The Roar / September 2014

Post on 02-Apr-2016

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Division 41 South / Volume III / Issue 8 / Editor: Aidan Jones

Transcript of The Roar / September 2014



Aidan Jones


Like the kids on the cover, I am sad that summer is coming to an end (and really, it shouldn’t because SVUSD has robbed us of time that we previously had off. But, that’s a discussion for another time). However, life trudges on and I had a wonderful time this summer doing online health, learning to drive, and filling out the Common Application.

So, those Graphic Standards Police weren’t as harsh as I thought. Turns out this will be the new style for The Roar as you probably have already guessed. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy designing it.

Also, you may have wondered where the August newsletter went. Apparently, I’m supposed to be proactive in submitting and naming the newsletters. So, I’m starting now.

In addition to the regular articles and pictures, there are also goals for this year in our division, region, and district as well as information about Fall Rally. Exciting stuff. Begin your school year with academic and Kiwanian goals in mind!

Until next time,


Greetings, Lions!

Welcome to the August (Editor’s Note: Kenny didn’t know about the nomenclature change. So, we’ll forgive him this once) edition of The Roar !Whether you’ve spent the summer adventuring with friends, binge-watching the latest season of your favorite television shows, or even going out to serve your homes, schools, and communities, I hope you have all had an amazing and memorable vacation.

However, I hate to break it to you, but within a few weeks, or even days, we will all be finding ourselves back in school! For many, the fast approaching first days of school mark the transition from being able to wake up at noon to having to rise at the crack of dawn. For others, it means being able to see some of our best friends for the first time in months. And for us, Key Clubbers, it means an opportunity to seek out new members and better our clubs!

Take the opportunity to share the Key Club experience with new potential members at your school’s club rush, where you can utilize the materials and knowledge from the August DCM! I look forward to hearing all the creative ways that your clubs used to recruit new members! Remember to keep fundraising to meet our yearly goals and so that I don’t get stolen by another division at the Fall Rally auction!

Thank you for all of your hard work and service thus far. Keep doing great things!

Kenny Cheng

November 15 / 6:30 AM - 7:30 PMSix Flags Magic Mountain / $53 / $28 with passFor the Pediatric Trauma Program Fundraiser (PTP)


Remember to keep fundraising and to start contacting chaperones for the event; the chaperone to member ratio should be 1:12.

For more

Fall Rally


DIN 1451 Mittelschrift and Myriad Pro Regular, Italic, and Semibold used

Designed in Pages 4.3


1 Goals

South County Outreach Food Drive

2 Trabuco Hills

3 Tesoro

Tesoro Mural Project / Part 2

5 Kiwanis Meeting

Laguna Hills7

Beach Boomba


for the Pediatric Trauma Program


$1300for Project Eliminate$1700



6000 added members

service projects per month

families saved from Maternal Neonatal Tetanus

$500000 for Project Eliminate


To make every member a leader

GOALS FOR THE 2014 - 2015 TERM



On Saturday, August 9th, we took a break from our summer schedules to help serve others at the South County Outreach Canned Food Drive.

Ralph’s at Foothill Ranch graciously allowed us to set up our collection there and it was fantastic to see all the people donating and giving to support the foodbank. We knew that by collecting all the canned goods, we were making a difference in the community and having a beneficial impact on people who neededour help which made the experience wholly gratifying. Plus, it was so much fun hanging out with all the Key Clubbers there and seeing some of each other againafter the long summer. I had a great time, and I’m sure everyone else did as well!


South County Outreach Food Drive



On July 17th, Key Club members and volunteers from other organizations rushed to help paint the hallways of Tesoro High School.

Navigating their way through an obstacle course of paintbrushes, open paint cans, and many tarps, they all stood at attention, waiting for Aashna Shah to assign them a task. Aashna Shah is a student at Tesoro High School and has dedicated her entire summer to painting the dull hallways of Tesoro into beautiful masterpieces. After completing each hallway, she moves to the next with a paintbrush in one hand and a drawing of her vision for the next hallway in the other. Today, we are moving on to the 200 hallway, ready to paint an array of colors and shapes to form a breathtaking masterpiece. One only needs to talk to Aashna to realize how dedicated she is to this project. She is at school from 8AM to 8 PM almost every day of the week drawing, painting, and cleaning. She is by far one of the most inspirational people I've met and her desire to make her artistic vision a reality is unstoppable. So, while some may pack up and leave early, I try to volunteer as much as possible, not just because I love to serve my school and community, but because I'm helping to make a dream into a reality.


Tesoro Mural Project / Part 2



Early every Tuesday morning, the Kiwanians take their places around a table in the back room of Denny's, ready to discuss the week's events and reflect on the prior week's accomplishments. Today, our Key Club members, Taylor Villahermosa, Haley Lawrence, and Ally Gandullia rise from their warm beds and venture out into crisp Tuesday morning air to attend this meeting. The smell of bacon and pancakes in the air beckon us toward the back room, and we take our places around the table, introducing ourselves to the smiling people surrounding us.

Each week, a couple volunteers from the Kiwanians talk about a select event in the news, ranging f rom spor ts to wor ld news. Afterwards, the Kiwanians begin something called Happy Dollar, Sad Dollar. A few Kiwanis members rise from their seats one at a time and declare whether the green bill they hold in their hand is a happy dollar or a sad dollar. When it's a happy dollar, the faces around us break into smiles and everyone eagerly listens to the person, absorbing the words and almost reliving the moment along with the sharer. One specific happy moment at our meeting was about reading The

Book Thief by Mark Zusak and what a wonderful read it was. Another person rises from their seat, declaring his dollar a sad dollar, and talking about his sick friend. The faces surrounding us are somber, occasionally nodding and a few Kiwanians offer a pat on the back and a whispered "Hang in there."

Eventually, the ups and downs of the previous week are all shared, and the Key Club members and Kiwanians direct their attention to the delicious smell of pancakes wafting from the kitchen as waiters with several plates in hand place the golden pancakes in front of each person. While everyone eats, Tesoro Key Club members discuss everything from school to their famil ies with the Kiwanians. Pictures of cats are shared, laughs escape from the mouths of both Key Club members and Kiwanians alike, and meals are enjoyed. When everyone has finished, we all turn to the projector at the front of the room. An entire hour is dedicated to discussing a trip to Israel one Kiwanian took last year. By the time nine o'clock rolls around, everyone is told to stand. To end the meeting, we all rise and say the Kiwanis pledge: "I pledge to uphold the objects of Kiwanis International, to provide service to my community, to extend the opportunity of membership to all persons of goodwill, and to dedicate myself to serving the children of the world."


On July 29th, Tesoro Key Club attended a meeting with our Kiwanians.

Kiwanis Meeting



On Saturday, July 26th, Laguna Hills Key Clubbers attended the annual event Beach Boomba at Huntington Beach.

The event was filled with excitement and joy as Key Clubbers mingled with each other and got to know each other better. There were lots of activities at Beach Boomba including a vicious water balloon fight and the annual pie your beloved LTG! We also did several icebreakers and mini games. But, most importantly, we made friends and better bonds in both our division and other divisions. Although the drive to Huntington Beach was quite far, we still had a wonderful time meeting new people and reuniting with old friends again. So if you were there to show off your summer bod, meet new friends, or even both, Beach Boomba was the definitely event to go to! Overall, Beach Boomba was a fun, memorable summer experience and I am happy that I got to share this memory with my D41S Lions! HAGS!


Beach Boomba