The White Legacy--Generation 7 Interlude

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Major events go down in this interlude to the White Legacy.

Transcript of The White Legacy--Generation 7 Interlude

I Am Not YouThe White Legacy:Interlude

Arc: “Good morning, Merry. Have a nice night? Hungry?”

Merry: “Get out of my way.”

Merry: “I said to move.”

Arc: “I don’t think so. I have a few questions to ask first.”

Merry: “I’m hungry, stupid! Get out of my way!”

Arc: “Tell me. Why did you do it?”

Merry: “Alright, tell me. What did I do this time, exactly? Nothing, because I keep getting interrupted! Now move!”

Arc: “Did you actually go inside and look them in the eye when you did it, or did you stand outside and let them die without even having the guts to see their faces?”

Merry: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Arc: “I am done pretending. It happened in a kitchen. A kitchen, in fact, a lot like this one.”

Arc: “You killed them. My wife and my son. My family. You killed them, and then you allowed me to come here and work with you. That was why, wasn’t it? You tried all through college to get me to join you, but I wouldn’t because I had Anne.”

Arc: “And so you killed her. Her and Spar. My family, Merry!”

Merry: “So what if I did? You didn’t seem to understand. I was meant to be heiress, but they took that away from me. You were a spare too, you should have understood! I needed you! She didn’t! She was a distraction, and I took that distraction away! Now you know, and you’re just as devoted to destroying the legacy as I am! Now get out of my way, I want my breakfast!”

Arc: “Fine. Eat your breakfast. But first, I have just one more question.”

Arc: “Do you remember the new plan to kill a certain legacy brat that I was talking about?”

Merry: “Hmph. Do you think a gun can scare me? I’m the most powerful witch in the neighborhood. I can put up a barrier faster than you can pull the trigger.”

Arc: “Ah, yes. I’d thought about that.”

Arc: “Does this look familiar?”


Baltic: “Seraphine? Seraphine!?”

Seraphine: “Now? Right now? Tonight?”

Arc: “Tonight! We move tomorrow morning! Go! Retrieve it, and give it to me!”

Seraphine: “But—”

Arc: “NOW!!”

Merry: “I—”

Arc: “I have no more questions. Now, Seraphine.”

Arc: “Seraphine. Now.”

Seraphine: “Even… even after all you’ve done to me, and to Baltic… all the people you have hurt and killed…”

Seraphine: “I’m not a killer. I am not you.”

Seraphine: “And I will never need this!!”

Arc: “Idiot girl.”

Arc: “Bye, Merry.”


Merry: “Ugh…”

Merry: “I will get you for this, Arc. I WILL GET YOU!!”

Arc: “Good luck with that.”

Seraphine: “It’s… it’s…”

Grim: “Not now, Seraphine. Be prepared to run. We’ll talk later.”

Seraphine: “She’s… gone. She’s gone.”

Arc: “Yes, yes, she’s gone, and it’s about time. Now, then. About that little bit of insubordination back there…”

Seraphine: “…!”

Grim: “Seraphine! RUN!”


Baltic: “It’s got to be this bookcase, right!? Open! Come on, open! Open! SERAPHINE!!”


Baltic: “Seraphine!? Is that you!?”

Arc: “Afraid not.”

Baltic: “What did you do with Seraphine!? I heard gunshots! What did you do!?”

Arc: “Not nearly enough. She’ll pay for her disobedience when I catch up to her. That, however, can wait. I have a legacy to finish with first.”

Baltic: “The legacy? What about it!?”

Arc: “Merry may have set the fire, but they did nothing about it. They are just as guilty as she is, if not more. There won’t be even a single one of them left when I am done with them.”

Arc: “You’re some guardian, you know. Seraphine prophesied you would protect the legacy, but what have you done for the last few generations? Rotted in a tower. You’re lucky you were valuable enough to feed. Not anymore, though. You see, I’m leaving. This mansion is far too conspicuous for my purposes. Now that Merry is no longer an issue, there is nothing tying me here.”

Arc: “Apparently there’s nothing tying Seraphine here, either. She’s completely gone. Abandoned you. Maybe she wasn’t as attached to you as she claimed.”

Baltic: “Why are you telling me this? What’s the purpose?”

Arc: “Purpose? Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to make sure you knew why you were slowly starving to death with no one to talk to. I’ll be sure to jam the swinging mechanism in this bookshelf before I leave, too. I’m honestly surprised you never realized the green book on the third shelf was the opening lever .”


Baltic: “Whoa!”

Arc: “Try it all you like, it’s not going to work anymore. Well, I think that’s all. Goodbye, Baltic. Good luck protecting the legacy from in there.”


Baltic: “Focus, Baltic. Calm down. Focus.”

Baltic: “Okay… he’s really leaving…”


Baltic: “It’s true… she’s gone…”

Baltic: “I don’t know how long my stockpiles are going to last…”

Hattie: “Hm…?”

Hattie: “Merry… is dead.”

Hattie: “Well, pickled toads on a biscuit. That means I’ve got another death to investigate.”

Merry: “Those light witches are going to pay for this. Even if they had nothing to do with it, they are going to pay. …I love war.”

Lara: “Mother?”

Rose: “What’s wrong, sweetie?”

Lara: “Why are there weird lights in the sky? Those aren’t fireworks, are they?”

Rose: “No, honey, they’re not fireworks…”

Lewis: “Anything?”

Rose: “No. Callie’s not answering her phone.”

Lewis: “So she’s probably in a battle right now?”

Rose: “Probably.”

Lewis: “So what do we do? Are we going to be safe?”

Rose: “I don’t know… the last time I went through this, I was safe in the—”


Lara: “Rhea, I’m scared!”

Rhea: “It’s gonna be okay, Lara… everything’s gonna be okay!”

Rose: “Is everything alright!? We heard a scream!”

Rhea: “We’re—”


Rose: “Rhea, I want you to take your sister and hide in the nursery bathroom. The small one. Your father and I are going to go investigate and find someone who can help us.”

Rhea: “Are you sure!? I want to go with you, not stay here and hide!”

Rose: “I want you safe, Rhea! And I need you here for Lara!”

Rhea: “Okay…”

Lewis: “We’re almost there.”

Rose: “Oh, good. I can see Pepper’s house. Which one do you suppose might have a witch or warlock living in it?”


Arie: “Rose? Lewis!?”

Rose: “Aunt Arie!?”

Arie: “What are you doing here!?”

Lewis: “Our house is getting shaken up, we were looking for someone to help!”

Arie: “Go home! I’ll find somebody, I want you two to stay safe and with your kids!”

Rose: “But—”

Arie: “GO!!”

Arie: “SUUUUUN!?”

Sun: *muffled* “In the van!”

Arie: “Oi! I need your help!”

Sun: “I’m kind of, like, stuck in here until sundown, dudette!”

Arie: “Oh, that’s right…”

Arie: “Look, your great-granddaughter is kind of in trouble. When it gets dark enough, hightail your butt down to legacy estate, alright?”

Sun: “What are you, like, going to do?”

Arie: “I’m going to find out what’s going on!”

Sun: “And where are you, like, going to do that, dudette? Who do you know who’s totally tapped into witch politics?”


Jocelyn: “Sorry, our policy is to stay neutral on things like this.”

Calcite: “Sorry, Aunt Arie.”

Arie: “Okay, then. Plan B.”

Arie: “No need to go inside, I think… maybe I’ll just sneak around the back, peer in some windows, see if I can’t figure out what’s going on like that… yeah…”

Arie: “What is that…?”

Arie: “In memory of Merry White… may she—well, that’s not very nice…”

Arie: “So, Merry… is dead…?”


Arie: “That’s good enough for me. I think I can guess what this battle is over. I’m getting out of here!”

Baltic: “Arie! ARIE!!”