The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)

Post on 06-May-2015

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Keynote presentation for Keene State College Faculty Technology Showcase (Feb 19, 2011).Join the Revolution! available at

Transcript of The Secret Revolution (Keene State College)

Alan LevineKeene State College Technology Showcase

Not Nice


Nothing is wrong

Don’t Blame

Inner Geek

You are on stage

It really is a secret!

Local Revolutionary

Local Revolutionary Dorris Haddock aka Granny D

Local Secret Revolutionary

Local Secret Revolutionary

Jon Udell

cc licensed flickr photo by Joi Ito

Change, Please?

cc licensed flickr photo by Eisenvater

Burn, baby, burn

Who needs school?

cc licensed flickr photo by lrargerich

cc licensed flickr photo by Matthew Field of Stories

Not me.

Is This All You Do?

I don’t get it.

cc licensed flickr photo by Quinn Ryan Mattingly

Working from the Inside Out...

Game Software Evaluation 1995


“Ah the syllabus… that sacred document that serves as a path, a beacon, a contract between student and teacher for the upcoming 16 weeks of the course…. or that thing your department chair asks you to hand in or put in a three ring binder so when the evaluators come (once every 5 yrs) they can see what you have done. Oh yeah, that…”Barbara Sawhill, Oberlin College,



pekka what?

“I’m a one man army, like many of you. This project wasn’t the result of the effort of a team of a dozen people over 6 months. It was me, a couple weeks, and a lot of lost sleep. To do this, I committed to the idea that it would be a pet project...

Part of me feels that you have to be willing to take those risks though when you’re in web development. Playing it safe means you’ll only ever be average.”Michael Fienen, Pittsburg State University

not a programmer

Crowdsourcing Solutions

Crowdsourcing Solutions

“In literally seconds, the document began to fill out as people arrived to collaborate or observe. On many occasions, people were booted out as the maximum number of editors had been reached (a number that seems to be around 50 simultaneous users). It was interesting to watch the information emerge. As well, I was fascinated to see others who focused on the formatting and readability of the document. Individuals decided what they could contribute, and worked together for a common goal.”Alec Couros,

“I set up a Google Doc that everyone in class can edit before I lecture or lead a discussion on material they will refer to all semester. I fill in the major topic headings in an outline format.

When they all have it open on screen I tell them to collaboratively take notes as we go over the material. I set them up with a goal - example: "you need to understand these terms well enough to use them correctly in class discussions and written critique papers assigned throughout the term. If one person's notes don't help you enough, add your own underneath. We want a collection of explanations of these concepts that we can all refer back to later."

Written critiques using the terms discussed were due last week and I have to say these are the best first-time critiques I've seen from a class ever.”Cheryl Colan,



They Stole OUr Learning Environment - Now We're Stealing It Back

They Stole OUr Learning Environment - Now We're Stealing It Back

“Moodle VLE is generally locked down, the wiki scrapes every flavour of embed, script and embed are not allowed in resource pages... but - if all you put in an HTML resource page is a single iframe, it seems to get through...

So I can actually embed whatever I want in an inframe container within the VLE...”The Amazing Tony Hirst, Open University,

“Although the organisation I work for supported and paid me to develop a project using Second Life, we weren't able to install the software on our organisation's computers (not approved - it takes 10 months for software to be approved!) so we used USB sticks and software called 'mojopac' to circumvent the system and we were able to do demos to teachers without the organisation ever knowing”


cc licensed flickr photo by GeekMom Heather

Stepping Outside

IdiotTube Rios

“My school blocks everything. The filters are terrible and when I complain to the district I get ignored or yelled at.

I went out and got a MIFI (2nd line on my Verizon acct with a free Palm Pre Plus that comes with FREE mifi). I now jack that into my laptop, plug the schools projector into my laptop, and now my students can present from any site they want! (YouTube, Facebook, etc!) ”Devon, un-named school in un-disclosed city

risky business

“In addition to this activity being fun, I also noticed that there was a lot of higher-order thinking going on. Students were having to synthesize passages, evaluate which scenes most accurately characterized their passage, narrow them down to 5 images, decide how to physically portray those 5 essential scenes and ultimately create them. One reason the students loved this activity was because it was challenging, but the kind of challenging that is so much fun you don't realize how much work it actually is.”Curby Alexander,

Homework / Lecture FlipDonna Gaudet, Scottsdale Community College

“Sometimes I wonder what visitors expect to find in this blog for First Certificate. I imagine them googling and landing here in search of learning, tips and practice.

Just think. All of those students alone with a computer searching for exercises to improve their English. Just like you. Now, isn't it a pity we don't share our findings?

This morning I woke up with world domination plans and thought it would be fantastic to pull the results of those searches and share them.”Claudia Cersa, Buenos Aires,

CyberSalonGrass Roots Professional Development

Digital Storytelling Open Course

Digital Storytelling Open Course

Digital Storytelling Open Course

Want to Join? secretrevolution = us

flickr photo by Linus Gelber

party, party

cc licensed flickr photos by Ryan Wolf and ryancr

Must be open and shared...

Share anything revolutionary by tagging in delicious as secretrevolution

Tag the Revolution

flickr photo by Laurie | Liquid Paper

And also tag local Keene State examples with the “secret” tag ksc

Tag the Revolutionaries

flickr photo by Laurie | Liquid Paper

cc licensed flickr photo by doug88888

cc licensed flickr photo by David M*

the point

cc licensed flickr photo by Markybon

cc licensed flickr photo by Howard▼Gees

cc licensed flickr photo by bufivla

cc licensed flickr photo by Karen Eliot

cc licensed flickr photo by Xosé Castro

cc licensed flickr photo by SiamEye

cc licensed flickr photo by SiamEye


me too