The Rome Statute

Post on 01-Mar-2018

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Transcript of The Rome Statute

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 The Rome StatuteInternational Criminal Court

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▪ ICC was established in 1998

▪ Entered into Force 1 July 2002

▪ In accordance with rt! 12" o# Rome Statute$ "0 daa#ter "0 states had become %arties to the statutethrou&h rati'cation or accession

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(reen ) si&ned and rati'ed

*ran&e ) si&ned but not rati'ed

In 2011+ 108 states had rati'ed the Rome Stat

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,here is it located-

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Com%osed o# 18 Ju

Inde%endent *r&ani.ation+ not lin/ed to

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 Justice andunishment



nt o#Internationa

l 7aw


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,ar Crimes


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For the %ur%ose o# this Statute+ &enocide: means anthe #ollowin& acts committed with intent to destroy+ iwhole or in %art+ a national+ ethnical+ racial or reli&iou&rou%+ as such$

a; 4illin& members o# the &rou%<

b; Causin& serious bodily or mental harm to members o# the &

c; 6eliberately in=ictin& on the &rou% conditions o# li#e calculatbrin& about its %hysical destruction in whole or in %art<

d; Im%osin& measures intended to %re5ent births within the &ro

e; Forcibly trans#errin& children o# the &rou% to another &rou%!

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Crimes &ainst umanity

For the %ur%ose o# this Statute+ crime a&ainst humanmeans any o# the #ollowin& acts when committed as %o# a wides%read or systematic attac/ directed a&ainstci5ilian %o%ulation+ with /nowled&e o# the attac/

1! >urder<

2! E?termination<

@! Ensla5ement<

A! 6e%ortation or #orcible trans#er o# %o%ulation<

B! Im%risonment or other se5ere de%ri5ation o# %hysical liberty5iolation o# #undamental rules o# international law<

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Crimes &ainst umanity

"! Torture<

! Ra%e+ se?ual sla5ery+ en#orced %rostitution+ #orced %re&nancen#orced sterili.ation+ or any other #orm o# se?ual 5iolence ocom%arable &ra5ity<

8! ersecution a&ainst any identi'able &rou% or collecti5ity on%olitical+ racial+ national+ ethnic+ cultural+ reli&ious+ &ender a

de'ned in %ara&ra%h @+ or other &rounds that are uni5ersallyreco&ni.ed as im%ermissible under international law+ inconnection with any act re#erred to in this %ara&ra%h or any within the Durisdiction o# the Court<

9! En#orced disa%%earance o# %ersons<

10! The crime o# a%artheid<

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ttac/ directed a&ainst any ci5ilian %o%ulation: means a coursconduct in5ol5in& the multi%le commission o# acts re#erred to in%ara&ra%h 1 a&ainst any ci5ilian %o%ulation+ %ursuant to or in#urtherance o# a State or or&ani.ational %olicy to commit such a

E?termination: includes the intentional in=iction o# conditions ointer alia the de%ri5ation o# access to #ood and medicine+ calculto brin& about the destruction o# %art o# a %o%ulation<

Ensla5ement: means the e?ercise o# any or all o# the %owersattachin& to the ri&ht o# ownershi% o5er a %erson and includes te?ercise o# such %ower in the course o# trac/in& in %ersons+ in%articular women and children<

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6e%ortation or #orcible trans#er o# %o%ulation: means #orceddis%lacement o# the %ersons concerned by e?%ulsion or othercoerci5e acts #rom the area in which they are law#ully %resent+without &rounds %ermitted under international law<

Torture: means the intentional in=iction o# se5ere %ain or suewhether %hysical or mental+ u%on a %erson in the custody or unthe control o# the accused< e?ce%t that torture shall not include or suerin& arisin& only #rom+ inherent in or incidental to+ law#usanctions<

Forced %re&nancy: means the unlaw#ul con'nement o# a woma#orcibly made %re&nant+ with the intent o# aectin& the ethniccom%osition o# any %o%ulation or carryin& out other &ra5e 5iolato# international law! This de'nition shall not in any way be inter

as aectin& national laws relatin& to %re&nancy<

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ersecution: means the intentional and se5ere de%ri5ation o##undamental ri&hts contrary to international law by reason o# thidentity o# the &rou% or collecti5ity<

The crime o# a%artheid: means inhumane acts o# a character sto those re#erred to in %ara&ra%h 1+ committed in the conte?t o#institutionali.ed re&ime o# systematic o%%ression and dominatioone racial &rou% o5er any other racial &rou% or &rou%s and comwith the intention o# maintainin& that re&ime<

En#orced disa%%earance o# %ersons: means the arrest+ detentioabduction o# %ersons by+ or with the authori.ation+ su%%ort oracGuiescence o#+ a State or a %olitical or&ani.ation+ #ollowed by re#usal to ac/nowled&e that de%ri5ation o# #reedom or to &i5ein#ormation on the #ate or whereabouts o# those %ersons+ with t

intention o# remo5in& them #rom the %rotection o# the law #or a

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,ar Crimes

For the %ur%ose o# this Statute+ war crimes: means$1! (ra5e breaches o# the (ene5a Con5entions o# 12 u&ust 19

namely+ any o# the #ollowin& acts a&ainst %ersons or %ro%ert%rotected under the %ro5isions o# the rele5ant (ene5aCon5entionH

2! *ther serious 5iolations o# the laws and customs a%%licable international armed con=ict+ within the established #ramewointernational law+ namely+ any o# the #ollowin& actsH

@! In the case o# an armed con=ict not o# an international charaserious 5iolations o# article @ common to the #our (ene5aCon5entions o# 12 u&ust 19A9+ namely+ any o# the #ollowincommitted a&ainst %ersons ta/in& no acti5e %art in the host

includin& members o# armed #orces who ha5e laid down the

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A! ara&ra%h 2 c; a%%lies to armed con=icts not o# an internatcharacter and thus does not a%%ly to situations o# internaldisturbances and tensions+ such as riots+ isolated and s%oraacts o# 5iolence or other acts o# a similar nature!

B! *ther serious 5iolations o# the laws and customs a%%licable armed con=icts not o# an international character+ within theestablished #ramewor/ o# international law+ namely+ any o# t#ollowin& actsH

"! ara&ra%h 2 e; a%%lies to armed con=icts not o# an internatcharacter and thus does not a%%ly to situations o# internaldisturbances and tensions+ such as riots+ isolated and s%oraacts o# 5iolence or other acts o# a similar nature! It a%%lies toarmed con=icts that ta/e %lace in the territory o# a State wh

there is %rotracted armed con=ict between &o5ernmental

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Im%ortant consideration on Jurisdictio

TEMPORAL: The crime occurred a#ter 1 July 2002 a state Doins the Rome Statute later+ the date theStatute comes into #orce #or that state;

▪ TERRITORIAL: The crime occurred on the territorystate %arty

PERSONAL: The %erson accused o# the crime is anational o# a state %arty

▪ REFERRAL: The Security Council has re#erred thematter under its Cha%ter II Charter %owers

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1! Court may im%ose one o# the #ollowin& %enalties %erson con5icted o# a crimea; Im%risonment #or a s%eci'ed number o# years+ which may

e?ceed a maximum of  30 years OR

b; term o# life imprisonment when Dusti'ed by the extrera!ity o# the crime and the indi5idual circumstance o# thcon5icted %erson

2! In addition$a; 'ne under criteria %ro5ided

b; For#eiture o# %roceeds+ %ro%erty and assets deri5ed directindirectly #rom that crime

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,here will they ser5e theirsentence-

sentence o# im%risonment shall be ser5ed in a Statdesi&nated by the Court #rom a list o# States which haindicated to the Court their willin&ness to acce%tsentenced %ersons

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6oes the ICCwor/-

art o# International 7aw
