Therefore Go.... June 2014

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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Just a few days to go before we begin our exciting adventure in Cusco...

Transcript of Therefore Go.... June 2014

Therefore Go…

June 2014

Hi there

Kai and I have just 18 days left in Lima! Jaime has 14! And our furniture

15 days. I can’t actually believe that after all our years of dreaming

and months of planning that the day for our move to Cusco is almost

here. Can you imagine that the next time I will be sending you a

newsletter it will be from our new home in Andahuaylillas.

Having never actually been there, I was just googling Andahuaylillas

to get a bit of an idea of what exactly we will be going to and I came across this promo video It is in Spanish, but at least it will

give you a bit of an idea of what the town looks like.

Although there is some obvious uncertainty of what things will be like when we arrive and how

everything is going to work out, I have an incredible peace in my heart about the rightness of this

move. I am trusting that God will reveal Himself to us in a new and fresh way and that as we step

out in faith, we see His faithfulness and love manifest in and through us to those around us.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey with us. Thank you for your prayers and

encouragement and the love sent across many oceans. Thank you for helping to make this step of

obedience and faith possible. Jaime, Kai and I thank God for you!

Hasta Andahuaylillas! (until Andahuaylillas!)


The photo to the left is an areal view of the town, the other pic is of me and Jaime on our first trip to Cusco in 2010

Two weeks ago I had the great joy of being able to attend the

baby shower of one of the Filipino girls who used to be a part of

our ministry in Santa Monica prison and who has subsequently

been released. It was so lovely to see some of the ladies I used

to minister to who are now happy and in good health.

Mary Pinkston, a Canadian missionary with whom I used to work

in the prisons, has been doing an incredible work of sharing the

gospel with and discipling the ladies on the outside. Most of

these ladies come from complicated backgrounds and as a

result the process of seeing Christ formed in them often seems

very slow. Yet many of these ladies now attend church on a

regular basis and meet with Mary for a weekly bible study.

Please keep Mary in your prayer—may God continue to give

her patience and wisdom as she ministers to these special women.

Over the last few years our church has built a relationship with a

community in a township of Lima called Pamplona. This month

Jaime and our church joined a missions teams from the US to spend

the day cleaning the rubbish off the very dirty streets. After hours of

picking up rubbish and serving the community, they then shared

the gospel with them. It was a wonderful opportunity to share Jesus’

love in a very practical way.

Prison reunions….

A day of service….

Thank you so much for praying for all the admin associated with

obtaining my Peruvian nationality. Today I collected my Peruvian ID

from home affairs It was supposed to be ready on the 8th of August,

but God was good and I received it the record time of a week! I am

officially a Peruvian!!!!

With our imminent move, I would like to ask you to please keep us in your prayers over these next

two weeks. Here is our Cusco-move timeline…

1-13 July: Lots of admin, packing and saying goodbye—please trust with us that God will help us

to use our time wisely, to be efficient in all the admin that needs to be done and to have quality

time with those that matter most.

14-15 July: Jaime drives to Cusco—Jaime is going to be driving from Lima to Cusco with two

friends of ours, Luis and Demetrio. On the first day he has an 18hr drive to the city of Arequipa and

the next day another 8hrs to Cusco. Please pray that God will keep them safe on the roads as

they travel. May they stay vigilant and may God protect them from any potential dangers.

15 July: The Move—With the help of my father-in-law, I will be overseeing the removal company as

they pack and load all our belongings. Please pray that the move will go smoothly and that God

will grant safe travel to the van as it drives to Cusco too.

18 July: Kai and I fly to Cusco— Kai and I will be flying to Cusco at lunch time on this day. Please

pray that I will be able to get everything ready and that Kai will

travel well on the plane.

18 July onwards: Settling in— Please pray that God will give

us grace and strength as we adapt to our new life in

Andahuaylillas. Please pray especially for Kai, that he won’t be

affected by the change in altitude and that he will be happy in

his new home.

Thank you for praying!

Please keep us in your prayers….