The Sign of the Convenant

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Sign of the Convenant

„Somewhere over the Rainbow” - Katie Melua & Eva Cassidy

And God said to Noah and to his sons: I make a Covenant with you and your descendants after you; with every living creature that is with you: the birds, home and field animals, what are with you, with all that came from the ark, of any animal on earth. I make a covenant with you, so that will never be any flood waters destroyed all flesh, and will never be a flood to destroy the Earth.

Then God said, it is a sign of the Covenant which I make between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for eternal time: My arc I put in the cloud, and that was a sign of the Covenant between me and the Earth.And when I will spread the clouds over the ground and whenever the arc in the clouds, I will remember my Covenant which I made with you and every living creature, with every person, and will never flood waters to destroy all flesh. When will be this an arc in the clouds, looking at him, and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on Earth. God said to Noah: This is a sign of the Covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on Earth.(Genesis, chapter 8, verse 9, a translation of the Bible for the Millennium)

White rainbow over the Cal ifornia

A reverse ra inbow

Interest ing atmospheric phenomena on our planet is much more , and here is some of them . . .

Halo - rainbow around the sun

A very rare phenomenon - the so-called Broken spectrum,

we can see when we look at over the cloud, and the sun shines from behind.

Green f lash or green radius is a rare phenomenon in the field of atmospheric optics. It can be observed in the east and west sun. The best way to observe this

phenomenon on the high seas.

Auroras boreal is

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