The Transformation of Germany into the New Nazi Order.

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The Transformation of Germany into the New Nazi Order.

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  • The Transformation of Germany into the New Nazi Order
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  • End of World War I
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  • 1. At the end of World War I, the Allies (Britain, France & the U.S.A.) were victorious. They forced defeated Germany to sign the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty made Germany Accept blame for the war. Pay for the war. Give back conquered lands. Limit the size of its military.
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  • End of World War I 2. What was the effect of the Treaty of Versailles on the German people?
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  • End of World War I 2. What was the effect of the Treaty of Versailles on the German people? Germans were humiliated, angry, & vengeful. Germans wanted Germany to assume its rightful place at the top of world politics once again. Germans remembered the good old days before W.W.I when Germany was a superpower & treated with respect, not with scorn & ridicule.
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  • End of World War I 3. What was the effect of the Treaty of Versailles on the German economy?
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  • End of World War I 3. What was the effect of the Treaty of Versailles on the German economy? It crippled the economy due to reparation payments. Germanys economy did not recover quick enough to make payments on time, so. The U.S. setup the Dawes Plan that would
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  • End of World War I 3. What was the effect of the Treaty of Versailles on the German economy? It crippled the economy due to reparation payments. Germanys economy did not recover quick enough to make payments on time, so. The U.S. setup the Dawes Plan that would Loan money to Germany to rebuild its economy & repay the Allies. This created a loan cycle between the U.S., Germany, & the Allies. The Dawes Plan led to economic recovery in Allied nations, but Germany was still poor & weak as all its money went to the Allies.
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  • End of World War I As France & Britain grew strong once more throughout the 1920s, Germany suffered from Shortages. All the best products were shipped to the Allies. Hyper-inflation. Money was printed nonstop to pay the Allies, which caused Germany currency (mark) to be worthless. Unemployment. Most Germans were out of work & angry at Germanys weakness.
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  • End of World War I
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  • 4. The Allied Powers broke apart Germanys Empire & forced it to accept A new constitution, a new GOV, & democracy. The German Empire was gone, the Weimar Republic was born. The German people disliked these changes because they wanted
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  • End of World War I 4. The Allied Powers broke apart Germanys Empire & forced it to accept A new constitution, a new GOV, & democracy. The German Empire was gone, the Weimar Republic was born. The German people disliked these changes because they wanted A strong leader, not cooperation & democracy. Revenge on their enemies, not peace & debt.
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  • End of World War I 4. The Allied Powers broke apart Germanys Empire & forced it to accept A new constitution, a new GOV, & democracy. The German Empire was gone, the Weimar Republic was born. The German people disliked these changes because they wanted A strong leader, not cooperation & democracy. Revenge on their enemies, not peace & debt. A GOV that would restore Germanys empire & glory. The Weimar Republic was blamed for all of Germanys problems; the group that would correct these problems was
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  • The National Socialist Party 1. The National Socialist Party was created in the early 1920s and was a political party that believed in
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  • The National Socialist Party 1. The National Socialist Party was created in the early 1920s and was a political party that believed in German Aryan superiority. Conquest & removal of inferior races by the master race. Control under die Fuhrer. Wer ist die Fuhrer?
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  • The National Socialist Party A brief history of Hitlers life before Nazism. 2. Adolf Hitler wanted to
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  • The National Socialist Party A brief history of Hitlers life before Nazism. 2. Adolf Hitler wanted to Overthrow the Weimar Republic. Restore German strength & influence.
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  • The National Socialist Party A brief history of Hitlers life before Nazism. 2. Adolf Hitler wanted to Overthrow the Weimar Republic. Restore German strength & influence. Rebuild the German military. Rule Europe as a totalitarian dictator.
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  • The National Socialist Party 3. Hitlers first attempt at revolution occurred in 1923 during the Beer Hall Putsch. In this Hitler proclaimed the overthrow of Weimar Republic. His followers & he were beaten by the police as they exited the beer hall. Hitler was imprisoned for one year.
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  • The National Socialist Party 4. While in jail, Hitler created his masterpiece that would change the face of history forever: Mein Kampf (My Struggle). In it, he outlined
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  • The National Socialist Party 4. While in jail, Hitler created his masterpiece that would change the face of history forever: Mein Kampf (My Struggle). In it, he outlined Germanys destiny as the master race. The reasons for Germanys weaknesses. Transforming Germany into a new Nazi order.
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  • The National Socialist Party 5. Once released, Hitler set about Gaining political power from elections. From 1925-1932, the Nazi Party grew from 800 members to 800,000.
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  • The National Socialist Party 5. Once released, Hitler set about He accomplished this electoral & party gain through speeches, marches, & public appearances in which he promised peace, security, & prosperity. He also depended on his Brown Shirts (thugs who supported Hitler) to eliminate threats to him.
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  • The National Socialist Party
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  • Hitlers Consolidation of Power 1. With the elections of 1932, the Nazi Party won a majority of the seats in the German government. As a result Hitler was appointed Chancellor in January 1933. Chancellor was the 2 nd highest position in the Republic just below President Hindenburg. Once Hindenburg was gone, Hitler would have total control. But first he needed to consolidate power & destroy his enemies.
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  • Hitlers Consolidation of Power 2. Hitler would achieve power & control as a result of the Reichstag Fire in Feb. 1933. Legislature was burned down & the GOV left shaken.
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  • Hitlers Consolidation of Power 2. Hitler would achieve power & control as a result of the Reichstag Fire in Feb. 1933. Legislature was burned down & the GOV left shaken. The Nazi Party arrested the supposed perpetrator: a Polish Communist Jew. Hitler announced that Germany was under attack by radical terrorists. Unless he received emergency powers, Germany would fall into chaos. Marinus van der Lubbe
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  • Hitlers Consolidation of Power 3. The German government passed the Enabling Act in March 1933. This gave Hitler Unlimited emergency powers to maintain law & order. With unlimited power, Hitler
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  • Hitlers Consolidation of Power 3. The German government passed the Enabling Act in March 1933. This gave Hitler Unlimited emergency powers to maintain law & order. With unlimited power, Hitler Suspended civil rights & murdered thousands of Communists. Banned all other political parties. Absorbed the powers of the branches in GOV.
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  • Hitlers Consolidation of Power 4. Hitlers next step was to eliminate threats to his authority from within the GOV & the Nazi Party. This was achieved during the Night of the Long Knives (July 1934). Hitler & the conspirators of the Night of the Long Knives.
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  • Hitlers Consolidation of Power 4. Hitlers next step was to eliminate threats to his authority from within the GOV & the Nazi Party. This was achieved during the Night of the Long Knives (July 1934). Over 80 GOV & Nazi Party officials were murdered. They were murdered either due to their opposition to Hitlers plans or popularity. Anyone as popular as Hitler was seen as a threat & removed.
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  • Hitlers Consolidation of Power 5. When Paul von Hindenburg died in August 1934 Hitler was left in charge w/ total control. Hitler fused the Chancellery & Presidency together to form his new title
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  • Hitlers Consolidation of Power 5. When Paul von Hindenburg died in August 1934 Hitler was left in charge w/ total control. Hitler fused the Chancellery & Presidency together to form his new title Die Fuhrer. Hitler then proclaimed the Third Reich. His next step was the total transformation of Germany into a perfect Nazi society.
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  • Nazi Germany 1. Transforming Germany society began with creating the upper echelon of the Nazi order. Hitler appointed
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  • Nazi Germany 1. Transforming Germany society began with creating the upper echelon of the Nazi order. Hitler appointed Hermann Goring as the head of Luftwaffe. Goring supervised the building & planning of the Air Force. He was considered Hitlers second-in-command (his chosen successor) & planned most of the air campaigns of W.W.II.
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  • Nazi Germany Rudolph Hess as Deputy Fuhrer & Party Head. Hess created Nazi laws to control Germany. He was considered Hitlers third- in-command, introduced him at rallies & speeches, and was the chief creator of the Nuremberg Laws.
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  • Nazi Germany Reinhart Heydrich as the head of the Gestapo. Heydrich supervised the use of fear & violence to control society. The Gestapo (secret police) removed political threats to Nazi control of Germany.
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  • Nazi Germany Heinrich Himmler as the head of Schutzstaffel (S.S.). This was the elite Nazi special forces. He would be in charge of special operations, protecting Hitler, & concentration camps.
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  • Nazi Germany Joseph Goebbels as Minister of Propaganda. Goebbels supervised the production of pro-Nazi images, films, pictures, & propaganda. His job was to build the Nazi cult of personality & spread Nazi ideas.
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  • Nazi Germany 2. Next Hitler assumed control of all organizations in Germany. His goal was to Spread the Nazi message of racial purity & German superiority. Goebbels required all public places to have Nazi/Hitler images.
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  • Nazi Germany 2. Next Hitler assumed control of all organizations in Germany. His goal was to Spread the Nazi message of racial purity & German superiority. Goebbels required all public places to have Nazi/Hitler images. This included the creation of the Hitler Youth program. His goal was to Create a youth following to grow up into members of the S.S.. The Hitler Youth emphasized German heritage, strength, intelligence, & loyalty above all else.
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  • Nazi Germany Who did this belong to?What is this?
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  • Nazi Germany What do we notice in this poster? What are these posters telling us?
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  • Nazi Germany 3. Hitler then worked on his public image by attending public ceremonies. His goal was to Appear in the public eye as a man of action, actively strengthening Germany.
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  • Nazi Germany 4. Pro-Nazi propaganda blanketed German society. His goal was to Build his COP by becoming the savior of Germany. Nazi propaganda took the form of posters, pictures, writings, films, education, & even household items. Propaganda appeared everywhere & anywhere. Lets watch a cartoon on transforming German society!
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  • Nazi Germany Why a stamp? And you thought our school had rules
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  • Nazi Germany What is this poster telling us?What symbols do we see?
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  • Nazi Germany What is this?
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  • Nazi Germany What is this?
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  • Nazi Germany 5. Hitler led massive gatherings each called the Nuremberg Rallies inviting hundreds of thousands of Germans to attend. His goal was to Announce new goals & spread the Nazi message. Each year the rally got bigger & bigger.
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  • Nazi Germany Lets watch Hitler most famous speech at one of his rallies: Triumph of Will! As you watch, look for these common themes: Germany Unity & Purity. Racial Superiority. Social Hierarchy. Struggle, War, & Prosperity. Loyalty to the Party, Hitler.
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  • Nazi Germany Nuremberg Rally 1936
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  • Nazi Germany Nuremberg Rally 1937
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  • Nazi Germany Nuremberg Rally 1938 Lets watch a video clip of the rallies!
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  • Nazi Germany 6. Hitler revived the German economy through building new factories & putting the unemployed to work. His goal was to Bring prosperity through work & build a strong military for the coming war. Businesses had to meet GOV quotas of military equipment; good for peace, but not in war. The people were happy as they had jobs & the Fuhrer was happy as he rebuilt the military.
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  • Nazi Germany 7. Lastly, Hitler unleashed a wave of anti-Semitism & anti-minority tactics across Germany. His goal was to Demonize Jews & other inferiors, isolating & arresting them. Hitler wanted racial purity & saw these people as cancers in a healthy organic society. Hitler blamed the Jews for Germanys loss in W.W.I, using them a scapegoat.
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  • Nazi Germany What is going here?What is this?
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  • Nazi Germany 8. Hitler then passed the Nuremberg Laws. These laws Abolished civil rights for Jews. Forced the Jews to wear armbands. Restricted the movement of Jews.
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  • Nazi Germany Hitler wanted to separate undesirables from the Aryan Master race. He did this through another simple design: colored triangles. Grundfarben - basic colors Abzeichen fr Rckfllige - badges for recidivists (repeat offenders?) Strafkomp / Strafkompanie - criminal associates (those who keep company with them) Raffeschnder / Raffeschnderin / Rassenschnder - race defilers Fluchtverdchtigt / Fluchtverdchtiger - Fleeing suspects Hftlingsnummer - inmate number
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  • Nazi Germany 9. Lastly, Hitler spread violence & fear among the Jewish population during Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass): A nation-wide campaign of violence & destruction against the Jews. Lets watch a video clip about the Night of Broken Glass!
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  • Nazi Germany 10. By early 1939, Hitler had developed a new program that would put the Jewish Question to rest. This was called The Final Solution. This was to be The mass extermination of Jews & other undesirable races by the Nazis. While most of the minorities had left Germany by 1939, the start of World War II in September would bring millions of undesirables under Nazi control. The Holocaust would last from 1940 to 1945.