The Thirteen Colonies English Settlement in the New World.

Post on 19-Jan-2018

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Captain John Smith Military man Military man Created a settlement Created a settlement Traded with the Indians Traded with the Indians Was saved by Pocahontas Was saved by Pocahontas

Transcript of The Thirteen Colonies English Settlement in the New World.

The Thirteen ColoniesThe Thirteen Colonies

English Settlement in the New WorldEnglish Settlement in the New World

Captain John SmithCaptain John Smith Military manMilitary man Created a settlementCreated a settlement Traded with the IndiansTraded with the Indians Was saved by Pocahontas Was saved by Pocahontas

Starving TimeStarving Time Winter 1609-1610Winter 1609-1610 Native Americans laid siege to Jamestown Native Americans laid siege to Jamestown

settlementsettlement Used up food storesUsed up food stores 60 men out of 500 survived60 men out of 500 survived

Not Gold but TobaccoNot Gold but Tobacco Made peace with the Native Americans Made peace with the Native Americans The result the discovery of tobaccoThe result the discovery of tobacco At first little market but it growsAt first little market but it grows Labor intensive cropLabor intensive crop

Plymouth and the PilgrimsPlymouth and the Pilgrims 1620 group of Separatists arrive in 1620 group of Separatists arrive in

MassachusettsMassachusetts Protestants who disagreed with the Church of Protestants who disagreed with the Church of

EnglandEngland Formed a corporation to also be a proprietary Formed a corporation to also be a proprietary


Mayflower CompactMayflower Compact A plan of governmentA plan of government Signed by all male voyagers whether Puritans Signed by all male voyagers whether Puritans

or notor not

Mother Country and The ColoniesMother Country and The Colonies

Mercantilism – economic system that develops Mercantilism – economic system that develops between England and the coloniesbetween England and the colonies

England holds the balance of tradeEngland holds the balance of trade

Raw Materials from Colonies

Sugar, Molasses, lumberManufactured Goods from England

Navigation Acts = England controlled trade

raw materials must be shipped on English ships

Salutary NeglectSalutary Neglect As long as trade was good England left the As long as trade was good England left the

colonies alone. colonies alone. They ruled their own domestic matters.They ruled their own domestic matters.

Virginia House of BurgessesVirginia House of Burgesses Legislature that set laws for VirginiaLegislature that set laws for Virginia

Another example of self-government in Another example of self-government in the coloniesthe colonies

Triangle TradeTriangle Trade Exchange of goods from New World to Exchange of goods from New World to

England and then England to Africa then England and then England to Africa then slaves from African to the New Worldslaves from African to the New World

Enslaved AfricansEnslaved Africans First African arrive on a Dutch ship that lands First African arrive on a Dutch ship that lands

in Virginia in 1619in Virginia in 1619 Originally their status was that of indentured Originally their status was that of indentured

servantsservants 1640s first slave codes in Virginia specifically 1640s first slave codes in Virginia specifically

mentioning racementioning race Slavery spread throughout the colonies but Slavery spread throughout the colonies but

largest population in South and New Yorklargest population in South and New York

Middle PassageMiddle Passage Journey between Africa and the New WorldJourney between Africa and the New World Conditions were horrific on slave shipsConditions were horrific on slave ships Nearly half would perish before the end of the Nearly half would perish before the end of the


Contributions of Enslaved AfricansContributions of Enslaved Africans

Food waysFood ways CraftsCrafts MusicMusic Oral Traditions/storiesOral Traditions/stories

British Colonial PoliciesBritish Colonial Policies Stamp Act – 1765 tax on all legal and paper Stamp Act – 1765 tax on all legal and paper

goodsgoods Declaratory Acts – 1767 declared that Declaratory Acts – 1767 declared that

Parliament had full authority over coloniesParliament had full authority over colonies

British Colonial PoliciesBritish Colonial Policies Townshend Acts – duties on imported goods Townshend Acts – duties on imported goods

glass and tea 1767glass and tea 1767 Tea Act – 1773 a tax on teaTea Act – 1773 a tax on tea Coercive Acts/ Intolerable Acts – 1774 set to Coercive Acts/ Intolerable Acts – 1774 set to

punish New Englandpunish New England

Colonists ResponseColonists Response Boycott of goodsBoycott of goods Committees of Correspondence –Individuals Committees of Correspondence –Individuals

who wrote to different colonieswho wrote to different colonies Boston Tea PartyBoston Tea Party

Boston MassacreBoston Massacre British soldiers shot five British soldiers shot five

civilians protesting civilians protesting soldiers in Bostonsoldiers in Boston

Civilians were throwing Civilians were throwing snow balls some with snow balls some with rocks in themrocks in them

Patriots call it a Patriots call it a massacre - propagandamassacre - propaganda

EnlightenmentEnlightenment Reason and observation lead to truthReason and observation lead to truth Philosophy of how people should be governedPhilosophy of how people should be governed

John LockeBenjamin Franklin

Thomas PaineThomas Paine Publisher, Scottish immigrantPublisher, Scottish immigrant Wrote Wrote Common SenseCommon Sense a pamphlet that a pamphlet that

supported American Independencesupported American Independence An explanation for the average personAn explanation for the average person

First and Second Continental First and Second Continental CongressesCongresses

Organized meeting of representatives from the Organized meeting of representatives from the colonies in Philadelphiacolonies in Philadelphia

Declaration of Independence is written at the Declaration of Independence is written at the SecondSecond

Declaration of IndependenceDeclaration of Independence A letter to King George IIIA letter to King George III Explained why America needed independence Explained why America needed independence

and why it was legitimateand why it was legitimate Used the Enlightenment ideas of:Used the Enlightenment ideas of:

All men are created equalAll men are created equal Government should be chosen by the peopleGovernment should be chosen by the people ““Consent of the Governed”Consent of the Governed”