THE SURE-FIRE WAY TO GET MORE QUALIFIED LEADS · pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaign hoping to increase...

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Transcript of THE SURE-FIRE WAY TO GET MORE QUALIFIED LEADS · pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaign hoping to increase...



After all that, you’re still not getting any leads; even if traffic does improve a bit. You still have a page that isn’t working; except now it costs you more money. | 1-877-7WEBROI (1-877-793-2764)

Are You Frustrated with Your Website’s Lack of Leads?

It’s a common issue many business owners like you experience: Specific pages on your company website are designed to sell your products or services, but they just aren’t getting you leads.

The Problem Isn’t Traffic. It’s Conversion Optimization.

Getting people to your website isn’t the issue. Rather, it’s getting people to do something once there that’scausing you grief. The majority of businesses who are crushing it with their websites maximize every visitor they get by making three things obvious:

That’s conversion optimization; the art and science of building a website for your company where every page is an opportunity to collect a highly qualified lead ( not just uninterested tire-kickers).

Spend money on a Google pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaign

hoping to increase visibilityand leads.

Create a complicated Google AdWords campaign with the

intention of driving highly targeted traffic to your website.

Make desperate, on-the-fly changes to the copy or pictures on your

website and hope for quick results.

Wherethey are

on your site.

Whatthey should

do next.

Whythey should take

the action you want them to.

Frustrated, you: | 1-877-7WEBROI (1-877-793-2764)

Web Pages/Landing Pages

A good landing page must fulfill the promise of the clicked advertisement, Google search result or piece ofcontent linking to it. It also combines the following elements:Usability. Image. Information.

Your pictures should match what the client wants.For example, if you sell $500,000 homes and you have an image of a $200,000 home, you won’t getthe right leads.

Use custom, original images whenever possible. People will identify stock photography.

Your homepage should use visual call outs above the fold. These are images of the most common things people look for on your website.

Images + words = the emotion the customer will experience when working with you.

Have an easy-to-understand headline which tells people what the page is about

Use a sub-headline to support the main message

Use a visually appealing original hero image

Have an easy-to-use contact form

Have headings outlining the page so readers understand what each section is about

Use bullet lists when applicable

Break up text in short, easy-to-read paragraphs

Work well on mobile with responsive design

Have no broken links or lead to any 404s

Rely on social proof (testimonials, quotes, satisfied customers) to further enhancewhat is being promoted

Tell users the benefit of what’s being discussed on the page

Appeal to personas with emotionallycompelling images and words

What picturesshould you useon your web pages?

Do the pages on your site… | 1-877-7WEBROI (1-877-793-2764)

Other web page considerations:

It should take a maximum of 2 clicks for anyone to reach any page of your website, no matter where they are.

Secure sockets layers (SSLs) should be used for any pages which require sensitive information (like credit card numbers) and for your website as a whole (to help with SEO).

For desktop users (because mobile users will scroll), answer all the relevant, important questions as quickly as possible above the fold.

Social icons should be small in the header or in the footer. That way, they won’t encourage the user to leave the site.

Do not link to other websites unless absolutely necessary. If you send a visitor to something like a trade association membership site with a directory, you’ve just sent them to a place where they can view all your competitors.

Keep your website navigation as simple as possible. Don’t make it too long. Place the most important sections first and use words/phrases people would expect to see and read.

Make hyperlinks obvious by making them a different colour, underlined. That tells people(and search engines) there’s good information to be found if it’s clicked.

If you have a lot of content on your website, include an easy-to-use search box. This makes it easy for people to find new or archived information as your website grows.

Eliminate 404 error pages on your site completely by ensuring there are no broken links on it.

Unfortunately broken links still sometimes happen, so a 404 error page is an opportunity to create some goodwill and a sense of fun. Use the page to apologize for the inconvenience, tell users what might have happened and where they can go next.

SSL | 1-877-7WEBROI (1-877-793-2764)

Website Copy

Even in this day and age, people still read on the web. Words matter, because they can convince and compel or confuse and confound.

Does the copy on your website…

Readers should be able to leave a page at any point and still know what the page is about andthe key points of that page (“Inverted Pyramid” theory).

Headlines are the first thing people see and read and must communicate the 4Ps(PROMISE the benefit. PROVE the offer. PICTURE the experience. PITCH to take action).

Use words and phrases the audience would expect to see and read on that page.

Build trust with things like reviews, videos, social snippets and guarantees

Use optimized headings/sub-headings to help with content flow

Have bullet lists and short paragraphs for easy scanning

Incorporate SEO optimized H1s, URLs and Meta data so the user always knows what the page is about

Use the SEO and PPC keywords people look for, so they know the page matches their search intent

Match the advertising that brought them there

Address pain points the user is experiencing

Focus on features and benefits

Communicate assertiveness and confidence (YES: You get results. NO: We’ll try to get you results)

Make the customer feel the emotional end-state they are looking to achieve

Focus on you (the customer); not us(the business)

Rely on visual cues to guide the reader

Other copy considerations:

H1 H2 | 1-877-7WEBROI (1-877-793-2764)

Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

CTAs must compel users to click. They need to communicate the benefit of doing so in as few words as possible.

Do the CTAs on your website…

Have clear, concise messaging

Depict an emotion the user can relate to

Use action words

Provide a clear understanding of what theuser will receive when they click it

Consistently match the tone and feel ofthe page they’re on

Stand out with bright colours and friendly typeface

Ask for a first date (YES: Request More Info & Pricing) and not marriage (NO: Book Your Storage Space Now)

Answers the question “what’s in it for me” for anyone wanting to click on it

Match what your website visitor is thinking

Natural. Healthy. Peace. Balance. Growth. Restore. Clarity. Safety. Stable. Positivity.

Trust. Secure. Responsible. Spirit. Content. Control. Goals. Aware-ness. Openness. Purpose.

Instinct. Energy. Enthusiasm. Fun. Social. New Ideas. Freedom. Impulse. Motivation. Joy.

Passion. Active. Stimulating. Vibrant. Young. Bold. Energetic. Power. Confidence. Ambition.

Calm. Love. Feminine. Respect. Warmth. Care. Sensitive. Nurture. Possibilities. Unconditional.

Success. Wise. Royal. Creative. Original. Stimulation. Wealth. Fantasy. Respectable. Modest.

What colours should your CTA buttons be? | 1-877-7WEBROI (1-877-793-2764)

Web Forms

Web forms need to collect the right information, be easy to complete andcommunicate the promise of what happens next.

Do the web forms on your website…

Use directional cues (like people or image that point to or look at the form) to direct and guide people to it (without them even realizing it’s being done).

The form should stand out with colour contrast as it’s the ultimate end-goal of the page.Web forms should be incredibly easy for mobile users to complete.

Have enticing CTA buttons (which do not simply say “SUBMIT”)

Accomplish the goal of the page (SHORT WEB FORMS: Get more leads who are less qualified. LONG WEB FORMS: Get less leads that are more qualified)

Have a title that matches the intent ofthe search

Utilize a second CTA to communicatewhat happens if they don’t click (YES I wantto get more leads. NO THANKS I makeenough money.)

Other web form considerations:

CTAs should be placed in appropriate locations. Too many CTAs are intrusive and distractor detract from reading and digesting the content.

People read left-to-right, that’s why phone number and your main CTA should always be atthe top right of each web page.

If you have your phone number listed, make sure it’s click-to-call enabled for mobile users.

A long webpage should include multiple CTAs (buttons, text links, etc.) that support the copy.

If someone read to the bottom, they are interested enough and need a CTA suggestion of whatto do next.

Other copy considerations:

Call Now

1-888-888-8888 | 1-877-7WEBROI (1-877-793-2764)

Tracking Leads

The only way to know if your website is generating a solid return on investment (ROI) is to track conversions-to-leads using an analytics program.

Does your website …

Without analytics, you’ll never be able to glean insights that can help boost your ROI.

Besides leads, you can track and collect helpful information on other things like:

o Traffic (how many people visit your website). o Bounce rate (how many people immediately leave once they get to your site). o Returning visitors (how many people come to your website again and again).

With the information you collect from analytics and tracking, you can to perform A/B tests onyour website. You can change the colour of a button. Use a different image. Try a new CTA.The possibilities are endless (but you need that information first).

DO NOT PUT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS ON YOUR WEBSITE. It sounds counterproductive,but here’s why:

o Email addresses cannot be tracked for conversions. o People will not share as much information in an email as they would in a web form (and therefore not be a quality lead).o Email addresses are at risk of being spammed (on the other hand, forms cannot be spammed).

Track all conversion possibilities (individual forms, download opportunities, etc.)

Have a unique tracking number (a phone number which is only used on your website and nowhere else)

Produce thank you pages (after someone completes a form, a thank you page should appear)

Have specific, measurable goals (likely the thank you pages) programmed into Analytics

Other tracking considerations:


@ | 1-877-7WEBROI (1-877-793-2764)

Using Video

Videos attract more attention and convert more users; if used correctly.

Do the videos on your site…

If the video is too big or too long, it’ll either slow down load times or cause people to lose interest.

Videos should be placed above the fold in a spot that minimizes scrolling. Burying them at the bottom tells search engines they’re not that valuable.

Embed videos directly on a page (don’t use a lightbox or pop-up application to get them to play).

Have a CTA at the end

Support the page, but not dominate or be intrusive on it

Match the copy

Not have an auto-play feature

Have high-quality production values(if it’s a video being used to promotea specific product)

Have a length of 1-2 minutes at most

Other video considerations: | 1-877-7WEBROI (1-877-793-2764)

Last But Definitely Not Least

Things you should keep in mind when thinking about your website.

Project manager to ensure your website gets built and launched on time and on budget, with everything on the checklist.

Account managers to identify opportunities and take advantageof them before your competitors do.

Content marketes who can write for all your marketing channels (email, social, blogs, etc.) and your unique business type.

Designers with the skills tomake your website easy-to-use, beautiful and perfectly aligne with your brand.

Search experts to help you get found organically (SEO) and though a robust, budget-conscious and results focused PPC plan.

Sales psychologists to analyze every marketing piece you develop to ensure it meets you and your potential customers’ expectations.

At WEB ROI, you’ll enjoy access to:

PHOTO AND PRODUCTGALLERIES must be categorized, easy to find and have compelling CTAs.

WITHOUT A DETAILED PERSONA telling you exactly who you’re speaking to, your website will struggle to deliver the leads required for business growth.

USE PICTURES AND STATISTICS to tell your company’s story.

EVERYTHING MUST LOAD FAST, such as pages, copy, images, etc. This is especially true for mobile users.

NO LARGE FILES FOR MOBILE DEVICES, and that includes things like pop-up windows, heavy sidebar navigation menus or large image files.

WHAT GETS MEASUREDGETS MANAGED – for example at WEB ROI, staff receiveperformance bonuses based on how well their client’s digital marketing produces leads. So far it has resulted in a 400% increase in leads compared to the internet average!

A FULL STAFF OF EXPERTS can help manage, analyze and modify your website so it’s always optimized.

Want more qualified leads?Looking to expand your web presence?Ready for a professionally built and managed website that best reflects your business?

Discover What WEB ROI Can Do For You

CALL 1-877-793-2764 of your current siteand GET A FREE ANALYSIS

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WEB ROI is a full-service digital marketing agency that’s as heavily invested inyour company’s success as you are.

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Know who you wantto reach and where to find them

Generate a healthy return on investment from your digital marketing dollars

Provide proactive service andrecommendations

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