The Selene Legacy Chapter 1.1

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Selene Legacy Chapter 1.1

The Selene LegacyChapter 1.1 – In the Beginning

By Ezrianna

Greetings, and welcome to a brand new Sims 3 legacy! I am Ezrianna (that’s on the Sims 3 exchange – on other sites I may go by phoeniix454, Lady Phoeniix, or Ezrianne) and this is Meredith Selene.

Merry here is the founder of the Selene Legacy. This will be a legacy in the sense that my end goal is to get ten generations from Merry’s bloodline; however, I don’t care about calculating points. Additionally, I

play with mods (things like nraas StoryProgression) and I am not above using cheats to work around glitches or EA roadblocks (I promise I don’t use them just to make my life easier. It’s more fun that way).

Anyway, on with the show! Merry is a Pisces with traits Supernatural Fan, Night Owl, Bookworm, Green Thumb, and Neurotic. Her life’s dream is to become the Master of Mysticism (which is the top of the

Fortune Teller mystic branch career track), because high-paying jobs are for squares.

Say hi to the nice (albeit imaginary) readers, Merry.

“I hear a voice. That can only mean… Oh no, I’m a legacy sim, aren’t I?”

I’m finally able to persuade Merry to get in a cab. The first step to reaching the top of a career is joining a career, after all.

“Are you sure this is a cab? That guy is wearing a suit. What kind of cab driver wears a suit?”

“Great. I’m working in a barn.”

That’s not a barn. Complaints aside, Merry manages to get a job as… fortune guesser, or something equally enriching.

Next stop is the park.

“Hey, townies! 100 bucks to the first sim who volunteers to trade me places in this legacy!”

Oye. Legacies have been around for a long time, you won’t get many takers. But you do need someone to help you with generation two – I’d recommend you get to socializing.

As a helpful hint, a female teenager won’t be helpful on the reproduction front.

“We have neighborhood aging now, she’ll grow up. And I need friends for parties and career boosting… I’m going to go along with this Legacy nonsense, but you have to give me some leeway here!”

Very well. Go about your business.

After some aimless chatting with the local teen populace, Merry finally picks out an eligible male to talk to; this is Demond.

“Hey, I like him!”

No kidding. Turns out that Merry has 10/10 attraction to the first guy she talks to, AND he’s single. Anything that easy makes me suspicious… carry on, but I’m waiting for the catch.

Reservations aside, Merry and Demond get to know each other with a friendly game of water balloon war!


Demond missed nearly every time, and he was punished for it – Merry hits like a truck. After playing her for a while I began to get the impression that she has a hidden aggression trait somewhere… either

that or she has been venting her frustration at being a legacy founder on everyone she meets.

Eventually night falls, and Merry has to go home.

“What, why? I’m a night owl!”

Night owls are just as crabby on two hours of sleep as any other sim. But look, I made you a house!

“…I withhold comment”

Trust me, as legacy lots go, this is paradise. There are walls… and a shower.

“Will I still be eating on the toilet?”

Well… probably. You can’t have everything.

I caved – a real chair. Are you happy?

“No. But thanks.”

No problem. I hear the car pool for work.

Are you going to work, or prom?

After a stressful but uneventful first day, Merry meets Demond (who is not only the love interest but her only friend, as I’m terrible at socializing) at the park. He tries to fill her in on a fascinating and thought-

provoking play he saw, while Merry ogles and nods. I don’t think she heard a word of it.

Courting presents difficulty. Merry is a simple creature, stalking less-simple prey.

“Hey Demond! Do you want to go out? We can go to the movies to make out, or the library to make out, or the park to make out… What do you mean, sleep? It’s 3 AM - the night’s barely started!”

Maybe the next time you skip sleep, you could spend more time skilling and less coercing more rational sims to come play with you. A couple of cooking points would help with your ‘overdone’ pop-tart


“These aren’t overdone! I LIKE ‘EM THIS WAY. *gags*”


“Hi Demond! You told me not to call you unless the sun is up…. And guess what?”

Merry finally convinces Demond to go to the park again (being friends with her must be like owning a puppy) and marches off without wasting much time on formalities. Water balloon fights on the grass will

only get you so far, you know.

“This isn’t a water balloon fight on mere grass….”

“This is a water balloon fight in an ARENA!!”

Eh. Relationships have been built on worse.

Demond autonomously gives her flowers – white for purity. Which is ironic because…. Demond has a girlfriend now!

“Wait, what?!”

Yeah. So much for the arena strategy. Sims 3 Storytelling strikes again; Demond picked up a steady girlfriend literally overnight, AFTER going on a ‘great’ date with Merry.

My inability to understand Sims 3 relationships complicated the issue. No matter how many times they flirted and kissed, they continued to be ‘Best Friends’ and not ‘Romantic’. Without romance, Merry

couldn’t ask him to break up with Susanna (the other woman).

Heck, I even had them woohoo. They got these cute negative moodlets about sleeping with one’s best friend. GAH.

Merry and I got to thinking. We don’t have the time to hunt down another eligible 10/10 attraction, and we are mildly concerned that Demond will get married while she sleeps. Fortunately, we find a solution.

“According to EA rules, romance comes out of being ‘Friends’, not ‘Best friends’”.

Wait, what? So you can’t fall in love with a best friend? Hmm. I’ll give it a shot.

After several slaps and arguments, Merry drops Demond down to friend level, then flirts him up to romance. Finally, she is able to ask him to break up with Susanna. We get an enemy out of the mess,

but at least the legacy isn’t over!

Note – I don’t know for sure if the friends / best friends thing was really the issue, but in this instance dropping the relationship worked things out. I’ll have to do some reading on the topic.

The next day Merry and Demond go on a formal date – I’m just hoping their relationship is sorted out.

These two can’t walk anywhere. And what kind of formal wear is that, Demond?

Merry doesn’t approve either.

“What’s wrong with my puppy shirt?”

“Nothing, babe; nothing at all. Just hold still for a second.”

After I MasterController-ed his wardrobe, Demond looked straight up and gave me this disconcerting stare. We better propose quick before he puts two and two together and figures out he’s in a legacy.

On the plus side, I was able to catch this really sweet picture of the two of them. It’s REALLY hard to keep either of them in formalwear, so I consider it a win.

The pleasant dinner date culminated in a pseudo-friendly game of soccer in the park.

Followed by the marriage proposal! It may not be traditional, but Merry and Demond spent so much of their courtship at the park that it seemed like the perfect place. It takes all sorts.

Moving right along (I’m paranoid about story progression now), Demond arrives bright and early the next morning for the wedding (in his shiny new suit).

They have a quiet ceremony in Merry’s living area / bedroom / kitchen / bathroom, because Merry still doesn’t have many friends and certainly can’t afford a party yet.

To celebrate the first marriage of this legacy, I build the happy couple a new house. Demond brought in a little bit of money – enough for walls and some chairs at least.

It’s really not much, except that each household function is in a separate room. I probably won’t show many pictures of it in detail because it’s more functional than aesthetic.

In revenge over his suit, Demond brings the puppy shirt to bed with him.

“Huh? Who’s talking?”

“It’s just the Creator, you’ll get used to it. We’re busy here, Ez!”

Fine, I’ll go away so you two can celebrate.

Merry and Demond settle into a domestic routine; they cook, make out, go to work. Skilling happens accidentally now and then, cleaning not so much.

Merry and Demond settle into a domestic routine; they cook, make out, go to work. Every now and then one of them earns a skill point or calls a friend; cleaning is nonexistent.

Ah, you need official introduction! Demond Selene is a Scorpio, possessing the traits Good Sense of Humor, Hopeless Romantic, Schmoozer, Ambitious, and Computer Whiz. His lifelong dream is ‘Golden

Tongue and Golden Fingers’, meaning that he wants his charisma and music skills to be maxed out. Right now he has no points in either, so this ought to be good.

The first thing I had him do was switch careers to politics, since that will encourage his charisma and make decent money as well.

Charisma-oriented sims remind me so much of Popularity sims from the second game. In a lot of ways they are quite predictable – phone, phone, phone, mirror, phone, PARTY.

What did you do?

“It broke.”

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

“I hate you.”

Demond, get away from the mirror for a second. Merry wants you.

“What? Why?”

“What’s wrong? Are you sick?

“Not exactly.”

Yup, Merry is pregnant with her and Demond’s first born, generation two! Doesn’t she look happy?

“Baby, that’s great news!”

“One…. Two… Three…”

Run, Demond; run.

Demond is pleased as punch. He does his best to mollify Merry through the pregnancy, and she doesn’t kill him. Which is good, because we need him to make a heir and a spare.

“What? I have to do this twice?!”

At least twice.

Something I’ve observed starting with the pregnancy – sims adore rocking chairs. We have one in what will be the nursery; Demond and Merry fight over who gets to sit in it constantly. Both of them always

have a wish related to it as well.

Another thing I learned… friends will send you mail. 90% of mail in the Selene household consists of love letters to Demond (the whole female population of town is crushing on him, apparently; he still has a ‘cheater’ reputation from that mess with Susanna). And the rest are presents, like this cat calendar.

Random… but I like it.

Hey guys, it’s Spooky Day! Want to go to the festival?


“Not really.”

Yeah, too bad. Merry is stir crazy and the viewers will eventually get bored with inanimate object pictures.

One thing I will say for Sims 3 is that each neighborhood is well stocked with community lots, and there are quite a few town events to take your sims to. I actually want them to leave the house now.

So we go to the Spooky Day Festival; no one is really there, because it started raining after a few minutes. Not the best outing, but I’m determined to make the best of it.

They bobbed for apples; I’m not sure if this is the sort of activity pregnant women should be doing, but Merry seemed to enjoy it enough. Or maybe that was ferocity I saw, she’s pretty competitive.

Unfortunately, Demond beats her at everything.

Merry moved on to ‘Whack-a-Gnome’ and did quite well. Pent-up hormonal aggression, I guess.

When Merry goes to cash in her tickets, she begins to feel a little strange.”

“Ow… ow! Hey! I think the baby is coming! Where’s that useless husband of mine?”

Demond? He’s right… *frantic scrolling* nowhere to be found. Dangit, he snuck off the lot while I was watching You. You better call a cab.

The poor lady at the ticket stand had a rough time of it.

“Oh my gosh, are you okay? Can I get you water? A teddy bear?! I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO!”

Merry managed to get herself to the hospital, and I successfully located Demond.

I think we’ll leave off Chapter 1 here, with generation two on the way. Happy Spooky Day!