The State of Plone – Plone Conference 2012

Post on 08-May-2015

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The "State of Plone" keynote by Eric Steele and Matt Hamilton, presented at Plone Conference 2012 The Diazo Theme Editor demo shown is available at

Transcript of The State of Plone – Plone Conference 2012

The State of PloneEric Steele & Matt Hamilton

Plone Conference 2012Arnhem

Thursday, October 11, 12

The Last 12 Months

Thursday, October 11, 12

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem


Thursday, October 11, 12


Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem


• Plone Conference 2011

• Plone Symposium South America

• Plone Open Garden

• Plone Konferenz

• Plone Symposium East

Thursday, October 11, 12


Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Plone Conference 2012

27 different countries

Thursday, October 11, 12


Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Plone Releases

• Plone 4.2

• Plone 4.3 alpha

Thursday, October 11, 12


Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem


Thursday, October 11, 12


Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Sprints• Plone Conference 2011 – San

Francisco, US

• Art Sprint – Vienna, Austria

• Cioppino Sprint - Bodega Bay, US

• Plone Konferenz – Munich, Germany

• Plone Open Garden – Sorrento, Italy

• Pre-PSE Strategicesque Sprintacular – State College, US

• Post-Symposium Sprints – State College, US

• Buschenschanksprint – Grasnitzberg, Austria

• Belgian Beer Sprint - Antwerp, Belgium

• Caipirinha Sprint – Brasília, Brazil

• Cafecito Sprint – São Paolo, Brazil

• Sea Sprint – Oak Island, US

Averaging one major Plone sprint per month over the past year and a half

Thursday, October 11, 12


Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Code Activity

Past 12 months: 5597 Commits, 208 Contributors

Thursday, October 11, 12

EricContributors: Up 20% from previous 12 months

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Code Activity

• 66 contributors within the last month

• 13 new contributors

• Set to break both marks this month

Thursday, October 11, 12

Eric New record for us!

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Developer list activity

Thursday, October 11, 12


The plone-developer mailing list activity saw a steep drop off after Plone 3. We’re coming back. Each month is more active than the last.

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem


• 14 new Plone Foundation members

Georg Gogo Bernhard Maurizio DelmonteSjoerd van ElferenJean FerriCarol GanzRok GarbasNathan Van Gheem

Alan HoeyT. Kim NguyenRob PorterPaul RoelandHéctor VelardeChrissy WainwrightNejc Zupan

Thursday, October 11, 12


Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

World Plone Day

Big thanks to Andre Nogueira

Thursday, October 11, 12

Matt38 events worldwide

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

60th Plone Tuneup

• 31 Developers

• 34 tickets closed

Big thanks to Carol Ganz

Thursday, October 11, 12


Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Plone Roadmap

• High-level vision for Plone's future

• Summary of community goals and activities

• Revised every six months

• That’s this week!

Thursday, October 11, 12


Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Plone Roadmap

• Defines Plone’s

• Purpose

• Competitors

• Key industries

• Differentiators

• Ideal size

Thursday, October 11, 12


Key industries: Education, Government, Non-profits, Media are most commonDifferentiators: Community, security, usability, theming, workflow, multilingual

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Roadmap Goals

• Iterate, iterate, iterate

• More frequent releases

• Introduce new technologies early, before they become the standard

• More aggressive about moving under-used/under-maintained features out of core

• Sane upgrades

Thursday, October 11, 12


Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem


• All of Plone Core repository moved

• Much of the Collective repository moved

Big thanks to Rok Garbas and Alex Clark

Thursday, October 11, 12

EricLowers barrier of entryGives us more defined approval process for contributions, easier to contribute translationsMakes my life much easier when mergingMinor patches easier -- related: Our patch policy recently been adopted by Zope Foundation

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Installers• New Windows installer

• Much more native Windows experience (Web Platform Installer)

• Uses same base buildout as other installers

• Managed Cloud deployment options

• Bitnami

• Turnkey

• Ploud

Thursday, October 11, 12

MattPlone has always had a focus on easy, one-click install.Windows installers have been previously developed by Enfold Systems. Now technology has moved on and we have a more modern approach - Ross PattersonBitnami: Wyn Williams

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem


• Trac cleanup

• Simplified bug reporting

• Ticket triage

Thursday, October 11, 12


Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Automated Testing

• Maintaining code quality

• Jenkins

• Travis-CI

• Robot Framework

Thursday, October 11, 12


Ed Manlove, Asko Soukka, Godefroid Chappelle

The next decade...

Thursday, October 11, 12


Why us?

Thursday, October 11, 12


In the beginning...

Thursday, October 11, 12

Matt: In the beginning all decisions came down to two individuals and that carried Plone through ten years of growth.As we move into the second decade, we’re now moving into the position where, as a community, we’re less reliant on the Benevolent Dictators for Life to do all of the work.

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Community Ownership

• Foundation Board

• IP/Trademark

• Roadmap Team

• Directions

• Framework Team

• Code

Thursday, October 11, 12


Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

3 Areas of Focus

• Approachability

• Integration

• Involvement

Thursday, October 11, 12

Eric To make this work, there are 3 areas we need to focus on.

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem


Thursday, October 11, 12

Eric: Answer “what next”

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem


• Documentation Team

• TODO Tutorial


Thursday, October 11, 12

Eric Ownership of documentation. ensure documentation coverage for new features

Nejc Zupan

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

User Interface

• UI Team

• Nathan van Gheem

• UI review of core features

• Accessibility

Thursday, October 11, 12

WebLion, Paul Roeland

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem


• plone.api

• Core developer documentation

• Translated

Thursday, October 11, 12

Nates Zupan

Translated into Spanish and Portuguese.

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem


• The “3 Ds”

• Diazo

• Dexterity

• Deco/Tiles

➡ Plone 4.2

➡ Plone 4.3

➡ Plone 4.4

Thursday, October 11, 12

Playing nicely with other systems. We are seeing a lot of people who were primarily using Plone as a web application framework moving to Pyramid. These technologies allow us to use Plone to its best advantage -- as a CMS, yet work with other technologies.

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Thursday, October 11, 12


Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem


• Reduce barriers to contributing

• New contributor agreement process

• Mentorship

Thursday, October 11, 12

Ericgot an email from a new contributor last month, and I didn’t ask his permission to put this in my talk, so I won’t call him out, but this is awesome. Excitement.

Improving our contributor agreement process -- Elizabeth LeddyWelcome email, pointer to developer documentation, tips for getting started, offer mentorship opportunities

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem


• Reduce barriers to contributing

• UI

• QA Team

• Recognize good work

Thursday, October 11, 12


Starting points with mockups

And we’re going to do a better job of recognizing the people doing awesome work. Plone Awards

Rose Pruyne at WebLion has started a series of news items, the first of which went out 2 weeks ago about UCLA and their work on the theme editor.

The Call to Action

Thursday, October 11, 12

EricSo what is the State of Plone? I am absolutely satisfied about the pace of development right now. We’re handling everything. And I shouldn’t say that because people are going to start slacking off.What I think we’re facing right now is an organizational issue, a community issue. We’ve got amazing people here, but we’re not using them

"I don't care what they do, I just want to be a

part of it"

Thursday, October 11, 12


Dinner with Maaike

Plone Conference 2012, Arnhem

Call To Action

• 3 things

• Code, Community, or Process

Thursday, October 11, 12


Can you write?Can you write in a language other than English?Do you know python?Do you know JavaScript?Are you a designer?Do you care about usability?Do you care about accessibility?Can you install Plone and test it out?Are you good at organizing people or events?Do you have 5, 10, 50 of whatever your local currency is to give to the Plone Foundation?

What are you going to do this year to make Plone better?

I want everyone here to think of three things they think need to be fixed in Plone. And that’s not just Plone the code, but also the Plone the community and Plone the processes. I think we all can do that. Is there anyone here that’s missing a thing or two? Raise your hands, I’m sure some people have extras.

This is your job. Before the end of this conference, I want you to find someone else here that wants to fix the same thing. Before the end of the month, I want you think about how you’re going to make that happen. Before the end of the year, I want you to actually start working on it. And before next year’s conference I want you to fix that thing.

And I know, I know. Half of you won’t do that. But just think, if even half of you do that, that’s 125 ways in which Plone gets better. 125 ways in which Plone becomes easier for you to use. 125 ways in which Plone becomes easier for you to sell.

What are you going to do this year to make Plone better?