The White Legacy--Generation 7, Chapter 2

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Birthdays and revelations are had in this chapter of the White Legacy.

Transcript of The White Legacy--Generation 7, Chapter 2

Bow To MeThe White Legacy:Generation Seven, Chapter Two

Welcome back! Last time, Rose met with the light witches, and happened to be there when the dark witches attacked, beginning a witch war. Fortunately, the wards around the castle o’ light held, and Rose made it home without further incident. She married Lewis, they went on a honeymoon to Twikkii Island, and had two daughters, Rhea (toddler) and Elara (baby). Lewis also decided to wear a grass skirt and dye his hair purple. Sims.

Merry: “HATTIE! I need you NOW!!”

Hattie: “What do you want now, Merry? And why are we standing in a closet?”

Merry: “I just saw something horrible in my magic mirror.”

Hattie: “And why do you keep your magic mirror in a closet?”

Merry: “Well, where ELSE do you expect me to put it, you idiot? It’s a mirror!”

Hattie: “Merry White, I am the head of your order, and I demand your respect! You will not call me names!”

Merry: “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen. I fought in your war, I want a return on the favor.”

Hattie: “Fighting in the war is a duty of being in the order, Latimeria. What’s more, you fought in one battle, which, by the way, ended in a stalemate. The war is far from over, and I expect you to be there every time we need you, not just when some legacy girl happens to be involved!”

Merry: “I don’t care. My brother’s heiress just gave birth to the eighth generation of the family. Those kids will have kids, and when those kids have just one kid, that’ll be it. Over. I have to end the legacy before that happens.”

Hattie: “Oh! Hahaha, I see! You mean you want us to attack the legacy which is under the protection of our most powerful archenemies! Oh, lest I forget, the same legacy that managed to survive alien abduction and singlehandedly decimate a loathe of vampires!”

Hattie: “No.”

Merry: “No!? NO!? Need I remind you what the legacy has DONE!?”

Hattie: “Oh, that’s a very good question, Merry. What have they done? To us, I mean.”

Merry: “I was supposed to be heiress!! It was MINE!! I was the special one! ME!!”

Hattie: “Yes, and? What have they done to make themselves a threat to us? And by ‘us,’ I mean the glorious order of dark witches, not you.”

Merry: “…”

Hattie: “Yes, that’s what I thought. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have far more important things to do than arguing with you. Like watching the paint on the new HQ dry.”

Hattie: “And by the way, Merry? If you go near that legacy estate or any one of the residents, I will have you put before the High Order Council. We are already in a war with the light witches, and we don’t need to aggravate them. At least, not right now.”

Merry: “Fine.”

Merry: “Arc. We’re running out of time. We need to end the legacy now. Give me another plan.”

Arc: “I’m busy right now, Merry.”

Merry: “I was thinking something with fire this time. We haven’t used that often enough. Fire, or maybe we could find a way to lock them all in the Astral Realm. And then set them on fire.”

Arc: “Don’t make me repeat myself, Merry. I’m busy.”

Merry: “…what.”

Arc: “Go away, Merry.”

Merry: “Generation eight has been born, Arc. Generation eight. That’s only two generations away. We have to do something!”

Arc: “Technically, it’s really only one and a half generations away, since the tenth generation heir will only need to be born to be effectual.”

Merry: “Pickled plumbbobs! So WHY are you just sitting there on that dumb computer!?”

Arc: “Merry, shut up.”

Merry: “WHAT!?”

Arc: “I am working on a plan against one certain legacy brat. In fact, I have Seraphine out running errands to prepare for it at this very moment.”

Merry: “So why haven’t I heard anything about this yet!?”

Arc: “Your part comes later. Trust me, you’re going to like this plan.”

Merry: “Eeexcellent. So, when’s it going to be ready?”

Arc: “When it’s ready.”

Merry: “Answer my question, will you? When is it going to be ready!?”

Arc: “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe in a generation or so.”

Merry: “We don’t have that much time!!”

Arc: “Yes we do. Be patient.”

Merry: “ARGH!!”

Merry: “FINE!! I’m just going to move against the legacy MYSELF!! You hear me!? You can KEEP your stuffy plans! They never work anyway!!”

Arc: “Go play with your cauldron, Merry. I’m busy.”

Merry: “WE’LL SEE!!”

Rose: “Aha!”

Lewis: “Finally found your job?”

Rose: “YES!”

Lewis: “Aren’t you already permaplat? Why are you going after your lifetime want?”

Rose: “Oh, you know, I just need something to do. I’m going to be a SWAT team leader.”

Butler: “Come along, little one. Time for bed.”

Rhea: “Zoom!”

Rhea: “Hi, Daddy. I’m grown up now.”

*jaw drop* Huh-what!? I swear today was Rhea’s birthday! I mean, obviously it was, but I thought we were still at the one day to go mark! I have a cake in the other room and everything! *facepalm* I am such a bad sims player…

Rhea: “Hey, Mom! Guess what!? Daddy and I went clothes shopping!!”

Rose: “You did? That’s great, honey… You look wonderful. Where’s Daddy?”

You’re a lumberjack now? What happened to the grass skirt?

Lewis: “Eh, the grass skirt was old. This is new!”

Rhea: “Hey! Look at me, look at me! Lookit what I can do!!”

Rhea: “See? See!?”

Lewis: “Woo yeah! Go Ray!!”


Lewis: “You really expect me to call her Rhea all the time? That’s a whole syllable more than she needs.”

Okay then.

Arie: “Are you making cake?”

Lewis: “Nope.”

Arie: “You have eggs and milk out and you’re not making a cake? What’s wrong with you?”

Rhea: “Yippee! It’s SNOWING!!”

Alright, you got me. This picture was just to show off the bigfoot pajamas. I love these things.

Guess who got tipped into a toxic vat of chemicals and now is fully skilled, permaplat, and has super powers and uses them to fly around the city rescuing people?

Rose: “The lady behind me?”

Rhea: “Hey, Author! Look! I found a puppy! Can I keep him? Pleeeeeaaaaaase!?”

Uh, that might not be such a good idea, Rhea. Look at his eyes. That puppy might have rabies or something.

Leader of the Pack: “Grrrrrrr!” {Rabies!? How rude!!}

Guess who’s birthday I didn’t forget! Happy birthday, Elara!

Kevin: {Arie is so hot!}

Ahem. You’re at a child’s birthday party, Kevin.

Kevin: *toot toot toot!*


She’s not a clone of Rhea, because they have different personalities. But she might as well be.

Rhea: “Bored now. Ooh, what’s going on out there?”

Lewis: “Hm, breakfast, breakfast… mmm, this looks good.”

Lewis: “This. Is. Incredible.”

Oh yeah?

Lewis: “Author. I need a ReNuYu Orb.”

…Excuse me?

Lewis: “Here goes nothing! Cheesy fields of paradise, here I come!”

Lewis, wait! Let’s talk about this first! You can’t decide to change your aspiration based on one amazing sandwich! Come on, let go of the orb, take a seat, and let’s have a nice, long—

—and I’m too late.

Lewis: “Suddenly I’m very hungry.”

Well, this should be interesting. It’s been literally years since I’ve played a Grilled Cheese Sim. Let’s see how this goes.

Rhea: “Author, what did my daddy just do with the scary round metal thing?”

Don’t worry about it, hon. He’s just got a bit of a new take on life, that’s all.

Rhea: “Oh. Okay. I want a kitty.”

Rhea: “Daddy, I want a kitty. An alien kitty! An alien kitty that goes RAWR!!”

Lewis: “What a fabulous idea! Hey, how about we go down to the pet store right now?”

What? No! You guys don’t need a pet!

Rhea: “Wait a minute… you’re not an alien kitty. You’re a regular kitty.”


Blasted sims. Lewis cheesed himself, then got a cat for Rhea… no one’s paying attention to me anymore. *sniff*

Everyone, meet Cynthia. Cynthia, meet everyone.

Cynthia: {Yes, yes, hello. Are you going to give me scratches or not?}

Typical cat.

Wow, it’s weird seeing you as a ghost. How’s the Luau, Ella?

Ella: “Pretty awesome! Peter and I haven’t hardly left his beach garden since I got there!”

Hey, you heard me!

Ella: “Yeah! I got my hearing back! Isn’t that great!? I’d forgotten how nice sound could be!”

Hey! No! Bad kitty! BAD!

Cynthia: {Bite me.}

LEWIS!! Take this cat back! And stop leaving your grilled cheese platters on the ground!!

*sigh* Remind me what used to be here?

LEWIS!! I said to get rid of that cat!!

Cynthia: {I am Queen.}

Don’t worry, Elara’s still alive. She’s just been very quiet, and also a toddler.

Rose: “Say ‘Mommy,’ `Lara!”

Elara: “No!”

Rhea: “Guess what? I got an A+! Mom, did you hear me? Are you listening to me? Huh huh huh? Did you hear? I got an A+!!”

Lewis: “Awww, aren’t you such a pretty kitty! Yes you are! Yes you are!”

Cynthia: {Yeeees. Bow to me, pathetic human.}

Captain Hero: Best. Job. EVER.

Butler: “Is this considered a photobomb?”

No. Hiss. Go away.

Arc: “Did you find one?”

Seraphine: “Two, actually.”

Arc: “Excellent. Give one to me, then.”

Seraphine: “Why? I thought we agreed I was going to do it.”

Arc: “You don’t really expect me to fully trust you, do you? You managed to inherit your mother’s rate of effectiveness. I don’t think I’ve yet seen you perfectly execute anything.”

Seraphine: “Hmph. How do I know I can trust you to follow through?”

Arc: “You can’t. But just remember, I’m the only one who knows how to get into that tower without a magivestigium spell. So hand it over, now.”

Rose: “Lewis, this sandwich is incredible! What is your secret!?”

Lewis: “The secret? The same secret to any dish, my sweet gorgonzola: Love.”

Rose: “Awww, you’re so sweet!”

Lewis: “You are far sweeter, Rose.”


Alright, alright. No more pic spam of the cat sitting on various thrones. Even when they make perfect evil faces to go with it.

Rose: “Guess who’s a birthday girl?”

Elara: “Ray-ray?”

Rose: “No, silly goose! It’s not Rhea’s birthday! It’s yours! It’s `Lara’s birthday!”

Elara: “Birfday!? Yaaaaay!!”

Everybody’s gathered, time for another birthday!

Elara: “Cool! Fingers!”

Rhea: “Awesome! Pirate suit!”

Rose: “Agh! My baby’s a child!”

Arie: “Bored now.”

Going for the Bella Goth look, are we?

Elara: “No comment on the hair?”

Nope. No comment.

Elara: “Darn. I was hoping for a big reaction.”

A big reaction? Big like your hair? Ba dum crash!

Hm. Red nightgown, too. I’m sensing a pattern here.

You, cat, have a bed. Two, in fact. There is no need to take over Rose and Lewis’s one bed.

…okay, okay, so she’s too cute to shoo away. Fine.

Cynthia: “Mee-OW HISS!!” {Touch me not, foolish human!!}

Unfortunate Townie Boy: “All I wanted was to pet the pretty kitty! THAT’S ALL I WANTED!!”

There are far too many cat slides in here.

These two are just so cute. Together, they are doubly cute.

Rhea: “Hear that, `Lara? Operation: Twin is a-go. World domination by cute is on board.”

Elara: “Excellent. Engage secret twin high-five handshake.”

You two are not twins.

Rhea: “We’re as good as!”

Rhea has ten nice points, Elara has eight. Catch is ruthlessly dull between these two.

Nice job, butler. He puts pork chops in the oven, then goes and makes mac and cheese on the stovetop. *headdesk*

Rhea: “What!? It’s my birthday already? But I don’t want to grow up! I like being a kid!”

Just blow the candles out already. Sheesh.

Rhea: “What… is this.”

Um… your hand?

Rhea: “Not that. This thing I’m wearing.”

A cheerleading uniform?


Glasses, huh?

Rhea: “Yeah… I finally figured out why everything looked so blurry when I was a kid.”

Makes sense. Both your father and your grandfather needed glasses.

Rhea: “Doesn’t mean I have to like it, though. They get in the way.”

Good news: seems my fear of the stabby death nose was exaggerated. It looks like Rhea and Lara will be able to squeak by without too much of a weight on their faces. Phew. Now let’s hope it doesn’t get passed to their sons.

Rhea: “Hey, I know! Let’s go play some night games! You know, Museum in the Dark, hide and seek, that kind of thing! That sounds like fun!”

Lara: “Fun. So, running around and laughing is ‘fun’?”

Kevin: “Generally, that’s the definition, yes.”

Arie: “Hey, I’ve got a better idea! Let’s go do an SSX3 tournament! Winner gets to take home the rest of the birthday cake!”

Chantelle: “…did you feel that?”

Merry: “All those plants will be the perfect tinder! This is going to be the biggest fire ever!!”

Merry: “What are you two doing here? Out of the way! …actually, you know what? Stay right there. Two fewer light witches in the world isn’t going to hurt anything.”

Callie: “Well, that was incredibly easy, finding the source of the alarm, I mean. I thought we were going to have to look.”

Chantelle: “Of course not. Merry’s never been one for subtlety.”

Merry: “Hey! I’m standing right here, morons!”

Chantelle: “I noticed.”

Merry: “HEY! What did you do to my wand!?”

Chantelle: “Actually, it was to you. Thanks for standing still long enough for me to block your magic for the night, and for not putting up your basic personal wards. You would think Hattie had taught you better than that.”

Callie: “Great. So can I have a crack at her now? There’s this Spiritus Poultria spell I’ve been aching to try—”

Chantelle: “Callie. You’re a light witch.”

Callie: “It’s a neutral spell, it’s a neutral spell!”

Hattie: “MERRY WHITE!! I told you to stay away from this place!!”

Callie: “Ooh, hi there, Hattie. Great timing, you know. Collect this idiot over here for us.”

Merry: “I am NOT an—”

Hattie: “We are going now, and I will be contacting the High Order Council in the morning!!”

Chantelle: “Darn. I was hoping just a little that that was going to turn into a battle.”

Callie: “But at least it’s not happening here. I don’t want my family in the way of danger, distant though they may be.”

Chantelle: “Oh, of course we would have moved it somewhere else. What kind of guardian do you think I am? We could have baited them to the Astral Realm if we really needed to.”

Callie: “Maybe we should attack them at their new HQ. We can’t let them think this kind of thing is going to go unpunished .”

Chantelle: “You know, I think you’re right.”

Rhea: “YES!! Go Mom!!”

Rose: “I win! Oh, I’m so sorry, Aunt Arie! Would you like a rematch? I’ll let you win this time—”

Arie: “NO! I mean, YES, I want a rematch, but NO don’t you ‘let me win’! I’ve been playing this game every day for six generations, I know how to play!!”

Lara: “I still don’t understand what’s ‘fun’ about this.”

Arc: “You’re late getting in, Merry. What’s more, you seem frustrated. What happened?”

Merry: “Shut up.”

Arc: “Oh, I see. Did something go wrong with your hastily put together vigilante plan?”

Merry: “I said, shut up! There was nothing wrong with my plan! It worked once already, didn’t it!? The only thing wrong with my plan was a bunch of stupid witches sticking their stupid noses in other people’s business!”

Merry: “I’m going to bed!!”

Arc: “Hmph, she’s finally gone off the deep end. ‘It’s already worked once,’ ha. When was the last time she burned down… a house…”

Arc: “No.”

Arc: “That fire was accidental. It was a kitchen fire. The investigative police even agreed that it started in the kitchen, where Anne was found. It was an accident. The only fault lies with the legacy party-goers two houses down who didn’t see a raging house fire.”

Arc: “There is no possible way I have been living under the same roof as the one who… who…”

Arc: “No. No. It’s impossible.”

Arc: “NO!!”


Arc: “SERAPHINE! Why didn’t you come when I called!?”

Seraphine: “You called?”

Arc: “YES, I called!!”

Baltic: “Seraphine? What’s going on?”

Arc: “Shut up, Baltic! Seraphine, come with me!”

Baltic: “Seraphine? Seraphine!?”

That’s all for this chapter! Happy simming!