THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ST. GERTRUDEstudied the letter Y. Miss Janice’s fours made...

Post on 08-Jul-2020

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Transcript of THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ST. GERTRUDEstudied the letter Y. Miss Janice’s fours made...

SVDP Stores are in great need for clothes for the poor.

Deliver to SVDP stores at:

(1) 1425 New York Ave., Huntington, (2) 2160 Jericho Twp., Garden City Park, or (3) 259 Broadway, Bethpage.

THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ST. GERTRUDE 28 School Street, Bayville, N.Y. 11709


Remembering. . .


7:30am For the Parishioners of St. Gertrude

9:30am Florence Minicozzi +

11:30am John Viteritti +

5:30pm Maria Fiorentino +


8:30am Manuela Sabin +


8:30am Antonia Marie Hili +


8:30am Nita DeCesare +


8:30am Anthony Daniele +


8:30am Dio Girani +

Dominick Malusa +


8:30am Cassie Kernan +

5:00pm Joseph, Francesca, Dominick & Catherine Carbone; Joseph & Ida Barnao +

Mass Intentions

Please join us this Sunday, May 19th after all masses for refreshments & fellowship in the lower Church.

Next Week’s Presiders Schedule: Saturday, May 18th 5:00pm Fr. Nick Sunday, May 19th 7:30am Fr. Ed 9:30am Fr. Nick 11:30am Fr. Ed 5:30pm Fr. Regan

Please note schedule subject to change

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Paul and Barnabas reported how God had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles (Acts 14:21-27). Psalm — I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God (Psalm 145). Second Reading — God’s dwelling is with the human race (Revelation 21:1-5a). Gospel — This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (John 13:31-33a, 34-35).

New for All Ages: Reflection on the Fifth Sunday of Easter

By God’s goodness and compassion, the doors of His kingdom have been opened to all who have faith, Jew or Gentile.

That’s the good news Paul and Barnabas proclaim in today’s First Reading. With the coming of the Church—the new Jerusalem John sees in today’s Second Reading—God is “making all things new.” In His Church, the “old order” of death is passing away and God for all time is making His dwelling with the human race, so that all peoples “will be His people and God Himself will always be with them.” In this the promises made through His prophets are accomplished (see Ezekiel 37:27; Isaiah 25:8; 35:10). The Church is “the kingdom for all ages” that we sing of in today’s Psalm. That’s why we see the Apostles, under the guidance of the Spirit, ordaining “presbyters” or priests (see 1 Timothy 4:14; Titus 1:5).

Anointed priests and bishops will be the Apostles’ successors, ensuring that the Church’s “dominion endures through all generations” (see Philippians 1:1, note that the New American Bible translates episcopois, the Greek word for bishops, as “overseers”).

Until the end of time, the Church will declare to the world God’s mighty deeds, blessing His holy name and giving Him thanks, singing of the glories of His kingdom.

In His Church, we know ourselves as His “faithful ones,” as those Jesus calls “My little children” in today’s Gospel. We live by the new law, the “new commandment” that He gave in His final hours.

The love He commands of us is no human love but a supernatural love. We love each other as Jesus loved us in suffering and dying for us. We love in imitation of His love.

This kind of love is only made possible by the Spirit poured into our hearts at Baptism (see Romans 5:5), renewed in the sacrifice His priests offer in every Mass.

By our love we glorify the Father. And by our love all peoples will know that we are His people, that He is our God. By Scott Hahn



Remembrances for all our living and deceased mothers. May God bless them always.

Alice Farnell Jane Ventrella Jennie Caso Anna Furnari Janet Gaglione Angie Yula Helen Rode Marie Reilly Catherine Boss Frances Marziliano Eleanor Raimondi Joan Imhof Linda Nibert Gloria I. P. McDonald & Wilma Carrie E. Perkins Grandma Jessie Josephine V. McDonald Mary McMahon Alice Connolly Helen Gregory Lillian Hess Mary O’Neil Mary Galvin Esperanza Alverez Isabel Bartlett Cary Fisher Betty Thomson Grace Denerich Ella Bartlett Julia Fisher Mary Morris Solinda Meloni Edith Lippe Anita Nigro Marie Nigro Yola Leddy Kathleen Leddy Elizabeth Fitzpatrick Catherine Fitzpatrick Frieda Schenck Mary Schenck Mary Scafidi Susan Faga Regina Clemente Millie Cerami Louise Rossetti Anna Bianco MaryAnn Sama Mary Zachmann Mary Lemma Franca Bianci Rosina Borghese Pasqualina Lemma Millie Cardinale Carolyn Casino Rose Amato Barbara Gammie Martha Shannon Maureen Allen Those in my heart France Bozzello Annunziata Viteritti Women of the Werwaiss, Welsh, Stewart & Nielsen families, living & deceased

St. Gertrude Church Renovation Campaign “Preserve Our Past . . . Envision Our Future”


Over $845,000 Pledged! Thank you – Thank you – Thank you

On behalf of Father Regan and the Campaign Committee we thank you for your support. As of this past week, 175 families have returned their pledge for a total of $846,725. In the upcoming weeks, every family is encouraged to consider making a generous pledge of support payable over a period of three to four years. The campaign is being conducted on the basis of equal sacrifice, not equal giving. Not every family can make the same size pledge, but every family can make the same size sacrifice.

Campaign Continues! ! ! If you have not decided on your gift to the campaign, we invite you to make your pledge this weekend at Mass. Pledge envelopes will be available at all Masses. Please review the suggested gift plans in the brochure and continue the success of our campaign by making your gift!

All Pledges & One-Time Donations -- no matter what the amount are welcomed, needed and appreciated!

The sick of our parish: Gloria Herlihy Maria Merz Jeanne Holden Joan Zahtila Michael Willett

All names on the sick list will remain for six weeks. If you would like a name to remain longer, please call the Parish office. Please call the Parish office to leave the names of parishioners who are homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist or would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick.

Those serving in our military: Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their

families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen”

LT Travis J. Buffa LT Melissa Buffa Pfc. Mark Chuisano LT Mary Grace Colluci Major Janet R. Erazo Cmdr. Cynthia Keating 2nd LT Glenn Harvey LT Col. Paul J. LoBue Sman App. Gregory Steiner Major Nicholas Lorusso Sgt. 5 Jose Marin Airman Bryan Mollitor Pfc. Duncan Moskowitz Major James Nicholson LT Col. Sean Patak Captain Brian Peguillan LTJG William P. Hegarty Sfc. Sean P. Schenck Hosp. Medic Matthew D. Perez LT Sean Riordan Cpl. Jason Roland 1st. LT Thomas Rojek Cpl. Brendan Roethel Spc. Chase Tucker M Sgt. Donald J. Tucker Sp. Trevor Tebaldi Sgt. William Trotta, Jr. LT Terrance Thorgramson 2nd LT James Andrew Baker Major Chad Lennon LT Emily W. Hegarty LT Elizabeth G. Hegarty Ens. James Figari

If you would like to inform us of any family member or friend who has been called to active service or for a name to be removed, please call our Parish office.

In Our T

houghts & P


Faith Direct

Parish Financial Summary

Timothy McCabe

Mary Ryan

The Parish of St. Gertrude extends its prayerful condolences to their family and friends.

PARISH OFFICE: Phone: (516) 628-1113 Marie Levchuck, Parish Secretary Email:

Michele Drago , Bulletin Editor Email:

Fax: (516) 628-9032 Website:

Your automatic contributions through Faith Direct will save valuable time for both you and our parish staff. To enroll, please visit Faith Direct's website and use our parish code NY83. You can also fill out and mail a Faith Direct enrollment form from the parish office. Thank you!!

Thank you for your prayerful and generous support of our parish family…….

Sunday collections (including Faith Direct):

May 12, 2019: $ 8,170.00

CLERGY OF THE PARISH Rev. David Regan, Pastor Rev. Ed Seagriff, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Nicholas Revilla, Visiting Priest Deacon Ted Kolakowski

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Thursday: 9:00am—4:00pm (closed from 12-12:30pm for lunch) Friday: 9:00am-12:00pm Monday night: 5:00pm -9:00 pm

Catholic Ministries Appeal 2019 Parish Goal: $52,600 Pledges to date: $29,810 Percentage of goal: $56.7% (65 donors)

With all the rain that Mother Nature has given us this spring, we have had a lot of spring flower and plant projects blooming at the preschool. Miss Carmela’s two year old class made cherry trees and worked on caterpillars and butterflies. Miss Meredith’s three year old class also made caterpillars and butterflies, they worked on the letter X. Miss Michelle’s threes did

caterpillars as well, and they made flowers and worked on the letter X. Miss Gabrielle’s four year old class started their five senses unit with projects on smelly flowers and eye catching glitter plates, they also studied the letter Y. Miss Janice’s fours made butterflies and a five senses booklet, they are studying the letters X, Y and Z.

Camp applications are due on May 24th, please submit them as soon as possible or let the office know, so that a spot can be held for you.

Preschool Open House May 21 – 22, 10:00am – 11:30am Tours and forms available. For more information please call the preschool office at 628-3710 or email us at

In Our P


SVDP Meeting Thursday, May 23rd

7:30pm in the lower Church

New to our Parish? We

welcome you and ask that you please stop into our Parish office to register.

Pro Life Cause

Help Us Help Others…

In honor of Mother’s Day the bassinet will be in the

rear of the Church through the month of May to accept

your donations of new baby items for young women who

have decided to choose life

For information:

Mary Kenny @ 922-1959

Chaminade High School Second Trimester Honor Roll EDWARD D. DENATALE

St. Gertrude’s Church

Feast of St. Anthony

June 13-16, 2019

Sponsorship Information

Platinum $2,500.00 ___________ Gold $1,000______________ Silver $500.00 ____________ Bronze $250.00 _____________ Saintly $100.00 ____________ Friend $50.00 ______________ Bandstand Sponsorship $5,000.00 ______________ All sponsorships will be acknowledge with signage at the feast and our parish bulletin Friends of St. Anthony: names will be listed at the statue booth Company/Family Name: __________________________________________________ Contact Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ Phone number and email: ___________________________________________________ Please mail completed form by May 31, 2019 with check payable to: St. Gertrude’s Church Attention: Feast Committee St. Gertrude’s Church 28 School Street Bayville, NY 11709 ============================================================================


Thursday, June 13th-6:00pm—10:00pm Friday, June 14th—6:00pm—11:00pm

Saturday, June 15th—6:00pm—11:00pm Sunday, June 16th—5:00pm—8:00pm

Around O

ur Parish

For additional information on the above activities or other events, please see our website

================================================ Worldwide Marriage Encounter Jesus says "I give you a new commandment: love one another." Learn how to love your spouse more by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Weekends are Jun 28-30, 2019 in Huntington, NY and Nov 8-10, 2019 in Huntington, NY. For more information, call John & Toni Torio at 877-697-9963 or visit them at ================================================ THURSDAY, MAY 23 - "Titles of the Blessed Mother" - a talk given by Fr Sullivan at Saint Christopher's in Baldwin. The talk will begin at 7 pm and will be followed by refreshments and fellowship. Please join us as we spread devotion to our Mother! ================================================

Saint Dominic High School 2019 Summer Camps

110 Anstice St., Oyster Bay NY 11771 Phone: (516) 922-4888, ext. 5454

================================================ Divorced or Separated Catholics of Long Island, including widows, widowers and singles A social organization for single persons, New Member Orientation Meeting

Wednesday MAY 22 at 7:30 PM

ST. FRANCES de CHANTAL CHURCH Rectory Basement 1309 Wantagh Avenue Wantagh, NY 11793

Non- Denominational -ALL ARE WELCOME

Bring Proof of Single Status To Join Annual Dues are $25 Refreshments Following the Meeting

For Further Information, Please Call: CAROL – 516-794-4933 OR FRAN– 516-889-5790

Magnificat, a Ministry to Catholic Women, cordially invites you to attend a Dinner on May 30th at Pompei Restaurant in West Hempstead, NY.

Our guest speaker will be Fr. Douglas Arcoleo, who has been Pastor of Our Holy Redeemer Parish in Freeport since 2008. He is a staunch Pro-Life Advocate and Spiritual Advisor of Magnificat's Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapter.

The dinner is $50 per person and pre-registration is required. Please make checks payable to "Magnificat" and mail to: Judy Murphy, 42 Pinehurst Street, Lido Beach, NY 11561.

Checks must be received by May 25th. Please note that payment will not be accepted at the door.

For additional information, please contact Judy at (917) 453-5750. Come and bring a friend for an evening of fellowship, refreshment, and worship!================================= Spirituality For Singles - Monthly Singles Gathering Saturday, June 1, 2019, 8:30PM St. Aidan Parish, 510 Willis Ave., Williston Park, NY, 11596 Our Monthly gathering for singles; discussion and socialization. Ages 35+;$5.00 donation - snacks, pizza and beverages will be served. This Gathering will feature noted author and musician Alex Basile Contact: Ray (516) 561-6994 or ==================================== St. Vincent de Paul (516) 584-4090

Email: SVDP store locations: 1. 1425 New York Avenue,

Huntington Station 2. 2160 Jericho Twp.,

Garden City Park 3. 249 Broadway, Bethpage To donate furniture, please call (516) 746-8250.

OUR LADY OF MERCY ACADEMY 815 Convent Rd., Syosset, NY


Basketball, Business Skills, College Essay Prep, Creative Writing, Cross Country, Dance, Introduction to Coding Course, Lacrosse, SAT Prep, Science Research Course, Soccer, Softball Pitching Clinic, Theatre, Volleyball For information: (516)921-1756 or

2019 Catholic Ministries Appeal Let’s take time to remember and pray for all the thousands of Moms who worry about how they are going to put food on the table for their children this week.

Morethan35%ofthe300,000peopleonLongIslandwhoreceiveemergencyfoodeachyeararechildrenundertheageof18. Please consider supporting the work of the CatholicMinistriesAppeal so that we can continue to care for God’s children and their families through our Parish Outreach programs and Catholic Charities.

Our hope is that each family will make a gift. We cannot ask everyone to consider the same size gift, but after prayer and re lection, each family is invited to make a

gift in response to God’s generosity in their lives.

No gift is too small and all gifts make a difference in the lives of others! You!

Make checks payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish __________________________________ Pledge: $_______ Name ___________________________________ Down payment: $_______ Address__________________________________ City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Date:________


Weekend Music Ministry Schedule Saturday 5:00 pm Organist & Cantor[s] Sunday 7:30 am Instrumental Meditation 9:30 am Family Mass Musicians 11:30 am Adult Choir

PILGRIMAGE CATHOLIC CANADA MONTREAL & QUEBEC CITY HEALING SHRINES ST. JOSEPH'S ORATORY (Bro. Andre) ST. ANNE DE BEAUPRE' JUNE 1st - 6th $2899 All Inclusive from NYC (Double Occupancy) Call: Fr. Peter Kaczmarek St. Francis Church, Greenlawn, NY 631-757-7435 ext.5 or 206Tours 1-800-206-8687 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR PILGRIMAGE TIME. DON'T PLAN TO DRIVE UP THERE - JOIN US!

Divorced or Separated Catholics of Long Island including widows, widowers and singles A social organization for single persons New Member Orientation Meeting Wednesday MAY 22 at 7:30 PM ST. FRANCES de CHANTAL CHURCH Rectory Basement 1309 Wantagh Avenue Wantagh, NY 11793 Non- Denominational ALL ARE WELCOME Bring Proof of Single Status To Join Annual Dues are $25 Refreshments Following the Meeting For Further Information, Please Call: CAROL – 516-794-4933 OR FRAN– 516-889-5790


Family, marriage and individual therapy, provided by New York State licensed therapists including therapists who specialize in Depression, Divorce Mediation and Domestic Violence, are available to our parishioners at 147 other parishes. This program, under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani, has been conducted in the diocese for the past 41 years for the convenience of parishioners. It is provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or diocese. Most insurance policies, including Medicare, are honored. We are currently looking for licensed therapists in Nassau, Suffolk and Queens. For confidential information and appointments, please call Dr. Giuliani at the Catholic Counseling Center at (631) 243-2503 or go to our website at:

The following programs will take place February - April of 2019 at St. Joseph Renewal Center at Montfort Spiritual Center, 26 S. Saxon Ave., Bay Shore, NY 11706. Anyone interested in any of these programs please call the office at 631-647-8683. Living with Alzheimer's & Dementia - 1 to 2:30 pm – Free will offering. Program is held 1st Wednesday of the month. Facilitators: Josephine Daspro, CSJ & James Morris Men 2 Men Gathering –- 8:00 to 9:30 am – This program is offered the 2nd Saturday of every month Offering $20.00 incl. breakfast per person. Facilitators: Michael Dunne & participants from the gathering Women 2 Women– 10:30 am to 12 Noon. This program is offered the 2nd Tuesday of every month.”Knitting into the Mystery” If you would like to learn to knit or crochet, this is the experience for you. Offering $15.00 per session per person. Facilitators: Beth Barker, Judy Coste, Joan Vessio Ash Wednesday Day of Prayer – 10:00 am – 3:00 pm – March 6, 2019 Offering: $50.00 includes lunch Presenter: Josephine Daspro, CSJ Lenten Prayer on Friday – March 22, March 29, April 5 & April 12, 2019 –“Passion Narrative according to St. Luke”- 10:30 am – 12:00 noon. Offering: $15.00 per session/$60.00 for the four sessions Presenter: Fr. William T. Slater Lenten Overnight Retreat for Men & Women – March 30 – 31, 2019 – “The Invitation” Offering: $100.00 Presenter: Josephine Daspro, CSJ Mid-Lenten Day of Prayer – 10:00 am – 3:00 pm – April 3, 2019 – “The Pummeled Heart: Finding Peace through Pain” Offering: $50.00 includes lunch Presenter: Josephine Daspro, CSJ

Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, 440 West Neck Road, Huntington, NY 11743, 631-423-0483 x141

We have an interlibrary loan service, lectures in the library, and even some online content (such as podcasts) that you could take advantage of. If you are within driving distance, you are also welcome to apply for a courtesy card and borrow materials directly when you visit.

Our collection began years ago as strictly an academic library, but since the priestly formation program changed a few years ago (and our seminarians moved up to Yonkers), we have varied the collection a bit so that it can appeal to the general reader wanting to deepen their faith. Our book collection includes lots of books on spirituality, saints, popular apologetics, and so forth. We also have current Catholic periodicals, sacred music on CD, and even DVDs.

Resources Available

Wills and Bequests have the power to impact future generations. It’s so easy to include our Parish in your Will and still provide for loved ones. You may be able to make a simple bequest by adding the following language: “I give and bequeath the sum of $ _________ (or the % of), to be used for the general program of St. Gertrude Parish, a Catholic Church in the Diocese of Rockville Centre.”

Ensure the future vitality of our Parish with your charitable bequest or consider other Estate Planning options, such as designating our Parish as beneficiary of a life insurance policy or an IRA account.

To receive a brochure about Wills and Bequests, please call Barbara Kilarjian at 516-379-5210 ext. 229

The IRA Charitable Rollover is back and is now


What’s called a rollover is actually a “qualified charitable distribution” that can be made to our Parish.


You are at least 70 1/2 years old on the date you make your gift

Your IRA is a traditional or Roth You don’t exceed your personal maximum of $100,000 per year in qualified charitable distributions You will not have to report your distribution as income. It will be free of federal and New York State income tax, and it will count toward your required minimum distribution (RMD). The best way for you to start is with your IRA custodian. Tell them you want to make a "qualified charitable distribution". In most cases you will only have to fill out a simple form. VERY IMPORTANT!! Your gift must go directly from your IRA to the Parish. If you receive the money first then you’ll be taxed on it like any other distribution. Example: Mrs. Connors, age 76, has $125,000 in a traditional IRA and would like to contribute $5,000 to her Parish in 2016. Upon hearing of the Charitable IRA Rollover opportunity, she directs the custodian of her IRA to transfer this amount not later than December 31, 2016 directly to the Parish as a 2016 gift. She will not be subject to income tax on her $5,000 qualified charitable distribution.

This information is not intended and should not be construed as legal, tax or investment advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney, tax advisor or investment professional.