The UNstoppable Times

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Transcript of The UNstoppable Times

An Unforgettable FACI XP!

My Trip!

New members show what they feel towards AIESEC!

My trip. Hey, I am Andrés Molina, one common guy trying to change the

world, starting by myself.

I Joined AIESEC the first semester of 2011, and this is one of the most fulfillment experiences I have lived in my life. With only six months in the local entity, and working on an area I learned to love, I decided to apply for Local Committee Vice President for Marketing, thinking in my role as Executive Board for 2012.

Actually I was not sure about what was going to happen, my thoughts were always about linking my professional life with my life as an AIESECer. I realized I have so many things to do and to give to the committee I love so hard and how relevant I can make it to be. I am honest when I say I was not completely sure about applying or not, this is when life sends someone to tell you what to do, and it happens, having a conversation with one of the Vice Presidents leaving the role, she told me: “I know there is in your mind a voice telling you to apply” Now I am thankful with this person that made me think and actually get the place where I am. After this conversation I realized that what I wanted was to develop myself being part of the Executive Board for 2012. There was just time to wait for the application booklet to be launched. Finally it was launched one day, like at 2:30am. I remember that one of my closest friends was thinking about applying for another area, but at that time this day he told me: “I am going to apply for Marketing” actually this shocked me, I did not know what to do in the moment, so I went to sleep immediately.

Then, the process started, the application was getting ready little by little. Was a week full of stress, thinking in midterms, application, family, and AIESEC work was very hard. The weekend was there and with that the deadline was closer. There was just 1 question left for me and it was 8:00pm and I was eating outside my place. Finally I get home at 9:30pm thinking and discussing about the last question. I never answered it correctly, so I tried to do something to refreeze the other questions. Then was the design of the application, it was a torture, that is why I was sending my application with 3 minutes left from the deadline. It was crazy. By Tuesday me and my partners were starting our interviews process, a two weeks process that will finish with the decision of nominee or not. Interviews were kind of great, but there was the last one, the one that blocked me completely and the one with the lowest score. By Friday of the second week we were showing our proposals and were the announcement of the nominees. What was the decision? Only four of the 12 applicants were going to the next stage of the process. There was no doubt for me that Marketing was not what I wanted, thinking in applying for second round on Information Management and Communications area. By Sunday, my second application was ready, but I did not send it because I wanted to get one day more for feedbacks from the people I know were going to give me the best feedbacks. So there I was, asking for them, and by this Monday at 10:01pm I was sending my second dare. Now writing this article I am missing the interview with a member of the National Committee, the last interview and thinking of the proposals to show to a committee that I really love and want to see it in the top one of every ranking.

I cannot say that I was disappointed of myself, I never was. I was happy because of my friend that was nominee for marketing area. I can say I have learned a lot from the process, knowing great people that will always be my #AyChuchi TEAM, and we will be fighting together for what we really want, and for how we want to see our committee. Being part of the process showed me that you can get down so many times, but the important part is to get up, keep running and achieving the goals proposed. It does not matter how hard is the trip, you will always count on people that will be for you whenever you need them.

Andres Molina SWAT Coordinator

My name is Leslie García. I am 20 years old. I am part of AIESEC UNINORTE and I’m studying psychology , 8th semester at Universidad del Norte. I just arrive from my internship in BRAZIL and definitely it was the best decision I’ve could ever take in all my life. It was JUST AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE. During my internship, I was working with children from public schools in Itajubá, Minas Gerais (That’s the name of my host city) , in a local project called Alcançar I used to teach to the kids about cultural diversity, entrepreneurship, sustainability and leadership. They loved COLOMBIA and me . And I loved them. At first, it was a little bit difficult because of the language, but then I realize that language is not a barrier . But that was not the best part of my experience. When I was there, I met this wonderful people from AIESEC, they take care of me as a real family. That’s why when I was doing my exchange I decide d to start working in my AIESEC host, AIESEC ITAJUBÁ. I used to work in Talent Management , in human resources and quality team . I learned about their processes and the reason why Brazilian make tons of exchange: NETWORKING! For this reason, I had the opportunity to assist to a national conference called CONADE. Surely this experience marked my life FOREVER, because I realized the purpose of my life. I understood that I can align my personal goals and my academic goals with AIESEC. Immediately I thought about taking a role in my LC, AIESEC UNINORTE. But I never thought it would be so fast and relevant in my life.

• At this moment, I’m working in outgoing global community development programme, CHANGING LIFES. This was the perfect complement for my experience. I continue developing myself as a leader, learning about aiesec and about myself and offering life changing experiences to many young people who wants to have an international experience.







• I’m really thankful with Aiesec Uninorte for this opportunity and with AIESEC Itajubá for all the learn and off course the FUN that I had there.


Leslie Garcia Villareal Winter Project Manager

An UNforgettable FACI XP! Hey AIESEC! I’m going to tell you my story about how was my

experience as FACI in LIM-LTM 2011-II. It was a little weird, I know, but I can assure you it has been a starting point in my AIESEC life, it gave me an incredible amount of knowledge and made me discover skills I never thought I had.

I say this was a little weird because that was my first LIM-LTM as Oldie in AIESEC Uninorte, and I never thought I had enough knowledge or time in the organization to take such important role.

In my LIM (2011-I), I saw the FACI role as the most impacting and inspiring for a newbie. All those crazy activities, all those ideas about changing the world and developing leadership were so powerful because they were young people like me. Then, I decided to take that challenge to create the same impact, the very same the FACI team in my LIM did to me.

I will never forget the face of Leo during the election of FACIS, the pre-meetings until 3:00am, the discussions about the agenda, the laughter we had, the 0,5% of the goal (Yes Leslie, this is with you!), The little shorts, all those moments before the event.

But I can say without doubt that the best of everything are the LIM-LTM days, after all the efforts. We gave the right message, we told what this crazy people do when they’re not on Exchange, and we made them dance Roll Calls, made them think about being a change agent and achieving peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential.

Thanks to all AIESEC Uninorte, Oldies, Newbies, OC Melody, my MOONWALKERS. Thanks for all this experience and the opportunity to discover myself and let others discover how AIESEC can change their lives.

Juan Manuel Meza IM Coordinator


Fuerza, optimismo, proactividad, iniciativa, entusiasmo, emprendimiento, creatividad, motivación, dedicación pero sobre todo liderazgo y pasión fueron el centro de nuestro zonalito que pienso que nos dejó sin palabras a todos. Creo que en esos días se pudo ver claramente el grado de compromiso con lo que en verdad se desea. Como “newbie” puedo decir que aprendí muchísimo y sé que muchos de los que estuvieron presentes están destinados a grandes cosas y que van por el camino correcto porque si estuvieron viviendo esa experiencia es porque saben que no solo basta con tener potencial sino que hay que desarrollarlo y explotarlo para crear impacto.

Siempre he creído que no hay límites y que los sueños son sinónimos de metas, solo es cuestión de esfuerzo, ganas y amor, después de eso no importa que te llamen loco, recuerda: “la locura es un don que solo los locos disfrutamos”, que siempre va a haber alguien que confié en eso que piensas y con el que puedes llevar a la realidad eso que soñaste.Sé que muchos de los que leen esto van a sentirse identificados porque eso es AIESEC, solo que en vez de locura le llamamos DIVERSIDAD, en toda su amplitud, y no tuvimos ni siquiera que salir del país para tener muestra de eso. Esta organización tan UNICA es el vivo ejemplo de que cuando uno sueña y desea con toda pasión puede alcanzar grandes cosas No tengo palabras para agradecer todo lo que me lleno el poder estar en el inicio de esta gran y linda experiencia que comienza. A todos los que hicieron posible este evento, solo puedo decirles que son unos verracos y que lograron algo muy importante… INSPIRAR, sé que lo hicieron con mucho amor y dedicación por eso los resultados fueron más que gratificantes, les aplaudo por eso.

A los que se van, sé que aportaron grandes cosas no solo al evento sino a muchas personas en todo su recorrido, gracias por ser puntos de diferencia en el entorno en que se rodean, sigan creyendo en ustedes que los únicos que pueden derrumbarlos son ustedes mismos, no se olviden de todo lo que aprendieron y en momentos de angustia siempre recuerden lo integrales que son, no mucha gente consigue eso. Por ultimo a todos los que iniciamos esta experiencia, solo puedo decir pa’lante es pa’llá, espero que se sientan tan motivados como yo y que estén dispuestos y con mentes abiertas para lo que se viene, siempre recuerden que en el camino hay obstáculos pero que nosotros somos más grandes que eso, somos líderes, agentes de cambio y únicos, que AIESEC nos escogió porque cree en nosotros, porque ve nuestro potencial y porque muy posiblemente sabe más que nosotros por todas las experiencias vividas, de lo que podemos llegar a ser capaces. Podría escribir mil páginas más pero simplemente no alcanzaría a describir con palabras todo lo que sé la mayoría de nosotros sentimos en esos dos días agotadores pero inspiradores que vivimos. Solo basta decirles a ustedes, mi promoción 2011-02 “FOLLOW YOUR FLOW TO BE A LEADER” y a nuestro nuevo hogar “SEAMOS REALISTAS… PIDAMOS LO IMPOSIBLE” (grafiti escrito en 1968 – Francia).

Erika Vergara OCP Graduation 2011-2

¿Qué dirías tú?

¿Qué dirías tú, AIESECo, si alguna vez te preguntaran que se siente estar en AIESEC? Bueno pues yo diría que con tan solo poco tiempo dentro de la organización me he podido dar cuenta que AIESEC es como una gran familia donde todos se quieren y se llevan bien con todos, aquí no solo trabajas sino que también disfrutas en el proceso y aunque en algunos casos se puede llegar a poner realmente duro, es solo en la cúspide de la dificultad cuando te das cuenta de quien realmente eres y aun mas, de quien realmente puedes llegar a ser. AIESEC definitivamente me ha hecho crecer como persona y he aprendido mucho en la organización; al pensar en todo el tiempo que me queda por delante dentro de esta asombrosa organización me quedo sin creatividad para imaginarme todas aquellas cosas que aprenderé en el futuro. He asistido a la mayor cantidad de eventos y reuniones posibles para familiarizarme con la organización, sus procesos y su gente; y la verdad es que en la primera asamblea de confidence en la que estuve sucedió algo que yo no me esperaba, fui elegido como veedor del proceso de votación; en ese momento me sentí honrado, me sentí como si la organización confiara en mí, me apreciara y me tuviese en cuenta; que es como creo que pasa. Ahora, imagínense mi felicidad cuando Linda Saltarín me comunico que yo sería el nuevo jefe de delegación de RTC Santa Marta 2011, les confesare que acepté el puesto sin estar totalmente seguro de cuales iban a ser mis funciones. Ahora que mi proceso como jefe de delegación ha concluido, puedo decirles que eso fue una experiencia muy diferente para mi, jamás había hecho ninguna de las cosas que desarrolle como jefe de delegación y por lo tanto jamás había aprendido tanto, aunque lo admito, esto ha sido duro; no quiero

imaginarme como será de difícil cuando este en un año aplicando para ser LCVP, ni la presión que tendré después de eso si llego a ser elegido para estar en la junta directiva de este asombroso comité. Para finalizar quiero decir que si bien ha sido agotador combinar mis deberes en AIESEC con la universidad en especial ser jefe de delegación, muy bien pienso que vale la pena; fue para mi realmente muy gratificante haber estado con esos 28 UNstoppables en RTC compartiendo y aprendiendo, lo único que me queda por decirles es GRACIAS.

Juan Carlos Poveda Chief Delegate RTC 2011