The sun scare campaign

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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See how producers of sun-protection lotions are increasing their sales by an invented fear of sunlight and tanning. A majority of the population has become Vitamin-D deficient by the fear of sunlight and thus have dramatically increased their risk for all types of cancers and Join the movement against the sun-scare here:

Transcript of The sun scare campaign


How the Source of Life on Earth was turned into a Bringer of Death and

the Subject of FEAR

The Ideology

“By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell --and hell heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed.”Adolf Hitler


Create a strong enough Fear

Make huge profit

Sell a




SPF lotions

Create a Fear of DeathPay Dermatologists (“Skin doctors”) to provide flawed melanoma statistics

Feed this statistic to Oncologists (“Cancer doctors”) and health authorities

Pay cancer research centres and other lobbying bodies to support the fear

Use shrewd and ruthless PR- and marketing

Provide a


Make huge profit

Source: L’Oreal

The Executionand


Step I: “The SCARE”(Inflated diagnoses of melanoma)

Source: Cancer Research UK

Melanoma diagnoses

Step II: “The Solution”(Sales of sun-protection (SPF) lotions)

Source: Cancer Research UK & Euromonitor

Melanoma diagnoses

Result I: “The Failure”(no change in melanoma mortality)

Source: Cancer Research UK & Euromonitor

Melanoma diagnoses

Melanoma mortality

Don’t blame me!

Result II: “The Tragedy”(sharp increase in common cancers due to deficit of


Source: Cancer Research UK

Result III: “The Cost”

“….. The reduction in direct plus indirect economic burden of disease was based on increasing the level of vitamin D. For 2007, the reduction is estimated at €187 billion.”*)

*) February 11, 2009

Estimated benefit of increased vitamin D status in reducing the economic burden of disease in Western Europe

William B. Grant,1 Heide S. Cross,2 Cedric F. Garland,3 Edward D. Gorham,3 Johan Moan,4 Meinrad Peterlik,2 Alina C. Porojnicu,4 Jörg Reichrath,5 and Armin

Zittermann6 1Sunlight, Nutrition, and Health Research Center (SUNARC)

The Facts

Vitamin-D is created in the most natural way when your skin is exposed to UVB rays from the sun or from the lamps in a solarium. 10-30 minutes every day, depending on the source of UVB, is recommended to avoid Vitamin-D deficiency.Just be careful NOT to BURN your skin through too long exposure!

The Advice