Post on 17-Oct-2020

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Macmillan Coffee Morning in The Cade Pavilion at Eltisley




PAPWORTH LIBRARY FRIENDS The Friends is a group of people who are concerned about the risk of further reduction in our local library service & want to encourage greater use of this excellent facility in Papworth Everard. Although our library is not at risk of closure at the moment, the service has already suffered a reduction in staff & opening hours/times & we cannot afford to be complacent. Library usage is judged by footfall, i.e. the

number of visits made using a library card &

pin number to borrow books, magazines etc or

to use the computers. Calling in does not


The Friends want you to know what is

available for you at your local library. Did you

know you can borrow magazines? There are

WHICH magazines for reference purposes as

well as an information point with many leaflets

for local and not so local events. You can also

browse the Cambridge Evening News!

EngAGE is a computer buddy scheme to help

beginner or nervous computer users. The internet is free at the library & is a great source of information so you don’t need your own computer to use Google! Sometimes there are speakers and these meetings are advertised by poster on the library windows. There are two reading groups & Sandra, the librarian emphasises how friendly they are, so please don’t feel shy or intimidated about joining as you will be made very welcome. The library is important for children, providing Storytime sessions & organising holiday activities to encourage reading. So, if you haven’t thought about using the






Call 01480-880593 or 07904-585963or email

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“We offer a quality professional service in a clean, well equipped workshop for all your motor

engineering needs”.

FROM: NIGEL Di CASTIGLIONE A question that keeps popping up goes like this: 'Who is church for?' It is one everyone can have an answer for, whether or not you happen to attend a local church or do your best to avoid the experience! I hope you will - whether it be in an arm-chair, at a PCC meeting, with friends over a meal or in the local pub. It is always an urgent question. George Carey, our Archbishop of Canterbury through the '90s, often says: 'The church is only ever one generation away from extinction.' I suspect he has often used it as a sort of wake-up call to a significant number of sincere churchgoers whose preference appears to want the church to remain as it is or even revert to a form and modus operandi they enjoyed in bygone days. What Carey wants us to grasp is that if we really believe in the role of the church we will want it to make sense to generations to come and not just be there for the remainder of our lifetime. Another well-know leading cleric once out it like this: 'The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of non-members.' But is there another answer waiting for us to find; a perspective that says the church exists first and foremost for God? I am often challenged by the briefest mention Jesus made of the church. He said it is his to build and the task he gave his followers was to go and make disciples, rather than grow church attendance figures! Not that I am agin people going to church - far from it; but I do believe the first call on practising Christians is to be church and do church for God. I suspect it is a perspective that could have far-reaching and subversive consequences. I am still finding my way around and just starting to unearth the many amazing people in the 14 villages that are covered by the Papworth Team Ministry. I am very struck by strong community bonds and often close inter-relatedness of people. Earlier today someone called out asking if I had seen 'so-and-so at such-and-such this morning' only to discover that she was referring to her mother and the church I had been to earlier was the one she had been married in. I find that FAMILY is about the best motif for a group of Christians who meet regularly and feel bonds of fellowship with one another. This should not surprise us because we meet God as family in the Bible - we approach and pray to 'Our Father', we acknowledge Jesus as both Saviour and Son of God; and (whilst it is often harder to grasp) many (inspired by St Augustine in the 5th century AD) have come to understand the Holy Spirit as akin to the love there is between the Love between Father and Son. What is abundantly clear to me is our churches have a pivotal contribution to the

community and life of the villages we serve. This stands out as we mark some important dates in calendar. We have just celebrated Harvest. We are now in the season of Remembrance and very soon will hurtle into Advent and Christmas. Please keep you eyes and ears open for the details of special services close to where you live. All of us are very aware of the importance of serving others who are facing struggles often bigger than our own. It's what families do instinctively, what many people do as good neighbours and people of generosity and compassion. In recent years Food Banks have become a vital means of supporting people facing acute hardship. I suspect they will continue to expand as poorer families have to face up to imminent cuts in Tax Credits. One practical way of enhancing what do already is to look for '2-4-1' offers when we do our own shopping; and, if such offers include items that local Food Banks can use, I encourage everyone to seize the moment and give the extra 'freebie' to a Food Bank near where you live. I know some offers are often not as good as they first appear but, in the end, if we are to give something away there has to be a measure of sacrifice and cost. For me this is one thing that God is looking for in such a time as this and most of us may be able to do just a little bit more.


25th September 2015 (see Front Cover)

Jane Kennedy would like to say a HUGE THANK-YOU to you all who donated cash & cheques, made scrummy

cakes, gave raffle prizes. And everyone who came and supported such a special cause, at The Cade, Eltisley. Not forgetting her amazing 'helpers' Wendy, Lynda, Sheila, Ann, Claire, Debbie & Nigel – Thank you so much. THE GRAND TOTAL RAISED WAS £630.00 - what a FANTASTIC result...

Put it in your diaries NOW


Friday 24th June 2016

A great night to look forward to, more details to follow next month

KALEIDOSCOPE: Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 24th November, 7.45pm for 8pm in The Cade Pavilion, Eltisley when Jane Kennedy will talk about British Sign Language. And on Tuesday 8th December we have Elaine Taylor from Relate in Cambridge talking about ‘Managing Conflict’. Elaine has been to us several times before and will join us for our ‘Christmas Drinks/Nibbles’ on this evening. If you haven’t been before we’d love to see you – please ring me if you’d like any more details. Anne, Tel 07974 082 604.

Bird House Beauty

Bird House Beauty is new to Yelling offering spa like relaxation in a

pretty country garden far away from the hustle and bustle of town


Nails, tans, massage and eyelashes. 07787 163747

REGULAR MEETINGS in the 6 Villages: WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets during term time fortnightly on Fridays, 10.30am, at Oaktree House, Potton End, Eltisley - Contact Sarah on 880214. HOPE BIBLE STUDY: Every Wednesday during term time at 8pm - call 880409 for details. LADIES CIRCLE For women up to the age of 45. We meet 2 Tuesday evenings a month with a varied programme. For info contact Nicky on 880114. YELLING ART GROUP meets In Yelling Village Hall on Thursday mornings. We are a small, friendly group. Interested? Please

ring Joyce on 477045 or Prema on 474157.


THE SIX VILLAGES NEWSLETTER Editor: Anne Pettifor, Tel 07974 082604, email: Treasurer: Angela Weldon, Tel 01480 880303 Deadline for DECEMBER issue: 15th November. Many thanks to all who help with the production and distribution of this Newsletter – everyone a volunteer. Community/charitable advertising is free. Opinions expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or correspondents. All advertisements are accepted in good faith. The quality and reliability of the goods and services advertised cannot be guaranteed by the editor or staff.

Now, hands up, who heard my dulcet tones on Radio Cambridgeshire following the Government announcement of extra funds into infrastructure improvements in the Region? - not many? - none? - I thought so, but it was at 7am! I was asked to comment on the A428 and it's impact on our village and I hope I made the point that we have endured the misery it causes us through noise, delays, rat runs and safety issues for far too long. The economic benefits of dualing the only single carriageway stretch of this road between the East Coast and Milton Keynes are quite obvious, and the news that the improvements may be sooner is great. But, as we know, nothing is certain and "the one who shouts the loudest gets the attention" so we must keep campaigning - and it's easy - write or email your local Councillors, the Highways Agency, your MP, or join the excellent campaign initiated by Jonathon Djanogly in conjunction with the Hunts Post on - we must keep the pressure on. On the same theme, the Community Transport Bus - the only bus we have! - is due for review, and whilst many of us don't use it, for those that do and don't drive it is a lifeline. Any letters of support would help preserve the service, so email: I am often asked about the Village Green Trust and thought it may be useful to say a few words on the subject. We are most fortunate to have the Trust that was set up by the Parish Council some years ago to administer funds received from granting the change of use for accesses over the village green. For example, if a house was built on an old farmyard the access was established but permission for the change of use was required. The Trust currently holds funds of around £73,000.00 and the Trustees - the Parish Council - are only able to spend the interest earned, not the capital. Clearly in years of high interest rates this was substantial but now less so, and the simple guidelines for the allocation of the funds is that it must be for the benefit of the village. The Trustees usually meet after a PC meeting but only if there is business to transact, so applications need to be made well in advance as the PC only meets every two months, and need to be made to the Clerk to the Council who's details always appear at the end of my spiel - Cricket Club take note! Finally, we need a volunteer to keep a regular check on the Play Equipment. We have an obligatory safety check once a year but the Insurers are now requiring a weekly visual check, so I thought that a parent of a regular user would be ideal for this job. It is merely to point out any breakages, trip hazards etc. Please call me if you can help. The village Christmas Party is on Saturday, 5th December, in The Cade at 2pm. Our next PC meeting will be in The Cade on Tuesday 10th November commencing at 7.30pm. Any problems or praise to me at 45 Caxton End, or on 01480 880122 or or our Clerk, Jane Bowd on 01480 468451 or Roger Pinner Chairman Eltisley

CADE PAVILION NEWS Bar Opening Times: Fri: 8pm-11pm and Sun: 12pm-2pm (For bookings/hire contact Colin & Val: email: or Tel 880665)

We’re very pleased to let you know that we have acquired a new wheelchair and walking frame (courtesy of Bob Salmon’s family). These will be stored at The Cade for general use but are available for anyone in the village that has the need. Please contact Anne, Martin or John if you would like to borrow these at any time. We still have a number of members that have not renewed their membership – please help support the running of The Cade by renewing as soon as possible. This is an important part of our revenue in meeting our day-to-day running costs that are currently £32 per day. Dates for your diary: Saturday 31st October: FILM NIGHT (The Graduate), 7.30pm for 8pm Sunday 1st November: SUNDAY LUNCH, hosted by John & Anne (2 courses: £5) please book in advance,

tel 880672 – Pork Casserole, roast potatoes and veg, followed by blackberry & apple crumble

Saturday 14th November: CADE TIDY UP and moving equipment into 9.30am-12noon the new shed – lots of help needed please!

Coffee and refreshments in abundance.

Christmas at The Cade: CHRISTMAS EVE: CAROL SINGING AROUND THE PEACE TREE at 6pm followed by sausage rolls and mince pies in The Cade. The GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAW will take place at 8pm. On BOXING DAY the bar will be open from 10am – 3pm

serving drinks, mulled wine, coffee and hot chocolate. The Cade is available for hire on New Year’s Eve.

Eltisley History Society meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Cade Pavilion, 7.45 for 8pm. Visitors (over 11 years old) always welcome, £2 per meeting, or enrol as a member. Interesting speakers. November 25th The causes of sea level changes, both climatic and as a

result of the ice age - Dr Pat Doody

ELTISLEY FRIENDSHIP GROUP: November’s meeting is on the 11th at 2pm in The Cade Pavilion. Liz Tinley will be giving advice on healthy exercise. Raffle and Refreshments. All Welcome. Guests: £1.


Servicing to all makes of vehicles Free courtesy cars Comfortable waiting area with free tea/coffee Mon-Fri 8am-6pm

Tel 01480 830462/831058 HIGH STREET, GRAVELEY, ST NEOTS PE19 6PL Produce this advert to get £4 off the current price of your MOT

GRAVELEY Correspondents: Ken & Dee Munday

Tel 830612, Please see the village website: for Neighbourhood Watch news

NEWS FROM ST BOTOLPH'S CHURCH, GRAVELEY: It was a pleasure to host the baptism of little Zachary James Brian Renwick during Harvest Festival in Graveley Church on 4th October. What a joyful occasion - congratulations to Zachary, his parents Chelsea and Warren and all the family!

The Parochial Church Council is delighted to announce that we have finally gathered together enough funding to allow us to go ahead and organise the badly needed repairs to the plasterwork and then the decoration of the interior of St Botolph's Church. It goes without saying that this work is long overdue - and we are all frankly 'chuffed to bits'! The contractor will be starting in the last week of February and all the work should be completed before Easter 2016. The PCC as a whole could do with some more

members. There are only three of us on the PCC now so we are muddling through a bit at the moment - particularly as we no longer have a Church Warden, an official Secretary or a permanent Treasurer. Please don't be afraid to put yourself forward to join the PCC - we would love to see you and it would be wonderful to welcome new faces and fresh ideas to help look after our beautiful Church, grounds and community. Finally, it was lovely to see so many of you at the Thank You evening in the Church recently. Although we need more people on the PCC to do the 'official stuff' we are very aware of how many people in the village help in so many quiet ways - just simply putting the Church wheelie bins out every week, oiling the squeaky gates occasionally, doing the flowers, mowing the grass, giving a quiet donation - these acts of generosity are very much appreciated. John, Christine, Antonia, GRAVELEY Parochial Church Council

Car Boot Sale: 7th November 2015, Manor Farmyard, Caxton Have you anything to sell? We thought it would be fun to hold a CAR BOOT SALE on Saturday 7th November 2015 from 10.30am to 12.30pm at Manor Farm Yard in the middle of Caxton on Ermine Street. Pitches will be £8 each, and any profits will go to both St Andrew's Church, where we are raising money to install a toilet and kitchen facilities, and the Village Hall. To book a pitch, which needs to be done in advance, please either ring Judy Pearson on 01954 719351 or email her at

Yoga at the Barn in Bourn

Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Open Yoga Open Yoga Restore & Relax Open Flow 9.15-10.30am 7.15-8.30pm 10.15-11.30am 9.00-10.00am

Restore & Relax and Open Flow classes start on November 13th/14th

info@yogirnacd.corn www.yogirnacd.corn

ELTISLEY WI NEWS: It’s time to look ahead to the Festive Season and, by popular demand, we are planning another “Christmas-time Breakfast” for all the family on Sunday 13th December (see more details below). We look forward to seeing you there!

New members and lady visitors are always welcome to regular meetings which are usually held at The Cade Pavilion. To find out more contact Inez - 880358, or Carol - 880328, or just come along. Wednesday 11th November. A first-hand account from Liz Tinkler of “Education in The Gambia”. Wednesday 9th December. We will be mixing business with pleasure, choosing next year’s programme of speakers whilst sampling seasonal fare.

Bring the family to The Cade on Sunday 13th December

between 9:30 am and 12 noon for

Yummy things to eat for late breakfast or


Christmas-craft activities for the children with Santa’s elves Raffle ….and more

Eltisley & Croxton WI


CROXTON GARDEN FAYRE: Simon and Trudy would like to thank everyone who came along to support the (inaugural) Croxton Charity Garden Fayre held on 5th September. The weather stayed dry on the day but was distinctly chilly for early September so did not encourage everyone to venture out. However, despite the weather some very enthusiastic locals as well as many of our friends and family turned out to support the event. Even a local band from St Ives, The Sidekicks, came and played for free in the early evening and helped keep everyone moving! We are delighted to announce that over £1,000 was raised from selling locally grown produce and plants, bric-a-brac and refreshments. There was also a raffle and a silent auction that was only made possible with the generous donations from local businesses who we are very grateful to and would like to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU. The money raised was divided between the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust who work in Kenya to help rescue and rehabilitate sick, injured and orphaned elephants - many are victims of the illegal

poaching and ivory trade. Every 15 minutes an elephant dies due to poaching! Soi Dog Foundation is the other charity we decided to support which rescues sick and injured dogs in Thailand and campaigns to stop the illegal dog-meat trade in SE Asia.

JACKY’S BEAUTY Manicures, Pedicures, Facials, Massage, Waxing, Indian Head

Massage, Hopi Ear Candles, Spray Tanning

And Inch Loss Wraps Gift Vouchers Available

Come and Spoil yourself Based in Hilton

Call Jacky for further details 01480 831184

Answer phone when busy or

closed. Please leave a message

Paul Braybrooke


Breakdown service

Commissions Phone 01353 777788

Tank Replacements 07946 735691


Last month we celebrated Harvest Festival - many thanks to all who helped decorate the church, worked hard to clear up the church yard and brought gifts and produce along to the service. It was also lovely to welcome children, parents and staff from Newton School to the church for their special harvest service. This month our thoughts turn first to remembrance. Please note that the regular monthly service pattern changes to give space to a Service of Remembrance on Sunday 8th November. We will meet at the lych gate at 10.45am with members of the British Legion before moving into the church. The family service will be held the following week on Sunday 15th November at 4.00pm. The following week it’s Kids Rock, our monthly children’s church for 4-11 years olds which will meet at the Cade on Sunday 22nd November from 10.15-11.30 am. Our church service that day will be a team evening communion at 6.00pm and there will an extra evening communion for Advent Sunday on 29th November also at 6.00pm. A full list of this month’s church services is on the back of the newsletter. As we enter the season of Advent, we are delighted to be welcoming Sing Papworth back to Eltisley church at the end of the month for a very special Advent Concert on Friday 27th November. It promises to be a wonderful evening of seasonal singing with traditional advent carols, as well as music by Bach, John Rutter and from the film “Frozen”. Tickets are now on sale from Nichola Donald (880285) or by emailing Finally, congratulations to our latest 100 club winners: 1st – the Blackburn Family, 2nd – Shirley Cowdery, 3rd – St Pandionia, 4th – Matt Blackburn. The final 2015 Draw will take place on Dec 6th and there are a few numbers still available. Do give Nichola (880285) a call so you have a chance to win.

Kids Rock on Sunday 22nd November


at the Cade Pavil ion,

Elt isley

Act ivit ies, games, bible stories and fun for KS1

and KS2 children. For more informat ion talk to

Bruce (880020) or Sarah (880691)

An Advent Concertwith Sing Papworth!

Friday 27th November

Eltisley Church, 7.30 pm

Advent carols, seasonal music by Bach, Rutter and

contemporary songs including from the film “Frozen”

Drinks and canapés will be served in the interval.

Tickets £7.50 adults / £3 children (under 16)

Available from Nichola Donald (880285), Sarah Blackburn

(880691) or Kerry Puttock (07725 752501)

In aid of Eltisley Church Building Fund and Sing Papworth Keyboard Fund

HEIDI ALLEN, MP: Even though Parliament’s recess is now over, I am still getting out and about in the constituency. It was back to school not once, but three times as I paid visits to William Westley Primary, Monkfield Primary and Hills Road Sixth Form College. It was a touch of the familiar at William Westley as the all-important election results for school councillors was due to be announced. It was great to see young children already so engaged in democracy. An award winner of different sorts was on the timetable next as I visited the Cambridge Evening News Primary School of the Year, Monkfield Primary in Cambourne. It was evident why they had won from the moment I walked through the door. I don’t think I have ever seen children so engaged, from cross-curricular working to an entire lesson conducted in Spanish. The teaching at Monkfield truly is first class and all the staff and head should be tremendously proud of what they have achieved at this shining example of a school. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have seen one of South Cambridgeshire’s finest schools in action.

I have extended an invite to the pupils at Monkfield and William Westley to come and visit me in Parliament. Student politics was as alive and feisty as ever when I attended a Q&A session hosted by Hills road Sixth Form College alongside my city counterpart Daniel Zeichner. It was a chance for some of Cambridgeshire’s best and brightest young adults to quiz Daniel and I on matters from student loans to housing On 20 September, I was honoured to be invited as a guest to the Battle of Britain Air Show at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford. I feel so lucky to have this fabulous historical facility in my constituency. Clear skies, 20 Spitfires, need I say more?

The following week I scrubbed up and visited Papworth Hospital just days after its cardiothoracic surgeons were announced as some of the best in the country. During my visit I observed a number of procedures, viewed the hospital’s state-of-the-art Critical Care Lab and met with senior staff from the hospital. It very quickly became clear to me why local people are so proud of Papworth. I have only one word to describe what I saw, “wow”. When compassion, skill, technology and science come together, you create something very special and I saw that in action. In September I also met with the board of Addenbrooke’s and spent a day in a GP’s surgery. The staff who make our NHS what it is should be very proud of themselves. Although the challenges that our NHS face are huge, both operationally and financially I have committed to working with them in partnership to ensure they get the support they need to carry on delivering 1st class services. We are in this together.

A short, prayerful service of

Holy Communion

in Bourn Church

Every Wednesday at midday

will be led by the new Team Rector, Revd Nigel di Castiglione

Anyone from around the Team or beyond is welcome to attend

Team Rector Contact Details: Revd Nigel di Castiglione Elsworth Rectory Tel: 01954 267241 or 0777 0697240 Email:

Home Communion If you are a regular worshipper and have become housebound but still want to share in the life of your Christian community. If you are having difficulty

getting to church, but a lift would make that possible please contact the team office on 01954 719718 and we will be able to help. If you cannot get out and would like to receive Holy Communion at home please let the office

know and we will arrange for the sacrament to be brought to you on a regular basis. This also applies to those who are seriously ill and bed bound.

YELLING Correspondent: Elly Peal 880412 Yelling's free

e-newsletter – email for village news events, diaries a and items wanted or for sale. Visit: for news & info

YELLING VILLAGE HALL: Facilities include: a refurbished kitchen with dishwasher, oven, hob, fridge and freezer, enclosed patio and garden with barbeque as well as a large flexible hall space. Perfect for parties, meetings, dance and fitness classes – any type of get together. Available for hire - £8 per hour. See website

YELLING ART GROUP: Yelling art group is looking for new members. We meet every Thursday morning in term time 10-1pm in Yelling Village Hall. We are a friendly group - painting and drawing in a variety of medias and subjects, sometimes with the help of a visiting professional artist. Interested? For more information ring Joyce 01480 477045 or Prema 01480 474157

NEWS FROM YOUR DISTRICT COUNCILLOR FOR THE VILLAGES OF YELLING & TOSELAND: Myself and District Cllr Richard West attended the meeting of the Yelling Parish Council on 8th October 2015, the two main issues in contention were as follows: Broadband Cllr West urgently contacted Connecting Cambridgeshire and the Leader of the County Council – emphasising this serious problem with 75% of the village not connected. With a high number of small businesses in the village trying to work with current speeds of 1.8/0.4 is practically impossible. Questions are being asked (and answered I hope) and we will keep the Parish Council informed. A428 - latest News Our MP Jonathan Djanogly has replied to my questions on the A428 as follows: I have met with the senior project manager from Highways England and received this update. In short they consider that they are still within the original timetable – ie. starting work on the A428 before 2020. The next stage will be to consider the route options and costings and a project team are intending to report on the options in 9 – 12 months. This will then form the first (informal) consultation. I did suggest they set up a web site and produce a bulletin for local stakeholders, so that expectations are managed – this they have agreed to do.

The latest survey on 12th October 2015 showed that between 7.30am and 8.30am 615 vehicles travelled from West to East through the village onward to the Caxton Gibbet via Papworth by-pass and only a few to St Ives. We all have to ask where will it end, a year on year increase of 21% - you will see the attached graph.


I have relayed this information to our MP to keep him informed and Yelling Parish Council are submitting measures through the Local Highway Improvement Scheme to try to combat this appalling situation. Submitted by Cllr Barbara Boddington – Email Tel 01480 880929. Also working with- District Cllr Richard West. Tel 01480 811467 /07841866630 County Cllr Julie Wisson Tel 01767 677837/0772579145


23.03.2012 03.06.2014 14.10.2014 16.06.2015 13.10.2015


90 96 106

7.30am – 7.45am

59 100 90 110 121


79 107 127 155 154

8am – 8.15am

67 122 111 106 127

8.15am – 8.30am

79 95 92 98 107

TOTAL 284 424 510 565 615

Up 10% Up 9%





OPEN 24/7/365

(inc Xmas & New Year)

buffet service - we

can cater for any occasion

Phone Tara on 07894 238782

Wave Café Church Wednesday 4th November at the 'Abantu' coffee shop in Bourn, 7.45 for 8pm until 9pm. “The Ultimate Sacrifice and Faith”. For those who are interested in exploring Christianity in a relaxed and informal way with DVDs, quizzes and discussions over coffee, tea and cake.

Future dates: 7th October: Vocation & Faith, 4th November: Art and Faith

For more information contact Ruth Terrell on 01954 718575.

Papworth Team Ministry

Team Evening Service

Sunday 15th November, 6pm at St Helena & St Mary, Bourn

Speaker: Revd Nigel di Castiglione

Anglican: Contact: Rev’d Stephen Day, The Rectory, 1, Barons Way, Papworth Everard, Cambridge CB23 2QJ 01480 831915

Church Services

Team administrator Ruth Guildersleve Tel 01954 719718

CHURCH ROTAS Ss John & Pandionia, Eltisley: Church Flowers/Cleaning: 1st & 8th November – Nichola Donald & Anne Pettifor, 15th & 22nd November – Marion Garrad. Yelling: 11th October: November 8th. Mrs. E, Peal. REMEMBRANCE Sunday.

November 22nd. Mrs. B. Eveleigh. Graveley, with Papworth St Agnes: Altar Flowers: November 8 and 29, Mrs Jo Wheeler. Church Cleaning: for November, Mrs Vanessa Peck and Mrs Chris Mardlin; and for December, Mrs Sharon McConnell and and Mrs Judy Picking.