297* -.195

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .000 . 000 .611 .045 . 034 . 041 .230 . 005 . 952 . 087 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 . 179 .013 . 036 . 174

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50







    .463** -.028 -.631

    ** .074 -.519** -.252 -.394











    * 1 -.056 -.352*

    Sig. (2-

    tailed) .030 . 002 . 001 .001 . 848 . 000 .610 . 000 . 078 . 005 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 . 000 .013 .701 . 012

    N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50




    -.257 .112 -.365**



    -.361** -.049 -.023 -.288

    * -.2 18 -.1 20 -.1 20 -.1 20 -.1 20 -.1 20 -.1 20 -.1 20 -.1 20 -.353*

    .297* -.056 1 -.502


    Sig. (2-.071 .4 41 . 009 .000 .000 .010 .733 .874 .042 . 129 .407 .407 .407 .407 .407 .407 .407 .407 . 012 .036 .701 .000

    Using celebrities on TV advertisement

    can affect on consumers behavior and

    their buying decision making.

    monthly income

    leisure time hours per week

    buying a product after convincing by ads

    TV ads repeating is s timulate the

    customer to purchase the products

    the perfect duration time for TV ads to

    memorize a product brand

    the most preferable kind of TV ads

    Radio ads sound

    attractive bill board ads color

    Poisoning of online ads sometimes

    distracting the internet visitors

    times online ads persuaded you to

    purchase product

    TV advertisement timing can affect

    differently on consumers decisi on


    the variety of advertisement is the most

    effective facto to attract the custom ers to


    Using good s ound effects in radio

    advertising mo tivates customers to buy a


    to concentrate on rush hours radio

    advertisement will attract more listeners

    to the products

    using Billboard advertising on crowded

    roads is playing an important role to

    inform customer with a product on roads

    Online shopping may affect your image

    for a product or service

    POP advertising is conside red as an

    important tool of online advertisement do

    you agree.

    sometimes us ing celebrities in TV ads is

    considered as an exaggerator issue

    times of purchasing after watching

    celebritys ads

    finding a pleasure while watching a good


    marital status

  • 7/24/2019 Thesis M.adel-2



    Table (10)

    **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

    *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

    4.2. Means

    these tables show the comparing means between every item of the independent variables

    and the dependent variable through the choices of the survey questions, as it is noticed that

    means of strongly agree answer is higher than others so that support the significant relation

    between different variables and support the research hypotheses.

    The below table (11) support the research hypotheses because of the means and numbers of

    Female & Male respondents who choose to buy products after the advertising convinced

    them so that support our study that advertising can effect on the consumer behavior and as

    a result of that their buying decision making .


    Kindly find the whole tables which support my analysis in the Appendixes

    buying a product after

    convincing by ads

    finding apleasure while

    watching a


