The secret of math exam strategies

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The secret of math exam strategies

The Secret of Math Exam Strategies

Ever wondered how top learners are able to consistently ace math tests and exams?

Below, we uncover the secrets of their success and show how you too can achieve

the same results.

Secret #1: Stay Calm by Being Prepared Stressing out about a test can break you. So, stay calm by being prepared. Pack your bag the night before an exam, making sure that you have all you need: calculator, mathematical instruments and stationery. That way, you won’t be panicking about not having the necessary materials on the morning of the paper.

Secret #2: Know Your Formulas It pays to memorise your formulas, so you don’t have to waste time recalling them during the test. Even better – scribble them down on the front page when you get the paper, so you can easily refer to them as you work through the questions.

Secret #3: Work Fast Once you get the paper, skim through the paper to get a feel of it and start on questions that you are most familiar with. This gives you time to ‘warm up’ before the tougher questions. If you are stuck on a particular question, move on. Circle it and make sure to come back to it when you have the time. Also, work smart! Note the marks allocated for each question, as this will give you an indication of how much time you should spend on the question.

Secret #4: Read The Questions Carefully and Underline Important Information Problem sums can be tricky, as they test your observation and comprehension skills. Don’t rush through the questions; take time to read through once carefully, then highlighting or underlining the keywords or mathematical units to note.

Secret #5: Present Your Workings In A Clear, Organised Manner Method marks can be real lifesavers! Make sure to present all your workings on the paper itself, in a clear and organised manner. This will help you to process your thoughts in a logical manner, as well as earn you some points for calculation even if you are unable to present the final answer correctly.

Secret #6: Check Your Work Finished the paper early? Good for you, but don’t hang up your boots just yet. Go through the paper and check your calculations for each question. Be on the lookout for any careless mistakes. Additionally, make sure that your work is legible – you don’t want to be losing marks because the marker is unable to read your handwriting!

Secret #7: Know Which Pitfalls To Avoid Recognise mistakes commonly made by students (and yourself), and be sure to avoid them. For example, don’t forget to round off your final answers to 3 significant figures.

Secret #8: Speed Is Key It helps to drill yourself using timed practices at least 2 weeks before an exam. This helps to build your confidence and time management skills. Familiarising yourself with the questions also helps you to work faster during the exam, giving you more time for checking and working out the answers to tougher questions