The War Chronicles Part IV “Ultimate Deceptions” I...Him, not just principles or concepts. As...

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Transcript of The War Chronicles Part IV “Ultimate Deceptions” I...Him, not just principles or concepts. As...




God but go into error if we are not devoted to knowing the Scriptures, which He gave us to know Him and His ways. We must have both if we are not going to be deceived.

When Jesus was asked by His disciples about the signs of the end of the age, the first thing He said was “Don’t be deceived.” Deception is a hallmark of the end of the age. We are told that a great veil will be over the people so that they cannot see (see Isaiah 25:7), and that “darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples…” (Isaiah 60:2). However, the rest of that verse states: “but the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you.” At the very time the deep darkness is coming upon the people given to darkness, the glory of The Lord is appearing upon His people.

This implies that this will be the greatest distinction between light and darkness as both will be clearly manifested. This is what brings the nation into “the Valley of Decision” where all must choose which they will follow. We have come to the time when there can be no more “hesitating between two opinions,” but all will have to choose the light or the darkness. It is obvious in biblical prophecy that most will choose darkness at least for a time, but as the next verse in Isaiah 60 declares, “Nations will



WHEN THE CROP PERMITSby Francis Frangipane PAGE 5






I n times of war accurate intelligence is critical. For the Christian soldier, this begins with having the truth and being able to discern the truth. This is accurate

knowledge, accurate perception, sound biblical doctrine, as well as knowing the Person of Jesus, who is “the Truth.” Walking in truth is following Him, not just principles or concepts. As Francis Frangipane likes to say, we are not called to follow a manual, but rather Emmanuel.

Abiding in the truth is to be in the will of The Lord. We want to have accurate knowledge, accurate perception, sound doctrine, and the love of the truth that would have us seeking these with the devotion they deserve. However, the most important of all is to know The Lord and know His voice. In John 10:4, The Lord says that the sheep follow Him, the Good Shepherd, “because they know His voice.”

Jesus spoke of those who were in error because they did not know the Scriptures or the power of God (see Matthew 22:29). We can know the Scriptures well but still be in error by not being in the will of God. Knowing the Book of The Lord is important, but it is even more important to know The Lord of the Book. If we know The Lord, we will also know the power of Him who is called “the Almighty.” However, we may know the power of

The War Chronicles Part IV“Ultimate Deceptions”


come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:3).

The light will ultimately prevail over the darkness. About this we can be sure. The issue is if it is prevailing in us now. This harvest that Jesus said is the end of the age is the maturing of all of the seeds that have been sown in mankind. What is maturing in us at this time? As we are warned in Luke 21:34-36:

“Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap;

“for it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of all the earth.

“But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

In Scripture there is only one global power that rules on the earth before the coming of The King and His kingdom, and that is the counterfeit to the kingdom of God and the “antichrist,” or “man of sin.” This is why Christians who are knowledgeable of biblical prophecy have resisted any form of globalism. There are two globalist forces now seeking to dominate the whole earth—radical Islam and Marxism. Both of these global-ist forces consider Christianity and America their greatest enemy and the biggest threat to their ambitions. They are right.

The reason both of these globalist ideologies have the destruction of Christianity and America as their number one strategy is because they are both based on a unity of conformity achieved by totalitarian control. Both Christianity and America promote freedom and the uniqueness that God sowed throughout His creation. To achieve a unity of conformity requires totalitarian control because it is so contrary to the nature we were created to have. We were created in the image of God, The Creator, who is creativity and uniqueness. So were we created to be.

As is written in II Corinthians 3:17, “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” Even though institutional Christianity has at times sought to impose a unity of conformity by pressure, manipulation, and control, this has always ultimately resulted in far more division than unity. This is a major reason why we have so many denominations today. God’s unity is a unity of diversity, built on respect for and appreciation of the great diversity our Creator sowed throughout His creation, including mankind.

This is also why God created the different nations and gave them boundaries (borders). He wants each nation to preserve its own unique history and heritage so that it can fit together with the others that are unique just as all of the members of our human body are unique. The body could not live if all its members tried to be the same. Each is important to the whole, and together they are one body. So also is humanity to be many different and unique tribes, cultures, and nations that together are the image of our Creator.

Today, America is facing a maturing of the diabolical philosophy of Marxism in our midst. This is recognized by the increasing intolerance those who have been influenced by it have for any who are different from them. This has been intentionally sown throughout our culture through the infiltration and takeover of our media, arts and entertainment, and especially the education system. This was accomplished by the Marx-ist’s plan for destroying America from within, which they have been very effective in implementing.

“. . . we may know the power of God but go into error if we are not devoted to knowing the Scriptures, which He gave us to know Him and His ways. We must have both if we are not going to be deceived.”


Now the Marxists think they have pretty much accomplished the 45 points of this plan for subduing America from within, and they believe it is now time for the last phase that will collapse the Republic. This last phase is to create chaos and anarchy, knowing that any who have experienced the chaos and merciless cruelty of anarchy will quickly be willing to accept Marxist totali-tarian control in place of it.

This Marxist plan has worked in many countries to date, and it appears to be working in America now. Not surprisingly, Marxists and Islamists are now working together to bring about our destruction, even though these two are natural enemies. If they were to accom-plish their goal of destroying America and making world dominance possible, they would then turn on each other. However, for now they are both working by the principles that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

With the success of the domestic infiltration of our country by these enemies of freedom, and the strength of our external enemies, it may seem that we have little chance of surviving much longer. However, the condi-tions were even more dire during the War for Indepen-dence that began in 1776.

Only about a third of the colonists were patriots who wanted independence in 1776. About a third were loyalists who were resolved to remain loyal to Great Britain. The loyalists were armed by Britain, and the patriots having so few resources knew it would take a major miracle to defeat them. Besides this huge task of overcoming the loyalists,

the patriots would also have to defeat Great Britain—the most powerful empire in world history, who had the most powerful army and navy in the world.

What kind of extraordinary vision could compel the patriots to stand up and fight against such overwhelming odds? They had roots. They valued their liberty that much, but they also valued their purpose as a nation. The personal writings of the Founders reveal a remarkable knowledge of and devotion to what they considered to be a divine purpose for America. That purpose has not changed.

Still, their task seemed impossible to just about everyone in the world. The patriots also knew that it was impossible, and the only way they could win was if God was for their cause. They believed strongly that He was.

So, here we are again at the Second American Revolu-tionary/Civil War facing another seemingly impossible task. We must settle in our hearts right now that it looks impos-sible because it is impossible without God, but nothing is impossible for Him.

So, what do we do now? We must fortify ourselves in the knowledge of who God called us to be as a nation. We must discern the nature and strategy of our enemies. We must then resolve that we will never surrender to the enemies of our faith and our freedom, regardless of the cost.

The cost was high in the first War for Independence. If the cost was not high, it would not have been valued as it had to be in order for them to overcome all of the obstacles of establishing a nation so unique from any in history. There will be a high cost paid in this war for our continued independence, but it will be worth it. The greatest treasure we could ever possess in this life is to know that we did the will of God and did not shrink back from paying the full price.

In His Service,

Rick Joyner I Corinthians 15:58

“What kind of extraordinary vision could compel the patriots to stand up and fight against such overwhelming odds? They had roots. They valued their liberty that much, but they also valued their purpose as a nation.”



When the Crop Permits

Certainly, the period prior to Christ’s return will be both difficult and perilous. Scripture warns that God’s voice will shake all things, things in the heavens and things on the earth. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, and then removed (see Hebrews 12:26-27).

Yet, there is more on the calendar of God than increas-ing judgments and the Rapture. Between now and the Second Coming, there will also be a significant, though still partial, re-establishing of God’s kingdom in the earth (see Daniel 2:44; Matthew 24:14; Matthew 13). A spiritually mature people will serve as the vanguard of His return. Before the Lord is glorified in the earth, He shall be glorified in the church (see Isaiah 60:1-3; Ephesians 5:27). Indeed, the attainment of Christlike maturity in those who pursue the Lord shall not be a mere sidebar on the list of end-time events; it will be a significant fulfillment.

Listen carefully to what Jesus taught. He said:

The kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; and he goes to bed at night and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts and grows—how, he himself does not know.

The soil produces crops by itself; first the blade, then the head, then the mature grain in the head.

But when the crop permits, he immediately puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come (Mark 4:26-29).

Jesus likened the kingdom of God to a farmer waiting for the maturing of his crops. During the harvest season, farmers are concerned about two primary things: the quantity and quality of the harvest. For over thirty years I lived in eastern Iowa. Some corn and soybean fields, which may have started strong, failed or were stunted due to unusually high or low temperatures or lack of rain. As


a result, farmers plowed under their fields because their crops did not reach maturity. There was no “mature grain in the head.”

Just as the farmer will not harvest without the grain becoming mature, so God is seeking a crop of Christ-followers that have reached spiritual maturity. God is after full stature not just full numbers. Take note: Jesus said “when the crop permits;” God puts in the sickle. The return of Christ isn’t tied to a certain day or hour; it is about the spiritual stature of the harvest that triggers the great unfolding of end-time events. You see, God is not looking at His watch; He’s looking at His crop.

What does maturity look like? It looks like Chris-tians taking “every thought captive to the obedi-ence of Christ” (see II Corinthians 10:5). Again, maturity will look like followers of Jesus doing the works of Jesus (see John 14:12).

“Man…in the image of God” is the seed-idea purposed by the Almighty from before time began (see Genesis 1:27). The release of divine wrath is not the Father’s highest priority. It does not in any way mean we think we are gods or that we take Christ’s place; it means Christ has truly taken our place (see Galatians 2:20). This is what the “mature head in the grain” looks like: mature Christlikeness.

For too long we have assumed that only the nu-meric size of the harvest was the focus of the Father. Certainly the number of people saved is pivotal: “the fullness of the Gentiles” must come into the kingdom (see Romans 11:25). However, the Almighty does not just want numbers; He wants spiritual maturity.

Thus, the Lord is not looking at a calendar think-ing, “Oh, it’s the year 2016 (or 2020, etc.). I have to destroy the world on that date.” No. A farmer does not reap his crops without first walking his fields, testing samples of the grain, and studying the mois-ture and integrity of the seed head. Only then does he begin his harvest. Again, the maturity of the crop determines the day of the harvest.

So many Christians are frozen in spiritual imma-turity. They are easily offended, often distracted, and without prayer or spiritual discipline. We think God is requiring of us simply to hang on, yet the Lord is looking for more. Paul says the goal of God in the church is that “we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13, italics mine).

Even now, believers around the world are becom-ing increasingly more Christlike. Many are dying for their faith. Yet “with unveiled face,” they are “be-holding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord” and “are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory” (see II Corinthians 3:18). When this crop permits, the Father shall put in His sickle, for the harvest has truly come.

Let’s pray: Lord Jesus, as You continue looking for spiritual completeness in the harvest, help me to grow to full stature, that I may truly represent a planting which has grown up into Your likeness.

Adapted from Francis Frangipane’s In Christ’s Image Training course -

FRANCIS FRANGIPANE is the author of numerous books,

including the classics, The Three Battlegrounds and Holiness,

Truth, and the Presence of God. He has traveled throughout the

world ministering to thousands of pastors and intercessors from

many church and ethnic backgrounds. His books and materials

have been translated into over thirty languages and his online

school, In Christ’s Image Training, has students in over one

hundred fifteen nations.

“Just as the farmer will not harvest without the grain becoming mature, so God is seeking a crop of Christ-followers that have reached spiritual maturity. God is after full stature not just full numbers.”



Tyranny’s Final Stand


Vladimir Lenin, a Marxist revolutionary, intro-duced the one-party state, secret police, concentration camps for his own citizens, and intolerance for any disagreement. Lenin believed that capitalism must be replaced with socialism, but it would subsequently be followed by communism.

Then there was Adolf Hitler. In addition to being a strong charismatic leader, he was also a skilled communicator who won the hearts of most in Germany. It was his National Socialist German Workers Party that paved the way for the genocide of six million Jews and others from war.

History further records the deeds of Joseph Stalin. He believed for people to be enlightened and progres-sive, they must embrace and work towards the ideals of socialism. Some say that his policies, introduced during the initial advancement of socialism, were responsible for creating the famine which led to the deaths of up to five million people in Ukraine alone. Millions of other men, women, and children were tor-tured, murdered, sent to concentration camps and labor colonies never to be seen again.

History’s long list of tyrants left their mark of terror and prepared the way for others. Now a new generation of tyrants “having been taken captive by him (Satan) to do his will” (see II Timothy 2:26) may prove to be the ultimate enemies of the cross as

Around A.D. 64, one such tyrant in history was Nero who either created or took advantage of the crisis when a great fire engulfed Rome. Nero’s hatred for God and those who worshipped Him led him to blame Christians for setting the city on fire. This ignited a deeper hatred for the followers of Jesus and opened a door for some of history’s cruelest treatment of any people who ever lived on the earth.

These men and women were among those whose faith, love for their Lord, and adamant refusal to deny Him is highlighted in Hebrews: “and all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith” (see Hebrews 11:39). The Bible describes how they “were tortured, not accepting deliver-ance, that they might obtain a better resurrec-tion” (see Hebrews 11:35). They understood that if they denied Christ, they might be granted a few more days or years on earth. However, they were living for far more than what this life had to offer while remembering, “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it” (Luke 9:24).

These believed that suffering the consequences for confessing their Lord was nothing compared to living forever with the One they refused to deny. Death only meant they had gained what they had lived for.

“I will halt the arrogance of the proud, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible” (see Isaiah 13:11).

History is full of accounts of tyrants, dictators, wicked leaders, evil emper-ors, and their regimes that were ruthless in their lack of respect for the value of life. Yet the Scriptures confirm that tyrannical leaders will

continue to play a significant role as events unfold until the end of this age.

All Scripture references are New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated.


this age comes to a close. These will claim to have answers to the world’s most pressing needs and the people’s best interest at heart. Yet a hidden agenda will capture the hearts, minds, and lives of people from every nation.

Although tyranny will have a limited time to globally advance its deception, once again and once and for all, it will be destroyed by the King whose kingdom will never end. “And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming” (II Thessalonians 2:8).


Isaiah was one of four major prophets who were given an eleventh hour ministry. Their commission was to call the nation of Israel to repentance and back to their God before it was too late. They were to warn the people of the consequences of their refusing to return to Him.

Isaiah, like Jeremiah, faithfully and passionately remind-ed the people that God often uses wicked nations as His rod of chastening for His people. These were God’s instru-ments intended to get the people’s attention with the hope that they would return to Him. Then, if necessary, these prophets comforted and reassured the remnant that remained that God loved them and still promised a future and a hope (see Jeremiah 29).

Isaiah also reminded the wicked who were used for God’s purposes that their own destruction was on the horizon. He reminds them of how God promised to “halt the arrogance of the proud, and will lay low

(bring down) the haughtiness of the terrible” (see Isaiah 13:11).

The word translated “terrible” in this text comes from a Hebrew word that means “the fearful, the powerful, the tyrant or tyrannical.” Here, the prophet is speaking specifi-cally about ancient Babylon. Yet prophetically he looks ahead many years to the climax of Babylon’s opposition to God and those who know Him.

Through Isaiah, God reminds Babylon that the time will come when He will put an end to their reign of terror and will ultimately bring about their final fall and destruction. All tyrants and tyrannical regimes will ultimately come face to face with God Himself. All tyranny and any future Babylonian replica will eventually vanish from the earth.

The Message Contemporary Version of the Bible translates Isaiah 13:11 as “I’ll put a full stop to the evil on earth and terminate the dark acts of the wicked. I’ll gag all braggarts and boasters—not a peep anymore from them—and trip strutting tyrants, leave them flat on their faces.”


The Book of Revelation is an “uncovering” or “reveal-ing” of Jesus Christ throughout history but especially at the end of the age. It reveals all that Jesus has overcome as well as all who know and follow Him.

Revelation confirms that a world government will emerge and gain global control economically and militarily over the earth. Tyrannical leaders or kings will be granted an authority and power from the beast that comes out of the sea of humanity (see Revelation 13).

Whether a man or a system, the beast will obtain its power and authority from the dragon clearly revealed as “Satan” (see Revelation 12:9). However, these kings will only have their authority for a short time. “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast” (Revelation 17:12).

In addition to both economic and military control, this world government will lead the way for the ultimate deception where everyone who does not know the Lord will worship the beast. “All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8).

“History’s long list of tyrants left their mark of terror and prepared the way for others. Now a new generation of tyrants ‘having been taken captive by him (Satan) to do his will’ (see II Timothy 2:26) may prove to be the ultimate enemies of the cross as this age comes to a close.”


Prophetically Correct in a

COVID World.

In the wake of the COVID19 shut-down, people are beginning to get their lives reset. The shutdown led

to a number of changes no one antici-pated, but God has not been surprised, nor has He been the cause of the out-break. His plans always prevail no mat-ter what humanity, the world, or the enemy has inaugurated. God is not politically correct, but He is always prophetically correct in how and when He acts.


God is so efficient—He never wastes anything. No matter what the circumstances, “God makes all things work for good according to His purpose” (see Romans 8:28). Numerous Christians have prayed for a move of God to happen. With natural vision, the current restrictions do not resemble the prayers of the saints being fulfilled. However, with the eyes of a seer, one perceives that there is no greater time to be on earth.

For decades, the body of Christ has prayed for abortion to be shut down, for strip clubs to close,

DAVID WHITE has been in ministry for over thirty-five years and is currently the Lead Pastor of The Gathering, a MorningStar affiliated church in Moravian Falls, NC. He authored the book, The Times to Come Have Come—Hope and Help in Troubled Times, and numerous booklets and articles. Part of MorningStar since the mid-nineties, David’s passion is for the harvest and to see another Great Awakening in America. He and his wife, Shirley, have two grown children, Joshua and Emily, and live near

Moravian Falls.


Regarding this global government, we discover that these earthly leaders or tyrants will give the authority granted to them from the beast back to the beast. Their devotion will not be to any nation or any people on earth. These will have been taken captive by Satan to do his will (see II Timothy 2:26) and their allegiance belongs to him.

Next we see that the coming together of a world government is part of God’s overall plan at the end of age. “For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled” (Revelation 17:17). It is not the words or the will of man that will ultimately be fulfilled but the will and words of God!

Finally, we discover that the emerging global government will be enraged and filled with hatred against God and all who worship Him. “Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven” (Revelation 13:6). War will be waged against the saints of the Most High throughout every nation on earth and for a limited time overcome them. “It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over ever tribe, tongue, and nation” (Revelation 13:7). Yet this assault against the saints will only serve God’s ultimate purposes at the end of this age and the dawn of the one to come. The Scriptures confirm that the beast and his dreams of global government will be overcome by the Lord Jesus and all who know and follow Him. “These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings (Revelation 17:14).


for families to reconnect. Many have prayed that God would pour out His Spirit on all humanity according to Joel 2:28-32. By His overwhelming grace, God is en-abling all of this at once. In His sovereignty, God has responded to all of Joel, particularly the second chapter. The Lord has called for His army to be raised up. Amaz-ingly, it happened during the COVID19 restrictions that God mobilized the entire body of Christ.


The difficulty of sudden changes comes from a lack of preparation and the inability to adapt. When 9/11 happened, the world was caught in the tempest of terrorism. Within the United States, the military had to activate every human asset available. Leaders made shifts in the way business occurred. Numerous plans were developed, but the infrastructure required to carry them out had not yet been established. Similar to a building project, infrastructure must be set with the proper foundation before any mobilization can be executed. Within the church, this foundation requires right alignment, right words, and right actions.

Our culture underwent some major shifts. When people do this in an exercise routine, different parts of the body can be thrown out of alignment and need adjustment into their proper place. An expert must complete the alignment. Within the church, God makes the adjustments, and Jesus builds His church (see Mat-thew 16:18). The building project has begun and Jesus is the master builder. Some people will be adjusted out of their local body. Other members will be thrown into an entirely different function.

After realignment, communication elevates to ensure all plans are carried out. Some people may not under-stand all the terminology. When Moses aligned with the plan of God to be the deliverer, he did not think he could speak (see Exodus 4:10). God will give the right words at the right time. He has given the Holy Spirit as a guide (see John 16:13). Additionally, like Moses, His people will not act alone.

Following the example of Moses, members who have taken action will come to the forefront. Moses was “mighty in words and deeds” (see Acts 7:22) in the servanthood of the Egyptians. The natural preceded the spiritual. As the prophet of God, his actions caused an

entire nation to acknowledge the power of God. The right actions had to be carried out at the right time. The new army of believers will have similar results. They will be aligned with God’s plan using the right terminology and making the right moves to extend His kingdom in the earth.


In April of this year, James Goll stated, “A new era has come.” Whether the church wanted it or not, the lives and professions of millions changed, at least for the short term. The answer to what the future will look like still remains uncertain. According to God’s perspective, this is the time angels have longed for. The hour has come for the church to “display strength and take action” (see Daniel 11:32). In the wake of not having church as normal, people became the church rather than showing up for church.

Within this new army, people have demonstrated amazing resilience and are functioning in ways no one thought possible. The new recruits in God’s army shall continue to improve with more experience. Part of the “new normal” involves a discontentment with sitting on the sidelines after being able to participate. Hundreds of thousands of people have tasted and seen the Lord is good as they have been able to get into the fight, whether it has been on the frontlines of relief and grief, or behind the lines with logistics and feeding the multitudes. Ezekiel saw an entire dead army come back to life (see Ezekiel 37). The awakened army of the church (ekklesia) will have the enemy trembling and the culture shifting back toward righteous-ness, justice, and peace.


The church will see the cultural pendulum swing the other way, but this will not happen overnight. Christian leaders do not need to re-invent the wheel. Paul gave deliberate instructions of how the body of Christ equips the saints for the work of ministry (see Ephesians 4:11-16). Just as an army must be equipped, the saints of God need sound discipline. In order to receive the right words, right actions, and right alignment, some institutes, academies, and barracks will need to be established.

Christians have established some great institutes, but the demand will only increase as this army continues to be sent. Teachers will instruct in sound doctrine, speak the

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truth in love, and bring a unity in the faith for the church to mature (see Ephesians 4:11-13).

Within the military branches, academies exist to produce the best possible leaders. Academies combine the education of an institute with the experience and expertise of seasoned leaders from all disciplines. In order for the ekklesia to have the best leaders possible, seasoned leaders will need to reproduce who they are in the upcoming students. They cannot do all the work on their own anymore, but must impart their experience and expertise into this army being raised up. In this way, past mistakes will not be repeated and their respective floor will be their mentors’ ceiling. Addition-ally, the seasoned leaders can assist in discerning and affirm-ing the cadets’ calling and purpose so that proper alignment within God’s army occurs quickly.

Basic training instructs all enlisted members how to move and act in all situations. These members also get placed according to their desires, assessments, and perfor-mance. They are called to be the backbone of the organiza-tion. Once fully trained, they know how to act in the daily routine or in an extraordinary crisis. The Lord’s army will be the same way.

Their training may not be as long, but their function has as much significance as the highest ranking officer. These people are also leaders, but are usually behind the scenes and not noticed until their position goes unfilled. Anyone can notice when the janitor has been sick or away on vacation. A respect and humility will be imparted into the force. The highest ranking person will still be willing to pick up a scrub brush.


God is the greatest steward of all. Even the dust of the earth had a great purpose in God’s hands to shape and fashion humanity into His likeness and image (see Genesis 1:26-2:15). Since the Protestant Reformation, the church has practiced a greater level of stewardship. The Anabaptist tradition instituted the “priesthood of all believers,” indicating God could use anyone willing to serve. John Wimber stated, “Everybody gets to play.” Wimber, as a professional musician, wrote music with a simple chord structure so anyone could serve on the worship team.

The development of believers could be taken to an entirely new level, depending on how leaders respond. Jesus did this with twelve disciples. Within one generation,

disciples “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6 ESV). The benefits of everyone being involved in the extension of the kingdom of God are limitless.

Believers have an opportunity to partner with God in the greatest harvest the world has ever seen. Likewise, the body of Christ is undergoing a shift in both labeling and perspective. In order to meet the demand, God has initi-ated His prophetic time table to recruit and equip an army. God’s army will be capable of extending the kingdom of God and holding the ground. Movements will establish the appropriate training centers to reproduce the best qualified leaders possible to meet the demand. We were created in God’s likeness and His original intent involved impacting the world with Him. God’s army has long been talked about and sung about, but now is the time to rise up.

WADE JENSEN was born in Wyoming and enlisted in the

Army from 1987 to 1991. While attending University of

Wyoming, he experienced an encounter with Christ serving

as president of a fraternity in 1993. He met his wife, Heather,

at the Toronto Airport Church in 1999, and they have three

children. Wade received his Master of Divinity in 2005 and

has served as a chaplain in the medical community and Air

Force Reserve. He published his first book, The Pathological

Grieving of America, in 2014.

“Believers have an opportunity to partner with God in the greatest harvest the world has ever seen. Likewise, the body of Christ is undergoing a shift in both labeling and perspective. In order to meet the demand, God has initiated His prophetic time table to recruit and equip an army.”





Life is not one-dimensional. You may have already experienced a high degree of fulfilment and effectiveness in your life. There is great potential for more. You may find you have disproportion-

ality developed a single circle. What new heights could await you? Have you ever wondered how much additional fulfilment, effectiveness, and capacity is available for you personally? There is an exponential effect when you develop all three circles of the Three Circle Strategy. When indi-viduals focus mostly on the Spirit Circle, they see life as mainly mystical or ethereal. They often lack tangible personal prosperity, focused solely on spirituality without developing vital Skills and Self-Mastery.

Mastery in the development of important skills can open the door for rewarding and fulfilling accomplish-ments. Whether the skills are self-taught, acquired through academic pursuits, apprenticeships, or concentration and repeated application, they create a platform for some of life’s most enriching accomplishments.

What about overdevelopment or disproportional development? Skills development is an important accom-plishment and often the time and commitment toward mastery can be consuming. We have all learned to beware of the skilled person who is self-absorbed or arrogant in his or her own development and performance. They are blind to other areas of self-awareness and spirituality while over-focused on developing skills. This can lead to self-aggrandizement, self-promotion, and the inability to recognize that skills are a gift to benefit society. Ultimately, disproportional development minimizes comprehensive actualization.

Meaningful personal interaction and sustained ability to overcome obstacles are enabled through the Circle of Self-Mastery. Without this Circle, individuals remain at a low level of Self-Awareness and can fail to actualize. How-

ever, as important and essential as Self-Mastery can be, we cannot live in a state of perpetual introspection without outward action.

As you begin to learn, understand, and apply the principles of the Three Circles, it is vital to honestly evaluate what your Three Circles look like right now, and which areas in each Circle are most drastically in need of improvement. You will be able to make substan-tial changes immediately just by learning and applying the material. However, I have found, like many aspects of life, there are improvements in progressive layers—you add new thought processes and remove harmful ones in stages. This careful progression allows each individual to not only incorporate new skills long term, but also to “heal” from the surgical removal of harmful thought processes that were uncovered in the process of discovery and change.

Spend some time in prayer and seek the Lord for what aspect of the Three Circles needs growth and attention. You may be surprised at what He suggests you focus on first. Sometimes the thing that brings the most significant change to life or helps bring balance is the least likely thing. You will find that as you spend time intentionally developing each of the Three Circles that they build and grow with each other.

In His service,

Dave Yarnes Executive Vice President, MorningStar Ministries


W hen the Father asked me this past year what my heart desired, my first answer was, “whatever You would have for me.” I thought it was a good

response. He disagreed. Intensely.

I thought following God’s will was enough. Genuinely, it seems like it ought to be. Even so, His question pierced my heart far deeper than I first realized. Rationale couldn’t patch the hole it left, and even as weeks passed, the wound remained. I didn’t know what to do—the unexpected flow of sorrow, rage, and confusion seemed endless. Only God could slow the maddening outpouring of emotion, but what He revealed left me stunned.

Not by His wisdom or greatness, but by His own desire.

For fallen humanity, desire is most often a curse, a deep and unsatisfiable hunger. Success, money, sex, attention, love—regardless of what it longs for, we’d more accurately label it as lust. However, we are no longer defined by humanity’s fall, but by the redemp-tion Jesus offers. So if lust is desire gone wrong, what was humanity created to experience? What does God experience?

For a moment, put aside the “Jesus loves the little children” definition of desire you may associate with God. Sunday school songs may conjure warm feelings, but they can’t do justice to the depth of emotion He feels for us.

What Does Your Heart Desire?

Goodness, just read the Old Testament proph-ets. All the fury and anguish, the great detail used to describe how Israel scorned Him, but also the tender words spoken towards them—this is not someone who is lukewarm about His desires. The opposite is true—God may be the most emotional person I know.

Over the centuries, Israel turned away, came back, and turned away from Him an unfathomable number of times. His plans to give them a hope and a future were frequently obstructed by their own doing. Often, He was the choice of last resort when things went wrong. Yet He continued pursuing Israel. Even now, thousands of years later, He is still pursuing us.

Why? Because He desires us.

If the words of Hebrews 13:8 are truthful, that He “is the same yesterday and today and for-ever,” then His desire for us hasn’t waned in the slightest. After experiencing a fraction of that emotional turmoil, my immediate thought was, “How can He stand this?”

But that’s the wrong question. The correct question is, “Why can’t I stand this?” As I’ve come to learn, desire exposes us in unique ways. Not only does what we desire reveal our soul, but also what we do with that desire. Bring it to the Lord, toil in slavery to it, reject it, kill it—however we handle it, desire rarely fails to provoke us. It uncovers the darkness in our hearts, the places of unbelief and wounding, but also the wonderful passion our Creator imbued us with.




To live as beings created in His image is to experience life unabashedly, with all the highs and lows that brings, because He is our Guide through this wilderness. Attempting to even out our lives through apathy or stoicism may make the moun-tains less steep and the valleys more level, but it leaves us in an arid desert, not a lush paradise. Despite outward appearances, striving toward our desires without heeding the Father’s voice will also lead us to the same emptiness.

Jesus didn’t demand us to prove our loyalty as slaves by laying down our lives. Rather, He called us to set aside our pride and sinful ways for something much greater: His love. That isn’t a euphemism for “sacrificing our heart and dying inside,” which means “misery” still isn’t the tenth fruit of the Spirit. I must have skipped that lesson in my Bible class, but I do know this: Jesus came to offer us a new relationship as sons and daughters of the Father (see II Corinthians 6:18).

Slaves do as they’re told, however, sons and daughters do as they see their father doing. They are invited into the responsibility and honor of family, but their desires aren’t cast aside. Rather, when it’s time for the desires placed in their hearts to come into being, they are a great blessing. Our Father and Creator gave us desire to bring a newfound richness to life, but we must choose to pursue them with Him.

“Where has the Father directed my vision, and what moves my heart as it does His?” After I answered those questions, I finally understood why the Lord so vehemently disagreed with my original response to His question. Not only had I revealed my indifference toward the desires He’s placed in me, I exposed the doubt I held in His ability to fulfill them. No more.

For months now, I’ve been aggressively praying and chasing after where I see Him leading. Many days, it’s painful and messy—my life often is—but it’s also where He meets me. Today is likely one of those days, gloriously difficult and unbearably amazing, but I believe the Father would like me to ask you:

What does your heart desire?



W H A T ’ S H A P P E N I N G A T M O R N I N G S T A R

God is Raising up the Tent of David

David’s Tent is being established in the praise and

prayer of God’s people. In Acts 15:16, James

quotes the Prophet Amos: “After this I will return and rebuild the fallen tent of David. It’s ruins I will rebuild, and I will restore it…”

God is raising up the Tent of David in every city,

region, and nation. Amidst riots and unrest nationwide,

the Tent of David is being raised in the public square in

cities like Minneapolis, Kenosha, Seattle, and Portland

through efforts like JT Thomas’ Civil Righteousness

movement and Sean Feucht’s Let Us Worship movement.

In Charlotte, revival is breaking out as the church releases

public praise, prayer, and proclamation.

MorningStar worship teams participated in Uptown

Worship Nights working in conjunction with Awaken the

Dawn’s 100 days of Tent America—raising up David’s Tent

of public praise, prayer, and

proclamation of the gospel.

Awaken the Dawn Char-

lotte extended twelve

hours a day for nine days,

and on the evening of

August 22, many gathered

for three hours of amplified

worship. Although the

team had procured sound

permits for the event, a

county bureaucracy shut

the event down premature-

ly that night. For the next week, Tent America Charlotte

leaders went back and forth with officials, refusing to

back down and insisting on exercising First Amendment

rights. In the nine days of Tent America Charlotte,

thirty-two people gave their lives to Christ, thirteen were

water baptized, and many were prayed over, healed, and

delivered! Christians refused to back down, and lives

were changed.

During the Republican National Convention in

Charlotte, nightly riots and protests broke out. Morning-

Star representatives helped to bring the presence of

God in the midst of those seeking to bring disorder.

They walked amidst protesters, praying for them and for

the police, providing a restraining spiritual force to the

anarchy and violence. Marxist groups flamed to life each

night and used violent tactics against the police and

those who were resisting them.

There is, of course, a higher reality than methods

and tactics. The simple tactic of bringing the ark of

God’s presence into public places through praise, prayer,

and proclamation is the wisest tactic of all. At the end of

the day, the projected mayhem never materialized at the

RNC in Charlotte. There were minimal injuries, and no

widespread property destruction, rioting, or looting as

in earlier protests. The President came to the city, gave

his speech, and left, with scaled down RNC meetings

uninterrupted and uneventful. The media grabbed one

of the images a MorningStar photographer captured,

and it has gone viral.



All photos Nathan Bingle.





MFM exists to create an atmosphere in which people in ministry can relate to each other in authentic relationships, and thereby, provide opportunities to engage with diverse ministries worldwide. We are also committed to aiding our members in their work and to provide covering as wise counselors for dispute resolution and other issues that can arise in ministry and church life.

The MorningStar Fellowship of Churches (MFC) was founded with the purpose of providing a place for strengthening, equipping, covering and fellowship of local churches. Among the leadership counsel of MFC and within the MFC network, there is a rich strength of grace, wisdom, and experience available to assist the

MFC affiliates.



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MorningStar University is for those seeking to live a high-impact life of unrelenting pursuit of the high calling to serve the King of kings with the devotion He deserves. The greatest leaders are also the greatest followers of Christ, and that is our curriculum. The true Christian life is the greatest adventure we can ever live, and it’s also a life of impact like no other. If this is your resolve, MorningStar University

may be for you.




Our MorningStar University Masters in Leadership Degree is a course like no other. The course is taught by those who are not just academics, but those whom have been leaders in government, the military, media, business, sports, and the church on a world-class level. The classes are intentionally small, and students spend three full days each month with the instructors, resulting in a bonding and impartation unlike any other program we

know of.