The Spice of Life Legacy Chapter 3

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of The Spice of Life Legacy Chapter 3

Welcome back to the Spice legacy, starring me, Cardamom! As you can see, I went into work as an artist in the job I got a long time ago and then never went into because of maternity leave. I take one day’s break to go in on Stephan’s day off, and the house goes to hell. The maid is too busy playing with Kitty Pryde to clean up the multiple bottles, and Stephan’s exhausted and in bed! Thus it falls to me, supermom, to get the kids fed and lay down another layer of stinky bottles. Such is the day to day of a family sim. On the plus side, I’m now an acclaimed muralist!

The kids in the house at the moment are child twins Saffron and Sage, baby twins Salt and Pepper, and toddler Coriander, who won’t be a toddler for long. His birthday has come around!

Here he is as a kid. He’s still my little male mini-me. Adorable!

As soon as Coriander is changed and ready, it’s time for Salt and Pepper’s birthday. Will either of them look like me?

Not so much, no. I think Salt has my rounder cheeks and Pepper got my nose, but that’s about it. Stephan’s genes are really dominant! Salt has a very extreme personality: she’s really neat, really shy, really active, really playful, and pretty nice! Pepper has a lot of points, too. He’s extreme in neatness and playfulness, and moderate in activity, outgoingness, and niceness.* Although they may look pretty similar, all my kids have very different personalities, except they all tend to be neat and nice so far, which is A-OK with me!

* Salt: 8/0/10/10/7Pepper: 10/6/4/10/5

As for me, I discovered that I was pregnant again. I managed to go without throwing up this time, but I was ravenous. We had six children now, so if this next pregnancy was twins, we would be over halfway there to our goal of 13.

I couldn’t think too far ahead, however, because I had two toddlers that needed a lot of attention right now.

In my third trimester, Stephan had another day off while I had a work day. We didn’t have a car, so I decided to walk to work. I figured since I was an artist, I would just be eccentric and wear my pjs to work since they were so comfortable.* It was winter, but it wasn’t too cold yet so I figured it would be okay.

*I assumed that Cardamom would change when I told her to walk to work, since she’s not a college student any longer, but nope, she just went in her pajamas!

“What’s that, Lord Snugglebottom? We’re in for a big snowstorm and Cardamom should have worn more clothes? Since when did you go from giving obvious good advice to foretelling the weather?”

While I was gone, Stephan had to make lunch for all the kids, and for once, he succeeded without burning something! No matter how many cooking skill points Stephan got, he wasn’t as good at it as I was. He told me later that all the kids wanted to talk about was their approaching new sibling. It was good to know that they were excited instead of resentful about sharing the house with lots of other kids.

“Mommy! Mommy! I’m so glad you’re home, but it’s freezing cold! Lord Snugglebottom won’t shut up about how you should have taken a coat, or you’ll catch a cold. You’re not sick, are you?”“No, I’m fine. Just a little tired. In fact, I think I’ll just have one of those leftover hamburgers and . . .”

“. . . SNOOZE.”“Think we should wake her, Sage?”“Naw, let her sleep. The ketchup will help moisturize her skin, I’m sure.”

On the plus side, I had gotten a promotion and was now a Visionary. I had enough vacation days to pretty much never go in for the rest of my life, and I would rack up even more in the coming days trying to get to 13, so I decided to keep the job for the free money I would get, even though I would only rarely work.

The next morning I made omelettes for everyone old enough to eat them, and Stephan and I talked about our favorite subject: fashion. A restful, long sleep had done wonders for me.

Sage and Saffron were really close to each other, being twins, but Sage and Coriander were also the best of friends. When I caught them spontaneously hugging each other, I couldn’t help but get a picture!

Sage and Saffron’s birthday was that evening, but it was interrupted by Noelle, who had to come tell Sage that her piano playing was top-notch. We already knew that, of course.

Now two more of my little ones would be teenagers! It was hard to let them go, but I mustered the energy to celebrate.

Saffron, on the left, declared that she was a knowledge/family sim who wanted to be a mad scientist. Okay. Definitely didn’t see that one coming, but whatever makes her happy. My little Sage decided to be a romance/family sim, and she wanted to be a celebrity chef. I was glad she didn’t want any of the more notorious romance sim wants. I thought it was sweet that both girls had family secondary aspirations. Maybe growing up in a big family rubbed off on them.

While Coriander, Stephan and I enjoyed our cake slices, Saffron and Sage got their scholarships and called for a cab. Unfortunately, Saffron had to be slumping in this otherwise nice picture.

I don’t know where she gets it from.

Here’s my girls at college. They continued to want to dress alike, which surprised me a little. I figured young adults would want to form their own identity a bit more, but these two were as close as only twins can be. They both looked quite a bit alike, as well. They moved in with Rosemary in one of the dorms. I was glad my daughters had each other to lean on while they waited.

“Oh my god! Oh my god! Kitty Pryde, go get Stephan! I need him now. I refuse to give birth with just the cat in attendance!”

“What is it, honey? I heard you talking to the cat. Is everything . . .”“STEPHAN!”“What?!”“It’s time . . . again!”

“Pshaw, humans. No big deal. If I ever had kittens, you wouldn’t hear me making so much noise about it.”

Although Kitty Pryde didn’t seem to be impressed, Stephan and I were delighted to have another set of twins. This time they were two girls.

Spearmint is on the left and Peppermint is on the right. You know the drill – brown hair, blue eyes, S4 and S3. Though the birth is exciting, the real excitement is seeing them grow into toddlers and seeing what they really look like and what their personalities are like. Still, I was delighted to have two new babies.

Of course, once the girls were fed, cuddled, played with, and settled in their cribs, Stephan and I got back to the business of having more children. Those next five kids weren’t going to conceive themselves!

Family life continued apace. Coriander learned to study, Pepper and Salt learned all their toddler skills then got to know each other over the play table, and Spearmint and Peppermint got pampered.

For a short time, Coriander was the only child in the house. He continued the tradition of being a very neat, responsible kid, and took out the trash all the time just like Rosemary used to do. He also loved waving at anyone that passed him by, which was very cute.

Once the trash was dealt with, it was time to celebrate Sat and Pepper’s birthdays. I think it’s funny that Kitty Pryde almost always seems to be eating during these birthday shots.

Salt and Pepper grew up very cute. They continued to dress in white and black to match their names. I loved each stage that my kids went through and getting to know them better and better.

Coriander was excited to get to play with his siblings. They hadn’t played together much while Salt and Pepper were toddlers, but on mornings before school they got to know each other. I think Coriander really missed his big sisters, especially Sage, so he was glad to have companions his age again.

Of course, when they heard we had a snow day, all three kids leapt up and cheered! Looks like Salt and Pepper’s first day of school will have to wait until they have the roads plowed.

We broke the news to the kids that we were expecting another baby. They were happy about it. I’m very lucky that all of my kids get along and are always excited about new siblings. It makes things easier. And of course Stephan and I were delighted. Every new pregnancy and birth just made us happier and happier. In fact, I had maxed my lifetime bar and was permaplatinum, even though I hadn’t completed my LTW of having a golden anniversary. Stephan wasn’t far behind.

There were some aspects of pregnancy I could do without, however.

“Hi! I couldn’t help notice you out here reading my newspaper.”“Oh! I’m sorry. I was just curious, and I was out taking my walk.”“No matter. I just wanted to congratulate you on your excellent choice of outerwear.”“Um . . . thanks?”“Carry on.”

A different headmaster came over to check us out for Coriander, Salt, and Pepper to get into private school. Once again, Stephan did the schmoozing, and the house was found a little lacking, but all three kids got into the private school.

Every time I see a picture of the beach lot over there I just want to move there so badly. Sigh. Maybe someday.

The kids looked great in their uniforms! Since none of them were hanging around to get teen jobs, the main benefit of private school – besides the more rigorous education – was seeing them in their adorable uniforms.

After lots of morning sickness, I finally popped. We were on the downhill slope of having 13 kids. Only 5 more to go! Okay, it still sounds like a lot when I say it like that, but still, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

However, I was having a rough pregnancy and Stephan was working long hours as Minister of Education. With three kids and two babies in the house, sometimes things got a little hectic and the kids had to fend for themselves for lunch on the weekends. I don’t think they always made the best choices, but it’s not like they could make salads for themselves.

Between Vince the headmaster’s visit and my pregnancy and everything else that was going on, I’m embarrassed to say we kind of forgot the youngest twins’ birthday. Stephan was watching over me while I was sleeping when he got the urge to go toss our daughters in the air. Luckily, that worked out okay.

Yay! Another kid got my eye shape! Spearmint mostly looked like her dad, but she had my eyes, while Peppermint looked a lot like Sage, and thus, like her dad. Spearmint had a great personality. She was moderately neat and nice, quite outgoing and playful, and a little lazy like me. Peppermint was also a sweetie. She was my nicest kid so far, but was the only kid to be messy. She was also very outgoing like her twin, a little lazy, and right in the middle of playfulness and seriousness.*

*Spearmint: 6/8/2/8/6Peppermint: 3/9/2/5/10

Just another day of learning at Casa Spice.

“What’s that, Lord Snugglebottom? The world is overpopulated and I should look into birth control? Ha ha, no. Mind your own business. Here, I’ll get you some sunflower seeds instead of you policing my reproductive choices. There’s a good womrat.”

Not even Lord Snugglebottom could discourage me. I was on cloud nine with all these kids, and I could see our goal creeping closer all the time. Stephan and I were both just so happy that we had the chance to have all these kids. We loved each and every one as much as it is possible to love a person, even before they were born.

Spearmint was a much quicker learner when it came to talking, but Peppermint’s first word was “daddy.” I was so jealous! Spearmint said “mommy” eventually, but it wasn’t her first word.

“Um, dear, do you really think that’s safe for you and the baby?”“Oh sure . . . Lord Snugglebottom said so. In fact, he wondered why I hadn’t been doing this all along considering I’m usually platinum and now I am all the time. I guess I just forgot I could.”“Huh. That is an unusually helpful womrat.”

“Hi kids! I just electrocuted myself and your sibling(s) to be! I feel invigorated! I feel great! I feel . . .”“Loud, mom. You feel loud. Apparently.”“Oops, sorry.”

Coriander finished up his skills early, so instead of studying with Salt and Pepper, that nice little boy spent most of his time getting to know Kitty Pryde. It was sweet. Kitty Pryde is pretty independent so she only goes looking for affection when her social bar’s low, but she really liked playing with Coriander.

That night, after we put the kids to bed, I went into labor again. Luckily Stephan was there to help and actually conscious this time.

Unsurprisingly, it was another set of twins! This time we had a girl and a boy.

Fennel, a girl, is on the left and Fenugreek, a boy, is on the right. I’m running out of different ways to tell you that they have brown hair and blue eyes. Maybe you get the picture by now. Hmm.

Just two family sims in heaven.

Meanwhile, Spearmint and Peppermint had learned all their skills and worked on their mechanical. I understand that in families that use snapdragons, it’s usual for kids to max their mechanical skill and then some as toddlers. My toddlers needed a bit more care than those pampered by snapdragons, but most of my kids got at least to 9 points, and a few did max the skill.

Oof. These pictures make me feel like a bad parent. We just had a lot going on at the time. At least the kids are getting fed, right?

Birthday time for my first little boy! Salt and Pepper were there, but Peppermint, Spearmint, Fennel, and Fenugreek were all asleep at the time.

Coriander grew up very cute, but maybe that’s bragging, since he basically has my face, albeit a male version. Hmm. Anyway, he chose to be a romance/pleasure sim to my consternation, and even worse, he wants to have 20 lovers! Unlike his sisters, family life apparently did not rub off on him. Quite the opposite. Still love the rebellious little guy, though.

Coriander made the two calls for scholarships and a taxi.

And here he is at college! I can hardly imagine the kind of trouble my romance/pleasure son will get up to in college, but at least he has his sisters around to make sure he kind of stays in line.

And finally, here’s a picture of me pondering the chain of causation of babies. Thanks for reading, and check back next time as we move inexorably towards 13 kids. Take care and don’t wear pajamas to work in the dead of winter! Lord Snugglebottom says so!