The Truth Behind Why Marketing Online Is Simple & Easy For ...€¦ · decisions, to fix things,...

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"The Truth Behind Why Marketing Online Is Simple & Easy For The Savviest Marketers”

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From: Todd Brown Founder, West Palm Beach, Florida

Let’s just skip the fluff and get to it. You can read more about me on the last page of this Report, if you’re


Let’s roll…

When designing a marketing funnel or campaign to generate new customers, I don’t think of myself as a marketer…

I think of myself as an investor.

I’m investing in the acquisition of customers. In the acquisition of valuable assets. Assets that have a certain value today… and a higher value over the coming weeks and months. It’s an arbitrage play.

Today, a customer may spend $100 with my company. Over the next six months they may spend another $3,000.

If I make wise investments, I invest a smaller amount today in acquiring a new customer, and reap a larger amount in the future over the life of their patronage with my business.

As I see it, it’s akin to…

“buying customers!”

And, when buying customers, it’s all about a dollar out and more than a dollar in.

This is NOT a sales letter or marketing promotion in disguise. There is nothing for sale or being pitched in this PDF. If you love the content, please let others know they can also download it for FREE from:

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It’s all about simple math. And the best marketers understand this.

In fact, the best marketers understand the entire game of marketing online is all about simple math. About arithmetic. Numbers!

Yes, the success of your marketing campaigns, promotions, and funnels certainly involves your understanding of psychology and communication.

But, making sense of what’s happening with your marketing — what’s working and what’s not working — and your ability to make smart decisions, to fix things, optimize, improve sales conversions, extract more and more profits, that… is all about the numbers.

That’s why the sharpest marketing minds on the planet agree…

“As marketers, we’re truly in the math game

… the numbers business!”

And we are.

You see: When armed with the right numbers, this whole game of online marketing is objective and scientific.

Meaning: It’s black and white. Do X get Y result.

With the right numbers, there’s no more need for guessing, assuming, wondering, or hoping what you do will work. The right marketing numbers tell you what’s not working in your marketing — what to fix, change, tweak, or test.

With the right numbers, you as a marketer have a clear path of what you’re doing right, what you’re doing wrong, what needs to change, where it needs to change, how it needs to change, and why… so you’re able to very scientifically maximize your volume of new customers, sales, and profits.

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Again, the savvy marketers understand this. And they use the right numbers to see and make the easy decisions.

And that’s how and why the savvier marketers…

make online marketing look so simple & easy!

Because, for them, it is. For them, it’s black and white. It’s scientific. It’s objective. There’s

no guesswork. Because, again, for them… it’s all in the numbers. Which brings me to the purpose and aim of this little PDF. You see: My aim, in the next handful of pages, is to show YOU how to make

YOUR OWN marketing funnels and campaigns wildly successful with those same simple numbers and same simple scientific approach.

In the following pages: • I’m going to teach you how the savviest direct response

marketers are tracking and optimizing all of their marketing campaigns and marketing funnels without relying on hunches, guesses, or assumptions. This way, you no longer have to wonder what you should be doing to maximize any marketing effort. • I’m also going to teach you how to use 4 simple

"optimization metrics" to fix any unprofitable or poorly performing marketing funnel. So you’re no longer hounded by the frustration of not knowing what to do with a campaign that’s not working. • Plus, I’m also going to teach you how to test and measure

the success of a brand new marketing funnel… how and

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where to optimize it… and how and when to know when it’s time scale your traffic for more and more customers and sales. • And if that wasn’t enough, I’m also going to tell you how to

turn consistently unprofitable sources of traffic into profitable sources of new customers. Yeah, sounds like an oxymoron, I know. But hang with me and you’ll see how and why it works. Sound like a worthwhile PDF for you to read? Good. Then, onward. Let’s kick things off with…

a foundational principle essential to your immediate & long-term marketing success!

If you’re not tracking and measuring all of your marketing, you’re

playing a completely different game than what the most successful marketers are playing.

They’re playing a game out on the playground, in the sun, with full

view of the goal post. You’re playing in the dark. See: Without proper tracking and measuring you can’t

make bankable marketing decisions with any certainty. Because you have no idea what’s really going on.

You’re left guessing and hoping you’re making the right marketing

moves. And that’s not how the pros operate. They’re not guessing, assuming, or hoping with any part of their marketing.

Frankly, for the online marketers not tracking every source of traffic

and every stage of their marketing funnels… I truly have no idea how they can expect to be successful (other than sheer luck).

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Why do I say that?

Because, without tracking, nothing’s being measured. And without anything being measured, nothing can be methodically improved. And the ability to methodically improve our marketing results is at the foundation of what makes direct response marketing such

a beautiful and scientific business-growth vehicle for us!

It’s what makes what we do — direct response marketing online — so much more exciting and valuable than branding-oriented advertising. Because we can track, test and measure everything… and scientifically improve it over time to make it more and more profitable.

But, the direct response marketers who are not tracking every step, stage, and piece of their marketing are operating blindly. They’re operating just like the big, foolish brand advertisers. Because they’re operating without the most important piece of information in this entire business — the numbers!

Just think about it like this:

Being a marketer and not tracking your marketing is like being an investor and not tracking your investments. The idea is simply absurd, right?

Imagine investing in the stock market without monitoring how well your different equities are performing… without monitoring whether you’re making money or losing money on different stocks… without monitoring which stocks are going up and which ones are going down… without monitoring which part of your portfolio is performing better or less than expected or as necessary for your investment goals.

How could those investors be expected to make consistent, smart decisions about which investments to cut, which to keep, which to scale up, which to scale down, or what to fix or change or tweak in their portfolio?

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Would you give your money to be managed to an investor like that??

Heck no!

Without tracking and measuring the performance of all the different pieces of their investment approach, how can those investors know if and when they need to change their investment strategy, if and when they need to adjust one stock holding over another, and if and when some piece of their investing method is way off the mark and needs to be addressed ASAP?



And the same holds true for the marketers who aren’t properly tracking every piece of their marketing funnels. They’re simply hoping the decisions they make are the correct ones and relying on speculations and assumptions.

I love the simple way the folks at Hubspot put it:

“If you're not tracking your marketing campaign, oh honey are you making a big mistake!”

So, let’s agree, rule number one is you must track all your marketing so you know how each part, piece, and stage of your marketing funnel is performing at any given time. And that includes each individual traffic channel and ad, as well as each page and step in your marketing funnel.

Note: At we use a proprietary tracking and reporting system I paid a lot of money to have developed by our own development team. And that’s because Google Analytics is way too complex, and no other tracking application on the market, in my opinion, remotely comes close to tracking or reporting properly.

Today, with all the different ways people are jumping online, whatever tracking application you choose to use, choose wisely. It’s foundational to your success.

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Your tracking solution MUST have Lossless Tracking so it tracks your visitors across all platforms (i.e. mobile, tablet, and desktop). When tracking is not cross-platform compatible, it produces incomplete and inaccurate data. And without accurate data you’ll have no confidence in what you’re looking at or the decisions you’re making. Rightly so.

As well, your tracking solution also needs to be able to

show you how each of your marketing funnels are performing for each different traffic source. I explain why later in this PDF.

This type of complete marketing tracking takes the game of

subjective marketing guesses, ideas, and assumptions… and transforms it into…

a scientific, objective game

with clear answers, direction, & steps! As soon as you have this type of complete tracking in place, a whole

new world of marketing opportunity and “sales scaling” opens to you. Because now… you have specific numbers that tell you what to do next.

So, let’s talk about those numbers… Then we’ll talk about the optimization decisions you can make with

them. Cool? Okay, so, there are three different categories of numbers (marketing

metrics) we’re going to talk about. These are the same marketing metrics you’ll want to use going

forward so you too are able to scientifically bang-out and optimize profitable marketing funnel after profitable marketing funnel.

Here are the three categories of marketing metrics:

1. The Funnel Viability Metric (just one number here) 2. Funnel Optimization Metrics

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3. Funnel Profitability Metrics

Let’s start with the first category: The Funnel Viability Metric

There’s only one number… one metric… that determines whether a marketing funnel is viable or not — Return On Investment (ROI).

It’s the only number that tells you whether your funnel is truly performing well or not. It’s the only number that tells you whether your funnel is making you money or costing you money. And it’s the only number you can deposit.

You can’t deposit optin rate, sales conversion rate, order form completion rate, or upsell take-rate. (As you’ll soon see, these are strictly Optimization Metrics. And only used at a certain time for funnel optimization. Not for determining funnel viability.)

Return On Investment (ROI) is the only thing you can bank.

So it’s…

how we measure a funnel’s success!

Fact is: You can have a sky-high optin rate and still be losing money. You can have a sky-high sales conversion rate and still be losing money. You can even have a sky-high optin rate, sales conversion rate, and upsell take-rate, and… yes… still be losing money.

That’s why, at the end of the day, the foundational thing I care about when looking at a marketing funnel is how much money did I spend and how much money did I make back. Period.

Hence, why ROI is The Funnel Viability Metric.

It’s the one number I look at before any other when testing a new marketing funnel.

Here’s a quick overview of how I do it:

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Note: This is a little glimpse into our E5 Funnel Architecting Framework. Clients pay my agency a lot of money to have us design and optimize a winning funnel for them using E5.

As part of the “Evaluation Stage” of E5 we test all new marketing funnels as a Minimum Viable Funnel (MVF). That’s a funnel with the least number of stages necessary to test the big idea, lead, marketing argument, and offer.

An MVF usually consists of four pages: (1) Lead capture page, (2) Marketing/Sales device, (3) Order form, and (4) Thank You page.

Once we’ve evaluated the MVF with some test traffic, the first thing we want to determine is the funnel’s viability. I do this by looking at Return On Investment (ROI) — how much did we make back on what we invested in the test traffic.

The ROI tells us exactly what to do next.

• If the ROI is less than 60% we bring the funnel back into the“Engineering Stage” of E5.

• If the ROI is greater than 60%, the funnel is consideredviable and goes into the “Enhancing Stage” of E5.

Immediately in the “Enhancing Stage” we turn the MVF into a full-fledged funnel. We continue to monitor ROI with additional test traffic. And, we begin to use our second category of marketing metrics — Funnel Optimization Metrics — to quickly get to breakeven and beyond.

So, let’s look at this second category of numbers.

As I said earlier, your Funnel Optimization Metrics consist of the following four numbers:

1. Optin Rate2. Sales Conversion Rate3. Order Form Completion Rate

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4. Upsell Take-RateHere, looking at these four numbers, you’ll be able to see the

“constraint” in any funnel — the one stage or step in the funnel that, when improved, will have the biggest positive impact on your ROI.

Think of the “funnel constraint” as the current weakest link in the “funnel chain”.

If your funnel was a chain, it would only be as strong as its weakest link. To strengthen the chain, you would need to first identify the weakest link. Then, you’d need to strengthen that weakest link.

Trying to strengthen a chain by focusing on any other link other than the weakest link is futile. Same with optimizing a marketing funnel.

That’s why, when optimizing, we always fix the funnel constraint. And why those four Funnel Optimization Metrics are so valuable. Because they tell us which stage in our funnel is that funnel constraint.

Make sense?

By identifying and optimizing your funnel constraint — using your four Funnel Optimization Metrics — you’re able to identify, focus on, and strengthen the weakest link in the chain. And, by doing so, you make the entire chain stronger (i.e. you improve the ROI of your funnel).

In simple terms: Look at those four numbers, find the one that’s performing the worst, fix it, and enjoy more revenue. Rinse and repeat.

That’s how we launch and test every new funnel at And…

how we methodically fix & improve the performance of any broken

or underperforming funnel!

But that’s just the beginning…

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Because, when you follow the approach I just outlined for setting-up new funnels, you’ll quickly have a bunch of funnels working to bring you more optins, more customers, and more sales.

Now it’s time to start scaling and driving more profits. Here, we look at our marketing on a bit more granular basis.

Fortunately, we have a handful of simple numbers that, again, tell us exactly what to do.

These, are our third category of marketing metrics — Funnel

Profitability Metrics. Let me tell you about some of the wildly-valuable decisions you’re

able to make when you have these numbers in front of you. Then I’ll tell you exactly where and how to begin using these numbers to scale your own marketing.

First off, these numbers tells you a bunch of really valuable things,

such as:

• How quickly you recapture your ad dollars to get to breakeven and profitable with each different funnel and from each different source of traffic. (i.e. Breakeven Speed & Profit Velocity)

• How much a visitor is worth for each of your different marketing

funnels, from each of your different traffic sources. (i.e. Average Visitor Value per funnel)

• How much it costs you to acquire a single new customer from each of

your different marketing funnels and from each of your different traffic sources. (i.e Cost Per Acquisition)

• How much every new customer spends with you at their initial

transaction, as well as over the course of their patronage with your business… from each different funnel and from each different source of traffic. (i.e. Average Front-End Cart Value & Lifetime Customer Value)

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• Which sources of traffic bring you the most customers for every $1 you invest into traffic. And most important:

• The ROI of each different source of traffic with each different marketing funnel. As well as how each ad and target audience within each source of traffic is performing for each of your marketing funnels. What makes having these numbers in front of you so insanely

valuable? Well, look at just a couple of the decisions they allow you to make

without having to guess at anything. With accurate Funnel Profitability Metrics:

You know exactly how much you can invest to get a visitor with every ad, with every traffic source, with each and every different marketing funnel.

Example application: You may see that you can spend .25 cents per click on Facebook for a particular funnel, but can spend .50 cents per click on Google Adwords for that same funnel. Even within Facebook, you may see that you can spend more per click with one ad than another for the same exact marketing funnel. Or, you may see that you can use Google Adwords and Facebook Ads to pump traffic into one funnel, but shouldn’t be using Youtube ads to send traffic to that same funnel because it’s not profitable for you. All with the same exact funnel. Result: You’re no longer lumping all traffic sources into the same bucket and measuring an average of their results. Now, you’re able to spend the perfect amount for each visitor, with

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each ad, with each traffic source, for every single marketing funnel you have. And the result is you’re able to profitably pump more and more visitors into any of your marketing funnels.

You know which traffic sources to pump more money into since you

know which sources are bringing you the most valuable customers long-term.

Example application: All sources of new customers are not equal. You may find that one traffic source is bringing you customers that spend $500 with you over the life of their patronage. While you may find that another traffic source is bringing you customers that spend $1000 with you over the life of their patronage. Now you can allocate more of your budget to the source of traffic bringing you the better quality customers (i.e. the customers with the higher Lifetime Customer Value). Result: You make a heck of a lot more profit from the same $1 invested in traffic. All because you’re able to focus on the traffic sources with the higher long-term customer value.

You’re able to use traffic sources you previously thought were

unprofitable, but are really just “slowly profitable”.

Example application: Some funnels may take two days to bring you back your traffic costs. Other funnels make take four days. And some may take seven days or more. When you know the Breakeven Speed of each funnel, from each traffic source, you’re able to first put your money where it comes back to you the fastest. Then, you’re able to use sources of traffic that are unprofitable in the first week, but get you to breakeven and profitable after that.

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Result: As your funnels make you more and more money, you’re able to tap into additional, new sources of traffic and customers that just take you a bit longer to get to profitable. You get more customers, from more sources, exponentially growing your profits.

Truthfully, I could go on and on with many more examples of how your Funnel Profitability Metrics show you which decisions to make so you see your marketing funnels bring you more and more sales and profits.

But, for brevity, let me just say this: These numbers give you the knowledge and ability to do things with

your marketing you cannot do without them. Period. Fact is: When you’re using complete marketing tracking properly

and have the three different categories of numbers in front of you, marketing successfully online is truly no longer complicated, confusing, or mystifying.

It really is black and white. It’s straight-forward. It’s scientific. Cause it’s all in the numbers! My hope, by this point, is that I’ve opened your eyes a bit to how this

game of direct response marketing online is supposed to be played — objectively and scientifically without having to guess or speculate about anything.

It’s played by the numbers. And that’s the big difference between the marketers who

consistently seem to have winning funnel after winning marketing funnel.

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The big difference between them and most marketers struggling to “make it online” is NOT in their marketing skills or chops. It really isn’t.

The big difference is in their recognition of the science behind direct

response — the arithmetic. The numbers. It’s knowing and using the numbers that makes this whole game

easy. I hope you see that now. Weird Little Epilogue: After creating and reviewing this PDF I came to a conclusion… There’s no doubt many readers are going to take the next step and

take action on becoming mathematical marketers. And I felt in my gut this idea of marketing numbers and metrics

might come across overwhelming or intimidating to some, especially when it comes to having the right solution to actually make it happen.

After being in this business for over a decade, so few marketers

understand what you now do about how to market scientifically. What is shocking is that even FEWER have the proper solution in place providing them the marketing metrics they need to make those intelligent decisions.

I don’t want you or anyone else to walk away feeling like you’re not

sure what to do next or how to move forward. Because nailing your tracking and numbers is just too critical.

Like I said, it’s truly at the root for your success marketing online. So, I’ve decided to go the distance for you. Below you are going to find a very special link to get a completely

FREE Trial to ConversionFly. Once inside, with zero risk or cost to you, you will be able to get all your tracking set up (and even attend the free

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trainings and workshops so you have all the support and direction you need).

(Get Your Tracking Rolling With ConversionFly FREE!.)

And just like this PDF, you’ll get inside ConversionFly including all the special training FREE. (Yeah, really free. No shenanigans.)

Once inside the FREE Trial to ConversionFly you will have the most innovative tracking solution on the market at your fingertips. Including everything you need for setting-up, optimizing, fixing, and scaling your marketing funnels with easy, accurate tracking and simple numbers.

Our team will show you exactly how to set-up your complete tracking, how to measure the key Optimization and Profitability Metrics, and even examples of what different numbers mean, what decisions they’re telling you to make, and how to eliminate any need for guessing when optimizing and fixing your funnels for maximum profits.

This is the same exact proprietary tracking solution I had created and use at MFA.

This way you have everything you need to track, measure, and scale your funnels scientifically like I do.

Sound good?


The FREE trial is available now for:

> LIMITED TIME ONLY <We have already had so many marketers blown away by the ease,

accuracy and innovation of ConversionFly they are saying they would pay $100’s if not $1000’s for this unique tracking solution. (Frankly, there’s nothing like it on the planet!). For this reason, there is a very good chance we will not be offering this FREE trial for long. If you just

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downloaded this PDF and read through most of it, be sure to grab this special link to get started with ConversionFly FREE today!

That’s all for now.

Here’s to finally scaling your marketing together with confidence!