Theories Of Mind

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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This slideshow is learning materials for cognitive psychology class at Universitas Indonesia. Slides are trial version. Later version --versions complete with list of literature sources-- will be updated soon.

Transcript of Theories Of Mind


Selasa, Pk 8.00 – 10.00


• Mahasiswa akan mempelajari:– Proses mental yang melatar belakangi

tingkahlaku overt manusia– Cara manusia menjadi tahu mengenai dunia

dan sesama (coming to know about the world and each other)

– Kaitan proses kognitif dengan belajar

Rencana PerkuliahanRencana Perkuliahan


1 3 Febr Kuliah: Theory of Mind & Piaget

  4 Febr  

2 10 Febr Kuliah: Piaget

  11 Febr Berstruktur

3 17 Febr Kuliah: Vygotsky

  18 Febr Berstruktur

4 24 Febr Kuliah: Vygotsky

  25 Febr  

5 3 Mar Kuliah:IPT

  4 Mar Kuliah:IPT

6 10 Mar Kuliah:IPT

  11 Mar Berstruktur

    M I D T E S T


7 24 Mar Kuliah: Language and Thinking

  25 Mar Berstruktur

8 31 Mar Kuliah: Language and Thinking

  1 Apr  

9 8 Apr Kuliah: Emotion and Thinking

  9 Apr  

10 15 Apr Kuliah: Emotion and Thinking

  16 Apr Berstruktur

11 22 Apr Kuliah: Thinking and Reasoning (DM)

  23 Apr Berstruktur

12 29 Apr Kuliah: Thinking and Reasoning (DM)


13 5 Mei Kuliah: Metacognition



• UTS : 35%

• UAS : 35%

• Tugas meringkas : 15%

• Presentasi : 15%


• Toleransi keterlambatan: 5 menit

• Pengumpulan tugas dsb pada hari dan waktu yang dijanjikan

• Untuk tugas: bentuk 6 kelompok

TIGA pendekatan utama dlm psikologi

• Psikoanalisa

• Behaviour

• Kognisi

Manusia tidak secara langsung ber-respon terhadap stimulus yang diterimanya.

Manusia mengolahnya terlebih dahulu dalam pikiran setelah menerima stimulus.

Bagaimana proses berpikir itu berlangsung?

Apa yang terjadi dalam pikiran manusia?

Perdebatan berkelanjutan dari para pakar psikologi (kognitif sains), dan filsafat

Kesadaran (consciousness)

Representasi mental



• Bagaimana kita dapat menjadi mengetahui mengenai sesuatu?

• Apakah pemahaman seorang anak mengenai pikirannya (the mind) sama dengan pemahaman orang dewasa?

• Bagaimana peran beliefs, desires, intents, knowledge, pretending, dll. terhadap proses berfikir?

theoryof mind

Humans are Things that Think

Apa yang Terjadi?

Apa yang Terjadi?

DUA model hubungan pikiran (mind) dengan otak (brain) manusia

Classical Metaphor of Cognition: Mind-as-Container (Newell & Simon):

• ada central processor yang mengambil atau menyimpan informasi kedalam suatu basis-data dan memprosesnya (acquire, store, retrieve dan apply).

• berisikan data (seperti a.l. beliefs, keinginan (desires), tujuan (goals), rencana, kenangan (memories), ide) dan rules (seperti a.l. prosedur, dan logical operators) yang kemudian

• pengetahuan (informasi atau data) di representasikan secara simbolis yang dikenal dengan skema dari Rumelhart (dalam Bereiter, 2002) dan concept nets dari Novak & Gowan, (dalam Bereiter, 2002).

Kerangka pikir kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence)

Sociocultural theory, atau situativity theory• menolak keberadaan pengetahuan sebagai sesuatu yang berada didalam pikiran individu

• memberikan atribut social character terhadap pengetahuan (knowledge) dan proses belajar (learning).

“Knowledge is not lodged in any physical or metaphorical organ. Rather, knowledge inheres in social practices and in the tools and artifacts used in those practices.”

“Knowledge is not either produced or acquired but is constituted in communities of practice and embodied in the tools of such practice.”

“People do not acquire items of mental content, which they thentake out on occasion and use. Instead, they learn how to take part in what is going on and how to function intelligently in the work environment.

“Learning, as it pertains to individuals, is a process of moving from peripheral to full participation in cultural practices”.

“… the ability to attribute mental states—beliefs, intents, desires, pretending, knowledge, etc.—to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires and intentions that are different from one's own.[ (Wikipedia)

In developmental psychology … (TOM) is a basic understanding of how the mind works and how it influences behavior.(Wikipedia)

Theory of mind is

Some classic Paradigms used to study Theory of Mind

• False Belief task

• Second-order self-reflection

• Belief-based emotions

False Belief Task

Maxi puts his book in the cupboard

Then he leaves to play in the garden

After that, Mum comes to tidy up

the roomMum takes the book out of the cupboard,

and puts it in the bookshelf

Then she leaves to do some work

in the kitchen.Now, Maxi returns looking for his book

Where will he look first for his book?

Test question

Striking development around 4 years of age

(for review see Wellman et al, 2001)

~ 4 yrs< 4 yrs

Second-order self reflection: “He thinks he knows”

If we ask Maxi, Maxi do you know where the book is, what will he say?

Test question

Will he say, I know where the book is or I don’t know

where the book is?”Prompt

Perner & Howes (1992)

Belief-based emotions

Which one do you like the most?

spongeWhich one do you like the least?


Later you’ll get what’s in this box. So, put the one you

like the most in the box.

Belief-based emotions ctd.

Now, let’s work on another task and later you’ get what’s in

the box.

How do you feel now, about what’s in the box?

Belief-based emotions ctd

Very good, now you get what’s

in the box.

How do you feel now?

What’s in the box?

What’s did you think is in the


Before you open the box, how did

you feel



The No-Thinking Chair(Flavell et al., 1995)

Do not Do not thinkthink

While you where sitting in the no thinking chair, did you have no thoughts or did you have some thoughts?

No thoughts

…easy having no thoughts

Mental Uncontrollability (Flavell et al., 1998)

John hates getting shots and never wants to think about getting a shot.

He is not thinking

about getting a shot

John is sick one day and his mom has taken him to the doctor’s office. While John is sitting in the doctor’s office he sees a shot

needle lying on a table nearby.

While John is looking at the shot needle, is he thinking about getting a short, or not?”