Theme 4 -_emarketing-crdta

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Transcript of Theme 4 -_emarketing-crdta

Succeed in your e-marketing


by the Auvergne Tourism Development Regional Committee

E-Tourism from A to Z,Awareness regional programme developped by the Auvergne

Tourism Development Regional Committee

Direct marketing on the Internet

You are present on the Internet and you are looking forward the optimization of your investments ? Use direct marketing online !

Strategic Marketing E-marketing :

Customer management Website Animation Referencing Advertisement Direct Communication

Emailing Newsletter

Social Network Geolocation E-reputation


Strategic Marketing

Strategic Marketingfrom segmentation to targeting

Strategic Marketingsegment the market and choose targets

SEGMENTATION CRITERIA-> traditionnal segmentation criteria :

Socio-demographic(regions, age, gender, family situation, income, SPC (socio-professional category)…)

-> behavioral segmentantation criteria

Residency period, frequency, duration of residence, activities, products consumed, …

Strategic Marketingexample of end-use segmentation

case of Nouvelles Frontières

Strategic Marketingsegment the market and choose the target

SEGMENTATION CRITERIA-> personnality and lifestyle criteria

Psychographic profiles : passionates, materialists…, tribes (surfers…), les bobos (bohemian bourgeois =high-achieving professional who combines a wealthy lifestyle with an anti-establishment attitude and a concern for quality of life) … => clothes, tourism

Strategic Marketing5 mentality in the tourism industry

- «Globetrotters» curious for new cultural discoveries, sporties, they like high-quality services

- «Vacationers» travelling with family, generally during the holidays of their children, they look for nature and relaxation

- «Dreamers» looking for a place to rest, thrill seekers but also looking for safety and landmarks

- «Disciplined people» looking for organized tours, comfort and safety

- «Stay-at-home people» who are not used to travel a lot and stay with friends or family

According to those characteristics, the tourism provider will be able to adapt its services.

Strategic MarketingTargeting strategies

Undifferentiated Differentiated Concentrated marketing marketing marketing

Strategic MarketingTargeting strategies

Undifferenciated marketing : the company ignores the division of the demand into segments, a standard product is offered with the same marketing actions without making any differences between the segments.

Advantage : economies of scale

Differenciated marketing : the company selects several segments and offers to each segment different products, with specific sales and marketing initiatives.

Advantage : targeted, « humanized », individualized outreach.

Stategic Marketingexample of differentiated marketing

case of Accor

European leader and global group, Accor has a special place towards more than 4,000 hotels (all prices, from luxury hotels to economical ones



Webmarketing or E-marketing

Customer management

Customer loyalty, customization

Customer management

Get your clients' loyalty :

- Meet their expectations,

- Ask to know what are their expectations,

- Personalize thee service (vegetarians, disabled people, ...)

- Do not forget to wish their birthday to your customer by sending a letter of wishes

- Keep them informed of the events that can get their interest (festivals, expositions ..)

- Let your customers benefit from special offers (website, Facebook, ...)

- Remember their habits, their preferencess...

- Process claims as efficiently as possible…

- Have a good internal communication to ensure quality services to your clients, give your customers the

instructions about the services in order to avoid misunderstandings that could displease them

- Give loyalty cards

- Offer discounts, offer free products to those who spend the most

Customer managementTo follow your customers, several tools can be used :

Office software : you have to create templates, document models to ensure the customer care.Excel sheets (Microsoft Office) or Calc (OpenOffice)

Commercial management software : Solution based on quotation, orders, delivery order, invoice, customer and provider's care, stock, … Example  : EBP Commercial Management, Solune free (

Customer Relationship Management tools (GRC/CRM)  : Complete solution with customer management + according to the product : commercial management, marketing,... SugarCRM,INES (with INES Free Edition)Act, Salesforce,E-Deal,Divalto,WDGold Lite free

General tools with customer management applicationsex. GESTAN (

Webmarketing or E-marketing



Launching an online contest is an excellent way to generate trafic on your website. In parallel you have to launch an advertising campaign to promote the contest and relay this contest on the advertiser's homepage.Experience shows that the most successful contests are the one in which Internet users only have to enter their mail adress.Every contest must have strict rules, validated by the bailiff.

Animation of your website

Animation of your websiteCouponing

It is the supermarket discount coupons principle that has been applied to the Internet with virtual coupons.

Webmarketing or E-marketing


Natural Referencing

Google holds more than 90% of the market shares in Europe !

Optimizing the SEO in Google is crucial to get more visibility on the Internet

90% of Internet researches are made thanks to a search engine

Natural ReferencingWhat is important to know about natural referencing :

Research : « Gites Auvergne »

Extraction de  2 500 000 pages correspondant à la requête

Classement des résultats en fonction de l’algorithme de pertinence de Google.

Engine index ( X billions of pages)

Extraction of 2 500 000 pages corresponding to the research

Ranking of the results according to the relevancy algorythm of Google

3 lines of work

Natural Referencing

Website's content : put « keywords and key expressions »in the titles of your website, in the pages and in its text in general.

Source Code Optimization : make sure that there are no major mistakes in your website's code writing (html, css,...), entitle and describe your pages.

External links : take full advantage from a maximum of interactive links coming from other websites (directories, blogs, partners, ...)

Website's content

Natural Referencing

Keywords and key expressions' choiceThese are the searches Internet users write in the search engines when they are looking for products, services or provides ( ex : ski rental Chamonix, accomodation near lake, ...etc).

How to choose ?

« Imagine » what are the words people use in their researches to find products or services you are currently selling, even when they don't know nothing about your company and your website.

Display the source code of your competitors' websites to find out the keywords they use ( menu « display the source »).

Use a keyword generator (Google Adwords)

Optimize the source code

Natural Referencing

• CODE : Like every language, the source code of a website can be more or less well-written according to the W3C norm and some sites offer the possibility to « validate » the websites' code :,

• META TAG : are hidden elements that allow search engines to find information about the theme of the website. The two most important are the title and the page description.

• URL : It is the address that allows to locate each page of a website ( must be a correlation between the title, the URL and the content title.

External Links/Backlinks

Natural Referencing

Definition :External links are all the interactive zones (text or image) which offer the possibility to the Internet user to open another site with a click on it.

Link quality :Every link is good to take but some have more « value » than others which means those from well-referenced websites, in the same or complementary. Moreover, a link based on a clickable keyword is better than a simple URL address.

How can you benefit from it ?

While visiting portals and directories in the corresponding activity (artisans, industries, commerces, sports, leisures, …)

While subscribing to blogs, forums and do not forgot to put your mail address in your signature for example.

While creating company pages in social networks des pages (FaceBook, Myspace, Youtube, ...)

Natural Referencing

Free Google Monitor

This software enables to know how your website or blog is ranked in Google according to the keywords typed in the search engine.

You also can directly visit the websites having the best indexation on « your » key expressions.

Tools to improve the referencing

Natural Referencing

Google Analytics

Google Analytics website is a tool of quality.

Il offers for free various statistics :

• Global visit of the site

• Geolocationof the visitors

• Entry sources on your website

• Keywords used by the users

• Visited pages

• ...

Tools to improve the referencing

Buy your visibility...

3 rules to keep in mind :

Paid indexing must be used for a precise objective and for a special target an a defined period .Paid indexing must be used for a precise objective and for a special target an a defined period .

Paid indexing must be used to complete what can not be done with natural referencing.Paid indexing must be used to complete what can not be done with natural referencing.

The advert must be carefully produced and attractive to make people want to click on it. Those clicks must bring Internet users to a page which is in relation with the advert (landing page) in order to make them do what you want (book, fill a form...).

The advert must be carefully produced and attractive to make people want to click on it. Those clicks must bring Internet users to a page which is in relation with the advert (landing page) in order to make them do what you want (book, fill a form...).

Paid Indexing

An advert =

•A title : 25 characters max.

2 lines of description : 35 characters max per line.•One URL to display (fictive)

•One destination URL (link to your page, also called « landing page ») which may not exceed 1024 characters.

Cost per clic (CPC) based on keywords bids prices.Cost per clic (CPC) based on keywords bids prices.

Paid Indexing

More information on Google Adwords Express.

More information on Google Adwords Express.

A simplified version of Google Adwords for VSB's and small businesses.

Easy configuration and setting of the advert.

No keywords settings (Google take care of it).

Advert in relation with your Google Maps page and so on with your geolocation (blue pointer).

Advert that appears in the classic sponsored links and in Google Maps (web and mobile).

Paid Indexing

Webmarketing or E-marketing



AffiliationAmong all the possibilities offered on the Internet to reach the users, affiliation, which delivers a guaranteed return on the investmant, remain a « sure bet ».


For a merchant site, affiliation consists in offering a partnership contract to affiliated sites which will represent more or less its « sales force ». Indeed, those websites will display the advert for the affiliator and guide traffic towards its website. Results will determine the financial remuneration.

Affiliation is a system based on the performance. So it is more direct marketing than advertising. It is a long process that can be profitable in the long term. The content of the website must be of high quality and be regularly updated to maintain users and customers' loyalty.

AffiliationAmong all the possibilities offered on the Internet to reach the users, affiliation, which delivers a guaranteed return on the investmant, remain a « sure bet ».

Choose the affiliation platforms

Affiliation platforms is what we can call a « trusted third party », it is the intermediate between the advertiser and the affiliated, this situation enables to evaluate the trafic correctly and the turnover. Moreover, it guarantee that all the informations provided are « correct ». It is also the platform that gives the technical solution to keep an eye on the traffic, actions and sales made thanks to the affiliates.

The «display»Display is an advertisement on the Internet. For that you buy a space and use graphic or visual elements (désigne la publicité sur Internet avec achat d’espace et utilisation d’éléments graphiques ou visuels (banners, pavers, etc.). It is what we could call « the traditional or classic Internet advert ».

The website which displays the advertisement gets paid according to the CPT (cost per thousand). It corresponds to how many time the add was displayed in the partners' sites. But it is possible to use the CPC (cost per click) which corresponds to how many time Internet users click on the interactive link.

Webmarketing or E-marketing

Mail Communication emailing


Emailing campaign

° Extensive but also customized and interactive communication network.° Profitable communication, this channel seduces the advertisers because of the customized relationship it can establish and thanks to the its cost/performance effectiveness (better performances than telemarketing).° Low implementation cost with an high contact response rate (if the mail data base is well targeted)° Possibility to use tracking tools (opening rate, link clicks unsubscribe, ...)

Emailing campaign to increase customers' loyalty.

Emailing campaign to increase customers' loyalty.

When clients are directly and personally targeted.

When it offers real advantages the customers like.

When it comes at the good moment

Emailing campaign

Esending emails to your customer one by one is easy. Send a large amount of emails is a real job !

Tool examples : Outlook, isn't an emailing tool !

Emailing campaign

Where to find addresses ?

Emailing campaign

Your own clients addressesaddresses of your own customers represent the most important source of addresses for direct marketing

Addresses of interested people that had been obtained in different waysYou always know more about people who are interested in what you're doing. Their addresses are so almost as precious as the one of your own customers.

CD directories and phone booksDirectories are generally very actual. Be careful when you read the terms and conditions of the licence to be sure that you will be able to use those addresses as you want to.

CD and DVD address directoriesIt is less expensive than the addresses you can buy or rent thanks to an address broker. The advantage is that you can use selection criteria.

Address brokerYou can buy or rent addresses from an address broker for only one advertisement sending.

Respect the legislation concerning the personal data protection.


Right to information

Right to opposition

Right to access

Right of rectification


Right to information

Right to opposition

Right to access

Right of rectification


Collect data with consent

Collect data in complete transparency

Keep data confidential

Respect the purpose of the file

Keep data for a limited period

Protect the data collected

Declare files to the CNIL


Collect data with consent

Collect data in complete transparency

Keep data confidential

Respect the purpose of the file

Keep data for a limited period

Protect the data collected

Declare files to the CNIL

Opt’inContact Opt’inContact

File to declare to the CNIL (ici)File to declare

to the CNIL (ici)Unsubscribe link in each

mailUnsubscribe link in each


Emailing campaign

Webmarketing or E-marketing

Mail Communicationnewsletter

Why creating a newsletter ?

As we are now working with RSS feeds, is the newsletter a poor communication tool ? Some think so but it is clear that it still has its importance.

A rendez-vous

Regular, daily, weekly or monthly rendez-vous, the newsletter is an excellent tool to get the loyalty of your readership or customers.It is also a privileged space where you can act different with your customers. The tone is different, the customer will feel closer to the brand or the company than he will on your website.


Pay attention to the content

OBJECTDo not be afraid to display a part of the summary (some keywords) in order to make people want to open the mail.INTRODUCTIONTry if possible to get closer to your customer in the style of your letter, try to create intimacy. SUMMARYIf your letter is in HTML format, give the possibility to click on internal links in the summary.MESSAGE BODYIn the text, do not say to much and try to make the customer much more curious about you. Make them want to know more ! Also, use distant pictures, named with their URL.LETTER FOOTERIt is good, at the end of each e-mail, to give the procedure for unsubscribing.


Webmarketing or E-marketing

Social Networks

Social NetworksFacebook

We could say that the main objective is to make the life of the tourist easier and to give him the possibility to make choices. Here are some habits we can mention :

• Offer an advice : about the destination, about the interests of the tourist, about the activities, leisures and events.• Offer good plans and tips : accomodations, transportation, services.• Allow fans to participate to the animations : offer reviews, recommend places to see or activities…• Turn your fans into ambassadors of the destination : photo sharing in particular.• Inform tourists : news, events day to day.

Social NetworksAmong new online marketing development models we can find social networks, deep pool of skilled contacts.


The micro-blogging site, Twitter, which economic model

is still not finalized, tries to seduce advertisers. Its service @anywhere allows to create direct links towards partners' websites. In doing so, Twitter tends to facilitate the integration of affiliated websites' content in the site. It will be possible thanks to a new application to create direct links towards people and brands Twitter accounts.

Facebook advertisement (individual customers)

Social Networks

Facebook advertising ( individual customers)

Social Networks

Linkedin advertising (« business » clients).

Social Networks

Webmarketing or E-marketing


A potential still under-exploited :


It consists in being able to determine the geographical postion of an individual in order to adapt the communication and the commercial offer. We are no longer targeting a sedentary customer but a nomadic consumer.

The potential intrusive nature of geolocation is compensated by the fat that the consumer always has to give his approval to be geolated and then approached. As a last resort, the consumer only can decide to be « geolocated » permanently or temporarily if a service may reach its interest. Well-designed, connected to websites or smartphones, geolocation opens infinite prospects.

Example : dis moi où

A potential still under-exploited


Geolocation : 71% of mobile internet users already used it

Geolocation : Why should we use it ?

It is possible to locate in real time every individual having a mobile, and to know where he goes. Would you like to have the possibility to forbid commercial companies to know where you are ?

Webmarketing or E-marketing


E-reputation is an emerging term which qualify the reputation of someone or something (brand, product, trademark...) on the Internet. We can see e-reputation as all that can be said about someone or something on the Internet (websites, blogs, social networks...) or by mail.


Internet is a particular media which allows to accelerate the communication process. But this advantage can also turn into a weakness sometimes, because it is difficult to control all the informations and some can be embarrassing.The opinion of an anonymous has more impact than an advertisement/commercial of the brand. However, a review can be positionned really well and appear in the first page of results of the search engine.

White paper to download :


Half of the Internet user expresses on the internet!

Source: Scan Blog –Open Mind –Nov 2010


Internet users are more talkative than they were

56% of them take the floor

Reviews websites


Travellers reviews websites

Multimédia sharing sites


Social Networks


E-commerce sites and specialized advertising websites

Campings Gîtes, Chambres d’hôtesHôtels


It has a really important rôle in your Google Maps positionning and so on in your web and mobile visibility.

It ensures a real visibility on mobile supports thanks to several applications.

Ex :Tripadvisor application has been downloaded more than 20 millions time (February 2011)1 million Qype application downloads.


E-reputationReviews website


Reviews websites


21% of the Internet users buy a product after having read informations in a blog(Source : E.Marketer – – 2009)

56% of the Internet users have already graded or written reviews (Source : FEVAD - Médiamétrie – July 2011)

13 millions of French Internet users read comments in forums in December 2009 ( + 10% in a year). 6 millions of them admit they write on those forums (+8%). (source : Médiamétrie - 2010)

There is a total of 25 millions active Facebook users in France ! (source : journal du Geek – december 2011)

Impact of social medias is huge !


Individuals reputation

Be careful with social networks...

Companies reputation

A discontent customer is no longer isolated and can easily find other consumers that share the same opinion. Those people gathering together can play an important role in the success or the failure of a company.

Keep an eye on your e-réputation

° Travellers review websites : Tripadvisor, Trivago, Zoover,, ... etc.

° Google Alerts : It is an ideal watch tool that sends emails regularly.

° Facebook : new groups, that show the discontentment of the users.

° Twitter Search : Search engine for the last tweets in the micro-blogging service of Twitter.

° Google Blogsearch: Google search engine for blogs


Have talks

Take into account to what the Internet users think. It is the best behaviour to have. It proves that your company is open to receive critics from the consumers and take it into account to improve

Do not act

Each critic is not good or based on facts. It can take a certain time to answer to the consumer, so do not take care of minor incidents because it would give credits to it.

Try to make people forget about bad informations

It is one of the methods that consists in spreading new informations to make the bad ones disappear.

Methods to react





Rendez-vous sur le site pro du CRDTA : acteurs du tourisme / Formation et l’e-Tourisme de A à Z)


Vos contacts :

Membre du réseau Cybermassif

Pratic Clermont-FerrandClaire BUISINEbuisine@pratic.org04 73 15 06 10

Sylvain PASCALpascal@pratic.org04 73 15 06 12

CRDTAKarel CHAUCHEPRATkarel.chaucheprat@crdt-auvergne.frTél : 04 73 29 49 67