theBRIDGE Issue 1 05.13

Post on 20-Feb-2016

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theBRIDGE is the quarterly magazine from the Security Association for the Maritime Inudstry that delivers Maritime Security news, reveiews, comment and features from the Association and it's members

Transcript of theBRIDGE Issue 1 05.13




Tackling the new wave of West African piracy


SAMI Members work on training and surveillance


Developing standard rules for the use of force


How will MLC affect maritime security?















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MEMBER NEWS Pages 14-17



The Security Association for the Maritime Industry (SAMI) has an almost unique place in shipping. We exist to bridge the gap between two very different and distinct industries - shipping and security.Since 2008 the task of ensuring that the best maritime security providers are recognised and represented has been ongoing, and this important work has ultimately resulted in the organisation which exists today. There have been many high points as SAMI has developed and evolved, and 2013 is an important time of further progression and consolidation.

The Association has been at the vanguard of many industry developments and works hard to promote the maritime security industry and represent the best interests of member companies at the highest levels of the industry internationally.

This interaction ensures the shipping industry, regulators, governments and the wider maritime community hear the issues facing maritime security providers and of the professional responses which have been developed.

The maritime security industry may be fairly new but it has been built, in the main, on professionalism and excellence. In promoting this, SAMI has not shied away from difficult and contentious issues and is working hard to provide the information which can make a positive difference.

SAMI’s work in the year ahead will focus not just on the private maritime security industry, but will also embrace the future of equipment, technology and hardware, port security, the offshore oil & gas industry as well as the cruise and Superyacht sectors. We are pushing ahead on an international scale to deliver the security solutions which matter for all.



Welcome to the

The Security Association for the Maritime Industry has it’s headquarters office onboard HQS Wellington on the River Thames in London, UK. The historic ship Wellington is the last surviving member of the Grimsby Class of sloops which served Britain with such distinction in World War Two. Moored on the Thames since 1948 , HQS Wellington is the home of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners, a City of London Livery Company.

The vessel is a natural focus for the London based maritime industry, for companies working in shipping and national and international nautical associations. SAMI is extremely proud to be part of that community.

SAMI and members of the Association regularly use the meeting and conference facilities onboard the ship for events and the Secretariat team are pleased to give visitors to our office tours of the historic vessel. An interactive tour of the ship can be viewed online at:



Team SAMISAMI’s Secretariat team are on hand to assist members and the maritime industry.

Peter Cook

Founder & Security Directore:

t: +44 (0)20 7788 9505

Steven Jones

Maritime Directore:

t: +44 (0)20 7788 9505

Andy Straw

Chief Operating Officere:

t: +44 (0)20 7788 9505

Anneley Pickles

Membership Managere:

t: +44 (0)7891 791 032

Gianna Molica-Franco

Communications Managere:

t: +44 (0)7891 789 868

Lesley Irving

Admin & Finance Managere:

t: +44 (0)7972 578 036

The SAMI Secretariat team, L to R:Anneley Pickles, Andy Straw,

Gianna Molica-Franco, Steven Jones, Peter Cook, Lesley Irving

If there are any issues you would like to see covered in The BRIDGE or indeed if you have any maritime security news, reviews, product launches, ideas or contributions for future newsletters or our website please send details by email to our Communications Manager, Gianna Molica-Franco:

The Bridge is produced quarterly in electronic format. If you would like to receive future issues via email please send your name and email address to with the subject line ‘Newsletter Subscribe’.

Get in Touch

HQS Wellington, Victoria Embankment,

London, WC2R 2PN, UK

+44 (0)20 7788 9505



Time to InnovateWhile armed guards on ships are keeping pirates at bay off the coast of Somalia, the security situation off the West Coast of Africa is deteriorating fast, and the levels of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea is a real cause for concern. The latest reports show that pirate gangs are willing to venture further afield and use more violent tactics, and there are fears the piratical activity is evolving to embrace kidnap and ransom.

Security experts believe there are lessons which can be transferred from tackling piracy off Somalia, but there are concerns as to whether the private security model can be replicated in the Gulf of Guinea.

There is unease when the issue of armed guards off West Africa is broached, for some the fact shipping is reliant on armed security indicates wider problems.

Off Somalia armed guards work well, but this has seemingly stymied the development of alternatives. The pragmatic and effective approach of shipboard protection and deterrent has meant that the industry has not innovated, and faces problems when nation States ban armed guards in their waters.

In response, there are increasing calls for more sophisticated options and technological solutions such as citadels, tracking devices and camera systems to support the work of governments, law enforcement agencies and private security teams.

Whether it is ships off Nigeria or Somalia, without criminal prosecutions, an active coastguard, and realistic long-term solution, then pirates will remain and seafarers, vessels, and cargoes will be taken. It is a very simple equation, without protection,without deterrent then shipping is left without a hope.

Bringing together the ideas, people and tools that keep shipping secure, SAMI members are not solely focused on guarding solutions and our Equipment,Technology & Hardware (ET&H) membership proves that there is much more to maritime security than putting people onto ships.

Our ET&H members provide equipment, technology and hardware solutions used directly by shipowners to protect their assets, or by our Private Maritime Security Company (PMSC) members to enhance the services they provide. This important SAMI membership category provides a link between shipping, security service providers and the companies which are at the cutting edge of technological developments.

For further details about ET&H contact Anneley Pickles, Membership Manager:

Bridging the Gap betweenSecurity and Shipping

Focal Point From floating armouries and flag State guidance to media relations and operational stress management, SAMI’s briefings and guidance documents cover a wide spectrum of maritime security issues. The resources area at is a focal point for information about maritime security matters across the globe. SAMI’s latest briefings cover the following issues

• ISO PAS 28007

• Rules for the Use of Force

• Gulf of Guinea Guidance

• Floating Armouries

• German Maritime Security Regulation

• Weapons Exports

• Psychological support for PMSCs

• Media Management

Keep up to date with the latest maritime security issues online at

Rules for the Use of Force


A set of Rules for the Use of Force which will set parameters under which armed guards can respond to a violent act against the vessel they are protecting is currently under development. The contentious subject was the topic of debate at a recent international legal conference onboard the “HQS Wellington” in London which was arranged to provide industry with an open forum to discuss RUF. The event was organised by SAMI in concert with 9 Bedford Row International Chambers, and gave the team behind the rules the opportunity to dispel any myths and misconceptions around the feasibility of the rules and of the universal right to self-defence. The conference provided feedback from leading lawyers and academics, and afforded key members of the shipping and maritime security industries a chance to openly exchange views and experiences.

Lawyers, working with industry stakeholders, including shipping organisations, flag states, and the private maritime security industry in the form of SAMI, have created key rules, in a document called the “100 Series Rules”.

One of the most pivotal issues facing the maritime security industry today

The aim of a standardised set of rules is to provide clarity and certainty as to when and with what force armed guards can engage when pirates attack


















The aim of these rules has been to provide some clarity and certainty as to when and what force can be used by armed guards when pirates attack. There have long been concerns, uncertainty and serious questions of liability over the arming of vessels and it has been consistently stressed that no maritime security action is justified in exceeding the use of minimum force – but the concept was not fully formed or codified.

This is one of the most pivotal issues facing the maritime security industry, and could ultimately affect the ability of shipping to use armed guards to defend their people and assets. When armed guards engage with attackers and defend a vessel it is increasingly likely that they will be interviewed post event by law enforcement agencies. Without a formalised set of rules it is difficult for operatives to say they did the “right thing”, and there is a danger that without an industry wide agreement then operatives could be imprisoned, Masters could be dragged into legal disputes, and shipowners could be liable and their insurance cover affected.

Without a clear, united vision of what could be considered acceptable, private maritime security companies (PMSCs) are required to have a detailed, graduated response plan to a pirate attack as part of its team’s operational procedures. This has led to concerns as to how a specific flag State may assess their acceptability, and of how they may be interpreted in a court of law if something does go wrong.

Much of the RUF work rests on the concept that if an individual believes their life is under immediate threat they should be reassured that if they have to squeeze the trigger they can do so within an established set of rules. The most basic premise of the rules is that they do not provide any form of immunity from prosecution – but they provide some form of defence of actions taken if things do go wrong.

The author of the 100 Series Rules, Barrister-at-Law David Hammond, claims that despite lots of good guidance available on using force, the lack of rules is hugely significant. Where there are no rules we can perhaps expect uncertainty, and there is clearly no place for doubt, ambiguity and indecision when lives are at risk – whether they be seafarers, guards or pirates.

The Rules have passed through rigorous legal scrutiny, and Steven Kay QC, of 9 Bedford Row has been involved in assessing the objectivity of the “reasonable and necessary” test for use of force in lawful self-defence. According to Kay, international law clearly provides an objective test as to the use of force, it has to be reasonable, necessary and proportionate – the most common theme that runs through all of the international examples, and something which is at the heart of the development of the 100 Series RUF.

Another extremely serious issue facing shipping has been the concept of “Joint Criminal Enterprise” – many a Master and shipowner has been concerned about this concept, whereby they can be implicated in cases where armed security may have acted excessively. Kay stressed that parties will only be jointly commonly liable if there has been a joint criminal enterprise, and so the Master must have intentions to act wrongly. However where the guards exceed the rules without the compliance of the Master then there is an element of defence and formal RUF should provide Officers with reassurance that they can look to the rules to help keep them on the right side of the law.

This could indeed be reassuring to the Master and owner, and clearly suggest that any lack of rules could result in the Master being more vulnerable to prosecution – “were they in it together?” could be a question asked, and the answers could perhaps be ambiguous.

Responsibility does not however solely rest on the Master alone. Liability can also extend outwards across an organisation in the guise of the UK Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2008. Without some form of RUF it would almost be impossible for senior management to be sure that armed guarding activities are intended to be performed to their satisfaction and with due regard for the relative duty of care by the corporate body.

It remains clear that there are yet no clear answers, but whether from a legal, operational or academic perspective there was a strong impression that having RUF helps all stakeholders to stay within the law, but of course there are no guarantees. The move towards standard RUF has been based on strong industry consensus prompted by what Stephen Askins, of the law firm Ince & Co sees as a “gentle militarisation of shipping over past 2 years”. The work to ensure that all partners are satisfied is still ongoing. This is of course a highly complex and contentious issue – as such, moving the shipping and security industries together in one united view was never going to be straightforward.

To date, there is no legal precedence to qualify the effectiveness of model RUF. There have not yet been any test cases or incidents that have been related back to the use of a model set of RUF. In this respect, the 100 Series rules is a first for the industry. It is aimed at safeguarding both the seafarer and the business for which they work and unless an attempt to deliver a workable set of rules to the industry is followed through, those who have engaged will remain complicit in failing to raise standards. It will also otherwise play into the hands of those who wish to destabilise such a project for their own commercial advantages and gains.


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Combating Piracy


There are many maritime conferences around the world, and over the past few years piracy has played an increasingly prominent role. The Combating Piracy series is one of the few which has such a dedicated focus on the issue of piracy and of the means the shipping and security industries can combine to tackle the problems. The marketing for the event postulated worldwide piracy as an “unpredictable, varied and increasingly violent threat”, and the conference provided feedback on key industry developments, such as Rules for the Use of Force, standards for armed security and developments in the use of intelligence, equipment, technology and hardware.

The main thrust of the arguments were that combating piracy is not something which can ever been achieved in a vacuum - it needs all sides of the commercial shipping equation to work together, and even then there is a need for the world’s navies to commit assets and protection.

Previous conferences have, in some respects, had it easy – when the threat from Somali pirates was more defined, when hijacks were on the rise it was perhaps easier to come together to find pragmatic, universally acceptable solutions, an approach which has probably facilitated the use of armed guards over the past two years.

Now though, things are more complicated – and speakers spoke of the need for “high impact, low cost security”, and the need for innovation alongside tried and tested solutions.

Much of the talk around the conference was on the potential impact of the ISO28007 standard governing privately contracted armed security personnel. SAMI was on hand to provide the perspective from the private maritime security industry, while BIMCO gave its impressions from a shipowners standpoint.

What was clear was the need for a universal and accepted means of assessing company standards – one that was able to tie into the structure of standard contracts (GUARDCON) and Rules for the Use of Force (100 Series).

There was general acceptance of ISO as a right and proper starting point, but it was still far from clear who will actually certify against the standard. Many expressed concerns as to whether the Classification Societies will be willing to develop certification services for such a niche area. The answers will emerge as the ISO pilot scheme is rolled out between June and December, and so the 15th Combating Piracy conference will likely see clarification in this regard.

The 14th official update took place in Hamburgfrom 23-26 April 2013

The conference provided a

look ‘behind the headlines’,

as speakers gave their

insight into the problems

and solutions facing not just

shipping, but seafarers and

security providers too.

SAMI was heavily involved with the latest Combating Piracy conference in Hamburg. The 14th iteration of the conference focused on the key concern of how fleets can be kept safe even while budgets are being cut.The much vaunted fall in piracy attacks has landed company security officers with a challenge. On one hand they have to balance budgets, but in the face of a supposedly diminished threat – but one that is still causing lots of concerns.

In a change to the usual format SAMI Maritime Director Steven Jones chaired two unique pre-conference workshops, focusing on “Best Practice Benchmarking” and a session on fresh insights into how to pass port State control inspections.

The workshops were exclusively for CSOs, DPAs or security representatives from shipping companies, which was a deliberate tactic to ensure that in closed surroundings the shipping industry could decide which problems unite them before looking to support from solution providers.

At the Best Practice workshops covered issues such as armed guards – and attendees discussed the ongoing work to develop standards of practice to ensure compliance and security. There was much debate about the launch of ISO28007 and concerns were voiced as to role of flag States.

There were some concerns voiced as to the speed at which flags have acceded to the use of guards, but have not really evolved their internal systems to accommodate the needs of their shipowners which are using them.

Another debate focused on the “3 versus 4” approach to using armed security personnel. With a perceived drop in attacks, there was a temptation to use smaller armed teams – however, it was stressed that if a vessels vulnerability has been such that guards are needed, then it seems illogical to weaken that defence. There was extremely heated debate as to the optimum number of guards needed to minimise costs while ensuring protection, deterrent and quality.

Other workshop issues concentrated on the sharing of intelligence both pre and post attack. It was felt that shipowners lack a means of sharing such experience effectively – and this was particularly evident with regards to the managing of an actual hostage situation.

The afternoon workshops looked at ways in which vessels can look to manage Port State Control Inspections, to mitigate the likelihood of deficiencies.

The attendees left with new ideas on how to impress inspectors and while no-one can ever guarantee a clean bill of health there were many lessons to be implemented.

A Practical Guide

The Nautical Institute has launched ‘Maritime Security – a practical guide’ aimed at providing a comprehensive and practical guide to making vessels truly secure and creating a real security culture that works both onboard and ashore.Since the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code came into force in 2004 there have been significant developments in the training, information and products and services available to Masters and to company and ship security officers. Security has become part of life on board ship. During the same time, the number and sophistication of the threats to security have also increased.

Author Steven Jones MSc BSc (Hons) MNI explained that there is no room for complacency. Those responsible for vessel crews, cargoes and the ships themselves must continue to develop a security management system that actually works on board. “People are the key to security and this new guide looks to develop the ways and means of creating a security management system which has the human element at its core. It explores not simply the rules and lists of requirements but also the implications of failure and the steps to developing successful maritime security techniques.”

The primary focus for Jones is to bring security techniques and effective management to the attention of crews of merchant vessels, office personnel and ship operators. “Whether fighting pirates, stowaways or countering terrorism, true security begins when the Master and crew work within a system they respect, understand and appreciate,” he said.

The book examines the threats to maritime trade, and to specific ship types, before discussing in detail how the ISPS Code came into being and its underpinning principles and requirements. Subsequent chapters focus on the practicalities of security planning, shipboard procedures and equipment, and making security work – including the use of armed guards.

In his Foreword, Efthimios Mitropoulos Secretary General Emeritus of the International Maritime Organization, commended the “dedication and commitment” of companies and sea staff and the “tremendous efforts” made to secure port facilities across the world to meet the requirements of the ISPS Code. He pointed out that “as seafarers are in the front line of maritime security” and shoulder the burden of responsibility for maritime security onboard, it is up to those working ashore to support them.

Maritime Security – a practical guide is available from

The Nautical Institute -

ISBN: 978 1 906915 45 2 - £40

Singapore Maritime Week SAMI attended the recent Singapore Maritime Week (SMW) to join with the international maritime community in Singapore for a week of conferences, dialogues, exhibitions and social events in celebration of all things maritime. SMW has grown in size and significance since the inaugural event in 2006, and is attracting more participants and event organisers from around the world – and it was an excellent opportunity to highlight the work of SAMI on a global platform.

The premise of SMW is that of “People, Ideas and Opportunities” – three pillars which are shared with SAMI and so it was an excellent chance to work with our member companies, shipowners and the wider maritime industry to show them the strength and excellence at the heart of the maritime security community.

The main focus for SAMI was our stand and attendance at the Seatrade Sea Asia exhibition. Similar to our work with Seatrade last year in Dubai, we had a dedicated Security Pavilion with a number of SAMI members and supporters exhibiting.

The exhibition was extremely well attended, with a record number of visitors – and this provided an excellent opportunity for SAMI and members to showcase their skills, and expertise.

The SAMI team was made up of Maritime Director Steven Jones, Membership Manager Anneley Pickles and Communications Manager Gianna Molica-Franco. The stand saw visitors from a number of shipowners, the media as well as a host of interested parties.

We were also proud to have been introduced to Lui Tuck Yew The Minister of Transport for Singapore. Mr Yew took a real interest in the work of SAMI and our members, and praised our efforts to provide shipping with the security it needs to protect itself from a range of contemporary threats.

During the week of events SAMI was pleased to have met with the likes of The Nautical Institute, UK Ship Register and BIMCO – we also attended the Sailors Society function which focused on the need to protect seafarers from the problems of both pirates and unscrupulous shipowners.


SAMI AffiliatesProviders of business and support services to the maritime industry

The SAMI members were literally from A – Z, with those exhibiting including Alphard Maritime, Drum Cussac, Hart, Nexus Consulting, PVI, Tundra Maritime, Solace and Zeal Global Maritime Solutions.

Affiliates of SAMI were also on hand to both exhibit and support our work. Marsh took a stand at the event, and reported much interest in their insurance services, while G Travel who specialise in maritime travel were proud to sponsor a SAMI reception on our Stand which was extremely well attended.


Labour ConcernsOne issue which is about to potentially have a significant effect on the maritime security industry is the adoption of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) which will come into force in August 2013. The MLC is set to bring sweeping change to the industry as the convention addresses almost all the fundamental principles for seafarers. From employment rights and social conditions, the appointment of a ship’s health officer, guidelines on wages, hours of work, national insurance contributions, health, age restrictions, leave, minimum sizes and standards for crew accommodation, food and catering requirements, recreational facilities, repatriation, medical care, crewing levels and so on.

There is much to be done to ensure owners do not run into the dreaded detention fear which will accompany the arrival of port State inspections and enforcement measures. But what difference will it make to security?

Some flag States, most notably the UK, have stated that as far as they are concerned security personnel will be deemed to be seafarers under the terms of MLC – a view shared by the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF). Other flags take a different stance and encourage their owners to classify them as supernumeraries.

There appears to be confusion and a lack of clarity, and this is a major concern. SAMI is pushing forward with research into this regard, and working with leading maritime law firms and flag States to ensure that Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSCs) are aware of any obligations they may have as employers.

There will undoubtedly be more twists and turns and some serious headaches for any company not prepared for the arrival of the new requirements, or who may have made mistakes in their preparation. MLC and the benefits it will bring will offer opportunities to raise the bar, and improve standards for all – however, there may be some problems before we reach that point.

SAMI is currently working with partners to produce further guidance so do look online for further information:

Maritime SecurityMatters


Standards IssueWith the practice of using private security guards increasingly becoming the preferred option to protect ships from attacks by pirates there has been a slew of standards and certification schemes to emerge.It had been thought by many that the International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) new standard for Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) providing privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP) on board ships (ISO 28007) was going to be the leading document, especially as it was sanctioned by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

It is perhaps surprising therefore to see attempts by other international

organisations, such as the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute and the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs, to launch new initiatives for the use of private security contractors on board commercial vessels.

Governments have also been embracing the armed response solution with announcements on the provision of maritime security from a range of States – including Norway, Japan and Belgium, joining the lengthening list of flags allowing armed maritime security operatives.

With support from the shipping industry for the use of private security, the growing list of nations to authorise the use of armed guards is not overly contentious, but there are issues of interest which still emerge. One such matter was the decision of the Belgian government to permit the use of heavy calibre firearms up to 0.5-in calibre. While such weapons have their advantages, such moves add further strength to the need for effective processes for armed teams through a formalised set of RUF.

According to details to emerge from the 14th Combating Piracy conference, despite a drop in overall attack figures, Somali piracy still poses a significant threat as criminals remain heavily armed and eager to hijack. According to a range of experts, the figures showing a reduction in Somali piracy mask the true numbers – in fact in opening the conference, Chairman Giles Noakes of BIMCO stated that there are rather more piracy attacks in the Gulf of Aden than you might suppose. It seems that statistics which show a fall in the region are somewhat misleading – while others call them downright wrong.

It seems that the curse of “under reported” pirate attacks or misunderstood data are the next major issues to dog the shipping industry, and there are calls for an urgent shake up in the way that reports are both generated, captured and promulgated. It also seems that problems have emerged as the threshold for reporting has undergone a significant change over the past 18 months, due to “dumbing down” of and failures to report.

Speaking at the SAMI Company Security Officer (CSO) workshops there was universal agreement from a range of shipowner representatives that reporting piracy incidents required one point of contact. As a the debate evolved, they were able to offer stark examples of where things are going wrong and many saw clear problems of “too many cooks” appearing to cloud the picture.

There are increasing appeals for a single non-political independent reporting depository to solve the problem as the industry is becoming increasingly frustrated by the existing process, and what one observer recently stated as a, “failure to report incidents that we…consider noteworthy” and to provide information for risk evaluation and mitigation.The UKMTO and NATO apparently argue that events such as “suspicious approaches” are simply routine maritime activity. However, dramatic press reports often emerge based on the reports of other agencies, and so confusion reigns.

Another player on the stage is the private maritime security companies, and according to a number of companies they receive substantial information regarding piracy incidents that does not always get reported. These companies have dedicated operations rooms, and a very strong network of field reporters in the form of operatives. It seems that they are getting a steady stream of intelligence which is either being ignored or covered up.

So why is reporting becoming such a toxic issue? According to some experts there are two immediate issues which could be driving the under-reporting phenomena: One is the fact that shipowners do not want to report incidents, and so they quell reports. With a desire to make life simple, and to perhaps influence insurers, there are allegations that shipping is working to minimise reports. We should perhaps remember that the shipping industry does not have a good track record on reporting, and whether from safety to the environment there is many a ship with a doctored logbook or two.

Another issue is the complication of verifying incidents as piracy incidents. It seems that defining a pirate attack is one thing, but actually recognising one is something else altogether. As the use of shipboard armed guards has increased, pirates are a little more subtle in their approaches, quite literally. Guards frequently report far more “probing incidents” in which potential pirates maintain their cover by not overtly attacking.

When is a skiff manned by a group of pirates or just fishermen looking for their next catch? The answer is dictated by their ultimate actions – if the boat crew suspect or confirm that a vessel is armed, they will not likely take the steps which turn them from suspicious persons at sea into fully fledged pirates. So actually statistically accounting for them is incredibly hard.

Increasingly vessels in the High Risk Area (HRA) are subjected to incidents that appear to co-ordinated small boat piracy approaches but, because they choose not to ultimately attack, they are not necessarily classified as piracy or a suspicious approach.

It is clear that the problem is both simple, in that we need to effectively capture data on pirates, but at the same time exquisitely complex, in so far as shipowners don’t want to report, security companies are accused of scaremongering if they do report, and the agencies charged with collecting and collating, aren’t sure what they are meant to be gathering, for whom and for what purpose.

For these reasons a single lead agency approach or an agreed framework of data capture and analysis seem to be the only options. However there seems to be little agreement as to whom should take on this role and we are no closer to a solution. Sadly the lack of definitive figures makes it hard to ensure that the right security resources are brought to bear on to the piracy problems. While there are concerns about complacency and security fatigue creeping in, it is perhaps

understandable when the statistics are mired in uncertainty.

Statistics and LiesDespite a drop in overall attack figures,

Somali piracy still poses a significant threat.



Singapore Opening Following the success of operations in Hong Kong, LGS Matrix have announced the opening of their newest office in Singapore. LGS Matrix’s 9th office to open worldwide, a base in Singapore further enhances the global footprint of the company’s network. The Singapore office forms part of the company’s international expansion strategy, reinforcing their presence and ability to service clients in South East Asia

Martin Franks, Regional Manager Asia/Pacific explained that: “The government of Singapore has demonstrated commitment to making the country a premier maritime centre of excellence. Singapore Registry ranks among the top ten in the world and places a strong responsibility and commitment on the part of Singapore shipowners and ship management companies to maintain a high quality flag. This creates highly professional standards and we welcome the opportunity to work in such an inspiring environment.”

State-of-the-Art SimulationTundra International has announced an exclusive partnership with Barrister David Hammond, of 9 Bedford Row International Chambers to identify and develop new technology based training methods to test personnel on their knowledge and application of the maritime security Rules for the Use of Force.Under the terms of the agreement, Tundra International, through its wholly-owned maritime subsidiary, Tundra Maritime Defense Services, will examine ways to ensure that high quality training is rapidly made available in respect of the lawful application of the 100 Series Rules, through a variety of methods including the use of integrated static and mobile training teams, and the development of simulator training packages through Tundra’s existing exclusivity agreement with Virtra Systems Inc. (OTC US:VTSI), a leading provider of advanced judgmental and tactical simulators.

Tundra intends to use Virtra’s most advanced model, the Virtra 300, to develop judgemental Use of Force scenarios for the maritime environment. The Virtra 300 is the world’s highest standard for both individual and collective Rules for the Use of Force training, combining 5 screens to give a 300-degree immersive training platform that ensures time in the simulator will translate into real-world experience for making judgement based decisions.

Member News

Offshore PatrolAdvanFort has added a new ocean platform, the SG ARIZONA, to complete its unique pre-deployed offshore support vessel (OSV) network in the piracy High Risk Area (HRA) in and around the Gulf of Aden.SG ARIZONA brings to its logical completion a market-driven remedy for those seeking the most secure transit in what is still one of the world’s most dangerous maritime regions,” said AdvanFort President William H. Watson.

The OSV fleet, part of AdvanFort’s Seaman Guard subsidiary and composed of long-endurance vessels, has created the AdvanFort Secure Corridor positioned strategically on the commercial shipping lanes in and about pirate-infested water in the Red Sea, the Somali Basin, the Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean preventing, route changes, delays and unscheduled stops.














QuinSec recently launched a new anti-criminality and intelligence

package designed to significantly reduce risks for personnel and

assist first responders in dangerous or complex environments.

Dedicated to finding innovative ways to protect personnel and assets wherever they are globally, QuinSec showcased

how 360 degree imagery, portable wireless camera systems, covert tracking,

intelligence, and powerful geographic and data basing software can be used to

make significant in-roads into helping first responders, such as police, fire crews, or special forces, more safely access hostile


QuinSec has developed the package for use in a maritime security environment

and combined with improved intelligence gathering techniques their systems not

only deter piracy in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Guinea, but also lead to improved prosecution rates. This is achieved using

technology that allows information and images to be transmitted globally, covert tracking, and by sharing all this data with

the relevant authorities.

QuinSec Operations Director, Andy Pearson said “We are delighted to be able to offer such an expert package of technology to the market, yet very

simple to use, and extremely effective in a multitude of complex environments.”

Threat Summary Map

Visitors to Solace’s stand at Sea Asia 2013 received a free Threat Summary Map. The poster details key global incidents that have occurred in the first quarter of 2013 and may affect merchant shipping industry on land or at sea.

In Brief

Contract Wins

Miris International has enjoyed a busy start to 2013 securing a contract with a major UK ship management company and being selected as preferred service provider for a new superyacht client.

Cannon Launch

Unifire AB of Sweden has recently launched a new generation anti-piracy water cannon system. Designed for special, complex applications the new technology has been designed for highly-demanding applications

Indian Partnership

Secure a Ship are working with an Indian company to provide a new security package to serve shipping clients with an Indian team with a British team leader for anti-piracy transit services.

Global Expansion

G Travel recently won a tender to supply travel services to a major ship management company based in the Far East and continue to expand their operations across the globe with a new office in Houston, Texas


Certification body MSS Global has selected SAMI members Port2Port Maritime Security and Castor Vali Security to participate in the Pilot Audit of Certification for ISO PAS 28007 (maritime), as part of the UKAS Certification Pilot Programme.

Innovative Imagery














West Coast WarningAt the recent Combating Piracy Conference in Hamburg, Port 2 Port Maritime warned Ship owners operating in the Gulf of Guinea of the dangers of using unlicensed private security companies to deter maritime crime and piracy. Martin Broughton, Senior Operations Manager for Port 2 Port Maritime said, “With the decrease in piracy activity on the East Coast of Africa and the Arabian Sea, the focus of attention has turned to the increasingly volatile West Coast of Africa and the Gulf of Guinea (GoG) region. In 2012 the GoG witnessed its worst year for acts of piracy and maritime criminal activity, and if the current rate of incidents continue, 2013 will surpass all previous years.”

“The rise in maritime crime has resulted in a vast number of Private Maritime Security Companies trying to ply their trade in this area without fully understanding the regulatory requirements and nuances of operating in such a diverse area. Shipping Companies and charterers alike need to be aware of the pitfalls of not using the services of PMSC’s that are not fully licensed which could ultimately lead to them being unable to operate and deliver their services.”

P2P has witnessed numerous cases of unlicensed and unregulated “off duty” Nigerian Armed Forces being used for protection services within Nigerian waters; something that would annul any indemnity they have in place for the region.

Andrew Varney, the Managing Director of Port 2 Port also stated, “For the past year, P2P has been fully compliant and licensed in delivering Maritime Security Services in this challenging region. P2P has the authority and requisite licenses to embark and disembark personnel and equipment at Cape Verde and Namibia allowing for North/South and South/North armed transits of West Africa. P2P provides highly experienced Maritime Security Officers, complimented by Indigenous Armed Forces.”

He continued, “P2P have recently operated in the waters off Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote D’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin and various ports in Nigeria to the south of the country. This, coupled with the support of P2P Intelligence Services, make P2P the obvious and safe choice for Shipping Companies and charterers to provide all their maritime security solutions. Port 2 Port continues to re-define maritime security in an ever changing and highly volatile environment.”

P2P has a registered regional office in Ghana and is one of two Maritime Security Companies undergoing the Pilot Assessment for ISO 28007, of which it has now completed Stage 1 of the ISO 28007. P2P’s provision of services in the Gulf of Guinea combined with the assurance of a thorough audited risk management contained within the ISO process, reinforces its commitment to a quality product that is flexible, responsive and totally reliable.

Member News

Delta DefenceIn response to the tremendous level of demand, ISN International Security Network GmbH recently announced that it is to offer vessel protection services in the Gulf of Guinea. Despite the prevalence of maritime piracy off the Nigerian coast and in the wider Gulf of Guinea, piracy in this region tends to receive less public attention than in the Horn of Africa and the Gulf of Aden. The growing frequency of attacks and the higher insurance premiums for shipping in the Gulf of Guinea led ISN to extend their offer of services to vessels calling at ports in the Niger Delta.









On the back of success participating in Seatrade’s Middle East Maritime Event, Zeal Global Maritime Solutions set their sights further sast with a striking presence at Sea Asia 2013 in Singapore this April.Incorporating attendance at the exhibiton into an extended trip to the far east, Zeal worked with a design team in Singapore to develop an exhibtion space aimed at raising awareness of their brand and to create an area for meetings with exisiting and potential clients in the region.

Bryne Orme, Managing Director of Zeal Global Maritime Solutions said of the event “We were delighted by the number of new enquiries we received from real “decision makers” who attended Sea Asia. The whole experience was extremely rewarding and we enjoyed had excellent opportunities to network both inside & outside the exhibition including the superb golf tournament.

Zeal’s trip to the far east also included presentations to prospective new clients in Japan and Hong Kong.

Eastern Expansion

Welcome OnboardSAMI is pleased to welcome into the membership fold an ever inreasing number of Affiliates who deliver a wide range of products and services to the Association,, members and the wider industry.

Bluestone Law International is a US law firm specializing in global debt recovery including representing PMSCs in recovering fees and expenses from ship owners and related parties. Other services include pre-contract due diligence, contracts, bankruptcy filings, and instructing local recovery services.

Maritime Operations specifically services MARSEC companies to obtain weapons permits to transit South African Ports. Maritime Operations works with Shipping Agents to ensure that the Security Teams are passed through Immigration Services and that the Masters of the vessels are in possession of all relevant documentation and permits that are needed to comply with Port and Police Regulations.

9 Bedford Row International is the international arm of the Chambers of Anthony Berry QC based in London. It comprises leading and highly experienced Counsel covering criminal, civil and commercial maritime areas of practice reflecting established multi-jurisdictional court, advisory and practical international experience.

In this issue we look at the wider supply chain and security and answer a number of questions on the security challenges facing ports.

What are the current security challenges faced by ports?

SAMI has witnessed an evolving pattern of security threats facing ports. Ports in the Gulf of Aden have become popular targets for piracy. Indeed there have been a number of attacks in which pirates have sat off the port attacking vessels at anchor and those transiting the area.While general and bulk cargo traffic has suffered, the Somali piracy problem has also had a significant effect on cruise traffic. This has been particularly damaging to East Africa, as local countries see tourism as a tool to drive further investment. Elsewhere West African oil cargoes have been targeted, while in Asia there has been a strong re-emergence of piracy in all its forms – from opportunistic raids through to hijacking of vessels and cargoes to order. Other major issues affecting port security relate to smuggling, stowaways and terrorism, but more usually relates to the issue of cargo theft. In addition the potential danger of terrorism appears to be a constant concern for the global supply chain, and many ports are under threat as a consequence of this.

Is the security threat evolving and how are ports transforming their security to meet this?

For all ports there is the economic drive to ensure that they are secure – increasingly ports must prove they have the systems, processes, people and equipment in place to safeguard their secure integrity. While most major ports are seen as comparatively secure, what they more often experience is opportunistic theft. Criminals are able to take advantage of isolated trucks or loads left unattended. A unitised load already packed and ready to go is by far the easiest cargo to steal; the old adage that “cargo at rest is cargo at risk” applies as much today, as it ever has. When economic times are hard, there is usually an upswing in crime – with that in mind port operators are working hard to police their terminals, to protect cargoes and their very reputation as a commercially viable venture.

How key is the role of perimeter security and how can ports ensure they are secured from potential attacks?

Ports are vulnerable to attack, whatever the target – whether cargoes, vessels or the infrastructure itself, they need a lot of protecting. They obviously vary, there is no such thing as a standard port, but there are general security lessons which can be learned and applied. Ports begin and end with their perimeter – visit any historic port and the most incredible feats of industrial design have created immense walls fortifying the structure. Over the centuries people have always wanted to get into ports for nefarious means, and this has not changed.

We can supplement the perimeter in both physical and electronic means. From lights, cameras and sensors – the perimeter of any port can be made an increasingly impenetrable barrier, which can be both monitored and secured. Intelligence and analysis are the foundations of any security regime, and it is imperative that operators understand what the threats facing them may be. From this starting point, a port can develop the necessary responses to the risks and vulnerabilities. The perimeter of a port can be to seaward too – and the operator which focuses solely on the hinterland instead of the foreshore can become a victim of crime very quickly.

How important is the role of technology in protecting ports and their perimeters?

SAMI has a growing membership within the Equipment, Technology and Hardware security sector, and many of our members work with leading ports and terminals to protect and safeguard their operations. It is vital that port operators know the options available to them to protect their people, clients, facilities and cargoes from attack. The right technology, properly installed and fully integrated into the overall security philosophy and regime can bring enormous benefits. Technology can be used to secure ports, but has to be part of a wider overarching security regime and philosophy. If the focus is on truly securing the port, then technology can be an increasingly significant and important part of the efforts.

ASK SAMISAMI covers all kinds of maritime security issues, send us your security questions, and we’ll get the experts within our membership to answer them.

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SAMI Affiliates

Business SupportClear Presentations


Ellis Clowes

England & Company



March on Stress


PersonnelEC Maritime

Global Crew Shipping


Whittaker & Co

Operations & IntelligenceBTG Global Risk Maritime Operations


Switchblade International

TravelATP Instone

SAT Marine Travel


Legal9 Bedford Row

Bluestone International

To find out more about SAMI Affiliate contact Membership Manager, Anneley Pickles

Providers of business and support services to the maritime industry

EVENTSTackling Kidnap, Hijack & Hostage Taking

22-23 May, London

Securing Asia

24-25 June, London

London International

Shipping Week

9-13 September, London

Middle East Workboats

& Offshore Marine

30 Sep - 2 Oct, Abu Dhabi

TransSecurity Expo

8-9 October, Mexico

Transport Security Expo

13-14 November, London

World BorderPol Congress

3-4 December, London

SAMIwww.seasecurity.orgAFFILIATEPartner withwww.gtravel .no